Remove highlighting in a specified range - vba

I have highlighted paragraphs in a Word document, from which I have to remove highlighting from 3rd to 5th character of each paragraph.
By searching for highlighted ranges within Set r = ActiveDocument.Range in VBA the segments of text are perfectly found.
The error appears on the line r(Start:=r_start, End:=r_end).HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight.
Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
How danI correctly specify the subrange from 3rd to 5th character within the range r? Your help is appreciated.
Dim r as Range
Dim r_start As Integer
Dim r_end As Integer
r_start = 2
r_end = 5
Set r = ActiveDocument.Range
With r.Find
.Highlight = True
Do While .Execute(FindText:="", Forward:=True) = True
if r.Characters.Count > 7 Then
r(Start:=r_start, End:=r_end).HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight
End If
r.Collapse 0
End With

The problem causing the error message is that only the Range method (as in Document.Range) takes arguments. The Range object, since it's not a method, can take no arguments. In order to set the Start and End of a Range object you need the properties of those names. So:
r.Start = r.Start + r_start
r.End = r.Start + r_end
Your code has a number of other problems which I encountered while testing. For example, if you set the Start position to r_start and the End position to r_end the Range r will be from the second to the fifth characters of the entire document, not the second to fifth characters of the Range r. That's why the two lines of code, above, have been changed from your original.
The next problem is that the code, as it stands, goes into an infinite loop since the search always begins from within the "found" highlighting. For that reason I've added a variable to capture the end point of the originally Found range and use that as the starting point for the Range to be searched in each loop. The end of the Range to search is set to the end of the document.
Here's my sample code:
Sub FindRemoveHighlighting()
Dim r As Range, rDoc As Range
Dim r_foundEnd As Long
Dim r_start As Long
Dim r_end As Long
r_start = 2
r_end = 5
Set rDoc = ActiveDocument.content
Set r = rDoc.Duplicate
With r.Find
.Highlight = True
.Text = ""
.Format = True
.Format = True
Do While .Execute() = True
If r.Characters.Count > 7 Then
rFoundEnd = r.End
r.Start = r.Start + r_start
r.End = r.Start + r_end
r.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight
End If
r.Start = rFoundEnd
r.End = rDoc.End
End With
End Sub

You were almost there, I modified the code and tested it and it worked perfectly on my end. It will find any highlighted range in the document and will remove the highlights from character 2 to character 5:
Sub GetHighlights()
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim r_start As Integer
Dim r_end As Integer
r_start = 2
r_end = 5
Set rng1 = ActiveDocument.Range
With rng1.Find
.Highlight = True
Do While .Execute(FindText:="", Forward:=True) = True
If rng1.Characters.Count > 7 Then
Set rng2 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=rng1.Start + r_start, End:=rng1.Start + r_end)
rng2.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight
End If
rng1.Collapse 0
End With
End Sub


Word document highlight issues

Hi I am very new to VBA word programming. I am trying to use regex and word range to select a pattern of words in a word document containing 108 pages to highlight them in Yellow and Green. When I execute the VBA code the word document hangs for a minute of 2 until the code has processed the request. Please check the code below and suggest.
**extract of the word**
if LRD233 xs , LRD237 xs
LRDE233 xs , LRDE237 xs
then #R233A(M/W)
*QZR233A(M/W) #R233A(M/W) .
if LRD233 xs , LRD237 xs
LRDE233 xs , LRDE237 xs
then #R233A(M/W)
if R233A(M/W) a
P831 cnf , P833 cnf , L(PB-1)SETTINGAVAIL xs
then R233A(M/W) s
P831 cn , P833 cn
**VBA Code**
Sub Reminder_Highlight()
Dim match As VBScript_RegExp_55.match
Dim matches As VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
Dim myrange As Range
Dim rng3 As Selection
Dim counter As Integer
Set myrange = ActiveDocument.Content
Set rng3 = Selection
Dim Panel_request As Boolean
Dim Reminder_latch As Boolean
With New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
.Pattern = "(\*Q(A|R|RD)\S+|LRD\S+\s(xs\s+,|xs)|(\#R|\*R)\S+)"
.Global = True
Set matches = .Execute(rng3.Text)
End With
Debug.Print matches.Count
For Each match In matches
myrange.SetRange rng3.Characters(match.FirstIndex + 1).Start, rng3.Characters(match.FirstIndex + match.Length).End
If Left(match, 1) = "#" Or Mid(match, 1, 2) = "*R" Then myrange.HighlightColorIndex = wdBrightGreen Else myrange.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
Debug.Print matches.Item(counter) & " "; counter
counter = counter + 1
Set matches = Nothing
Set rng2 = Nothing
Set rng1 = Nothing
Set rng3 = Nothing
End Sub
Try this.
Sub HighlightSpecificWords()
Dim sArr() As String
Dim rTmp As Range
Dim x As Long
sArr = Split("highlight specific words") ' your list
Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdYellow
For x = 0 To UBound(sArr)
Set rTmp = ActiveDocument.Range
With rTmp.Find
.Text = sArr(x)
.Replacement.Text = sArr(x)
.Replacement.Highlight = True
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub

Find nearest Heading above the MS Word table

I am enumerating tables in Microsoft Word in a following way:
Dim doc As Document, t As Table
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each t In doc.Tables
Next t
Now I would like to find the nearest paragraph with "Heading 2" style above the table and get it's text into a variable. Great if it could be accomplished without changing the selection focus in the document.
I can enumerate paragraphs in the document, but how to determine that some paragraph is above some table?
I solved that by building a list of paragraph start positions:
Private Type CaptionRec
Text As String
EndPos As Long
End Type
Dim caps() As CaptionRec
Dim i As Long
Dim p As Paragraph
ReDim caps(0)
i = 0
For Each p In doc.Paragraphs
If p.Style = "Überschrift 2" Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve caps(i)
caps(i).Text = TrimGarbageAtEnd(p.Range.Text)
caps(i).EndPos = p.Range.Start 'Ok, this should be the end, not the start
End If
Next p
... and finding the minimum distance between table start and a "Heading 2" paragraph from array:
Public Function GetClosestCaption(tableStart As Long, ByRef caps() As CaptionRec) As String
Dim cap As CaptionRec, distance As Long, minDistance As Long, res As String, i As Long
minDistance = 2147483647 'Max long
res = ""
For i = LBound(caps) To UBound(caps)
cap = caps(i)
distance = tableStart - cap.EndPos
If distance >= 0 Then
If distance < minDistance Then
minDistance = distance
res = cap.Text
End If
End If
Next i
GetClosestCaption = res
End Function
The routine gets called in a following loop:
Public Sub MainRoutine()
For Each t In doc.Tables
If table_validity_criteria_go_here Then
caption = GetClosestCaption(t.Range.Start, caps)
For Each r In t.Rows
'Enumerate rows
Next r
End If
Next t
End Sub
An alternative is to reverse the logic. Instead of processing the tables and then looking for the associated heading, find the headings then process the tables within the range of the heading level, For example:
Sub FindHeading2Ranges()
Dim findRange As Range
Dim headingRange As Range
Set findRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With findRange.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = True
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading2)
Do While .Execute
Set headingRange = findRange.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\HeadingLevel")
If headingRange.Tables.Count > 0 Then
ProcessTables headingRange, TrimGarbageAtEnd(findRange.text)
End If
findRange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
Sub ProcessTables(headingRange As Range, caption As String)
Dim t As Table
For Each t In headingRange.Tables
If table_validity_criteria_go_here Then
For Each r In t.Rows
'Enumerate rows
Next r
End If
Next t
End Sub

Word VBA Move Images and Text into a Table

I'm trying to check every section of a document for images or grouped images and, if they're found, create a table with 1 row and 2 columns at the beginning of that section, where the first column will contain the text (with original formatting) and the second column will contain the images. I have converted all the images in the document to inline shapes.
Edit: In the document, there's random amounts of text (and/or other characters) before, after and in between a random amount of images. Sometimes a section has no text and only images. For each section, I would like all of the text (with original formatting and in the order in which it occurs) to be contained in the first column, and all images and grouped images (also in their same order) to be contained in the second folder. Ideally, if the only things on the page are a heading and an image, they would be put into a 1x1 table (with the heading above the image).
I've tried a few variations of this with no success. Generally stuff starts getting pretty messy because I have no idea what I'm doing. I've left out the text in this code because it was only complicating things, but I would like to move the text as well.
Sub ToTables()
Dim iShp As InlineShape
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
a = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Number of Sections")
For i = 1 To a
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.GoTo(What:=wdGoToSection, Name:=i)
Set oRng = oRng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\section")
If Right(oRng, 1) = vbCr Then _
oRng = Left(oRng, Len(oRng) - 1)
b = oRng.InlineShapes.Count
If b >= 1 Then
oRng.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
Set oTbl = oRng.Tables.Add(oRng, 1, 2, AutoFitBehavior:=wdAutoFitContent)
For Each iShp In oRng.InlineShapes
oTbl.Cell(1, 2).Range.Paste
Next iShp
End If
Next i
End Sub
Try the revised code:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Sctn As Section, Rng As Range, Tbl As Table, s As Long, w As Single
For Each Sctn In ActiveDocument.Sections
Set Rng = Sctn.Range: w = 0
Rng.End = Rng.End - 1
Set Tbl = Rng.ConvertToTable(, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=1, InitialColumnWidth:=50, AutoFit:=True)
With Tbl
For s = .Range.InlineShapes.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Range.InlineShapes(s)
If .Width > w Then w = .Width
.Range.Rows(1).Cells(2).Range.FormattedText = .Range.FormattedText
End With
.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
.PreferredWidth = 100
If w > 0 Then .Columns(2).Width = w + .LeftPadding + .RightPadding
.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Assuming the text precedes the inlineshapes:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim iShp As InlineShape
For Each iShp In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
With iShp.Range
.Characters.First.Previous = vbTab
.Start = .Paragraphs.First.Range.Start
.ConvertToTable vbTab, 1, 2
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The above code assumes there is a single character between the text & inlineshape. That character could be a space, paragraph break, line break, anything at all.

How to get all text between <strong> </strong> in MS word to turn Bold using VBA?

Basically I want to transform the text in between the tags into bold. This text will always be in the comments. The current code doesnt do anything.
I am not really sure if this code makes any sense at all, but I usually use VBA for Excel and word seems to be a bit trickier.
Sub Bold()
Dim eCom As Comment
Dim iFound As Integer
Dim rbold As Range
Dim iDot As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim aDoc As Document
Set aDoc = ActiveDocument
flag = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each eCom In ActiveDocument.Comments
iFound = InStr(eCom.Range.Text, "<strong>")
iDot = 0
If iFound > 0 Then
iDot = InStrRev(eCom.Range, "</") - iFound + 1
Set rbold = aDoc.Range(Start:=eCom.Range.Start + iFound, End:=eCom.Range.Start + InStrRev(eCom.Range, "<"))
Selection.Font.Bold = wdToggle
End If
Next eCom
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
There are a few problems here. First, it appears that the Comment Ranges do not use the same numbering as the document ranges. So
Set rbold = aDoc.Range(Start:=eCom.Range.Start + iFound, End:=eCom.Range.Start + InStrRev(eCom.Range, "<"))
is not actually the range in the comments, it is instead a range in the document starting with the place in the comment that has the strong html tag.
Second, even if this was working, it would start the bolding in the wrong place, starting with "strong>"
Third, there's no reason to select the range, just set it to bold.
This code will do what you want (I commented out a line as I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do):
Sub Bold()
Dim eCom As Comment
Dim iFound As Integer
Dim rbold As Range
Dim iDot As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim aDoc As Document
Dim newCom As Comment
Set aDoc = ActiveDocument
flag = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each eCom In ActiveDocument.Comments
iFound = InStr(eCom.Range.Text, "<strong>")
iDot = 0
If iFound > 0 Then
'iDot = InStrRev(eCom.Range, "</") - iFound + 1
Set rbold = eCom.Range
rbold.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-(Len(rbold) - InStrRev(rbold, "</") + 1)
rbold.MoveStart Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=iFound + Len("<strong>") - 1
rbold.Bold = True
End If
Next eCom
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Word VBA: Get Range between Consecutive Headings

I looked up some examples, but I cannot quite understand how the Range object works. I am trying to loop through each of my headings (of level 4) and have a nested loop that looks through all the tables in between the headings. I cannot figure out how to set that specific range, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Dim myHeadings As Variant
myHeadings = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeHeading)
For iCount = LBound(myHeadings) To UBound(myHeadings)
level = getLevel(CStr(myHeadings(iCount)))
If level = 4 Then
'This is where I want to set a range between myHeadings(iCount) to myHeadings(iCount+1)
set aRange = ??
End If
Next iCount
You are on the right track here. The myHeadings variable you have simply gives a list of the strings of the Level 4 Headings in the document. What you need to do is then search the document for those strings to get the range of the Level 4 Headings.
Once you have the range of each of the headings you can check for the tables in the range between these headings. I've modified your code slightly to do this. Also note its good practice to put Option Explicit at the top of your module to ensure all variables are declared.
My code will tell you how many tables are between each of the Level 4 headings. NOTE: It does not check between the last heading and the end of the document, I'll leave that up to you ;)
Sub DoMyHeadings()
Dim iCount As Integer, iL4Count As Integer, Level As Integer, itabCount As Integer
Dim myHeadings As Variant, tbl As Table
Dim Level4Heading() As Range, rTableRange As Range
myHeadings = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeHeading)
'We want to move to the start of the document so we can loop through the headings
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
For iCount = LBound(myHeadings) To UBound(myHeadings)
Level = getLevel(CStr(myHeadings(iCount)))
If Level = 4 Then
'We can now search the document to find the ranges of the level 4 headings
With Selection.Find
.ClearFormatting 'Always clear find formatting
.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 4") 'Set the heading style
.Text = VBA.Trim$(myHeadings(iCount)) 'This is the heading text (trim to remove spaces)
.Replacement.Text = "" 'We are not replacing the text
.Forward = True 'Move forward so we can each consecutive heading
.Wrap = wdFindContinue 'Continue to the next find
.Format = True
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
'Just make sure the text matches (it should be I have a habit of double checking
If Selection.Text = VBA.Trim$(myHeadings(iCount)) Then
iL4Count = iL4Count + 1 'Keep a counter for the L4 headings for redim
ReDim Preserve Level4Heading(1 To iL4Count) 'Redim the array keeping existing values
Set Level4Heading(iL4Count) = Selection.Range 'Set the range you've just picked up to the array
End If
End If
Next iCount
'Now we want to loop through all the Level4 Heading Ranges
For iCount = LBound(Level4Heading) To UBound(Level4Heading) - 1
'Reset the table counter
itabCount = 0
'Use the start of the current heading and next heading to get the range in between which will contain the tables
Set rTableRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Level4Heading(iCount).Start, Level4Heading(iCount + 1).Start)
'Now you have set the range in the document between the headings you can loop through
For Each tbl In rTableRange.Tables
'This is where you can work your table magic
itabCount = itabCount + 1
Next tbl
'Display the number of tables
MsgBox "You have " & itabCount & " table(s) between heading " & Level4Heading(iCount).Text & " And " & Level4Heading(iCount + 1).Text
Next iCount
End Sub
You could jump from one heading to the next using Goto. See below how to loop through level 4 headings.
Dim heading As Range
Set heading = ActiveDocument.Range(start:=0, End:=0)
Do ' Loop through headings
Dim current As Long
current = heading.start
Set heading = heading.GoTo(What:=wdGoToHeading, Which:=wdGoToNext)
If heading.start = current Then
' We haven't moved because there are no more headings
Exit Do
End If
If heading.Paragraphs(1).OutlineLevel = wdOutlineLevel4 Then
' Now this is a level 4 heading. Let's do something with it.
' heading.Expand Unit:=wdParagraph
' Debug.Print heading.Text
End If
Don't look specifically for "Heading 4" because,
one may use non built-in styles,
it would not work with international versions of Word.
Check the wdOutlineLevel4 instead.
Now, to get the range for the whole level 4, here is a little known trick:
Dim rTableRange as Range
' rTableRange will encompass the region under the current/preceding heading
Set rTableRange = heading.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\HeadingLevel")
This will work better for the last heading 4 in the document or the last one below a heading 3.