Intellij GitHub plugin unable to add reviewers - intellij-idea

I use IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.2 Ultimate Edition.
I use the GitHub plugin bundled with it to create pull reviews. I am however not able to add reviewers when I create them.
Is this even possible? If not can the support folks please direct me if I can raise this request (or perhaps even contribute to this?)
Some UI to work with pull requests would be great too so it would be amazing to see if this is possible.

It is not possible at the moment - and related,
You are welcome to contribute if you would like. See


IDEA install script

I am not sure if that is the right place to ask. Please share the better ones if you know it.
We have some specific settings for IntelliJ IDEA in our team and we would like to create something like install script for newcomers. It has to be with a dynamic URL for IDEA and plugins... Is there something which can help us? Or we need to create this script?
Thanks for the help!
As for settings, I use a read-only settings repository:
This will also sync the list of enabled/disabled plugins. But IMO unless you are very strict about what plugins you use or have an extremely large number of custom settings, IMO it's not too much to ask of a new employee to set up their IDE by hand. Shouldn't take more than 30-60 minutes and it will help them get an overview of what plugins and inspections you are using and why.

Is it possible to create your own content for IntelliJ's Edu plugin?

I recently downloaded the Kotlin Koans, and notice that they are written/run within a JetBrains plugin which appears to be called Edu.
I was wondering if anybody knows if it is possible to create your own content for this plugin?
I think it would be useful in orientating new employees with our coding practices, create little courses for new frameworks we use, but most of all I thought it would be quite useful in the technical section of interviews, actually getting our interviewees writing code.
Apologies if this is an off topic question, or the answer is ask JetBrains. Just thought I would ask the community first.
You could take a look at the Kotlin-Koans-for-Edu repository on GitHub. The contents of a course seem to be defined by the course.json file.
It appears that courses can be installed as an IntelliJ IDEA plugin: see the Educational plugin for Kotlin GitHub repository for more information.
Good luck diving into this, it would be very nice if you could build upon the existing infrastructure!

resources to study smalltalk and pharo?

I have downloaded the ebook, but it seems out of sync with the latest release of pharo, also I would like to know about resources which can help me learn smalltalk.
While a bit outdated (or a lot :P), PharoByExample is still the best way to learn you can find around. You can download the image provided in the web page: (is not very visible, I'm sorry), and use it to learn... then you can jump to the latest version and you will find all you learned will apply with almost no change :)
You can find other sources to learn, but they are much more distant to the "up to date" versions you can find around:
You also can look around:, there are some good stuff there (including links to Pharo by example, of course!).
Finally, you can also suscribe to list... is a list where you can make any questions you want.
Yes there is an updated PBE that you can find here
other books you can use is this
and this
there are also books you can build by yourself, those are created by executing the and then the scripts. The first script will download Pillar which is a Pharo library that can generate html files.
Building the docs yourself is a very good idea if you want to get the very latest docs for Pharo.
Those books can be found here
if you want to also generate a pdf then you will need to install Latex depending on your OS.
All together there is a ton of documentation out there. Unfortunately because most books are very recent , there has not be care to make it easily accessible and visible to newcomers. is also the place to ask for questions if you get stuck in pharo-by-example. If you find any problems with the book, we would certainly like to know about them.
You can also ask questions on IRC (as i have seen you doing) but you need to hang out longer to get any answers. Most pharo users and developers are in different timezones, so they are not usually awake at the same times as you.
update: a while ago the pharo community moved from IRC on to discord. you can find the link on the pharo community page:

Writing Intelli-J inspections?

How would I go about writing my own Intelli-J inspection? I'm looking for some general guides or resources.
I want to bring up an inspection hint every time a collection class is instantiated manually, rather than through the Guava (List.newArrayList()/Maps.newHashMap()) etc. as per a team-wide standard.
I'd appreciate any direction.
For such an inspection you don't need to write a plug-in, instead use the Structural Search and Replace (SSR) feature which allows to create custom inspections with quick fixes.
See also the Creating your own inspections section and documentation for this feature.
Note that it's available in the Ultimate version only.
I'll have to disappoint you but there are no written guidelines nor resources nor documentation for almost everything related to plug-ins and IntelliJ :(.
(this is the main reason many IntelliJ fans haven't worked on plug-ins for their favorite tool).
That company makes fantastic products, but when it comes to documentation, books, and guidelines for developers (not users) - well, they're practically non-existing :(.
Your only bet is to take a look the source of actual IntelliJ plug-ins (some of them are here: and ask very concrete questions on the IntelliJ plug-in list since the development team will gladly answer you usually in a matter of minutes.
Late to the game, but this question still comes up high on a google search, so see:

anyone know of a shared To-do list plugin for eclipse

Does anyone know of shared TODO list plugin for Eclipse that allows users in a a development team to all view and edit the same list of tasks?
Mylyn can be used to integrate issue tracking systems into the IDE.
It does this by making tasks a first class part of Eclipse, and integrating rich and offline editing for repositories such as Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA.
If you are not looking for a lightweight solution, then you might give it a try.
Other than the already built-in "Tasks"? It works by adding TODO, XXX or FIXME (in caps) in comments in the source code. I think this works pretty good and we use it at work all the time.
I don't know about such particular plug-in, but maybe that you could take a look to what the Communication framework or the Mylin feature offer you in term of collaborative work.
If you want to track a TODO-list among a couple of developer, you really want to use a issue-tracking system such as Bugzilla, Trac, or Jira. As soon as you've started to add tasks to it, you'll want features such as sorting on different fields, different kinds of views, etc.
That said, Mylyn is the best way to integrate it into Eclipse.
Ive just installed a plugin called fasttrack which is just the kind of thing I was looking for. Works best with SVN, but you can also use it with CVS.