turnaround time calculation in oracle SQL developer - sql

I am trying to calculate turnaround time in days between 2 dates for each record.
the first date (ORDERDATE), which is a string that I converted to date format
using To_char(to_date) function
the second date is (CURRENT_DATE) which has proper date format.
FROM ...........

You could use simple substraction:
FROM ...;
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how to select all entries having date 25-11-20 in oracle 11g?

sql table
here in the table above named carpooling contains a column name start_on which has date time as timestamp i have to write a query to select all the rows having date as 25-11-20 using to_char and to_date.
You write a timestamp literal like this:
timestamp '2020-11-25 00:00:00'
so the full filtering condition will be
where start_on >= timestamp '2020-11-25 00:00:00'
and start_on < timestamp '2020-11-26 00:00:00'
Note that dates and timestamps are different in Oracle, and dates include times down to the second (this is for historical reasons - originally there was only the date type, and timestamp was added much later).
Use the TRUNC function, along with date and interval literals:
AND (DATE '2020-11-26' - INTERVAL '0.000001' SECOND)
You can simply use to_date, but it's recommended to remove the time when comparing the dates. Otherwise, rows having the same date, but a different time will not be selected. Removing the time can be done using TRUNC.
So you can do something like this:
SELECT * FROM carpooling
WHERE TRUNC(start_on) = TO_DATE('2020-11-25','yyyy.mm.dd');
If you don't want to check the 25th of November 2020, but another data, change the date to match your goal.

Query that will select a timeframe from specific date to today

I'm having issues in my WHERE clause selecting data from a specific day to today's date. The day/time format in my date column is '7/2/2020 3:12:08 PM'.
I've tested a couple options but keep getting this error - 'literal does not match format string'.
Any idea's of how I can select all data from March 1, 2020 to current date?
In Oracle date columns are not strings, they are exactly in date datatype, so you don't need to convert/cast it. Just use simple date literals:
select * from table where your_date_columg >= date'2015-12-31'
or with to_date function for your string:
select * from table
your_date_columg >= to_date('2019-11-25 13:57:52',
'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')

uisng to_date function still get date format picture ends before converting entire input string error

I have the following code where I want to see if a date is less than a year ago:
select id
from mytable
where id= :p_id
and (to_date(trunc(sysdate), 'yyyy-mm-dd') - to_date(datewhen, 'yyyy-mm-dd')) < 365;
I keep getting the error:
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input
Looking at other question with the same error on StackOverflow I see the solution usually is to use the to_date function which I am doing so I am unsure why this is occuring. The datewhen field is of type Date.
Do not use to_date() with the columnes of DATE data type. to_date() converts character string to a value of DATE data type. It makes no sense to convert the DATE to DATE. In a first step datewhen column of type DATE will be implicitly converted into a character data type by using the default date format (that's most probably not 'yyyy-mm-dd') and this is the culprit of the ORA-01830 error.
So your statement should look something like this:
select id from mytable where id = :p_id and (trunc(sysdate) - trunc(datewhen)) < 365;
I'd calculate the difference in the months or years instead of days:
... where months_between(sysdate, datewhen) < 12
If your datewhen column is char/varchar formatted as yyyy-mm-dd then you have to do the to_date conversion on datewhen, but not on SYSDATE: it's already a date and doesn't need to be converted.
To filter on a date within the past 365 days, compare it to SYSDATE - 365:
select id
from mytable
where id = :p_id
and to_date(datewhen, 'yyyy-mm-dd') > sysdate - 365;
But a year isn't always 365 days: on leap years it's 366 days. To get a one year ago value that's always correct, subtract an interval of one year from the current date:
select id
from mytable
where id = :p_id
and datewhen > sysdate - interval '1' year;
One more thing: the Oracle DATE type isn't just a date; it's a date and a time. SYSDATE returns the current date and time. Try this query:
select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
Unless you run this at exactly midnight you'll see a time component as well.
Say your query runs on 2 September 2017 at 10 AM and you're looking for a date within the past year. You'd expect to get the date 3 September 2016, but you wouldn't because at 10 AM SYSDATE is 3 September 2016 at 10:00:00. That's greater than the plain date 3 September 2016, which is 3 September 2016 at 0:00:00, so records with a datewhen of `2016-09-03' won't be included.
To ignore the time component of an Oracle DATE value, use TRUNC. Your final query should look something like this:
select id
from mytable
where id = :p_id
and datewhen > trunc(sysdate) - interval '1' year;
you use TO_DATE function when the value in character format
The syntax for the TO_DATE function in Oracle/PLSQL is:
TO_DATE( string1 [, format_mask] [, nls_language] )

Calculating time difference between 2 dates in Teradata

I'm trying to calculate time difference (in months) between the current date, and the date the customer opened his account (only for those who joined in January 2012).
I try to use current_date and cast, but I think my problem is in my date field which is in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy
I'm working on Teradata.
Your help will be appreciated.
You can try like this:
and if your date is in dd/mm/yyyy format then you can try like
SELECT CURRENT_DATE - cast(myDate as date format 'YYYY-MM-DD') MONTH(4);

Oracle query DATE field by hour

Trying to convert an informix query to Oracle 11g.
This gives me the integer hour from a datetime stamp.
create_dtim::datetime hour to hour::char(2)::int
The hours are 24hrs format like 0,1,2,3,4....
I'm trying to accomplish the same in Oracle but no luck. I have so far
TRUNC(start_dtim, 'HH24')
but this is giving me a format like this
3/9/2015 7:00:00 AM
You need to use TO_CHAR to convert the date fields
select TO_CHAR (start_dtim, 'HH24')
from yourtable