wrapper.conf in mule i am unable to find wrapper.conf file, - mule

wrapper.conf in mule
i am unable to find wrapper.conf file,
please help me where does it resides, I know it will be in MULE_HOME, but where exactly, I am unable to find MULE_HOME as well.
Please help me with the root directory structure.

MULE_HOME should refer to the root of your installed mule runtime.
You will find your wrapper.conf at MULE_HOME/conf/wrapper.conf


Mule4 deployment configuration

I am new to Mule4.x features. Get to realize that mule-app and mule-deploy has been deprecated. Where and how to provide information about deployment configurations? I can see mule-artifact.json is there but no where I am able to find how to use it with example. Mule docs only talks about elements and it's description but don't have any examples.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
A very short description of mule-artifact.json is available here.
mule-deploy.properties of Mule 3 has auto generated list of config resources, same thing is now available in mule-artifact.json as "configs" for Mule 4. This section will be automatically updated when new mule xml file is added under src/main/mule. Similarly redeploymentEnabled flag is also available in this file.
On the other hand, key-value pairs from mule-app.properties must be specified in Run Configurations section in AnypointStudio and in Properties section on CloudHub.
AnypointStudio Run Configurations:
CloudHub Properties:

Weblogic server - Getting NoClassDeffError for TIFFImageReader even when the library is in classpath

I am working on TIFF to JPEG conversion program. I am using the TIFF implementation from jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar, which is available in the classpath.
Everything works fine in my local environment in eclipse (running on tomcat server). However, when I deploy the same in Weblogic, I am getting the following error. Weblogic server is unable to recognize the TIFF implementation classes. I am unable to find the missing link. Please help.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/github/jaiimageio/impl/plugins/tiff/TIFFImageReader
at com.github.jaiimageio.impl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance(TIFFImageReaderSpi.java:118)
at javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance(ImageReaderSpi.java:320)
at javax.imageio.ImageIO$ImageReaderIterator.next(ImageIO.java:529)
at javax.imageio.ImageIO$ImageReaderIterator.next(ImageIO.java:513)
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1443)
at javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(ImageIO.java:1308)
I will answer my own question. The issue is resolved. The problem was with the the jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar file present in multiple places. It was present in my application war file in WEB-INF/lib folder. however, the same jar file was also present outside the war in the weblogic adm root directory. (my bad)
I guess weblogic clearly expects the jar file only in 1 place (especially java SPI implementation jar)
It is also a good idea to search all directories under weblogic to make sure there are no additional jar files of the same name.
I had only one jai-imageio-core.1.3.1.jar file (in WAR file) and caught this error. Weblogic managed server restart helped me.

Unable to find arquillian.xml in my arquiliian project

I want to set jboss configuration in arquillian.xml but I am unablet to find it.
Where can I find it? and if its not exist then on which path should I create it
The file was missing. I wrote it and issue is solved

Change logging in the Mule

I have a Mule project that I want to run from AnypointStudio. It uses the default log4j2.xml, but I want to change that.
According to the documentation (http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/Logging+in+Mule), it is posible to put another log4j2.xml file on the classpath, but that does not work.
In the "run configuration" of Anypoint I added a classpath. In that classpath folder I added another log4j2.xml file, but that is ignored by the Mule, although it sees another file in that folder.
How do I add an log4j2.xml file?
Put your log4j2.xml config in src/test/resources, that way it won't be packaged in the app but will be available in Studio, when you launch the app.

which version of weblogic server does not create _wls_cls_gen.jar?

because this _wls_cls_gen.jar creates problem for reading properties or xml files inside WEB-INF/classes folder. I have tried with 10.3.4 but no luck. Could anyone tell which version they have fixed this issue?
Thanks in advance.
You could try looking at the Filtering Classloader. Also, 10.3.4 includes the ClassLoader Analysis Tool that can help you configure it: https://blogs.oracle.com/jeffwest/entry/weblogic_1034_classloader_analysis_tool