vue-dropzone totaluploadprogress does not work properly - vue.js

I 'm using Vue2-Dropzone to work on uploading file.
Everything works fine except calculation of total-upload-progress value goes to 100% and then start from 0% on every file uploads.
I have tried to fix it with
this.$refs.myVueDropzone.updateTotalUploadProgress() adding on file
added event
. But does not work as expected. Any solution would be highly appreciated.

An old question, but facing the same issue I was forced to find a solution and here it is for everyone interested. I apologize for the long property names :-)
I'm listening to the following 2 events of the vue2-dropzone: vdropzone-upload-progress and vdropzone-file-added
<div v-html="'Progress: '+ uploadProgress"></div>
<dropzone id="upload_dropzone" ref="upload_dropzone" :options="dropzoneOptions"
I have 3 additional properties in my data object:
data: ()=>{
I got one computed property:
return Math.round((this.dropzoneUploadedFilesize + this.dropzoneCurrentUpload) / this.dropzoneTotalFilesize * 100);
And then my event listeners, that are called in my template above
this.dropzoneTotalFilesize += file.size;
dropzoneUploadProgress(file, totalBytes, totalBytesSent){
this.dropzoneCurrentUpload = totalBytesSent; // write totalBytes to dropzoneCurrentUpload
if(file.size <= totalBytesSent){
this.dropzoneCurrentUpload = 0; // reset current upload bytes counter
this.dropzoneUploadedFilesize += totalBytesSent; // add finished file to total upload
Maybe it's possible to accomplish the same with abit less code, but this def works for single file upload as well as for multiple file upload.
I hope I could help someone with this, and help to keep VueJS competetive


Howto refresh lightgallery when dynamicEl has changed

I have different albums, the contents of which I want to show in lightgallery.
My initial call goes like :
dynamic : true ,
dynamicEl : dlThis.LGDynEl ,
thumbnail : true ,
mode : 'lg-fade' ,
This works perfect, but then, when opening another album, I want the one or the other way to refresh such that the new content of dynamicEl is shown.
Is there a way to do it ?
I was trying a
before, but that messed up. I.e. there seemed to be some functionality, but it looked like the lightbox lost some styling and wasn't opaque any more.
Any hints ?
I'm using Waypoint.js for infinite scrolling with lightgallery.
The solution that I found for dynamic refresh was:
var gallery = $(".infinite-container").lightGallery({
selector: '.item'
var infinite = new Waypoint.Infinite({
element: document.querySelector('.infinite-container'),
onAfterPageLoad: () => {'lightGallery').destroy(true);
gallery = $(".infinite-container").lightGallery({
selector: '.item'
From my experience, the object returned from the lightgallery initialization has to be used on the destroy.
Hope it helps.

how to reach to a variable in another js file in appcelerator alloy

I have a small problem.
I have index.js
var loc = require('location');
function doClick (){
in location.js I have these
var dee = 12;
exports.doIt = function() {
Which means that when I click on the button I can get the alert, however, I want to reach these information without a need of click - onLoad - besides I want to return two values not only one.
How I can fix this maybe it has really an easy solution but because I have been working for a while my mind stopped working :)
you should move your location.js to inside app/lib (as module). for example :
// app/lib/helper.js
exports.callAlert = function(text) {
alert('hello'+ text);
and then call it in your controller like this :
var helper = require("helper"); // call helper without path and .js extension
and your problem should be solved :)

Understanding the "file added" callback

In the following example:
We can find the following callback:
}).on('fileuploadadd', function (e, data) {
data.context = $('<div/>').appendTo('#files');
$.each(data.files, function (index, file) {
var node = $('<p/>')
if (!index) {
I tried to replicate that code, but can't understand why is there an "each" inside that function, as the callback will be executed once per each uploaded file (so if I'm uploading 3 files at the same time, the callback will be executed 3 times).
So, why is there a need for an "each" loop here? It seems to me that it'll always loop through one element: the uploaded file.
Please help, I'm desperate :(
I think Each loop inside that function is used to append buttons and each file related content Example filename etc....
if you notice the uploadButton has some appended buttonds and click events.

blueimp file upload. How to clean existing filelist

I have goggled a lot, but have not found a solution for my issue. The author of the widget references to the last answer of FAQ, but the FAQ does not have the answer or I cannot find it. I suppose it was updated since that time. Other fellows who faced the same issue and asked the same question just gone and did not provide any solution.
Anyway, in my case I have a table with button Pictures:
When a user clicks one of pictures button, modal dialog is shown. The user now can manage pictures for the chosen row. He can upload, delete pictures and so on. When the user opens the dialog for second row in the table he should see pictures for the second row only. It tells me that I have to clean the list of uploaded files every time user hits Pictures button to see the dialog. He will receive list of pictures which corresponds to chosen row from the server. Unfortunately, when I retrieve the list for the chosen row, the received files are added to the existing list.
Could you tell me how I can clean the list or reset the widget without removing files on the server side?
UPDATE I have used the following piece of code as a temporary solution.
url: "<YOUR URL HERE>",
dataType: 'json',
context: $('#fileupload')[0]
}).done(function (result) {
jQuery("#fileupload").find(".files").empty(); //this line solves the issue
jQuery(this).fileupload('option', 'done').call(this, null, { result: result });
Thank you.
i was also trying for one hour to get my upload work ;)
here is, how i solved this problem:
add: function (e, data) {
$.each(data.files, function (index, file) {
var newFileDiv = $(newfileDiv(;
newFileDiv.find('a').bind('click', function (event) {
var uploadFilesBox = $("#fsUploadProgressHtml5");
var remDiv = $(document.getElementById("fileDiv_" +;
data.files.length = 0;
data.context = newFileDiv;
as you can see i create inside the add-event my file-dataset with 'newfileDiv('. this creates a div with all information about the file (name, size, ...) and an ankor that exists for deleting the file from the list. on this ankor i bind a click-event in which i have the delete implementation.
hope this helps!
I know this isn't the most elegant solution, but I needed a very quick and here's what I did (using jQuery).
//manually trigger the cancel button for all files...removes anything that isn't uploaded yet
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .cancel').first().trigger('click');
//check the checkbox that selects all files
if(!$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().checked) {
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().trigger('click');
//manually trigger the delete button for all files
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .delete').first().trigger('click');
I know this isn't the best way. I know it isn't elegant...but it works for me and removes everything from the plugin.
If you have added file names or anything else from the plugin to any local arrays or objects, you'll need to clean those up manually (I have several handlers that fire on fileuploadadded, fileuploadsent, fileuploadcomplete, fileuploadfailed, and 'fileuploaddestroyed` events).
protected function get_file_objects($iteration_method = 'get_file_object') {
$upload_dir = $this->get_upload_path();
if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
return array();
return array_values(array_filter(array_map(
array($this, $iteration_method)
//File listing closed by Doss
there is a scandir function responsible for listing the files. just uncomment it like i have done above and your problem is solved. it can be found in the UploadHandler.php file.

sencha touch - custom html template ported from another framework

Previous attempt at this app was done in jqtouch and this effect worked perfectly. Im having a really hard time wrapping my head on how best to do this with sencha touch.
My situation is best described in this image
This is just one item that should populate a carousel so reusing it with different data is paramount (no hard coded html).
thank you
Finally solved it thought I should update it here
Ext.define('mobuy.view.myCarousel', {
extend: 'Ext.carousel.Carousel',
alias: 'widget.myCarousel',
config: {
myitems: 0,
updateMyItems: function(newItem) {
var localCarouselItems = [];
Ext.each(newItems, function(item){
what this does is basically create an array of new items of type localItem from the store when one calls setMyItems and sets the data (to be used with xtemplate or whatever) for each of those items.
If anybody needs more details please ask and I'll update my answer.