JUnit5 Console Progress Status - junit5

I recently migrated my JUnit framework from 4.12 to 5.1.0 and noticed a minor issue. Was wondering if someone could help me get this sorted.
When I was using JUnit 4 with Gradle, I could see the Progress status of the test and the current test that was being executed when the tests were run in Console.
However, when I use JUnit5 and it's runners, I get the final completion report in a tree structure, which is amazing, But i'm missing my old console report where I could see the progress status with the current run being executed.
Is there a way to setup this using the JUnit5 setup?

Since version 4.6 Gradle has built-in JUnit 5 support which will provide standard progress status. The support however is still missing out on a few important features, see e.g. https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/4605


#QuarkusTest unit tests take a long time

I started a project and have about 7 tests in my project now and it takes already more than a minute to execute the whole test suite using gradle test.
From the additional output (--info flag) I can see that the whole quarkus application and also dependencies like the mongodb instance are restarted for every test class and method.
This is the exact opposite of what the quarkus documentation says on the testing guide page:
So far in all our examples we only start Quarkus once for all tests. Before the first test is run Quarkus will boot, then all tests will run, then Quarkus will shutdown at the end. This makes for a very fast testing experience however it is a bit limited as you can’t test different configurations.
All the tests are annotated with #QuarkusTest and every test just tests a single endpoint.
I use "pure" kotlin (1.5.21), Quarkus version 2.2.2.Final and gradle 6.9.
Installed features: cdi, config-yaml, jacoco, kotlin, mongodb-client, mongodb-panache-kotlin, narayana-jta, rest-client, rest-client-jackson, resteasy, resteasy-jackson, smallrye-context-propagation, smallrye-health, smallrye-openapi, swagger-ui
Is that a normal behaviour? If yes, an application with multiple hundred tests could easily take ~20 minutes or more to run the entire test suite.
I didn't try out maven yet, so I can't verify that it's not a gradle related issue.
While trying to reproduce it with a fresh project, I think I found the issue with my code:
I also used #QuarkusTestResources with restrictToAnnotatedClass=true on my tests.
This means the configuration & test profiles must be reloaded and therefore also the quarkus application.
Apparently all the DevServices get restarted, too (in my case it was a mongodb, since I'm using the panache extension), which explains the long runtimes of the tests.
I reorganized my tests a little bit, so they work with the "global" test resources (it was a WireMockServer in my case).
Now quarkus only gets started once before the tests and the total runtime of the gradle test task is acceptable.

Run Hybris unit test in intellij Idea community edition

i want to run hybris unit test using intellij community edition like how we do it on eclipse.
I don't want to use Hybris intergation plugin as it was failed to defect the unittest that are present in custom directory. when i try to run the test Intellij native build is triggering but not the ant build. and i am resolving the dependencies whenever intellij throws me build fail with those errors.
Can anyone help me to set this up or guide me through what all necessary steps to follow.
I am using latest version of community edition , Junit - 4 & Mockito for writing unit tests.
Thanks in advance.
I was able to Run the tests once i resolved all the errors that was throwing by intellij.
refer the Image here
Once you click on that run button, you get build errors, once you resolve those build errors then automatically that test will run. if it says shorten the command line then
Please refer this article by Intellij, hope this helps.

Allure Reports Team City plugin causing builds to just hang on build step that runs tests

I'm trying to get allure reporting working as part of an NUnit project in C# using Selenium WebDriver. Following the documentation for installing allure seems to work fine on a local machine but I'm trying to get the Team City plugin to also work this the project. I've uploaded the allure team city plugin and added a build step that will generate a report even if the build fails or is stopped. The project has all the required allure nunit tags added and again this generates results locally that a report can be generated from. However, when running tests from Team City the build hangs and does not even begin to run tests. At the step that it should start running tests it just sits there. The Team City build logs do not show anything wrong. I'm using NUnit 3.6, Team City 2018.1, allure 2,7, allure team city plugin 2.9.
Does anyone have any experience with allure reporting? The documentation is a little out of date but I've done as much as I can with it.
I'm not sure if this is allowed, answering your own question, but in light of little on the ground of existing responses given the Allure developers actually suggest posting to this site as opposed to posting to their own Git hub site, I find it rather frustrating that there has been little response.
Anyway, having spent further hours looking into this I believe that the hanging of the builds is purely down to the allure-config.json file and the path to the allure-results setting within it. Any attempt to change that setting from its default appears to instantly cause the TC builds containing Allure Reports to hang.
hopefully this may help others having similar issues in future.

Intellij complains about fork mode when running tests with code cover

I want to get information about how much the tests cover in our application. When I try to run all tests with coverage Intellij complains about the current fork mode. See image below.
The strange thing is that in the selected Run/Debug Configuration that I have the Fork mode is already set to none. Intellij still encourage me to change the Fork mode to none.
I am using Intellij 13.0.1, this is a feature that have been around for long, so I am missing something obvious, right?
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
IDEA-118572 unable to run JUnit tests with code coverage - fork mode is required

hudson cobertura reporting 0

I have a problem that when I run the cobertura target maven, the report always shows 0%.I've tried forking my junit tests, and no luck. I've tried configuring the cobertura plugin in the reporting section and build section of the pom, and also tried binding it to both the site and package phase. Any thoughts?
On a related note, I've also noticed that running the tests in Cobertura within hudson causes the junit plugin to report that each test was run twice (which doubles the number of tests reported as run). Any way around this?
There is a compatibility issue with JDK 1.6.0_14 and the cobertura plugin. And the plugin also has problems with multithreaded tests. The 0% problem was fixed by used b7 of JDK6, and maybe a fix will come out for the multithreading soon (there is a patch available)
I think it would be helpful to post whatever part of the pom.xml you define your Cobertura plugin and where in your profile you actually use it. Could you provide this so it provides some context for someone to look at? While I'm sure that copying/pasting [http://mojo.codehaus.org/cobertura-maven-plugin/usage.html] wouldn't help any of us out, perhaps providing your < include> and < excludes> can help out.