Drag and drop file electron/vue.js - vue.js

I am trying to make an app with electron and vue.js, in this one I want to make a DropZone for file and just get the path of this file. My problem is that electron is opening my file like a file viewer. How can I disable it with vue.js ?

The will-navigate event is designed to catch/parse dropped files in electron. So it is not a vue.js specific issue.
This snippet will prevent the render process from loading the image as content.
mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', (event) => event.preventDefault());
Reference: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/5919
API Docs: https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/web-contents.md#event-will-navigate


Images not loading properly after Next.js building and yarn start

I'm using amazon s3 as CDN, everything is working fine when I run the application using 'yarn dev'(domain added to next config). If I check inspect I can see the following value in the src attribute of the img element:
When I'm running 'yarn build & yarn start' the src attribute set as the following:
which causing the issue loading the images, what am I missing here?
I was able to find the root cause for that issue(also reproduced with static images).
I added an unnecessary config variable inside the component which disabled the React client-side and causing the loading issue.
export const config = {
unstable_runtimeJS: false,
though this is probably not the issue, I had a similar problem, just make sure that if you are using ReactJS to have className instead of class

How to open a disk file with Capacitor?

I'm saving a file by running the following code with Capacitor:
path: fileName,
data: content,
directory: FilesystemDirectory.Documents,
//encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8
Now, I would like to open it (it's a pdf). However, I don't see anything in FileSystem documentation about how to achieve that? I'm missing a FileOpener function.
The goal is that it gets opened with whichever pdf app the user has in the phone.
I'm using Vuejs.
I hope that this is helpful to you, a package for capacitor to read pdf. https://www.npmjs.com/package/capacitor-pdf-viewer-plugin

Remove deleted component from vue-loader cache

I created a component and used it in my nuxt app. When my app is runned I've delete it and nuxt return me error message:
How I can solve error with removed component in my case?
It looks like you have a file "test.vue" in the pages directory. Ie. /pages/test.vue
It would appear that page is trying to load your deleted component. I guess it has an:
import Unauth from "#/component/Unauth"
Delete that line and "Unauth" from the components section.

How to get html content remotely and open locally

I want to get the content remotely for a html page and open locally in the webview. But I want this html to have access to the Ti namespace, so it implies that the html must be running locally.
Have tried to create the webview passing the content as the "html" parameter, but Ti namespace doesnt work that way.
Then, I tried to write the content to a html file on Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory. The page opens OK, but the Ti namespace doesnt work on the html either.
Finaly, I created a html file in assets folder on the project and when I get the html code I try to write on it so I could open using 'url' : '/myfile.html'. But when I try to write it gives java.io.IOException: read only
How can I achieve this? Again: I'm trying to get a html content remotely and run locally so I can have access to Ti namespace.
I messed up during my testings. Downloading the html and then opening the webview passing the html code to "html" parameter on the webview works just fine. The fireEvent works that way inside the html.
It was not working because it was other problem not related that I fixed.

Ploblem including a file- Titanium

I get an error while i try to include the js file which is in the same folder. I tried cleaning my project but was of no use.
The console says "error loading path".
Please help.
var db={}
var displayButton= Ti.UI.createButton({
I have used open function which opens the file. The open file works has no problem.
usually, we use require('files/myFile'), where :
Resources/files/myFile.js is the path (note that require doesn't use the .js)
The js file is NOT at the same level that app.js, but included in Resource folder.
So here, you should do
instead of
By the way, the previous method was Titanium.include('windows/gallery.js');
Note the .js at the end of the include version.
Is it a mobile or desktop version ?