how between sql in 2 column - sql

I, i search if I can reserve date, this is my table timestamps:
| idReserver | demandeur | reserverAvecQui | reserverWhy | saisieQuant | reserverDate | reserverStartH | reserverEndH | reserverOk |
| 1 | | anonyme | Je ne sais pas | 1524167863 | 1524175200 | 1524222000 | 1524240000 | NULL |
I try this request SQL:
this is my request:
select * from calendar WHERE reserverStartH >=1524222000 AND reserverEndH <=1524240000;
is request find it, if find it, we can't reservert it because the human is busy at this timestamp.
But now i would like this request:
select * from calendar WHERE reserverStartH >=1524222000 AND reserverEndH <=1524222222;
there is not data, if not data I can't reserve it, but it's not possible because in 1524222000 and 1524222222 the human is busy at this time.
How i do for find data ?
the request find data equal we can't insert new timestamps the human is busy
the request not find data equal we can insert new timestamps, the human is free at the moment

You want to check if two intervals have an intersection.
For example if (a, b) intersects (c,d). Example: if (10,20) has an intersection with (15, 25). It does (15,20).
The logical condition to find if the intersection exists is: c <= b AND d >= a
Translating this to your SQL:
select * from calendar
WHERE 1524222000 <= reserverEndH AND 1524222222 >= reserverStartH;


PostgreSQL Compare value from row to value in next row (different column)

I have a table of encounters called user_dates that is ordered by 'user' and 'start' like below. I want to create a column indicating whether an encounter was followed up by another encounter within 30 days. So basically I want to go row by row checking if "encounter_stop" is within 30 days of "encounter_start" in the following row (as long as the following row is the same user).
user | encounter_start | encounter_stop
A | 4-16-1989 | 4-20-1989
A | 4-24-1989 | 5-1-1989
A | 6-14-1993 | 6-27-1993
A | 12-24-1999 | 1-2-2000
A | 1-19-2000 | 1-24-2000
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000
B | 5-27-2001 | 6-4-2001
I want a table like this:
user | encounter_start | encounter_stop | subsequent_encounter_within_30_days
A | 4-16-1989 | 4-20-1989 | 1
A | 4-24-1989 | 5-1-1989 | 0
A | 6-14-1993 | 6-27-1993 | 0
A | 12-24-1999 | 1-2-2000 | 1
A | 1-19-2000 | 1-24-2000 | 0
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000 | 1
B | 5-27-2001 | 6-4-2001 | 0
You can select..., exists <select ... criteria>, that would return a boolean (always true or false) but if really want 1 or 0 just cast the result to integer: true=>1 and false=>0. See Demo
select ts1.user_id
, ts1.encounter_start
, ts1. encounter_stop
, (exists ( select null
from test_set ts2
where ts1.user_id = ts2.user_id
and ts2.encounter_start
between ts1.encounter_stop
and (ts1.encounter_stop + interval '30 days')::date
) subsequent_encounter_within_30_days
from test_set ts1
order by user_id, encounter_start;
Difference: The above (and demo) disagree with your expected result:
B | 2-2-2000 | 2-7-2000| 1
subsequent_encounter (last column) should be 0. This entry starts and ends in Feb 2000, the other B entry starts In May 2001. Please explain how these are within 30 days (other than just a simple typo that is).
Caution: Do not use user as a column name. It is both a Postgres and SQL Standard reserved word. You can sometimes get away with it or double quote it. If you double quote it you MUST always do so. The big problem being it has a predefined meaning (run select user;) and if you forget to double quote is does not necessary produce an error or exception; it is much worse - wrong results.

How to sum the minutes of each activity in Postgresql?

The column "activitie_time_enter" has the times.
The column "activitie_still" indicates the type of activity.
The column "activitie_walking" indicates the other type of activity.
Table example:
activitie_time_enter | activitie_still | activitie_walking
17:30:20 | Still |
17:31:32 | Still |
17:32:24 | | Walking
17:33:37 | | Walking
17:34:20 | Still |
17:35:37 | Still |
17:45:13 | Still |
17:50:23 | Still |
17:51:32 | | Walking
What I need is to sum up the total minutes for each activity separately.
Any suggestions or solution?
First calculate the duration for each activity (the with CTE) and then do conditional sum.
with t as
*, lead(activitie_time_enter) over (order by activitie_time_enter) - activitie_time_enter as duration
from _table
sum (duration) filter (where activitie_still = 'Still') as total_still,
sum (duration) filter (where activitie_walking = 'Walking') as total_walking
from t;
/** Result:
00:19:16| 00:01:56|
BTW do you really need two columns (activitie_still and activitie_walking)? Only one activity column with those values will do. This will allow more activities (Running, Sleeping, Working etc.) w/o having to change the table structure.

JOIN or analytic function to match different sensors on nearby timestamps within a large dataset?

I have a large dataset consisting of four sensors in a single stream, but for simplicity's sake let's reduce that to two sensors that transmit at approximate (but not exact) same times like this:
| Sensor | Time | Value |
| SensorA | 10:00:01.14 | 10 |
| SensorB | 10:00:01.06 | 8 |
| SensorA | 10:00:02.15 | 11 |
| SensorB | 10:00:02.07 | 9 |
| SensorA | 10:00:03.14 | 13 |
| SensorA | 10:00:04.09 | 12 |
| SensorB | 10:00:04.13 | 6 |
I am trying to find the difference between SensorA and SensorB when their readings are within a half-second of each other. Like this:
| Trunc_Time | Diff |
| 10:00:01 | 2 |
| 10:00:02 | 2 |
| 10:00:04 | 6 |
I know I could write queries to put each sensor in its own table (say SensorA_table and SensorB_table), and then join those tables like this:
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(a.Time, SECOND) as truncated_sec,
a.Value - b.Value as sensor_diff
FROM SensorA_table AS a JOIN SensorB_Table AS b
But that seems very expensive to make every row of the SensorA_table compare against every row of the SensorB_table, given that the sensor tables are each about 10 TB. Or does partitioning automatically take care of this and only look at one block of SensorB's table per row of SensorA's table?
Either way, I am wondering if there is a better way to do this than a full JOIN. Since the matching values are all coming from within a few rows of each other in the original table, it seems like an analytic function might be able to look at a smaller amount of data at a time, but because we can't guarantee alternating rows of A & B, there's no clear LAG or LEAD offset that would always return the correct row.
Is it a matter of writing an analytic functions to return a few LAG and LEAD rows for each row, then evaluate each of those rows with a CASE statement to see if it is the correct row, then calculating the value? Or is there a way of doing a join against an analytic function's window?
Thanks for any guidance here.
One method uses lag(). Something like this:
select st.time, st.value - st.prev_value
from (select st.*,
lag(sensor) over (order by time, sensor) as prev_sensor,
lag(time) over (order by time, sensor) as prev_time,
lag(value) over (order by time, sensor) as prev_value
from sensor_table st
) st
where ( st.sensor = 'A' <> prev_sensor = 'B' ) and
prev_time > timestamp_add(time, interval 1 second)

Is it possible to do complex SQL queries using Django?

I have the following Script to get a list of calculated index for each day after specific date:
with test_reqs as (
select id_test, date_request, sum(n_requests) as n_req from cdr_test_stats
id_test in (2,4) and -- List of Ids included in index calc
date_request >= 20170823 -- Start date (end date -> Last in DB -> Today)
group by id_test, date_request
date_reqs as (
select date_request, sum(n_req) as n_req
from test_reqs
group by date_request
test_reqs_ratio as (
select H.id_test, H.date_request,
case when D.n_req = 0 then null else H.n_req/D.n_req end as ratio_req
from test_reqs H
inner join date_reqs D
on H.date_request = D.date_request
test_reqs_index as (
select HR.*, least(nullif(HA.n_dates_hbalert, 0), 10) as index_hb
from test_reqs_ratio HR
left join cdr_test_alerts_stats HA
on HR.id_test = HA.id_test and HR.date_request = HA.date_request
select date_request, 10-sum(ratio_req*index_hb) as index_hb
from test_reqs_index
group by date_request
| date_request | index_hb |
| 20170904 | 7.5508 |
| 20170905 | 7.6870 |
| 20170825 | 7.4335 |
| 20170901 | 7.7116 |
| 20170824 | 1.6568 |
| 20170823 | 0.0000 |
| 20170903 | 5.1850 |
| 20170830 | 0.0000 |
| 20170828 | 0.0000 |
The problem is that I want to get the same in Django and avoid to execute the raw query using the cursor.
Many thanks for any suggestion.
Without going deep into the specifics of your query, I'd say the Django ORM has enough expressiveness to handle most problems, but generally, would require you to redesign the query from the ground up. You would have to use subqueries and joins instead of the CTE's, and you might end up with a solution that does some of the work in Python land instead of the DB.
Taking this into account the answer is: depends. Your functional requirements, such as performance and data size play a role.
Another solution worth considering is declaring your SQL query as a view, and at least in the case of Postgres, use something like django-pgviews to query it with Django ORM almost as if it were a model.

SQL Query: Search with list of tuples

I have a following table (simplified version) in SQLServer.
Table Events
| Room | User | Entered | Exited |
| A | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 |
| B | Jim | 2014-10-10T09:11:00 | 2014-10-10T09:22:30 |
| A | Jill | 2014-10-10T09:00:00 | NULL |
| C | Jack | 2014-10-10T09:45:00 | 2014-10-10T10:00:00 |
| A | Jack | 2014-10-10T10:01:00 | NULL |
I need to create a query that returns person's whereabouts in given timestamps.
For an example: Where was (Jim at 2014-10-09T09:05:00), (Jim at 2014-10-10T09:01:00), (Jill at 2014-10-10T09:10:00), ...
The result set must contain the given User and Timestamp as well as the found room (if any).
| User | Timestamp | WasInRoom |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:05:00 | NULL |
| Jim | 2014-10-09T09:01:00 | A |
| Jim | 2014-10-10T09:10:00 | A |
The number of User-Timestamp tuples can be > 10 000.
The current implementation retrieves all records from Events table and does the search in Java code. I am hoping that I could push this logic to SQL. But how?
I am using MyBatis framework to create SQL queries so the tuples can be inlined to the query.
The basic query is:
select e.*
from events e
where e.user = 'Jim' and '2014-10-09T09:05:00' >= e.entered and ('2014-10-09T09:05:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
e.user = 'Jill' and '2014-10-10T09:10:00 >= e.entered and ('2014-10-10T09:10:00' <= e.exited or e.exited is NULL) or
. . .;
SQL Server can handle ridiculously large queries, so you can continue in this vein. However, if you have the name/time values in a table already (or it is the result of a query), then use a join:
select ut.*, t.*
from usertimes ut left join
events e
on e.user = ut.user and
ut.thetime >= et.entered and (ut.thetime <= exited or ut.exited is null);
Note the use of a left join here. It ensures that all the original rows are in the result set, even when there are no matches.
Answers from Jonas and Gordon got me on track, I think.
Here is query that seems to do the job:
('Jim', '2014-10-09T09:05:00'),
('Jim', '2014-10-10T09:01:00'),
('Jill', '2014-10-10T09:10:00')
#SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp" > Events.Entered AND
(Events.Exited IS NULL OR Events.Exited > #SEARCH_PARAMETERS."Timestamp"
By declaring a table valued parameter type for the (user, timestamp) tuples, it should be simple to write a table valued user defined function which returns the desired result by joining the parameter table and the Events table. See
Since you are using MyBatis it may be easier to just generate a table variable for the tuples inline in the query and join with that.