React native : Build api file fail with exception - react-native

I'm trying to build api file and get this error image
I don't know what it means. Have anyone faced this issue and fixed it?
Please help me.


React-native does not support IPFS?

I installed IPFS in my app and whenever I am trying to use it I always get this error.
Error: undefined Unable to resolve module `crypto` from `node_modules/libp2p-crypto/src/hmac/index.js`
I searched on google and found article which says it is impossible to use IPFS on mobile device.
But this article was created almost 1 year ago and I was wondering is it still true for react-native?
Is there any ways to solve my problem?
To query an IPFS node I use ipfs-mini
Works great for my react-native app.

RNSound.IsAndroid error when trying to play sound

I recently got into react-native and after connecting it to my aws database and ... I have been trying to play some audios I had stored in my bucket. For this I tried using react-native-sound but once i import it I get the error
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNSound.IsAndroid')
which seems to be a common problem when using this package. Now I have tried a couple of solutions listed under the following link
and now I think that my react-native link doesn't work right cuz when I use it i get the following result
PS C:\HealthProject\TestPackage> react-native link react-native-sound
PS C:\HealthProject\TestPackage>
also I don't have an android nor ios folder to perform a manual installation I only have the folders that were generated by expo.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!

TimeoutError: transforming ..\node_modules\aws-sdk\dist\aws-sdk-react-native.js

I've been having an error when trying to run/test my react-native application on my mobile device. The error seems to be originating from aws-sdk as below:
Is anyone familiar with this error and knows how to fix it?
react-native: 0.45.1
aws-sdk: 2.223.1
Check out
After much attempts with the latest release i was able to get v2.224.1 working. I use react native v0.44.1.

flow error messages in react-native

I was using this guide to setup vscode before starting a react native project (tutorial link).
After installing flow-bin, reactive native library compnents are showing lots of errors. Although, the test project is running fine. Here is the screenshot for the same:
Can some help me for if I have missed something?
Thanks in advance!
by adding this in .flowconfig [options] section:
The error asked in this question will be fixed.

Appcelerator Titanium Calendar Module Issue

I have been having a bit of trouble getting this module to work:
After playing around with my application's tiapp.xml file and the module's manifest file, I have managed to get Titanium to detect the module. However, upon launching my app, I receive a "module not found" error.
I was wondering if anyone has managed to get this module working, and if so - how?
Thanking anyone who can help in advance!
Have you tried the alternative calendar module?