Run Xamarin android unit tests for result - automation

I had a question regarding the Test APK topic.
Is there a way to use the tests/RunApkTests.targets and
files. so I can reuse the targets to run my own android unit tests and get results as part as our continuous integration?
I tried using the NUnit Tutorial with no success. I also created an issue here but I kept researching and found some potentially useful targets there.
I'd rather use these targets through a nuget package as opposed to manually downloading the target files and their associated files.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time!


Can I use StopOnFirstFailure to halt building of an sln file with MSBuild?

We build our solution using msbuild 4.0 from TeamCity. Our continuous build uses up quite a lot of resources, both on the build machine, and on our central signing and obfuscation servers. One thing I've noticed is that even when a project fails to compile, the build continues, and other projects that do compile get signed and obfuscated.
Is there some way to make the build halt as soon as something fails?
The MsBuild task actually supports a parameter StopOnFirstFailure. However, I can't seem to get it to have any effect.
Can I use this feature to do what I need? I'm prepared to edit e.g. the Microsoft.Common.Targets file on the build servers.
I found this answer on StackOverflow that involves emitting a proj file from the solution and then editing it. I guess I could automate that process on our build servers, but it seems a lot of work to achieve a fairly basic requirement.

How do you manage PhoneGap and webapp Code?

As far as I see every time I make a change, for example the value of a configuration variable, I have to
Make a copy of the change in each project (webapp, Android, IPhone, etc.)
Build each project
Distribute each project (besides the webapp)
I have found PhoneGap build which seems to be a great solution for the mobile part. But it's still beta and it doesn't solve everything. I still have webapp's code, which is not exactly the same.
Do you know techniques, tools or tricks, which help to improve this process?
Thanks in advance.
We are currently developing a web/Android app using PhoneGap and Sencha Touch (iOS is coming soon). So far our approach is as follows:
We have one project per platform plus several additional toolkit projects.
One platform is "primary", web in our case. This is what developers mainly use to develop and test the app. We're using jsTestDriver for testing.
During the build, the app is packaged for web in the first step. We're producing several artifacts here (.war file, tests in a .jar file).
"Secondary" platform projects do not include the source code. It gets unpackaged and copied to the right places when projects are built. This also includes tests from the primary platform.
Platform projects contain some additional code - normally only testing code, app code itself is currently cross-platform (not sure if it will stay this way).
So we're doing it mainly through advanced build scripts. We're using Maven for web and Android. iOS is coming soon (into our work, I mean), so we'll be looking for some sensible build tool there too.
We're building our projects using Hudson continuous integration.
What I have to admit is that this whole environment (multi-project Maven builds, JSTD, multi-node Hudson) is a hell of a setup, took quite an effort to figure it out.

Build publisher policy assembly as part of an automated build

Has anyone solved the problem of automatically building publisher policy assemblies as part of an automated build? I've trawled the web and there are plenty of people asking about this but no solutions.
Constructing policy assemblies is hugely error prone when done manually and in any case needs to be part of the continuous integration build that we run in TeamCity.
I'm hoping specifically for a solution that uses MSBuild and can run on TeamCity, but I can interpolate from other solutions if necessary. Surely, someone MUST have done this?

How to validate deployment packages created by msbuild? (preferably using mstest or nunit)

Our msbuild process creates a variety of zip packages for deployment (mostly web sites, but other things as well). We have a variety of recurring problems that keep sneaking back - files included that shouldn't be, missing resources. This screams for automated validation. The criteria to test for are simple
Validation of foosite package:
Resource files are present.
No test result files, obj files, or other build artifacts
And so forth.
Ideally, I could use nunit or mstest, which everone is familiar with. Msbuild knows where the packages are. We have a lot of packages, possible concurrent builds on different branches. Ergo, the location of the packages and names of the packages are not deterministic - so the tests don't know where the packages are.
What is the simplest way to feed msbuild information to mstest or nunit? The answer to this question would one possible answer, however, that question got architectural advice instead of an answer. I know this isn't a unit test, but the test framework is handy, anyway. I could create an exe to validate the build - but why add a couple hours to the project?
Or, do you have a better suggestion for automatically validating build packages? (MSIs, zips, whatever)?
What I've ended up doing is having a bunch of custom MS build tasks which spin up a virtual machine on Virtual Server, copy the MSI onto the machine, silently deploy it and then validate against it. I used PSExec to start the MSI. It could then use the MSTest command line runner to use MSTest and run your test bits.
This is probably overkill for you, but using a VM allows you to start clean and not be affected by any previous installs on your dev box.
If you want a fast fail, like a unit test, then I suggest you create unit tests against your packages. Such a test would unzip the .ZIP packages, and run some asserts against the contents.
You could even use some TDD techniques against the packages. For instance, if you have a deployment fail because a particular file is missing, then write a unit test that fails because the file is missing; change the build so that the file is present; then make sure the unit test succeeds.
But in general, deployment issues are broader than that, and I echo the suggestion from blowdart. Deploy into one or more virtual machines, then run automates tests over the deployed environments. These tests would not only test for simple things like was there an error returned during the installation itself; they would also check things like were the IIS virtual directories set up correctly, with the correct properties and contents, and does the web site basically run.
I'd use several different virtual machines to test different deployment scenarios: one for a clean deploy; one for an upgrade from version .-1, etc. It's possible that the same, or similar IVT tests could be run for each environment.
Even if you can't do this all at once, the thought process involved in this exercise should lead to a more formal definition of what your deployment environment really is. You this will be helpful when you get a chance to embody this formal definition in actual tests.

Local Build Automation?

Working in a team environment, we have a Team Foundation Server that also contains a Team Build component. It is configured to automatically build all projects and solutions at specific times or on request.
We develop a product that is built with several solultions that depend on eachother. When things have been changed in one solution, it has to be rebuilt locally manually in both debug and release mode so that changes take effect in another solution that depends on it.
Also when a developer retrieves all sources the first time, he has to build all solutions manually in the correct order to get a working environment.
What is the best way to automate things like this? Create .cmd files that trigger the correct msbuild files? Using a program such as CruiseControl.NET?
What do you people do to maintain a clean local development environment?
What I did for our Team was to provide a Visual Studio Solution which contains all projects. Then I created a simple .cmd file which uses the commmandline tools of Visual Studio to build this solution with their respective debug/release/profile configurations. This is a one step build solution that can be used from every engineering machine.
The next level is the continuous integration system that is setup to check for changes every 15 min and start a build if there are changes in the VCS. I'm using hudson as our CI system. The CI system is used to build the native projects, the java projects as well as the flex stuff. Since everything can be build from the commandline it's pretty easy to use it with hudson or CruiseControl.NET.