How to share a util object which is not thread safe in light-4j handler - thread-local

I have generated code from an openapi yaml file. I'm implementing the handleRequest methods. I need to share the same instance of a "Util" object to reuse it in all the handleRequest calls. Could you please tell me where to store my Util object instance?
My Util class is not thread safe, so I should have one instance for each client thread.

If your class is thread safe, the best place is
If the object is not thread safe then save one object per thread with ThreadLocal. That means one request might be calling two or more instance of util objects when a request is dispatched from an IO thread to a worker thread.
If it's actually a util object can you make it stateless so that it is thread safe? Maybe add an additional context type object for the state if you really need it. Attaching it to the exchange as an attachment could work.


ElasticClient Dispose

I'm new to this. I'm working with ElasticClient (.Net) and I was curious if:
Is it thread safe? I assume so because it uses pooling.
Should I do anything to clean up the client resources when I'm done? It does not implement IDisposable.
On thread safety:
The ElasticClient holds a single IConnection responsible for doing
async and sync http calls. The IConnection does not reuse
httprequests and uses thread local state for data thats being passed
around during the stages of the request. It should thus be thread
On disposing:
ElasticClient is almost stateless except for a static CLR type info
cache that is threadsafe so you can even use one client over threads.
Disposing is also handled by Nest and ElasticClient only exposes

Singleton DataStore on Background Thread

I have created a singleton class that accesses a datastore and returns an object representing a Core Data entity. This is fine in the normal thread but I am concerned about accessing this singleton method from another class running on a background thread as the background thread will be running with its own copy of the Managed Object Context.
When trying to call the singleton from the background thread do I need to create a fresh instance of the singleton and pass in the background thread's copy of the managed object context or can I safely access the singleton method and allow that to use the shared managed object context that it retrieves internally from the app delegate please?
Have your data manager class make all the relevant Core Data calls with performBlock: or performBlock:andWait:
That way the calls will always be made in a thread safe manner.
Personally, however, I usually write my data manager so that It is called on the main thread, and it takes care of making any further calls on whatever thread makes sense.

Modeling Client Context in WCF Web API with MEF

I need to extract several header values at the start of each request and place them into a ClientContext object that can be injected into my application code by MEF. I am using Preview 5 of the WCF Web API and don't see a way to do this.
In 'standard' WCF, I would create a class that implements IExtension<OperationContext> and have the following property to wire it all together:
public static ClientContextExtension Current
var operationContext = OperationContext.Current;
if (operationContext == null)
return null;
var extension = operationContext.Extensions.Find<ClientContextExtension>();
if (extension == null)
extension = new ClientContextExtension();
return extension;
A custom DelegatingHandler calls ClientContextExtension.Current and sets the properties from the header values. Unfortunately, with WCF Web API, OperationContext.Current is always null!
I cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Web API. Any help is appreciated!!!
I've come up with a working solution but remain open to other options. First, some rationale behind the original approach...
Because WCF uses thread pooling, anything based on a per-thread model may (and will) have a lifetime that extends beyond an individual request. I needed a way to store client context information pulled from the HTTP headers for each request as the information will be different each time. This means I can't persist the context information per-thread because the thread will be re-used.
Or can I?
The flaw in my logic was that thread re-use was the problem. In reality, each thread is only every servicing a single request at one time thereby making any information in that thread isolated to that request. Therefore, all I need to do is make sure that the information is relavent to that request and my problem is solved.
My solution was to refactor the Current property to reference a private static field marked with the [ThreadStatic()] attribute, ensuring that each instance was specific to the thread. Then, in my DelegatingHandler, which executes for each request, I reset the properties of the object for that request. Subsequent calls to Current during that request return the request-specific information and the next request handled by the thread gets updated in the DelegatingHandler so as far as my other code is concerned, the context is per-request.
Not perfect, but it at least gets me up and running for the moment. As I said, I am open to other solutions.
Upon closer inspection, this solution is not working as there is no thread affinity between the DelegatingHandler and the service code that is making use of the context object. As a result, sometimes my call to retrieve the ThreadStatic object works as expected but on other occasions I get a new instance because the code is operating on a different thread than the handler.
So, disregard this solution. Back to the drawing board.
After discussing my problem with Glenn Block, it turns out that it is just a matter of making sure the context is set on the same thread the request handler (the service) is executing. The solution is to use an HttpOperationHandler instead of a MessageHandler.
According to Glenn, message handlers operate asynchronously which means they could execute on a different thread from the request handler (service) so we should never do anything in a message handler that requires thread affinity. On the other hand, operation handlers run synchronously on the same thread as the request handler, therefore we can rely on thread affinity.
So, I simply moved my code from a MessageHandler to an HttpOperationHandler and have the desired results.
You can read a full explanation here:
You can try to use a
HttpOperationHandler<HttpRequestMessage, HttpRequestMessage>
There you should be able to access the headers.

WCF, Unity: Teardown disposable instances

we've set up a WCF service which uses a Unity Container to resolve instances for managing Exchange 2010 Powershell commands. We defined an IExchangePowershell interface which has a concrete implementation that implements IDisposable. After some time we encountered the problem that we couldnt execute powershell commands anymore since the server said there are already too many powershell sessions open. It seems that we never really disposed of our powershell instances. The Dispose() method of the concrete Powershell would take care of closing the runspace and the session. Once I call this in the repository methods, we don't get the errors anymore.
Now of course I dont want to explicitly call dispose in every repository method. I thought unity could take care of this. Our WCF Instance Provider does this:
public void ReleaseInstance(InstanceContext instanceContext, object instance)
But that doesnt really dispose of the IExchangePowershell instances. Do you have any idea how I could automatically dispose of those instances?
That is actually well known problem in Unity. TearDown method does nothing. If you want to use TearDown you must create custom container extension.
I wrote an article about using object lifetimes managers in Unity and their impact on disposing. If you use default TransientLifetimeManager or PerResolveLifetimeManager the Unity will even don't track existence of your objects so it can't call Dispose. The only lifetime managers which calls Dispose on resolved instances are ContainerControlledLifetimeManager (aka singleton) and HierarchicalLifetimeManager. The Dispose is called when the lifetime manager is disposed.
The solution for you is either use casting and handle Dispose manually as you already did or switch to HiearchicalLifetimeManager and create new subcontainer for each incoming WCF request. Each subcontainer will only handle single request and it will dispose resolved entities with hiearchical lifetime.
There are other ways, for example this article builds a very complex code around Unity to support disposing and TearDown for all resolved objects.
The answer depends on how you register your type / instance with unity. Standard implementation of Teardown does nothing at all.
If you register type then Unity does not store reference to instance it creates - it's up to you to manage it's lifetime and dispose it. If you register instance, then the instance lifetime is managed by unity and is kept until you dispose of the container.
The link below helps to understand a bit better about lifetime management:
You need to ask yourself when you would like your objects to be disposed. If you know when to call ReleaseInstance, you might as well call IDispose instead of it.
(I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with WCF, so I'm not sure what instance provide is in this context)

How are STA COM components handled when used in a WCF service hosted in IIS (7+)?

From what I understand, when a COM component marked as using STA is used from an MTA thread, the calls are supposed to be marshalled to an STA thread and executed from that dedicated thread. In the case of a Windows client application, this would mean that it would execute on the UI thread (if marked as STA), and that callbacks from the COM component to me would be handled by Windows messages sent to a hidden window and processed on the Windows message loop.
What happens though if I use a STA COM component in a WCF service hosted in IIS? Will the worker process have a Windows message loop on a STA thread? Can I fire up my own STA thread with its own message loop?
The COM runtime looks after the dispatching of calls to methods on a COM object inside an STA: you are right that this is based on the same OS mechanism used for dispatching Windows messages, but you don't need to worry about making this happen - COM does this for you under the hood.
What you do need to worry about is which STA your COM objects are going to live in. If you instantiate apartment-threaded COM objects using COM Interop from a WCF service, you need to be careful.
If the thread on which you do this is not an STA thread, then all in-process COM objects will live in the default Host STA for the IIS worker process. You do not want this to happen: all your COM objects for all service operations will end up in this same STA. The clue is in the name - there is just one thread for all the objects - and all calls to their methods will be serialized waiting for the one and only thread in the apartment to execute them. Your service will not scale to handle multiple concurrent clients.
You need to make sure that COM objects you instantiate to service a particular WCF request are in their own STA separate from objects created for other requests. There are broadly two ways to do this:
Spin up your own Thread, specifying ApartmentState.STA in SetApartmentState() before you start it, on which to instantiate the COM objects for a particular request. This is the approach detailed by Scott Seely in the link in Kev's answer: he ensures that each service operation call is invoked on a new STA-initialised Thread. A harder but more scalable solution along these lines would be to implement a pool of reusable STA-initialised Threads.
Host your COM objects in a COM+ Application, so that they live in a separate DllHost process, where COM+ (through its abstraction called the Activity) can take care of putting the objects for different requests into different STAs.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you refer to callbacks. Perhaps you mean COM method calls on some COM interface implemented in your managed code, via a reference passed in to the COM objects as an argument to one of the COM objects' methods: if so, this should just work. But perhaps you mean something else, in which case perhaps you could amend the question to clarify.
I've found that you need to pump messages on your STA thread in a WCF service or you miss callbacks from the COM object.
The following code works, but it requires you call the COM object via a Dispatcher.
ComWrapper comWrapper;
Thread localThread;
Dispatcher localThreadDispatcher;
public Constructor()
localThread = new Thread(ThreadProc)
Name = "test"
AutoResetEvent init = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private void ThreadProc(object o)
localThreadDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
comWrapper = new ComWrapper()
And then make calls as follows.
public void UsefulComOperation()
localThreadDispatcher.Invoke(new Action( () => comWrapper.UsefulOperation);