What does md-error and md-invalid mean in vuematerial? - vue.js

There is no documentation on these classes in vue-material. Where these classes come from and how are they related to vuelidate?
I am trying to write client side validation. The form validation example in above link is also not working.
Currently vue-material is in beta releases of 1.0. What is the schedule for the GA release of vue-material 1.0 ?


Ktor: "io.ktor.util.pipeline.ContextDsl" in ktor 2.0

This annotation is documented here but not marked deprecated, however in the migration guide there's no mention of why it was removed, and what should be used instead.
I am totally new to Ktor, and I am supposed to port a 1.6 project to 2 while learning Ktor from scratch. Some leads in this direction will be much appreciated. Thanks
Multiple DSL markers were unified so you can use the KtorDsl annotation instead.

Custom LegacyWrapper for vaadin flow to integrated legacy code

There are plenty of good addons, developed for vaadin 7 and vaadin 8 non compatible with flow. Searching for solution i found - vaadin docs on MPR (multiplatform runtime) - where LegacyWrapper class is available which provides integration for legacy components into flow engine. The MPR is available for Prime (paid) subscription users only, so does the LegacyWrapper class as well.
Could anybody please give any hints how to make a simple wrapper implementation for using legacy components into flow layouts. I believe, supposed CustomLegacyWrapper class should inherit from vaadin.flow.component and contain (as a composition, maybe?) vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent. How the baseline solution might look like?
Thanks in advance.
I've got an answer to my question on the vaadin forum from one of the contributors that there is no simple workaround for my purpose, integration of old components into flow engine is one of multiplatform features and its not possible to implement it in easy way.

Choosing btw Scrapy V1.8 and V2.0

Hi I have wanted to learn Scrapy and use it to scrape dynamic data off of webpages, and use it in a website backend.
When I went to the official docs, I go to know that V.2.0 just came out.
Given that I'm new to scrappy, and plan to develop an autonomous hosted application, I was wondering whether I should choose v 1.8 over v 2.0 because bugs would've been worked out better and there'll be more tutorials etc. But on the other hand, I'll end up learning 2.0 anyway in the future, so maybe I should start with 2.0 itself.
So I have two questions:
Are there any major changes from v1.8 to v.2.0 (I am aware that there are release notes that accompany each version, but the only thing that I can really understand is that Python 2 support was removed; everything else uses terminology that I don't understand.)
I'd be grateful for your advice on which one I should opt for.
I have worked with Selenium & BeatifulSoup4 on 1 project before hand, which involved scraping stock price and relative strength index, and using that as a part of Flask backed web app.
Always use the latest Scrapy release for a new project, unless you cannot for some reason.
There are no major changes in how Scrapy works between 1.8 and 2.0; upgrading from 1.8 to 2.0 should be as easy as upgrading from 1.7 to 1.8.

How to maintain a maven project with quartz-1.8.6 and quartz-2.x?

I need to use both quartz-1.8.6 and quartz-2.x.x dependencies in the same maven 3 project.
The reason for keeping 1.8.6 is that it's used by a large amount of code and new features are considered to written in spring, and in this case quartz-2.x come into play.
So the question is: how can I keep both these dependencies in the same project ? Maybe add some exclusions?
do you really need to use both of them at the same time
generally the classes may be deprecated. but usage will still be allowed.
You see whole idea of using maven is to avoid multiple jar of same API.
I will suggest code changes and completely using quartz 2.x API.
I was getting similar issue when I used lucene and was switching from 2.2 to 2.8/3, there were not just deprecated methods but many lucene classes were removed i the 2.8 API. I still ended in upgrading the API than using duplicate dependent jars

Highcharts Java Api wrapper for JSF?

I am looking on the official site of Highcharts for Api wrappers and it does not contain an Api wrapper for Java. It only has highcharts-serverside-export which is for generating images on server side. Does anybody know if something like DotNet.Highcharts exists for JSF? I have come across this question as how to use Highcharts with JSF, but surely there must be some Api like that from .NET?
I came across the same problem as you. I started writing my own custom components to bridge JSF and highcharts. I have made my code available. It's not a full wrapper, but it's better than nothing.