Exporting data in CSV file format from SQL? - sql

I am trying to export a data table from SQL Server to a .CSV file format, but could not proceed any further after this warning. And I don't know how to fix this, and I need to go further in my job.

Write a query to retrieve the data you want to export
Right click on the result and save as csv file. see image bellow


How to export blob data values with IBExpert/ IBEscript?

I want to export data from my database to a csv file using IBEscript for a Firebird database. Everything works fine just the columns with blob data don't work. they just miss within the csv file.
When I run the same query in the IBexpert and export the data to csv I check the box "export text blob values" and the data is included. How can I use this option with the script as well?
I need the script since I want an automatic export using the task planer.
csv format with blobs makes no sense,since any delimiter (tab,semikolon, etc) can be part of the blob and will destroy your structure.
but automated import/export also with blobs is no real problem in scripts (ibeblock is not available in personal edition)

Database duplicacy

I have a database in phpmyadmin. I am trying to export my tables in sql format. the export file is generated with nothing in it but when I try to export and save file in csv or json format data gets saved. When I import the csv or json file the import fails without giving any error. Can't understand why.
I want to duplicate my complete database from one system to another. How can I do so?

How to import .csv file data into mysql table using vb.net

Good day everyone, I just want to know how to import .csv file data into mysql table using vb.net.
1. Using open file dialog to open the .csv file.
2. A textbox to display the .csv filename.
3. And a button to insert .csv data into mysql table.
Note: .csv contains name and address field as well the mysql table.
Thanks in advance if someone can help.

How to convert sql file to a specific formatted csv file?

Any ideas how I can extract data from a SQL database, put it into a CSV file in a specific format and push it to an external url?
Most SQL databases have some sort of Export utility that can produce a CSV file. Google "Export " and you should find it. It is not a part of SQL standard, so every product does it differently.

SQL Server 2005 -> Excel export doesn't keep data types?

Trying (and largely succeeding) to export the results of a query from SQL Server to Excel, like so:
insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\exported excel files\exported_data.xls;',
'SELECT * FROM [Query$]') SELECT dbo.blabbityblah FROM dbo.the_table
It works! Sort of. It does export the data to the excel file, but it puts it all in there as text, even though some of the columns are datetime and most of them are numbers. None of them are being convert()-ed in the query itself. I've tried preformatting the cells in the actual Excel file before running the query, but it ignores the existing formating and spits it all out as text again.
There's got to be a way to do this, right?
excel dont have data type, its text based and preformat not work becus it replace existing file. if u want datatype try MS Access.
Look into using a schema.ini file to define the datatypes in a csv or txt. when you open either in excel you may achieve what you want
Col1=DATE datetime
Col2=FName Text
Another approach you may want to look at depending on your needs is to use the import and export wizard. You can customize a query for the data and specify the data type in the wizard. If you are using a SKU other than Express you can the run it right away or save the SSIS package is generated for further manipulation.