How to import .csv file data into mysql table using -

Good day everyone, I just want to know how to import .csv file data into mysql table using
1. Using open file dialog to open the .csv file.
2. A textbox to display the .csv filename.
3. And a button to insert .csv data into mysql table.
Note: .csv contains name and address field as well the mysql table.
Thanks in advance if someone can help.


Exporting data in CSV file format from SQL?

I am trying to export a data table from SQL Server to a .CSV file format, but could not proceed any further after this warning. And I don't know how to fix this, and I need to go further in my job.
Write a query to retrieve the data you want to export
Right click on the result and save as csv file. see image bellow

Populating SQL database table by retrieving data from Excel spreadsheet

I'm new to SQL (but have experience in other programming languages) and I'm taking on a side project at work that involves creating a database of our team's financials. Ultimately what I want to do is have this database retrieve data from a specific table in a worksheet and then populate a database table. I'm sure this is possible but how would I go about doing this? I'm currently familiarizing myself with PostgreSQL as I found it to be the most beginner friendly.
I am using Dbeaver where i can export the data of any table in to CSV , once i have data in CSV , i can create .sql file back using online which then can be executed on any other same db.
This will help get you a cell range exported to CSV:
Export sheet from Excel to CSV
Then use this to get the CSV into PostgreSQL:
How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

SQL wont import because the data will be truncated. How do get it to just cut the string off at 16 characters

I need to import a .CSV file into a SQL Server table. In the table, one of the columns is of datatype varchar(16), but in the .CSV Excel file, most of the entries in that column are 25 characters or more. I need SQL Server to just cut the string off at 16 characters and import that. How to I do this? I have no idea how to even start to code this
I import this into a table using the AnySQL Maestro import wizard by
right clicking the table
clicking data management
clicking import
selecting .csv as the file type
selecting which columns from the .csv match up with which columns in the sql table
clicking OK.
If the field in the .csv was the right size, there would be no issue importing
Simple solution
Open your .CSV file with Excel.
In Excel keep first 16 characters and remove others (search left function)
Use SQL Server Management Studio to import data from Excel file

Import data into SQL Server from an Excel file

I have an Excel (version 2007) file which has more than 700 columns and I need to import that data into my SQL Server database. When I import the data, it only imports the first 255 columns as columns in table that is created by SQL Server. I want to know how to import all 700 columns.
You can try saving the excel data file as a text delimited file, then choose "flat file" in DTS. That should solve your problem.
Here is another solution to the problem as well:

How can I impoprt data from SAP system to excel using VBA

Can anyone help me out regarding A standard code for importing data from SAP SYSTEM TO EXCEL using VBA. I use SE16 transaction and a table named .I need to import data from TFACS table to excel using vba.
If you have access to SE16n you can export directly from there to csv or text file. You can also get with IT to create a nightly spool that will dump a text file into a folder and then link directly to that file with excel.