Is policy applicable to only full set or also subsets of attributes - xacml

I am looking at the XACMLv3 specs and have a question about the applicability of policies and policy sets in case one of the combining algorithms allows for the situation that underlying rules or policies act on different sets of attributes from the request, returning a valid response.
For example, a policy would define two rules with the first rule acting upon the attributes [A, B, C], the second rule would act upon attributes [A, B, D] and the rule combining algorithm is First-applicable. My question is what set of attributes the policy is applicable to: is it only applicable to the full set of attributes [A, B, C, D] or also to the subsets [A, B, C] and [A, B, D]: i.e. is this policy selected for evaluation in case the set of attributes is the full set or is it also evaluated for the subsets? Sections 2.2 and 2.3 mention nothing about this.

The PDP will attempt to match the incoming request against rule 1; if there is a match, the PDP will reply with Permit or Denyand the evaluation stops. If rule 1 does not match, the PDP attempts to match with rule 2. If there is a match, the PDP replies with Permit or Deny. If neither rule 1 or rule 2 match, the PDP returns NotApplicable.

Please check section C.8 for complete pseudocode
Decision firstApplicableEffectRuleCombiningAlgorithm(Rule[] rules)
for( i = 0 ; i < lengthOf(rules) ; i++ )
Decision decision = evaluate(rules[i]);
if (decision == Deny)
return Deny;
if (decision == Permit)
return Permit;
if (decision == NotApplicable)
if (decision == Indeterminate)
return Indeterminate;
return NotApplicable;
That means in your case the first rule is evaluated(which means the attributes[A,B,C] will be applicable)
--if have "Permit" or "deny" then it won't go further to evaluate the second rule(Which means the attributes[A,B,D] won't be evaluated).
--if have "NotApplicable" then it would go further to evaluate second rule(which means the attributes[A,B,D] will be applicable)
I actually use this free Xacml Editor myself. It’s a great, easy to use gui based and syntax guided editor to create XACML documents very conveniently. All you need to do is create an account on their website and then you can download it.
P.S. I work for the company that provides this XACML Editor.

A Policy(Set) is selected for evaluation if and only if its <Target> matches the request, regardless of any child Rule, Policy, etc. inside.
In your case, if the request attributes are:
subject-organization = 'Acme'
subject-role = 'role1'
subject-auth-method = 'basic'
resource-id = 'res1'
action-id = 'read'
... but the policy's Target is: subject-organization = 'Wayne' and subject-role = 'role2' (using a XACML AllOf for the AND), then the policy will not be selected for evaluation, even if the policy has a rule rule1 with Target matching all the last 3 attributes of the request:
subject-auth-method = 'basic' and resource-id = 'res1' and action-id = 'read'
No rule in the policy will be evaluated.


Lucene syntax as objects instead of query string in Azure search

I would like to send the filter as a syntax tree, and not a query string, to Azure search. Ist that possible?
All I can find is to send the filter as a string.
I have a filter syntax like ( State eq 1 ) or ( Domain eq 'Love' ) but I'd like to send it parameterised to Azure search instead of as a string.
(It's a security thing - I'd prefer not to have to escape/wash the indata but instead let Microsoft/Azure/Lucene take care of the details as they know more about the inner workings than I do.)
Basically: I'd like to
filter =
Or (
Equal( "State", stateValue ),
Equal( "FieldName", domainValue )
Instead of me doing it like
filter = $"( 'State' eq {MyStringEscapeFunction(stateValue)} ) " +
"or ( 'Love' eq {MyStringEscapeFunction(domainValue)} )"
Filters in Azure Cognitive Search must be specified via the $filter parameter using OData-syntax.
Your example filter is a valid OData filter. Provided that you have an index where State is a number and Domain is text.
$filter=(State eq 1) or (Domain eq 'Love')
If I understand your question correctly, you have an application where the values 1 and 'Love' are inputs from end users. The Azure Search API will validate that the filter values are valid according to the datatype. Other than that, you are responsible for validating input to your application.
For example, assume that your input parameters are s and d for State and Domain, respectively. You risk someone trying to manipulate your filter to return results you did not intend:
This could potentially cause your $filter query to become:
$filter=(State eq 1) or (Domain eq 'Love' or Domain eq 'Hate')
You are responsible for implementing validation. You must build a layer that validates end-user inputs before using it in a $filter query. Here you can validate that end users' state and domain input are limited to valid values before creating an OData filter. See examples here:

Does gorm interpret the content of a struct with a logical OR?

New to SQL, I am writing as an exercise an API middleware that checks if the information contained in some headers match a database entry ("token-based authentication"). Database access is based on GORM.
To this, I have defined my ORM as follows:
type User struct {
ID uint
UserName string
Token string
In my middleware I retrieve the content of relevant headers and end up with the variables userHeader and tokenHeader. They are supposed to be matched to the database in order to do the authentication.
The user table has one single entry:
select * from users
// 1,admin,admintoken
The authentication code is
var auth User
res := db.Where(&User{UserName: userHeader, Token: tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
if res.RowsAffected == 1 {
// authentication succeeded
When testing this, I end up with the following two incorrect results (other combinations are correct):
with only one header set to a correct value (and the other one not present) the authentication is successful (adding the other header with an incorrect value is OK (=auth fails))
no headers set → authentication goes though
I expected my query to mean (in the context of the incorrect results above)
select * from users where users.user_name = 'admin' and users.token = ''
select * from users where users.user_name = '' and users.token = ''
and this query is correct on the console, i.e. produces zero results (ran against the database).
The ORM one, however, seems to discard non-existing headers and assume they are fine (this is at least my understanding)
I also tried to chain the Where clauses via
db.Where(&User{UserName: userHeader}).Where(&User{Token: tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
but the result is the same.
What should be the correct query?
The documentation says the following on the use of structs in Where conditionals:
When querying with struct, GORM will only query with non-zero fields,
that means if your field’s value is 0, '', false or other zero
values, it won’t be used to build query conditions ...
The suggested solution to this is:
To include zero values in the query conditions, you can use a map,
which will include all key-values as query conditions ...
So, when the token header or both headers are empty, but you still want to include them in the WHERE clause of the generated query, you need to use a map instead of the struct as the argument to the Where method.
db.Where(map[string]interface{}{"user_name": userHeader, "token": tokenHeader}).Find(&auth)
You can use Debug() to check for the generated SQL (it gets printed into stderr); use it if you are unsure what SQL your code generates

AWS Config Advanced Query SQL Syntax

I am trying to use AWS Config Advanced Query to generate a report against a specific rule I have created.
configuration.configRuleList.configRuleName = 'aws_config-requiredtags-rule'
AND configuration.complianceType = 'NON_COMPLIANT'
Results look similar to this:
While this query produces results, it separates my config rule and compliance type, so I am not only getting results where my config rule is ONLY Non-compliance for 'aws_config-requiredtags-rule' results.
I am pretty novice with SQL, but hope there is a way for me to specify that I only want to see Non-Compliant results against a specific rule.
This is a limitation of the AWS Config Service - and a pretty big one IMO. When you filter on properties within arrays, those filters are treated like OR operations instead of AND. There doesn't seem to be a good way of performing meaningful queries for individual rules.
From the docs:
When querying against multiple properties within an array of objects, matches are computed against all the array elements
The first condition configuration.configRuleList.complianceType = 'non_compliant' is applied to ALL elements in R.configRuleList, because R has a rule (rule B) with complianceType = ‘non_compliant’, the condition is evaluated as true. The second condition configuration.configRuleList.configRuleName is applied to ALL elements in R.configRuleList, because R has a rule (rule A) with configRuleName = ‘A’, the condition is evaluated as true. As both conditions are true, R will be returned.

Axiomatics - condition editor

I have a subject like "accessTo" = ["123", "123-edit"]
and a resource like "interestedId" = "123"
Now I'm trying to write a condition - where it checks "interestedId" concatenated with "-edit" equals "123-edit" in "AccessTo".
Im trying to write rule like this
anyOfAny_xacml1(function[stringEqual], "accessTo", "interestedId"+"-edit")
It is not allowing to do this.
Any help is appreciated.
In addition to the answer from Keerthi S ...
If you know there should only be one value of interestedId then you can do this to prevent the indeterminate from happening:
stringBagSize(interestedId) == 1 && anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], accessTo, stringOneAndOnly(interestedId) + "-edit")
If more than value is present then evaluation stops prior to reaching the function that expects only one value. This condition would return false if more than one value is present.
On the other hand if interestedId can have multiple values then this would work:
anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], accessTo, map(function[stringConcatenate],interestedId, "-edit"))
The map function will apply the stringConcatenate function to all values in the bag.
Since Axiomatics products are compliant with XACML specification, all attributes by default are assumed to contain multiple values(called as 'bags').
So if you would like to append a string to an attribute use stringOneAndOnly XACML function for the attribute to indicate that the attribute can have only one value.
So assuming you mean accessTo has attribute ID as Attributes.access_subject.subject_id, interestedId has the attribute ID as Attributes.resource.resource_id and anyOfAny_xacml1 is equivalent to anyOfAny XACML function, the resulting condition would look like,
anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], Attributes.access_subject.subject_id, stringOneAndOnly(Attributes.resource.resource_id) + "-edit")

Can we use '#ContinueNextStepsOnException' to run all the steps in the Karate script instead of karate.match(actual, expected)

I have a response with hundreds of attributes while matching the attributes the scripts getting failed and further steps are not getting executed. because of this we have to validate the same case multiple times to validate the attribute values. is they a option like #ContinueNextStepsOnException to execute all the steps and it is hard to script using karate.match(actual, expected) for more than 100 attributes I have give actual and expected values if in case of any failure to continue.
No, there is no such option. If your scripts are getting failed - it is because Karate is doing its job correctly !
If you feel you want to skip certain fields, you can easily do so by using match ... contains syntax.
I think you are using multiple lines instead of matching the entire JSON in one-line which you can easily do in Karate. For example:
* def response = { a: 1, b: 2 }
# not recommended
* match response.a == 1
* match response.b == 2
# recommended
* match response == { a: 1, b: 2 }
Is it so hard to create the above match, even in development mode ? Just cut and paste valid JSON, and you are done ! I have hardly ever heard users complain about this.