REST API Architecture: How to Represent Joined Tables - sql

I have a complex query that joins three tables and returns a set of rows with each row having data from it's sibling tables. How is it possible to represent this in a RESTful way?
FWIW I know there is not necessarily a "right" way to do it, but I'm interested in learning about what might be the most extensible and durable solution for this situation.
In the past I've represented single tables that more or less mirror the literal structure of the url. For example, the url GET /agents/1/policies would result in a query like select * from policies where agent_id = 1.
It seems like the url doesn't necessarily have to be so tightly coupled to the structure of the database layer. For example, if the complex query was something like:
select as agent_name,
policy.status as policy_status,
vehicle.year as vehicle_year
policies as policy
join agents as agent on policy.agent_id =
join vehicles as vehicle on vehicle.policy_id =
where 1=1
and policy.status = 'active';
# outputs something like:
{ "agent_name": "steve", "policy_status": "single", "vehicle_year": "1999" }
I could represent this QUERY as a url instead of TABLES as url. The url for this could be /vehicles, and if someone were to want to query it (with id or some other parameter like /vehicles?vehicle_color=red) I could just pass that value into a prepared statement.
Bonus Questions
Is this an antipattern?
Should my queries always be run against EXISTING tables instead of prepared statements?
Thanks for your help!

You want to step back from the database tables and queries and think about the basic resources. In your examples, clearly these are agent, customer vehicle and policy.
Resources vs Collections
One misstep I see in your examples is that you don't separate collections from resources using plurals which can be useful when you are dealing with Searching and logistically, for your controller routes. In your example you have:
GET /agents/1/policies
Suppose instead, that this was GET /agent/1/policies.
Now you have a clear differentiation between location of an Idempotent resource: /agent/1, and finding/searching for a collection of agents: /agents.
Following this train of thought, you start to disassociate enumerating relationships from each side of the relationship in your API, which is inherently redundant.
In your example, clearly, policies are not specifically owned by an agent. A policy should be a resource that stands on its own, identifiable via some Idempotent url using whatever ID uniquely identifies that policy for the purpose of finding that policy ie. /policy/{Id}
Searching Collections
What this now does for you is allow you to separate the finding of a policy through: /policies where returning only policies for a specific Agent is but one of a number of different ways you might access that collection.
So rather than having GET /agents/1/policies you would instead find the policies associated with an agent via: GET /policies?agent=1
The expected result of this would be a collection of resource identifiers for the matching policies:
{ "policies" : ["/policy/234234", "/policy/383282"] }
How do you then get the final result?
For a given policy, you would expect a complete return of associated information, as in your query, only without the limitations of the select clause. Since what you want is a filtered version, a way to handle that would be to include filter criteria.
GET /policy/234234?filter=agentName,policyStatus,vehicleYear
With that said, this approach has pitfalls, and I question it for a number of reasons. If you look at your original list of resources, each one can be considered an object. If you are building an object graph in the client, then the complete information for a policy would instead include resource locators for all the associated resources:
{ ... Policy data + "customer": "/customer/2834", "vehicle": "/vehicle/88328", "agent": "/agent/32" }
It is the job of the client to access the data for an agent, a vehicle and a customer, and not your job to regurgitate all that data redundantly anytime you need some view of that data.
This is better because it is both restful, and supports many of the aims of REST to support Idempotency, caching etc.
This also better allows the client to cache locally the data for an Agent, and to determine whether or not it needs to get that data or just access data it already cached. At worst case there are maybe 3 or 4 REST calls that need to be made.
Bonus questions
REST has some grey area. You have to interpret Fielding and for that reason, there are frequently different opinions in regards to how to do things. While the approach of providing an api like GET /agents/1/policies to provide the list of policies associated with an agent is frequently used, there is a point where that becomes limiting and redundant in my experience, as it requires the end users to become familiar with the way you model relationships to the underlying resources.
As for your question on queries, it makes no difference how you access the underlying data and organize it, so long as you are consistent. What often happens (for the purposes of performance) is that the api doesn't return resource identifiers and starts returning the data as I illustrated previously. This is a slippery slope where you are just turning your REST api into a frontend to a bunch of queries, and at that point your API might as well just be: GET \query?, policy.status, vehicle.year&from=policies&join=agents,vehicles&where=...


REST API using complex SQL Operations

I have a bunch of normalized tables, called danger, countermeasure and module.
Now I have a three column table krt representing the connection between the three tables. (column names danger_id, countermeasure_id, module_id)
The normal endpoints like /danger show the elements of the according table.
/krt?where={result: module, danger_id: x} would query the table krt for all dangers with danger_id == x and join the result with the module table.
The result would look like (converted for displaying)
- module a
- module b
- module ..
I could of course provide a view and add a custom endpoint for this view. But there are not only three possible views but even more complex ones with one or two additional joins. (can also provide an example if needed)
Therefore is this kind of querying and joining a common concept or do I violate any of the REST constraints with this design? Is there any better / more intuitive way to provide such kind of information?
If you're asking about how would the RESTful URL would look, it might be something like
How you decide to build that SQL query is not related to RESTful design in my opinion.
There's also no guideline saying that every GET request has to be cacheable - it depends on other factors, too. If your data is fairly static, but requested often enough, then you might get away with caching it for even a short period of time.

Complex SQL query or complex processing in controller?

I am using Rails 3, and building an app in which a user can put objects to be rented. For each object, he can decide:
the object can be rented by the entire world (potentially) or not (object access is restricted)
the object can only be rented by my friends (in the app, via a has_many friends, :through => friendship association)
the object can be rented by members of the following groups (then the user selects either all the groups he belongs to, or a subset of these)
My question is how to display the list of objects a current_user can see ? I see two options, and I would like to know which is the best one or if they are equivalent:
1) In the object controller, build the collection of the objects a user can see (#objects = Object.can_see(current_user)) and then pass this to the index view and display the whole list
2) In the controller, collect ALL objects (#objects = Object.all), pass this to the index view, and in the view, for each object, conduct a serie of test to determine if the object should be displayed or not.
In the end, it is really up to you to decide based on where you see the project headed. You really have three options though:
Handle the entire query via SQL statements.
Handle some of the initial filtering via SQL statements, then filter the returned data.
Return all of the data via SQL statements, and filter the returned data.
Keep in mind that SQL db's are built for performing fast data access. I would be very surprised if your solution didn't have any initial filtering, unless you were returning very small data sets to filter. In the end, it comes down to how complex your logic is (can it be expressed in SQL and still understood?), how performant each option would be, and how scalable the solution would be.
There are also a number of good ORM's out there that can help blur the line between your business logic and data access. Many of them will dynamically create the complex SQL based on your code, so there isn't as much of a concern about how ugly it'll be.

ElasticSearch Mappings & Related Objects

Excuse the potential n00bness of this question - still trying to get my head around this non-relational NoSQL stuff.
I've been super impressed with the performance and simplicity of ElasicSearch, but I've got a mapping (borderline NoSQL theroy) question to answer before I dive too deeply into the implementation.
Lets continue to use the Twitter examples ElasticSearch have in their documentation.
Basically, we know a tweet belongs to an user, and a user has many tweets.
The objects look something like this:
user = {'screen_name':'d2kagw', 'id_str':'1234567890', 'favourites_count':'15', ...}
tweet = {'message':'lorem lipsum...', 'user_id_str':'1234567890', ...}
What I'm wondering is, can the tweet object have a reference to the user object?
Since I want to be able to write queries like:
{'query': {
'range':{'user.favourites_count':{'from':10, 'to':30'}}
Which I would like to return the tweets matching with the user objects as part of the response (vs. having to lazy load them later).
Am I asking too much of it?
Should I be expected to throw all the user data into the tweet object if I want to query the data in that way?
In my implementation (doesn't use twitter, this was just an elegant example) I need to have the two datasets as different indexes due to the various ways I have to query the data, so I'm not sure if I can use an object type AND have the index structure I require.
Thanks in advance for your help.
ElasticSearch doesn't really support table joins that we are so used to in SQL world. The closest it gets to it is Has Child Query that allows limiting results in one table based on a persence of a record in another table and even here it's limited to 1-to-many (parent-children) relationship.
So, a common approach in this world would be to denormalize everything and query one index at a time.

Why is ORM considered good but "select *" considered bad?

Doesn't an ORM usually involve doing something like a select *?
If I have a table, MyThing, with column A, B, C, D, etc, then there typically would be an object, MyThing with properties A, B, C, D.
It would be evil if that object were incompletely instantiated by a select statement that looked like this, only fetching the A, B, not the C, D:
select A, B from MyThing /* don't get C and D, because we don't need them */
but it would also be evil to always do this:
select A, B, C, D /* get all the columns so that we can completely instantiate the MyThing object */
Does ORM make an assumption that database access is so fast now you don't have to worry about it and so you can always fetch all the columns?
Or, do you have different MyThing objects, one for each combo of columns that might happen to be in a select statement?
EDIT: Before you answer the question, please read Nicholas Piasecki's and Bill Karwin's answers. I guess I asked my question poorly because many misunderstood it, but Nicholas understood it 100%. Like him, I'm interested in other answers.
EDIT #2: Links that relate to this question:
Why do we need entity objects?, especially the section "The Partial-Object Problem and the Load-Time Paradox"
In my limited experience, things are as you describe--it's a messy situation and the usual cop-out "it depends" answer applies.
A good example would be the online store that I work for. It has a Brand object, and on the main page of the Web site, all of the brands that the store sells are listed on the left side. To display this menu of brands, all the site needs is the integer BrandId and the string BrandName. But the Brand object contains a whole boatload of other properties, most notably a Description property that can contain a substantially large amount of text about the Brand. No two ways about it, loading all of that extra information about the brand just to spit out its name in an unordered list is (1) measurably and significantly slow, usually because of the large text fields and (2) pretty inefficient when it comes to memory usage, building up large strings and not even looking at them before throwing them away.
One option provided by many ORMs is to lazy load a property. So we could have a Brand object returned to us, but that time-consuming and memory-wasting Description field is not until we try to invoke its get accessor. At that point, the proxy object will intercept our call and suck down the description from the database just in time. This is sometimes good enough but has burned me enough times that I personally don't recommend it:
It's easy to forget that the property is lazy-loaded, introducing a SELECT N+1 problem just by writing a foreach loop. Who knows what happens when LINQ gets involved.
What if the just-in-time database call fails because the transport got flummoxed or the network went out? I can almost guarantee that any code that is doing something as innocuous as string desc = brand.Description was not expecting that simple call to toss a DataAccessException. Now you've just crashed in a nasty and unexpected way. (Yes, I've watched my app go down hard because of just that. Learned the hard way!)
So what I've ended up doing is that in scenarios that require performance or are prone to database deadlocks, I create a separate interface that the Web site or any other program can call to get access to specific chunks of data that have had their query plans carefully examined. The architecture ends up looking kind of like this (forgive the ASCII art):
Web Site: Controller Classes
| |
App Server: IDocumentService IOrderService, IInventoryService, etc
(Arrays, DataSets) (Regular OO objects, like Brand)
| |
| |
| |
Data Layer: (Raw ADO.NET returning arrays, ("Full cream" ORM like NHibernate)
DataSets, simple classes)
I used to think that this was cheating, subverting the OO object model. But in a practical sense, as long as you do this shortcut for displaying data, I think it's all right. The updates/inserts and what have you still go through the fully-hydrated, ORM-filled domain model, and that's something that happens far less frequently (in most of my cases) than displaying particular subsets of the data. ORMs like NHibernate will let you do projections, but by that point I just don't see the point of the ORM. This will probably be a stored procedure anyway, writing the ADO.NET takes two seconds.
This is just my two cents. I look forward to reading some of the other responses.
People use ORM's for greater development productivity, not for runtime performance optimization. It depends on the project whether it's more important to maximize development efficiency or runtime efficiency.
In practice, one could use the ORM for greatest productivity, and then profile the application to identify bottlenecks once you're finished. Replace ORM code with custom SQL queries only where you get the greatest bang for the buck.
SELECT * isn't bad if you typically need all the columns in a table. We can't generalize that the wildcard is always good or always bad.
edit: Re: doofledorfer's comment... Personally, I always name the columns in a query explicitly; I never use the wildcard in production code (though I use it when doing ad hoc queries). The original question is about ORMs -- in fact it's not uncommon that ORM frameworks issue a SELECT * uniformly, to populate all the fields in the corresponding object model.
Executing a SELECT * query may not necessarily indicate that you need all those columns, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you are neglectful about your code. It could be that the ORM framework is generating SQL queries to make sure all the fields are available in case you need them.
Linq to Sql, or any implementation of IQueryable, uses a syntax which ultimately puts you in control of the selected data. The definition of a query is also the definition of its result set.
This neatly avoids the select * issue by removing data shape responsibilities from the ORM.
For example, to select all columns:
from c in data.Customers
select c
To select a subset:
from c in data.Customers
select new
To select a combination:
from c in data.Customers
join o in data.Orders on c.CustomerId equals o.CustomerId
select new
Name = c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName,
Email = c.Email,
Date = o.DateSubmitted
There are two separate issues to consider.
To begin, it is quite common when using an ORM for the table and the object to have quite different "shapes", this is one reason why many ORM tools support quite complex mappings.
A good example is when a table is partially denormalised, with columns containing redundant information (often, this is done to improve query or reporting performance). When this occurs, it is more efficient for the ORM to request just the columns it requires, than to have all the extra columns brought back and ignored.
The question of why "Select *" is evil is separate, and the answer falls into two halves.
When executing "select *" the database server has no obligation to return the columns in any particular order, and in fact could reasonably return the columns in a different order every time, though almost no databases do this.
Problem is, when a typical developer observes that the columns returned seem to be in a consistent order, the assumption is made that the columns will always be in that order, and then you have code making unwarranted assumptions, just waiting to fail. Worse, that failure may not be fatal, but may simply involve, say, using Year of Birth in place of Account Balance.
The other issue with "Select *" revolves around table ownership - in many large companies, the DBA controls the schema, and makes changes as required by major systems. If your tool is executing "select *" then you only get the current columns - if the DBA has removed a redundant column that you need, you get no error, and your code may blunder ahead causing all sorts of damage. By explicitly requesting the fields you require, you ensure that your system will break rather than process the wrong information.
I am not sure why you would want a partially hydrated object. Given a class of Customer with properties of Name, Address, Id. I would want them all to create a fully populated Customer object.
The list hanging off of Customers called Orders can be lazily loaded when accessed though most ORMs. And NHibernate anyway allows you to do projections into other objects. So if you had say a simply customer list where you displayed the ID and Name, you can create an object of type CustomerListDisplay and project your HQL query into that object set and only obtain the columns you need from the database.
Friends don't let friends premature optimize. Fully hydrate your object, lazy load it's associations. And then profile your application looking for problems and optimize the problem areas.
Even ORMs need to avoid SELECT * to be effective, by using lazy loading etc.
And yes, SELECT * is generally a bad idea if you aren't consuming all the data.
So, do you have different kinds of MyThing objects, one for each column combo? – Corey Trager (Nov 15 at 0:37)
No, I have read-only digest objects (which only contain important information) for things like lookups and massive collections and convert these to fully hydrated objects on demand. – Cade Roux (Nov 15 at 1:22)
The case you describe is a great example of how ORM is not a panacea. Databases offer flexible, needs-based access to their data primarily through SQL. As a developer, I can easily and simply get all the data (SELECT *) or some of the data (SELECT COL1, COL2) as needed. My mechanism for doing this will be easily understood by any other developer taking over the project.
In order to get the same flexibility from ORM, a lot more work has to be done (either by you or the ORM developers) just to get you back to the place under the hood where you're either getting all or some of the columns from the database as needed (see the excellent answers above to get a sense of some of the problems). And all this extra stuff is just more stuff that can fail, making an ORM system intrinsically less reliable than straight SQL calls.
This is not to say that you shouldn't use ORM (my standard disclaimer is that all design choices have costs and benefits, and the choice of one or the other just depends) - knock yourself out if it works for you. I will say that I truly don't understand the popularity of ORM, given the amount of extra un-fun work it seems to create for its users. I'll stick with using SELECT * when (wait for it) I need to get every column from a table.
ORMs in general do not rely on SELECT *, but rely on better methods to find columns like defined data map files (Hibernate, variants of Hibernate, and Apache iBATIS do this). Something a bit more automatic could be set up by querying the database schema to get a list of columns and their data types for a table. How the data gets populated is specific to the particular ORM you are using, and it should be well-documented there.
It is never a good idea to select data that you do not use at all, as it can create a needless code dependency that can be obnoxious to maintain later. For dealing with data internal to the class, things are a bit more complicated.
A short rule would be to always fetch all the data that the class stores by default. In most cases, a small amount of overhead won't make a huge difference, so your main goal is to reduce maintenance overhead. Later, when you performance profiling of the code, and have reason to believe that it may benefit from adjusting the behavior, that is the time to do it.
If I saw an ORM make SELECT * statements, either visibly or under its covers, then I would look elsewhere to fulfill my database integration needs.
SELECT * is not bad. Did you ask whoever considered it to be bad "why?".
SELECT * is a strong indication you don't have design control over the scope of your application and its modules. One of the major difficulties in cleaning up someone else's work is when there is stuff in there that is for no purpose, but no indication what is needed and used, and what isn't.
Every piece of data and code in your application should be there for a purpose, and the purpose should be specified, or easily detected.
We all know, and despise, programmers who don't worry too much about why things work, they just like to try stuff until the expected things happen and close it up for the next guy. SELECT * is a really good way to do that.
If you feel the need to encapsulate everything within an object, but need something with a small subset of what is contained within a table - define your own class. Write straight sql (within or without the ORM - most allow straight sql to circumvent limitations) and populate your object with the results.
However, I'd just use the ORMs representation of a table in most situations unless profiling told me not to.
If you're using query caching select * can be good. If you're selecting a different assortment of columns every time you hit a table, it could just be getting the cached select * for all of those queries.
I think you're confusing the purpose of ORM. ORM is meant to map a domain model or similar to a table in a database or some data storage convention. It's not meant to make your application more computationally efficient or even expected to.

Dealing with "hypernormalized" data

My employer, a small office supply company, is switching suppliers and I am looking through their electronic content to come up with a robust database schema; our previous schema was pretty much just thrown together without any thought at all, and it's pretty much led to an unbearable data model with corrupt, inconsistent information.
The new supplier's data is much better than the old one's, but their data is what I would call hypernormalized. For example, their product category structure has 5 levels: Master Department, Department, Class, Subclass, Product Block. In addition the product block content has the long description, search terms and image names for products (the idea is that a product block contains a product and all variations - e.g. a particular pen might come in black, blue or red ink; all of these items are essentially the same thing, so they apply to a single product block). In the data I've been given, this is expressed as the products table (I say "table" but it's a flat file with the data) having a reference to the product block's unique ID.
I am trying to come up with a robust schema to accommodate the data I'm provided with, since I'll need to load it relatively soon, and the data they've given me doesn't seem to match the type of data they provide for demonstration on their sample website ( In any event, I'm not looking to reuse their presentation structure so it's a moot point, but I was browsing the site to get some ideas of how to structure things.
What I'm unsure of is whether or not I should keep the data in this format, or for example consolidate Master/Department/Class/Subclass into a single "Categories" table, using a self-referencing relationship, and link that to a product block (product block should be kept separate as it's not a "category" as such, but a group of related products for a given category). Currently, the product blocks table references the subclass table, so this would change to "category_id" if I consolidate them together.
I am probably going to be creating an e-commerce storefront making use of this data with Ruby on Rails (or that's my plan, at any rate) so I'm trying to avoid getting snagged later on or having a bloated application - maybe I'm giving it too much thought but I'd rather be safe than sorry; our previous data was a real mess and cost the company tens of thousands of dollars in lost sales due to inconsistent and inaccurate data. Also I am going to break from the Rails conventions a little by making sure that my database is robust and enforces constraints (I plan on doing it at the application level, too), so that's something I need to consider as well.
How would you tackle a situation like this? Keep in mind that I have the data to be loaded already in flat files that mimic a table structure (I have documentation saying which columns are which and what references are set up); I'm trying to decide if I should keep them as normalized as they currently are, or if I should look to consolidate; I need to be aware of how each method will affect the way I program the site using Rails since if I do consolidate, there will be essentially 4 "levels" of categories in a single table, but that definitely seems more manageable than separate tables for each level, since apart from Subclass (which directly links to product blocks) they don't do anything except show the next level of category under them. I'm always a loss for the "best" way to handle data like this - I know of the saying "Normalize until it hurts, then denormalize until it works" but I've never really had to implement it until now.
I would prefer the "hypernormalized" approach over a denormal data model. The self referencing table you mentioned might reduce the number of tables down and simplify life in some ways, but in general this type of relationship can be tricky to deal with. Hierarchical queries become a pain, as does mapping an object model to this (if you decide to go that route).
A couple of extra joins is not going to hurt and will keep the application more maintainable. Unless performance degrades due to the excessive number of joins, I would opt to leave things like they are. As an added bonus if any of these levels of tables needed additional functionality added, you will not run into issues because you merged them all into the self referencing table.
I totally disagree with the criticisms about self-referencing table structures for parent-child hierarchies. The linked list structure makes UI and business layer programming easier and more maintainable in most cases, since linked lists and trees are the natural way to represent this data in languages that the UI and business layers would typically be implemented in.
The criticism about the difficulty of maintaining data integrity constraints on these structures is perfectly valid, though the simple solution is to use a closure table that hosts the harder check constraints. The closure table is easily maintained with triggers.
The tradeoff is a little extra complexity in the DB (closure table and triggers) for a lot less complexity in UI and business layer code.
If I understand correctly, you want to take their separate tables and turn them into a hierarchy that's kept in a single table with a self-referencing FK.
This is generally a more flexible approach (for example, if you want to add a fifth level), BUT SQL and relational data models don't tend to work well with linked lists like this, even with new syntax like MS SQL Servers CTEs. Admittedly, CTEs make it much better though.
It can be difficult and costly to enforce things, like that a product must always be on the fourth level of the hierarchy, etc.
If you do decide to do it this way, then definitely check out Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties, which I believe has a section or two on modeling and working with hierarchies in SQL or better yet get his book that is devoted to the subject (Joe Celko's Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties).
Normalization implies data integrity, that is: each normal form reduces the number of situations where you data is inconsistent.
As a rule, denormalization has a goal of faster querying, but leads to increased space, increased DML time, and, last but not least, increased efforts to make data consistent.
One usually writes code faster (writes faster, not the code faster) and the code is less prone to errors if the data is normalized.
Self referencing tables almost always turn out to be much worse to query and perform worse than normalized tables. Don't do it. It may look to you to be more elegant, but it is not and is a very poor database design technique. Personally the structure you described sounds just fine to me not hypernormalized. A properly normalized database (with foreign key constraints as well as default values, triggers (if needed for complex rules) and data validation constraints) is also far likelier to have consistent and accurate data. I agree about having the database enforce the rules, likely this is part of why the last application had bad data because the rules were not enforced in the proper place and people were able to easily get around them. Not that the application shouldn't check as well (no point even sending an invalid date for instance for the datbase to fail on insert). Since youa redesigning, I would put more time and effort into designing the necessary constraints and choosing the correct data types (do not store dates as string data for instance), than in trying to make the perfectly ordinary normalized structure look more elegant.
I would bring it in as close to their model as possible (and if at all possible, I would get files which match their schema - not a flattened version). If you bring the data directly into your model, what happens if data they send starts to break assumptions in the transformation to your internal application's model?
Better to bring their data in, run sanity checks and check that assumptions are not violated. Then if you do have an application-specific model, transform it into that for optimal use by your application.
Don't denormalize. Trying to acheive a good schema design by denormalizing is like trying to get to San Francisco by driving away from New York. It doesn't tell you which way to go.
In your situation, you want to figure out what a normalized schema would like. You can base that largely on the source schema, but you need to learn what the functional dependencies (FD) in the data are. Neither the source schema nor the flattened files are guaranteed to reveal all the FDs to you.
Once you know what a normalized schema would look like, you now need to figure out how to design a schema that meets your needs. It that schema is somewhat less than fully normalized, so be it. But be prepared for difficulties in programming the transformation between the data in the flattened files and the data in your desgined schema.
You said that previous schemas at your company cost millions due to inconsistency and inaccuracy. The more normalized your schema is, the more protected you are from internal inconsistency. This leaves you free to be more vigilant about inaccuracy. Consistent data that's consistently wrong can be as misleading as inconsistent data.
is your storefront (or whatever it is you're building, not quite clear on that) always going to be using data from this supplier? might you ever change suppliers or add additional different suppliers?
if so, design a general schema that meets your needs, and map the vendor data to it. Personally I'd rather suffer the (incredibly minor) 'pain' of a self-referencing Category (hierarchical) table than maintain four (apparently semi-useless) levels of Category variants and then next year find out they've added a 5th, or introduced a product line with only three...
For me, the real question is: what fits the model better?
It's like comparing a Tuple and a List.
Tuples are a fixed size and are heterogeneous -- they are "hypernormalized".
Lists are an arbitrarty size and are homogeneous.
I use a Tuple when I need a Tuple and a List when I need a list; they fundamentally server different purposes.
In this case, since the product structure is already well defined (and I assume not likely to change) then I would stick with the "Tuple approach". The real power/use of a List (or recursive table pattern) is when you need it to expand to an arbitrary depth, such as for a BOM or a genealogy tree.
I use both approaches in some of my database depending upon the need. However, there is also the "hidden cost" of a recursive pattern which is that not all ORMs (not sure about AR) support it well. Many modern DBs have support for "join-throughs" (Oracle), hierarchy IDs (SQL Server) or other recursive patterns. Another approach is to use a set-based hierarchy (which generally relies on triggers/maintenance). In any case, if the ORM used does not support recursive queries well, then there may be the extra "cost" of using the to the DB features directly -- either in terms of manual query/view generation or management such as triggers. If you don't use a funky ORM, or simply use a logic separator such as iBatis, then this issue may not even apply.
As far as performance, on new Oracle or SQL Server (and likely others) RDBMS, it ought to be very comparable so that would be the least of my worries: but check out the solutions available for your RDBMS and portability concerns.
Everybody who recommends you not to have a hierarchy introduced in the database, considering just the option of having a self-referenced table. This is not the only way to model the hierarchy in the database.
You may use a different approach, that provides you with easier and faster querying without using recursive queries.
Let's say you have a big set of nodes (categories) in your hierarchy:
Set1 = (Node1 Node2 Node3...)
Any node in this set can also be another set by itself, that contains other nodes or nested sets:
Node1=(Node2 Node3=(Node4 Node5=(Node6) Node7))
Now, how we can model that? Let's have each node to have two attributes, that set the boundaries of the nodes it contains:
Node = { Id: int, Min: int, Max: int }
To model our hierarchy, we just assign those min/max values accordingly:
Node1 = { Id = 1, Min = 1, Max = 10 }
Node2 = { Id = 2, Min = 2, Max = 2 }
Node3 = { Id = 3, Min = 3, Max = 9 }
Node4 = { Id = 4, Min = 4, Max = 4 }
Node5 = { Id = 5, Min = 5, Max = 7 }
Node6 = { Id = 6, Min = 6, Max = 6 }
Node7 = { Id = 7, Min = 8, Max = 8 }
Now, to query all nodes under the Set/Node5:
select n.* from Nodes as n, Nodes as s
where s.Id = 5 and s.Min < n.Min and n.Max < s.Max
The only resource-consuming operation would be if you want to insert a new node, or move some node within the hierarchy, as many records will be affected, but this is fine, as the hierarchy itself does not change very often.