Query 'where' clause issue in Gemfire 9.3 Pulse - gemfire

To start off, I am using the SecurityManager interface fyi. Now, I have just upgraded from Gemfire 9.1 to 9.3 and I noticed there's an issue with the querying. Before I could do a 'Select * from /Region where hostname="ABC" ' without any issue. Now when I query in 9.3 Pulse, it throws a "javalangException- Query could not be executed due to - org.apache.geode.security.NotAuthorizedException: Unauthorized access to method: getHostname".
In addition, under the #Override authorize method, I have given CLUSTER:WRITE,READ,MANAGE permissions for the user which I used to login to Pulse.
What could be the reason? It doesn't seems like Gemfire called for the #Override authorize method to check for rights.

This is the expected behavior as of Geode 1.3.0. You can check GEODE-3247 for full details about the security reasons behind the change.
Either way, you can still go back to the previous behavior by starting your members with the system property gemfire.QueryService.allowUntrustedMethodInvocation configured as true. More details can be found in Method Invocations.
Hope this helps.


How does the distributed executor service in Redisson work with regards to scoping / closuring?

If I push a Runnable to a redisson distributed executor service, what rules am I required to oblige by?
Surely , I can not have free reign, I do not see how that is possible, yet, it is not mention in the docs at all, nor are any rules apparently enforced by the API, like R extends Serializable or similar.
If I pass this runnable:
new Runnable(()-> {
// What can I access here, and have it be recreated in whatever server instance picks it up later for execution?
// newlyCreatedInstanceCreatedJustBeforeThisRunnableWasCreated.isAccissible(); // ?
// newlyComplexInstanceSuchAsADatabaseDriverThatisAccessedHere.isAccissible(); // ?
// transactionalHibernateEntityContainingStaticReferencesToComplexObjects....
// I think you get the point.
// Does Redisson serialize everything within this scope?
// When it is recreated later, surely, I can not have access to those exact objects, unless they run on the same server, right?
// If the server goes does and up, or another server executes this runnable, then what happens?
// What rules do we have to abide by here?
Also, what rules do we have to abide by when pushing something to a RQueue, RBlockingDequeu, or Redisson live objects?
It is not clear from the docs.
Also, would be great if a link to a single site documentation site could be provided. The one here requires a lot of clickin and navigation:
You can have an access to RedisClient and taskId. Full state of task object will be serialized.
TaskRetry setting applied to each task. If task isn't executed after 5 minutes since the moment of start then it will requeued.
I agree that the documentation is lacking some "under the hood" explanations.
I was able to execute db reads and inserts through the Callable/runnable that was submitted to the remote ExecutorService.
I configured a single Redis on a remote VM, the database and the app running locally on my laptop.
The tasks were executed without any errors.

Geode region[key] get triggers region listener create event

Using Geode 1.2 and 9.1 Pivotal native client the following code:
IRegion<string, IPdxInstance> r = cache.GetRegion<string, IPdxInstance>("myRegion");
return r[key];
then triggers an AfterCreate event for myRegion. Why does that happen when no data is created, only read?
Same here, never used Native Client. I agreed with what #Urizen suspected - you are calling r[key] from an instance of Geode that doesn't have the entry, so it pulls the data from other instance, which "create" the entry locally.
You have a few options here:
Performing an interest registration for the instance you are initiating the call using registerAllKeys() (doc here). There is a catch here: (might not be applicable for native client), in Java API, you have an option to register interest with an InterestResultPolicy. If you use KEYS_VALUES, you will load all data to local from remote on startup WITHOUT triggering afterCreate callback. If you choose KEYS only or NONE, you will likely have similar problem.
You can check for boolean flag remoteOrigin in EntryEvent. If it is false, it is purely local. In a non-WAN setup, this should be enough to distinguish your local operation from remotely initiated operation (be it a cache syncing or a genuine creation initiated by other cache). Vaguely remembering WAN works a bit different here.
I've never used the Native Client but, at a first glance, it should be expected for the afterCreate event to be invoked on the client side as the entry is actually being created on the local cache. What I mean is that the entry might exists on the server but, internally, the client needs to retrieve it from the server, and then create it locally (thus invoking the afterCreate for the locally installed CacheListener). Makes sense?.

Cannot delete from sql using #Transactional with Spring and Hibernate

I have #Transactional set up correctly, however with the following method "success" is returned but the record is not deleted from the table:
public void deleteLimXrefHvo(LimitXrefHvo limitXrefHvo){
I tried with the method getTableId annotated with #Transactional as well and that does not solve the problem. I've also called getTableId and stored the return value in a variable before passing it into delete() and that did not work, either.
The only thing that works that I've tried is to add getSession().flush(); after the delete transaction. If I have #Transactional set up, then I shouldn't need to flush after. What am I missing?
The session may live longer than a single transaction. This seems to be the case here. From the JSR-220 5.6:
A container-managed persistence context may be defined to have either
a lifetime that is scoped to a single transaction or an extended
lifetime that spans multiple transactions, depending on the
PersistenceContextType that is specified when its EntityManager is
created. This specification refers to such persistence contexts as
transaction-scoped persistence contexts and extended persistence
contexts respectively.
I know you said 'Spring' and not Java EE container but I believe it boils down to the same behavior.
This is to say that session-scope is not equal transaction-scope. For your specific problem you may check:
Is ´deleteLimXrefHvo()´ called from another #Transactional method (hint: what about transaction propagation)?
What flush mode does the transaction have (manual?)?
Investigate your logs, in particular I would set the logging level to DEBUG on your transaction manager to see exactly what it's doing.
it was getTableId that was causing the problem. getTableId calls its own getSession(), and because of that, I have to flush(). there is no getting around it. makes sense, though.

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 only on solution rebuild

I have a site built using MVC4 which is getting content out of a database and it all works fine.
If I then rebuild the solution and try to refresh the page to check my changes, I will always get the SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 saying that I cannot connect to the server.
However, if I then browse to my homepage and then back to the page I was looking at it will work fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem as it is really annoying
Further to this I have found it is when the AuthorizationContext filterContext is being loaded after the rebuild that it cannot connect to the db
As with neil below I have found that I only get the problem if I try to access a page that has had a role assigned to it
I'm seeing the exact same problem and can trace it to the .ASPXAUTH session cookie in the browser. Delete that cookie and the database error goes away until the next rebuild.
The error occurs regularly if you are authenticated and then rebuild the project and try to browse any page that either:
Requires authentication
Makes a call to the User object (e.g. #if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")))
If you have the AuthorizeAttribute filter set in App_Start/FilterConfig.cs you'll get this on every page.
This seems to be new behavior following the most recent Patch Tuesday updates. Previously, I was seeing weird behavior where I would remain logged in but I would loose my roll membership. After the most recent patches, it seems Simple Membership chokes when it gets a bad .ASPXAUTH cookie (invalid because of the rebuild).
I've got the correct connection string in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs but it's like Simple Membership is defaulting to something else in this one instance.
Note that I've moved the Simple Membership databases from the original (localDb) to a full-fledged (local) SQL Server instance. Don't know why that would matter, and it works fine in all other cases.
I've also tried making the connection string name the same as the EF context name (e.g. "ProjectContext") on the theory that it is defaulting to the standard convention, but that made no difference. I am explicitly identifying the connection string name in all my context class constructors (using the : base("connectionString") syntax) and Simple Membership is able to find the right connection string all other times.
Update 2:
The problem only occurs after rebuild when accessing a page protected by role. A simple [Authorize] won't trigger it. You need something like [Authorize(Role="Admin")]. I've replicated this on a new MVC 4 project with no other modifications, using the default (localDb) database. Clear the cookie and that same user can access the protected content w/o any problems. I believe this is a core .NET or MVC bug and needs to be reported as such.
This happened to me while rebuilding the application when I was logged in the browser.
Deleting cookies fixed the problem for me.
When using SimpleMembership, this bug occurs with any use of Roles-not just in the controller, but also when I use:
I am late to the game with this answer, but I added [InitializeSimpleMembership] to my home controller and I think that fixed it.

RavenDB Load aggregate returns an empty instance

What would I need to be doing wrong to get an aggregate to be returned from the session (loading by id) that is an empty instance of the aggregate and not the entire graph. When I hit the actual url that is requested in my browser I see the full json object, hence, why I am suspicious of my session management.
I have tried recreating the situation in unit tests but no manner of poor session management can recreate what I am seeing. I see some null instances returned but never this strange 'empty' instance - which has an id but none of the properties have been hydrated.
I am seeing this behaviour in unstable build 438.
I just checked the behaviour by executing a query and am seeing the same issue, so it is not just when calling Load()
If you are seeing symptoms similar to those that I presented in the original question - the most likely scenario is that you are loading the entity via a 'stale' session.
I discovered that due to some IoC container config flaws on my behalf (remember, singletons are bad kiddies) that I was attempting to load via a session that had been hanging around far too long. I can't determine whether it had been disposed or not (I suspect not) but it was definitely living well past its creation date.
I am not sure this exactly explains the behaviour I was seeing, but I present it here in the hope of helping others.