Base 64 pdf is not displayed in IE11 - pdf

I'm trying to display a pdf File with GWT with the following html code :
HTML pdfHtml = new HTML("<embed src='data:application/pdf;base64," + myPdfStringBase64 + "' width='100%' height='370px'></embed>");
It seems like the pdf String is too big for IE and it is automatically cutted from the 4096 character.
However this works fine with Chrome and Firefox...
Does anyone has to deal with such an issue ?

I think your best bet is
if (isInternetExporer) downloadPdf()
You can download using something like filesaver.js. Wrapping this in GWT is just a few lines of code.


How to create a better screenshot during the selenium automation in JAVA?

I am creating automated test cases by using selenium 3 & testng. Everything looks good, except the screenshots that are generated. Here is my piece of code to create screenshots PNG files:
file = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(pngfile));
which is pretty standard way to do it, but the quality of the created PNG file is not so good.
As you can see from following PNG file. In the picture, the email value ( ""), which should be at the upper-right corner of the web-page and should be as high as the other navigation bar elements on the left side. But in the created PNG file, this item has been squeezed to the lower level, which is not what I am looking for. Any ideas ? Thanks for the help !
Make sure your window is the right size when you're opening the browser. You can do this via visual inspection or using Selenium's getSize method. I assume you're using Java, but here it is in Python as well.
Then, if the window is not of the correct size in order to guarantee that your webpage's CSS doesn't break, use setSize. Here is that method in Python as well.
Afterwards, your screenshot should look like the window does.
Please try this,
public void calltakeScreenShot(String SSName) throws Exception
File screen = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage img =;
File filetest = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toFile();
ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File(filetest + "\\Screenshots\\" + SSName + ".png"));
Additionally Here you just need to pre-created Screenshots folder in your Project directory. It will store it by getting absolute path of your project. Also you can manage screenshot name by passing argument.
After several day's research, here is my latest summary.
A). If I was executing the scripts, that is not in the "headless" mode. When the selenium test case is being executed, I will see a new browser session is being popped up and get to that URL, click some buttons, etc, ... till the execution is finished. In this execution, the screenshot page will be saved in good quality.
B). For the same selenium test script, if I am including one extra ChromeOptions setting, which is "--headless", I will not see any browser being brought up during the execution. And once execution is finished, I will get the screenshot with such squeezed web elements.
Comments ?

Gecko Engine in ABCPDF not rendering text color

I'm using ABCPDF + Gecko to render some PDFs within an HTML->PDF templating engine I'm writing. I switched to Gecko specifically to be able to render embedded SVG graphics for things like signatures. However, it seems that now all font colors have changed to black,regardless of the style sheet, class names, or even inline styles being used. Is this a gecko configuration problem, a problem with ABCPDF, or ... ??
Example HTML:
<span style="color:blue;">This should be blue</span>
I'm specifying no options besides browser size, and didn't customize anything in the XULRunner21_0 folder. I'm using AddImageHtml to add the html to a PDF document.
Update: after some more research looks like this may be tied to how Gecko treats text upon printing (not the same as media type). Is there a setting that will prevent it from mucking with the visuals?
This ended up being caused by including bootstrap css in my little project. Removing the print media bits from my copy of bootstrap resolved the issue.

Phantomjs is duplicating content when exporting to PDF

I've encountered a weird issue with Phantomjs when converting an html file to pdf. My html, resulting pdf, and rasterize.js files are below:
You will notice that in the PDF file, at page 6, the content gets cut off and then on page 7, the content is repeated and is then correct all the way to the end of the document.
The html file contains a series of tags with their src attributes set as data:image/png;base64...
The application call to the phantom library is as follows:
new[] { webpath, outFilePdf, "A4", "1", "portrait"}, null, null);
Note that sometimes the rendered pdf file will exhibit the break/repeat behavior in different locations within the document eg: page 7 instead of 6) but the same issue always occurs.
Also, I am using phantomjs throughout my application (with the same rasterize.js script) with no other issues. This only happens on this export and only if there are a number of images.
My theory is that there is something going on with the image.onload event, specifically with base64 data but I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.
This is all within a .Net MVC application. I am using the PhantomJS nuget package found here:
Help is greatly appreciated.
Update: when running phantomjs locally via command line I was receiving the error below:
[CRITICAL] QNetworkReplyImpl: backend error: caching was enabled after some bytes had been written
libpng error: Read Error
I solved this (though I have no idea how/why) by replacing the cdn references in the html file to font-awesome.css and weather-icons.css files with locally hosted versions. After that, no more error and no more duplicate content.

Yii: Generating PDF document from server response by streaming HTML into PDF

I am new to web development and remember from past that a friend of mine once had an implementation in which Server response stream of HTML was stored in a variable and then output as PDF, this was JSP some ages ago. I don't know how to achieve this in Yii rather bit skeptical if I even remember it right. I have explored TCPDF and can produce the PDF by coding the HTML tags, however, I am looking into the option to stream the output of a URL response in a variable and then use that to generate the PDF. I did the following but it is not working. I receive error at filesize($filename):
$filename = 'http://localhost/webapp/index.php/link/to/some/page';
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$pdf->writeHTML($contents ,true);
I am bit lost on how to achieve this, all the help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If you really want to get the content of a webpage you could achieve that by rendering the page into the controller and assign it to a variable which you can then store in the PDF file
I got the solution with help from other forum. I hope it help those who may wish to achieve the same. The solution is to use Yii-pdf. I have successfully tested it with html2pdf and it works like a charm.

ReportViewer cannot shown in Firefox8 and Chrome15

I have an mvc3 project, it has some reports in aspx web pages. Everything works great in 2-3 weeks ago, but now, when I open the reports pages in FireFox8 and Chrome 15, the reports can not be displayed correctly.
In FF8, report content can be shown, but looks like css doesn't loaded, and report head control look like this:
In Chrome15, report head looks fine but content isn't shown up. I can see it has correct contents when using Firebug to view those .
Since data can ben loaded to browser, I think it maybe a browser compatibility problem, am I right?
Does anyone seeing same issues? I'm open to any suggestions.
BTW:My report viewer's version is
[Edit in 12/21/2011]
After several research on this, I have noticed when browse in firefox, server will catch an [Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandlerInputException: Missing URL parameter: Name], and the query string is OpType=BackImage&Version=10.0.40219.329&Color=%23ECE9D8&Name=Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Icons.toolbar_bk.png; path_info is Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd
This may be the reason why firefox can't show page with correct CSS.
I don't know why this happens in Firefox & Chrome, while in IE everything is fine.
I've found this link shows same excpetion:
But I'm not sure how did he solve this, can you or somebody else gives some tip or example code to solve this?
When browse in chrome, I found the report data is loaded into DOM, and surronded by a with id="ReportViewer1_fixedTable". Inside that element, there's a div with id="ReportViewer1_ctl09" nested in , if I remove the "height: 100%", the report can be seen.
this link, explained why this 100% cannot be rendered correctly, but I'm still failed when trying to give a fixed height via CSS, the code can't be pasted here, please see this as a reference.
In Chrome, it's the "height=100%" problem.
Once I add following jQuery code, the report area can ben shown.
$(function () {
$("#ReportViewer1_ctl09").css("height", "auto");
In FireFox, the report page raise an error as following:
"Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandlerInputException 缺少 URL 参数: Name"
and the Query String is: "OpType=BackImage&Version=10.0.40219.329&Color=%23ECE9D8&Name=Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Icons.toolbar_bk.png"
according to this article, I think it's caused by a proxy that handles http request..
I checked my request, there's a "FiftyOne ..." in "Brwoser" property of "Request" ojbect.
Since fifty one is no longer used in this project, I removed it from Bin and web config, then the report can be shown in FireFox!
Hope this article can be usefule to other guys.