Saving user ID with Entity Framework - sql

I'm using entity framework v6.2.0 and ASP Net MVC to create a web page to access a database and edit the entries. The overwhelming majority of the code is the basic framework provided for me. The database is connected successfully and entries can be viewed, edited, and deleted. Additionally I have implemented some rudimentary paging, searching, and sorting as instructions are provided by microsoft on how to implement those. The last thing I need to do before the site is truly functional is to pull the userID from the users login and save that as the EnteredBy field before saving any changes or new entries to the table.
if (ModelState.IsValid)
string currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
yasukosKitchen.EnteredBy = currentUserId;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
This code seems very simple, and I added using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity; so it compiles fine. However when I attempt to test this code the EnteredBy field is left blank or null.
My search for information turned up a post suggesting the use of the following line of code.
ApplicationUser currentUser = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == currentUserId);
However when I attempt to add that I get an error, the ApplicationUser cannot be found and Users does not exist in this context. The fix for this is probably staring me in the face but my lack of experience and comprehension is killing me.
As suggested: My question is, how do I get and/or correctly add the UserId to my database entry?

If your Database Context has an entry to your YasukosKitchen table; usually something like this,
public virtual DbSet<YasukosKitchen> YasukosKitchens {get; set;}
and YasukosKitchen table has a column 'EnteredBy' (string 128 length), then you can post the value for the logged in user's Id straight from the View.
Add this to the very beginning of the Create view.
#using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
#using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
At the end of the form just before the submit button, add this code.
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.EnteredBy, new { #Value = User.Identity.GetUserId() })
I'm not sure what is the functionality of 'Users' table.


Pass list from Razor page to code behind to bulk insert using Dapper

So I've created an HTML table on a Razor page as shown below. Basically I'm just calling a method that returns a list and then using a foreach to go create the rows and controls. The part I'm completely lost on is how I go about posting this data back to the server and on the code behind using that data to insert back to SQL Server. I'm using Dapper and I'd like each row of the table to represent a data row, or one object, but how do I get the data from the Razor page passed back as a list of a class? Not sure if my terminology is accurate here but can you model bind on a list of a type? Would appreciate some assistance thanks!
It seems I'm so far off track (or so few people use core and Dapper) that I'm not getting any help. But someone very helpful marked down my question without commenting - thanks so much.
I realised the key thing I was doing wrong was trying to circumvent model binding, so I created a class/type Rating that represents each row (each column as a property) and then an Assessment type/class that contains a List as one of the properties.
On the Razor page:
#foreach (Comp c in Model.GetComps())
Model.assessment.Ratings.Add(new Rating());
Model.assessment.Ratings[count].AchievedCompetencyID = c.AchievedCompetencyID;
Code behind:
public void OnPost()
using (IDbConnection con = new SqlConnection(Startup.conStr))
long assessID = con.Insert(assessment);
foreach (Rating r in assessment.Ratings)
r.AssessmentID = Convert.ToInt32(assessID);

MVC 4 Lookup UserName Based on UserId

I'm using the MVC 4 template with VS 2012. I have enabled a comments section which stores the logged in user's UserId to a table. When I display the comments I want to display the user's user name and email from the UserProfiles table.
I've tried the following code:
public static string GetUserName(int userId)
using (var db = new UsersContext())
return db.UserProfiles.Single(x => x.UserId == userId).UserName;
But I get an exception:
The model backing the 'UsersContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (
Any suggestions?
The exception is pretty descriptive. Your model does not reflect what your database look like. I recommend you to read this about code first migrations, basically what migrations mean is that you update your database to match your models, its done with one line of command in VS.
Hope this helps
Also I would recommend you to use .Find() or .First() instead of .Single()

Editing User Profile Data in SimpleMembership

I am using SimpleMembership in an MVC4 web app. I can't figure out how to edit the profile information. I thought I could do it just as you do any other table.
public ActionResult EditUser(UserProfile user)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
udb.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
But I get an error saying entity state does not exist in the current context. My context is defined as follows at the top of the controller.
private UsersContext udb = new UsersContext();
I can find plenty of references on access profile data but nothing for editing the data. How can I save the edited UserProfile data back to the db?
EDIT: I was able to resolve the entityState error -- I had to include and However now when I run I get an error on edit which says unexpected number of rows modified (0). and points to the udb.SaveChanges() line. Still can't figure out how to modify UserProfile data elements.
Simple answer. I needed to set all the fields for the Model in my view. I was only allowing the user to change 4 out of the 6 so two were not being set.
I thought when you pass the model to the view, the view would pass the same field values onto the action if they were not set in the view. For example: if I set FirstName in the view but not UserName the original UserName that was sent to the view would be passed to the Model. That appears not to be the case. For all the items in the model I did not allow them to change in the view I had to set hidden fields to set the fields so a complete model was sent.
It may be better to set individual fields but I am not sure how to do that yet and that was not the question.

RavenDB - retrieving part of document

I am playing with Raven DB for few days and I would like to use it as a storage for my Web chat application. I have document which contains some user data and chat history - which is big collection chat messages.
Each time I load user document chat history is also loaded, even if I need only few fields like: user name, password and email.
My question is: how to load only part of document from database ?
You can't load a partial document, but you can load a projection.
.Where(x=>x.Name == name)
.Select( x=> new { x.Name, x.Email });
That will load only the appropriate fields
From what I've seen you can do this (based on the original "User" scenario above):
public class UserSummary
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
Then you can do this:
Looking at the Raven server it spits this out as part of the query:
So it looks like it is querying and returning only a subset of the original object, which is good.
This also works:
documentSession.Query<User>().Select( x=> new User { Name = x.Name, Email= x.Email })
But I don't think that is as clean as returning a UserSummary object.
Some follow up questions to those who have posted responses:
The link to RaccoonBlog has this example:
Would that method be preferred over the .AsProjection()? What is the difference between the two approaches?
Tomek, you cannot load only a part of the document.
However, I understand the problem in your case. I recommend to use two seperate documents for each user: One that actually contains the users data (name, passwordhash, email, etc.) and one that contains all the users messages. That way, it is still very cheap to load all the messages of a user and also to load a list of user for general purposes.
This is actually quite similar to how one would model a blog-domain, where you have a post and the posts comments. Take a look at RaccoonBlog to see how this works.

How do I add select parameters when reading data for the View?

I am making an MVC 3 web application in It is supposed to be like a little community where users can send messages to each other (and later on also to specified groups of people). So in my database I have the tables Users and Messages. A row in Messages (a message) contains both sender and receiver (a foreign key to the Users table) plus some other info such as title, send date and of course the message text.
When a user come to the index page for logged in users, I want to show all messages that have been sent to this user, or sent from this user. Therefore, when reading the messages from the Messages table I want to use a parameter, the id of the logged in user (which I can access in my controller). So I have the parameter but I don't know how to use it when getting the results. I know there must be a way to do this correctly instead of putting in a bunch of sql and starting connections right in the code the ugly way.
As you maybe can see now, all the messages from the table will be retrieved and sent to the View for displaying it to the user.
The CommunityEntities line is part of the whole Entity Framework thing, not exactly sure how that stuff works yet, although I have been following some tutorials:
CommunityEntities db = new CommunityEntities();
public ActionResult Index()
var messages = db.Messages.ToList();
return View(messages);
public class CommunityEntities : DbContext
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public DbSet<Message> Messages { get; set; }
EDIT: I did try that thing with db.Database.SqlQuery(...) but that seemed wrong, seeing as the point is to do this correctly and "neat". This is for my education and my teachers are going to be picky at the structure of the application.
You need a where clause:
var messages = db.Messages.Where( m => m.SentById == id || m.SentToId == id ).ToList();