elm-package.json constraints of 'repo_name/package_name' are probably letting too much stuff through - elm

I get this error trying to use a github repository as a dependency using elm-install
Problem in dependency repo_name/package_name 1.0.0
The elm-package.json constraints of 'repo_name/package_name' are probably
letting too much stuff through.
What does this exactly mean?

(This answer courtesy of #ilias at Elm Slack channel)
It means that Elm couldn't compile the sources for that package in the context of your package.
Imagine for a minute I'm making a package my-fancy-package, and I have a dependency on a package foo/bar. So in my-fancy-package/elm-package.json, I could have a dependency like "foo/bar": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0". Now, perhaps the most recent version of foo/bar while I'm developing my-fancy-package is 1.5.0. And in version 1.5.0, a new function was added that does exactly what I need in my-fancy-package, so I start using that function. The core issue is that there currently is no automated way to test that a package actually works with all the allowed versions of its dependencies. So now my-fancy-package says it depends on foo/bar at any version between 1.0.0 and 2.0.0, while in reality, it really needs to be at least 1.5.0 because I'm using a function from that package.
Now, imagine you're developing an application, and you're using foo/bar at version 1.2.3. According to the semver ranges of my-fancy-package, that means you should be able to use it, but if you were to actually try it, you'd receive this error: my-fancy-package is stating it is compatible with foo/bar#1.2.3 while it really needs 1.5.0.
The reason the error message doesn't simply say "it failed to compile" is because all the published packages are compiled before publishing. The most common reason for a package failing to compile in some context is that its dependencies aren't "accurate": they're letting too much stuff through.
In case of elm-install and packages from github, it's harder to say - it could actually be broken package.
Another common cause for this error is a rather silly one - conflicting definitions of infix operators. The associativity and precedence of infix ops can only be defined "globally", so if there are 2 packages that define the same infix operator, that could become a problem


Migrating Java 1.8 version to Java 17

While building the code getting package sun.security.action is not visible
Package sun.security.action is declared on module java.base, which does not export it to the unnamed module.
What should I do.
Kindly advice, Thanks in advance
Java 8 had no module system - everything is visible or just needs to get imported by archives in jdk (f.e. tools.jar).
Java 9 brought JMS and encapsulated some jdk classes.
In your case, see <JAVA_HOME>/lib/src.zip!/java.base/module-info.class:
exports sun.security.action to
Your package isn't public but restricted to some other internal packages/modules.
There was a workaround by adding compiler option --add-exports=java.base/sun.security.action=ALL-UNNAMED at compile time to fix this limitation until version 16.
With version 17 and JEP 403 forget all hope:
It is not a goal to define new standard APIs to replace internal elements for which standard replacements do not yet exist, though such APIs could be suggested in response to this JEP.
Backwards compatibility and important frameworks have lower priority than jdk security - JCP makes strange decisions and works against the community sometimes -.-

"invalid version 0 on git_proxy_options" from libgit2: cause? fix? walk-around?

I'm getting this error "invalid version 0 on git_proxy_options" from libgit2. This did not happen until very recently (I have recompiled my code so it may be a version issue). I'm not using a proxy. Does anyone know anything about this? What causes this message? Is there anything I can do to stop the failure? Either a fix or or a work-around will do.
Specifically, I am using the Rust crate git2 version 0.13.23. I am doing a fetch that triggers the error. This is on Fedora 34 on x86_64. I have searched on this but there does not seem to be any matches that help.
git2 = {version="0.13.22", features = ["vendored-libgit2"]}
in Cargo.toml fixed the issue.
I had upgraded libgit2 to 1.3.0 from 1.1.1. That broke my existing cargo install, so I unpacked the previous libgit2.so.1.1 with a symlink to libgit2.so.1. That's when this error condition showed up. After thinking a bit I decided to symlink libgit2.so.1.3 to libgit2.so.1.1 and it built my new cargo version which linked to the new libgit2.so.1.3. Then I deleted my libgit2.so.1.1 stuff. Kinda weird, and usually you expect things not to work when it has been linked to a previous .so version.

image-height not resolve output

Trying to achieve this proposal to make a div size based on its background image I'm using Less 2.5.1 compiled by Web Essentials 2013 for Update 4 version 2.5.4 and some functions do not resolve:
My Less File:
height:image-height("myUrl.png"); //<-- Do not resolve
width:percentage(1/2); //<--Resolves
Resolved Css File:
height:image-height("myUrl.png"); //Not good
width:50%; //Good
I'm having this problem with image-height, image-width and image-size. Not with the rest of Misc Functions
There's no problem resolving the image by the compiler, because it's working fine when I used it like:
In the documentation there's a note for these methods saying:
Note: this function needs to be implemented by each environment. It is
currently only available in the node environment.
In the WebEssentials documentation it says:
Web Essentials uses the node-less compiler and it always uses the
latest version
NodeJS compilation - Web Essentials uses NodeJS to run the compiler.
It's the fastest and most accurate compiler for LESS available.
I'm missing something that I don't know. What does that note mean? What
should I do?
I've create a jsfiddle to share with you my goal.

angular bootstrap older versions removed from npmjs?

We had been using version 0.11.0 of angular-bootstrap from npmjs. It appears that version is no longer available on npmjs. From the commands below does this mean that someone actually unpublished the older packages?
prompt:~$ npm view angular-bootstrap time
{ modified: '2015-01-12T06:48:54.881Z',
created: '2014-01-29T21:54:32.213Z',
'0.0.1': '2014-01-29T21:54:37.589Z',
'0.0.2': '2014-01-29T22:03:08.814Z',
'0.0.3': '2014-01-29T22:51:49.998Z',
'0.0.4': '2014-02-11T15:14:17.078Z',
'0.11.0': '2014-06-24T07:06:56.435Z',
'0.13.0-SNAPSHOT': '2014-12-02T13:05:43.151Z',
'0.12.0': '2015-01-12T06:46:41.986Z' }
prompt:~$ npm view angular-bootstrap versions
I agree, the package seems to have been unpublished. You can still access it from the github history, as follows:
$ npm install "angular-ui/bootstrap#0.11.0"
(note that you may not need quoting, but some shells will interpret the # as a comment-begin character.) You can also use this syntax in dependencies inside package.json
If you have a project in production that depends on this, you should probably make a fork of the angular-ui/bootstrap repository and point towards that.
(I had some difficulty making this work on Windows, but it looks like you're on a Unixy system, so you should be fine.)
Ticket discussing this and the future is at https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/issues/1636

Dotless failing to compile ; in Bootstrap 3 less source

I use dotless compiling less-files. This worked fine with bootstrap 2.x, but after switching to bootstrap 3.0.0 (downloaded the source from here: http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/), I suddenly get this error:
Expected ')' but found ' ' on line 47 in file 'mixins.less': [46]: //
Sizing shortcuts [47]: .size(#width; #height) {
------------^ [48]: width: #width;
Seems that having a ; as seperator between parameters is not valid less. The original source in the mixins.less looks like this:
// Sizing shortcuts
.size(#width; #height) {
width: #width;
height: #height;
Do I have to use an updated less compiler? Or did bootstrap release buggy less source?
UPDATE 1: I can see, that a pull request for dotless exists, fixing the problem with ;
"Fixes for ; not supported in mixin parameter lists #319 #320"
I will go using the css files until this has been fixed in dotless.
If you check out bootstrap's getting started page, you'll find that they state:
LESS compilation
If you download the original files, you need to compile Bootstrap's
LESS files into usable CSS. To do that, Bootstrap only officially
supports Recess, Twitter's CSS hinter built on top of less.js.
Though not using dotless, I followed a similar path that you did using lessc, and then found that using recess resolved my issue. Perhaps using recess would be an option for you too?
As an example, I have a file called tmpfl.less with the following contents:
#import "mixins.less";
#import "variables.less";
.wrapper {
.content-main {
.content-secondary {
If I run lessc on it, I get the following result:
lessc tmpfl.less
NameError: .size is undefined in mixins.less:47:0
46 // Sizing shortcuts
47 .size(#width; #height) {
48 width: #width;
Now, I successfully use recess as follows:
recess --compile tmpfl.less > tmpfl.css
In order to utilize Recess in a .Net environment, specifically in Visual Studio, one can follow these instructions for details on installing. Those instructions provide an overview, but perhaps leave out some details on getting Node.js installed. Microsoft has some brief words about it and they link to a GitHub project which might be helpful depending on your version of Visual Studio.
If you don't go down the Node.js-in-Visual Studio route, then really the main goal is to have Node.js installed somewhere, and then ultimately npm, the package manager for Node.js so you can install Recess. That can be achieved on Windows by going to the Node.js download, and installing the Windows version. Installing npm is highlighted in this stackoverflow discussion. Once installed, you just need to run npm to install Recess as follows:
npm install recess -g
That is also discussed in the first link of this update.
One of my colleagues that uses dotless has had a few fixes for Bootstrap 3 issues merged. Apparently Bootstrap3 will now compile with the latest code :)
I expect an updated NuGet package will be available soon (based on this tweet)
After spending hours on getting this to work myself i found that dotless is quite useless at this time.
but here is where you can impliment Less and Bootstrap 3 Less in your mvc ASP.Net Project
This guy just won an internets in my book and if you can track down his stack exchange account for me let me know.
I have put together an httphandler which will compile less using lessjs.
It's more of a proof of concept than production quality code, however it may be useful for some people as a starting point.
You can find the source here:
In case anyone is interested in trying to do this using jurassic, you can find my attempt here:
I don't recommend Jurassic for this because
it required a few bug fixes to the library which are not currently
integrated into the main project My changes are now in the master branch of Jurassic so this is no longer an issue (though the latest release does not currently include them)
it is very slow, hence the
reason I tried clearscript