Text Justify in react native - react-native

How can we justify text in react native for both android and iOS without using webView, since webView is not visible in android after placing it inside another view.
The following option only works for iOS.

As it s written here, justify for android is not available... Most of the tricks suggest to use left or then a webview as you said...

Using webView resolved the issue. To show webView inside the ScrollView I just had to add height to webView.


Is there an way to make a SectionList with Tabs inside a ScrollView?

I'm developing a mobile app with react native, and i'm stuck to make a Visualization like the Image.
I can't get it to work with the ScrollView (witch wraps everything) and the SectionList itself (with tabs).
I need the Tab navigation to stick on the Header while scrolling and continue the scrolling to the sections.
I'm using this library https://github.com/bogoslavskiy/react-native-tabs-section-list, but i can't get it to work.
Have someone ever done this?

Lottie Splash Screen with Expo - animated splash screen with Expo

I am looking for a way to create an animated Splash Screen in React Native project using Expo.
I found Lottie as a solution, but the only info I can get about it is about the animations within the app itself - is there ANY possible solution that would allow a creation of an animated splash screen with Expo? For now, I have only a static png file.
There is an example provided in the Expo docs here:
Although it's technically not an animated splash screen, but a way to automatically hide the static splash screen (which would be the first frame of your animation) and then immediately switch to playing the animation once the app is loaded. I'm doing it this way and it works well enough.
This NPM module seems to work in a similar fashion so maybe you could use that
But it's still not a native animated splash screen which I don't think is possible using even vanilla React Native let alone Expo.
Here I am using this module for custom animated splash screen using expo react native project. I hope it will work for you too.
Here is the module link: click here
Let me know if you need any other help.

React Native horizontal scroll menu navigation

How can I achieve this effect in react native expo? mainly the navigating from one screen to another and with the screen headers at the top.
You can use react-navigation, for example with createMaterialTopTabNavigator.
here https://snack.expo.io/#nordup/react-navigation-top-nav an example on how to do it.
Then you can customize the headers as you prefer: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/headers
I also found this library that was helpful

How to hide the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView) in WebView in React native? (iOS)

I use WebView in react native and when clicking input and the keyboard open i get with the keyboard toolbar (InputAccessoryView)
how i can hide this line? or control on this part, like change "done" text?
just referred the issues in react-native-webview and found an ios only props called hideKeyboardAccessoryView which may resolve this issue. following links are the way i find-out it and the source code reference . this feature available version 2.3.0 or greater

React Native move background continuously with animation

I'm trying to make a moving background in react native to move continusely from left to right or from bottom to top.
I found a code for Android here but can't make a similar react native code:
Any Idea?
You could use Lottie: http://airbnb.io/lottie/
You would have to make the animation outside and then use it as a view with absolute position but it should work. That way you could control the flow.
Also, you could expose that native code in RN as a Native Module.