Spark: how to perform loop fuction to dataframes - sql

I have two dataframes as below, I'm trying to search the second df using the foreign key, and then generate a new data frame. I was thinking of doing a spark.sql("""select history.value as previous_year 1 from df1, history where df1.key=history.key and$currentdate,-1*12)""" but then I need to do it multiple times for say 10 previous_years. and join them back together. How can I create a function for this? Many thanks. Quite new here.
dataframe one:
|key|val| date |
| 1|100| 2018-04-16|
| 2|200| 2018-04-16|
dataframe two : historical data
|key|val| date |
| 1|10 | 2017-04-16|
| 1|20 | 2016-04-16|
The result I want to generate is
|key|date | previous_year_1 | previous_year_2 |
| 1|2018-04-16| 10 | 20 |
| 2|null | null | null |

To solve this, the following approach can be applied:
1) Join the two dataframes by key.
2) Filter out all the rows where previous dates are not exactly years before reference dates.
3) Calculate the years difference for the row and put the value in a dedicated column.
4) Pivot the DataFrame around the column calculated in the previous step and aggregate on the value of the respective year.
private def generateWhereForPreviousYears(nbYears: Int): Column =
(-1 to -nbYears by -1) // loop on each backwards year value
.map(yearsBack =>
* Each year back count number is transformed in an expression
* to be included into the WHERE clause.
* This is equivalent to "$currentdate,-1*12)"
* in your comment in the question.
add_months($"", 12 * yearsBack) === $""
The previous .map call produces a sequence of Column expressions,
we need to concatenate them with "or" in order to obtain
a single Spark Column reference. .reduce() function is most
appropriate here.
.reduce(_ or _) or $"".isNull // the last "or" is added to include empty lines in the result.
val nbYearsBack = 3
val result ="df1")
.join("df2"), $"df1.key" === $"df2.key", "left")
.withColumn("diff_years", concat(lit("previous_year_"), year($"") - year($"")))
.groupBy($"df1.key", $"")
.drop("null") // drop the unwanted extra column with null values
The output is:
|key|date |previous_year_1|previous_year_2|
|1 |2018-04-16|10 |20 |
|2 |2018-04-16|null |null |

Let me "read through the lines" and give you a "similar" solution to what you are asking:
val df1Pivot = df1.groupBy("key").pivot("date").agg(max("val"))
val df2Pivot = df2.groupBy("key").pivot("date").agg(max("val"))
val result = df1Pivot.join(df2Pivot, Seq("key"), "left")
| 1| 100| 20| 10|
| 2| 200| null| null|
Feel free to manipulate the data a bit if you really need to change the column names.
Or even better:
| 1| 20| 10| 100|
| 2| null| null| 200|


How to validate particular column in a Dataframe without troubling other columns using spark-sql?

String look = "select case when length(date)>0 then 'Y' else 'N' end as date from input1";
Dataset<Row> Dataset_op = spark.sql(look);;
In the above code the dataframe 'set' has 10 columns and i've done the validation for one column among them (i.e) 'date'. It return date column alone.
My question is how to return all the columns with the validated date column in a single dataframe?
Is there any way to get all the columns in the dataframe without manually selecting all the columns in the select statement. Please share your suggestions.TIA
df= spark.createDataFrame([
| id| date|
| 1|2022-03-01|
| 2|2022-04-17|
| 3| null|
You have two options
Option 1 select without projecting a new column with N and Y
String_look = "select id, date from input1 where length(date)>0";
Dataset_op = spark.sql(String_look).show()
| id| date|
| 1|2022-03-01|
| 2|2022-04-17|
Or project Y and N into a new column. Remember the where clause is applied before column projection. So you cant use the newly created column in the where clause
String_look = "select id, date, case when length(date)>0 then 'Y' else 'N' end as status from input1 where length(date)>0";
| id| date|status|
| 1|2022-03-01| Y|
| 2|2022-04-17| Y|

SQL - How can I sum elements of an array?

I am using SQL with pyspark and hive, and I'm new to all of it.
I have a hive table with a column of type string, like this:
id | values
1 | '2;4;4'
2 | '5;1'
3 | '8;0;4'
I want to create a query to obtain this:
id | values | sum
1 | '2.2;4;4' | 10.2
2 | '5;1.2' | 6.2
3 | '8;0;4' | 12
By using split(values, ';') I can get arrays like ['2.2','4','4'], but I still need to convert them into decimal numbers and sum them.
Is there a not too complicated way to do this?
Thank you so so much in advance! And happy coding to you all :)
From Spark-2.4+
We don't have to use explode on arrays but directly work on array's using higher order functions.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
#split and creating array<int> column
spark.sql("select *,aggregate(arr,0,(x,y) -> x + y) as sum from tmp").drop("arr").show()
#| id|values|sum|
#| 1| 2;4;4| 10|
#| 2| 5;1| 6|
#| 3| 8;0;4| 12|
#in dataframe API
df1.selectExpr("*","aggregate(arr,0,(x,y) -> x + y) as sum").drop("arr").show()
#| id|values|sum|
#| 1| 2;4;4| 10|
#| 2| 5;1| 6|
#| 3| 8;0;4| 12|
PySpark solution
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf,col,split
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType
#UDF to sum the split values returning none when non numeric values exist in the string
#Change the implementation of the function as needed
def values_sum(split_list):
total = 0
for num in split_list:
total += float(num)
except ValueError:
return None
return total
values_summed = udf(values_sum,FloatType())
res = df.withColumn('summed',values_summed(split(col('values'),';')))
The solution could've been a one-liner if it were known the array values are of a given data type. However, it is better to go with a safer implementation that covers all cases.
Hive solution
Use explode with split and group by to sum the values.
select id,sum(cast(split_value as float)) as summed
from tbl
lateral view explode(split(values,';')) t as split_value
group by id
write a stored procedure which does the job:

Creating a column in a dataframe based on substring of another column, scala

I have a column in dataframe(d1): MODEL_SCORE, which has value like nulll7880.
I want to create another column MODEL_SCORE1 in datframe which is substring of MODEL_SCORE.
I am trying this. It's creating column, but not giving expected result:
val x=d1.withColumn("MODEL_SCORE1", substring(col("MODEL_SCORE"),0,4))
val"MODEL_SCORE"), substring(col("MODEL_SCORE"),0,4).as("MODEL_SCORE1"))
One way for this is you can define a UDF that will split your column string value as per your need. A sample code be as follow,
val df = sc.parallelize(List((1,"nulll7880"),(2,"null9000"))).toDF("id","col1")
| id| col1|
| 1|nulll7880|
| 2| null9000|
def splitString:(String => String) = {str => str.slice(0,4)}
val splitStringUDF = org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf(splitString)
| id| col1|col2|
| 1|nulll7880|null|
| 2| null9000|null|

how to make row data to source and target zigzag using hive or pig

I want to make name column as source and target based on the below output.
Earlier I tried with pig
The steps are:
a=load-->b=asc->c=dec -> then join the data
I got the output like this
In Hive (and in Spark), you can use Window function LEAD :
with t as
( select id, name, lead(name) over (partition by id) as zigzag from table)
select * from t where t.zigzag is not null
Should give you the output :
| id| name| zigzag|
| 1| home|product|
| 1| product| mobile|
| 2| bag| home|
| 2| home| id|
| 3|keyboard| home|
| 3| home|welcome|

How to aggregate data into ranges (bucketize)?

I have a table like
|id | value|
| 1|118.0|
| 2|109.0|
| 3|113.0|
| 4| 82.0|
| 5| 60.0|
| 6|111.0|
| 7|107.0|
| 8| 84.0|
| 9| 91.0|
| 10|118.0|
ans would like aggregate or bin the values to a range 0,10,20,30,40,...80,90,100,110,120how can I perform this in SQL or more specific spark sql?
Currently I have a lateral view join with the range but this seems rather clumsy / inefficient.
The quantile discretized is not really what I want, rather a CUT with this range.
edit would perform dynamic bins, but I would rather need this specified range.
In the general case, static binning can be performed using
val df = Seq(
(1, 118.0), (2, 109.0), (3, 113.0), (4, 82.0), (5, 60.0),
(6, 111.0), (7, 107.0), (8, 84.0), (9, 91.0), (10, 118.0)
).toDF("id", "value")
val splits = (0 to 12).map(_ * 10.0).toArray
val bucketizer = new Bucketizer()
val bucketed = bucketizer.transform(df)
val solution = bucketed.groupBy($"bucket").agg(count($"id") as "count")
| 8.0| 2|
| 11.0| 4|
| 10.0| 2|
| 6.0| 1|
| 9.0| 1|
The bucketizer throws errors when values lie outside the defined bins. It is possible to define split points as Double.NegativeInfinity or Double.PositiveInfinity to capture outliers.
Bucketizer is designed to work efficiently with arbitrary splits by performing binary search of the right bucket. In the case of regular bins like yours, one can simply do something like:
val binned = df.withColumn("bucket", (($"value" - bin_min) / bin_width) cast "int")
where bin_min and bin_width are the left interval of the minimum bin and the bin width, respectively.
Try "GROUP BY" with this
SELECT id, (value DIV 10)*10 FROM table_name ;
The following would be using the Dataset API for Scala:'value divide 10).cast("int")*10)