Home page with or without slides - optimization

I am making a static website for a friend of mine and the page load time is very crucial for the project since the Internet speed is rather slower in rural areas(near mountains, forests). My question is Does making home page with carousel slides slow down page load time comparing to a page without slides?

Yes, Obviously as you are increasing the loading of content but can be fast if you are cdn(content delivery network) such as cloudinay using the static color and css effects as many of the site are doing to load their content


Slow loading of the categories page and the paginator of the products on the same page in question

this is a screen recording related to the issue: https://calip.io/U7eBbuDW#q1GpTStt.
Explanation of the problem:
Going to https://mcgroup.store/it/2-home, the page loading is very slow (it takes several seconds to load).
The CPU of the server where the site is hosted shoots at 100% and the memory also goes to high percentages when I load that page.
And the same thing also happens in the product paginator when I click on 1,2,3, etc. or on the arrow to move forward.
Before I do this page or paginator load, the server's CPU and memory levels are always at normal levels.
I've already tried clearing the cache and turning on automatic clearing, but nothing.
Same thing by activating the "special" caches.
Also all php settings requirements meet Prestashop's recommended requirements.
Contacting Prestashop support I was told that there is a problem in the "ybc_themeconfig" module that adds an Ajax tool to the product list.
How can I fix this problem?
I use Prestashop
To check if your slow loading is due to hosting performance or your Prestashop itself, try to switch back to the default Prestashop theme.
If i'm not mistaken your theme is 'Pro Business - Multipurpose Prestashop Theme '
Your theme has not adapted to Prestashop contact the theme builder, if the issue is indeed your theme.

Lazy loading Tag implemented via Google Tag Manager

Lighthouse audit suggest me to lazy load chat beacon that is implemented via Google Tag Manager. Because this tag is quite big I have been already delay it by adding custom event that fires 1.5 seconds after Window Loaded event and on that custom event I am firing this chat beacon. Should I do anyway lazy loading on this tag? Report says that I could save around 3 second in loading page. If yes how could I make lazy loading tag in GTM and if it is even possible? Bellow I pasted how tag look like. Thank you for any suggestion.
<script type="text/javascript">!function(e,t,n){function a(){var e=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],n=t.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="https://beacon-v2.helpscout.net",e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e)}if(e.Beacon=n=function(t,n,a){e.Beacon.readyQueue.push({method:t,options:n,data:a})},n.readyQueue=[],"complete"===t.readyState)return a();e.attachEvent?e.attachEvent("onload",a):e.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}(window,document,window.Beacon||function(){});</script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.Beacon('init', 'XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX')</script>
And one more question. This tag is attach to the page which means that if we scroll down it will always be in the same place. Lazy loading in this situation I understand as loading beacon after clicking this chat icon?
Yes, in this case lazy loading would be loading on click.
However, people rarely do it. Why? Cuz async loading n.async=!0 won't normally delay anything from the user perspective in any significant way.
And lighthouse is not the last instance of truth. It's just a not-very-good way to generically suggest page speed improvements.
If you want to measure it properly, stop using lighthouse, start using page speed profiling in your browser. Measure the user experience with the chat how it is now, then disable it completely in tag manager and reload the page. See if you're able to find those claimed 3 seconds. Repeat both experiments a few times to compensate for random speed fluctuations. I doubt you will be able to measure any real difference.

Different hidden content for mobile - SEO?

I have created two different layouts (with bootstrap) on the same page. One for mobile, one for desktop. Website has different pages with complex structure. Some of blocks should be visible only in desktop and vice-versa.
Here is an example page: (other pages are different, but has the same problems)
Title A, Title N... are links, they:
On desktop: sets content to top block "Text content A" from hidden
red area.
On mobile: just scrolls down to corresponding content.
There is no problems, everything works. But...
I am afraid that website will be blacklisted by Google.
There are too much hidden content - images, links (visible-xs and
Content even placed outside the div with overflow:hidden;
Yes, it will be easier to put content on page and just let user scroll on desktop and mobile versions without any hidden content and popovers, but this website needs to be created as designed.
Now i have two different ideas to avoid problems with SEO.
Just create different mobile theme on subdomain.
Use one responsive layout for both desktop and mobile, but avoid hiding content via css - instead hide unnecessary content with jQuery and load additional content with Ajax. (I prefer this but it looks strange)
So, how you usually solve similar tasks?
There are no any problem.Don't worry!
It is natural.Google can crawl both mobile and desktop elements and can detect difference of hidden content from mobile view and desktop view.
Also any hidden contents have not problem for SEO.
Just hidden links and contents for Black-Hat purposes (for example cloaking) are bad for SEO.
So don't worry.Keep your hidden contents and stay in your current way.
Aslo follow this guides for choosing the best methods of designing responsive website:
And check your site here:

Improve loading speed withouth loosing search ranking

I have a webpage whit many areas whose visibility can get toggled by the user.
The default visibility state for those area is hidden (css, display: none).
I don't have control to what's going to be put inside, but it could be a lot of images.
I saw with firefox's network observer all images where loaded with the page. This is quite a waste of bandwidth since the user might choose not to display every areas.
I came to a workarround, I put all that content inside a <script type="late-rendering"></script> and to avoid any potential conflict (eg: "" inside the content), I replace all "<" with "8691jQfdtxm" (randomly picked string). Then when the user want to make an area visible, I just fill the area with that content after replacing 8691jQfdtxm with "<".
It works fine, but I think proceeding like this will make crawlers (eg: Google) think my webpage is pure garbage. How could I avoid that?
Unless search engines were heavily relying on the alt tags of your images, or their filenames, there is little risk you will loose search rankings. If your site does load more quickly instead, it will provide a better user experience, which will be probably detected by Google, and this influences rankings positively.
Google executes a lot of Javascript these days. And your trick of breaking the html with a random string seems hokey to me.
I would preload all the textual content ( e.g. have it all in there on first load, with the div closed via display:none ). This content will not count as much as visible content - but it does count.
Then I'd do a delayed loading of the images. Like with make all your images something like:
<img src="blank.jpg" loadlater="realimage.jpg">
blank.jpg can be a tiny image. when the div opens you can use javascript/jquery to rewrite each src with loadlater.

Does changing the order of HTML with Javascript help SEO

On my website, I have a booking widget at the top of each page to allow visitors to enter our booking engine. The code behind it uses quite a bit of HTML, pushing down the content on each page in the source. In an attempt to better my SEO, I decided to have the code placed in a DIV tag at the bottom of the page, and, when the DOM is ready, I use JQuery to physically move the DIV from the bottom of the DOM to the top where it needs to be to render correctly.
My question is if this is really helping SEO? Does Google look at the DOM/Source after all Javascript has run, or before? Does moving these few hundred lines of HTML to the bottom of the HTML source gain me any advantage?
Spiders do not process javascript. So any content that appears/moves or is created by javascript will appear as if it hasn't been moved or created at all.
I'd be really surprised if web crawlers execute the scripts on the page. They probably scan the raw response.
That doesnot have any effect on the SEO.
But placing the javascript at the bottom will defnitely help you to load the webpages faster.
There is no harm for SEO as well, you can defnitely proceed with your approach
There is a distinction between javascript executed on load versus during the user session. The on-load javascript is more times than not indexed by google. The dynamic content or alterations on the client side are not well indexed.
So, it can't be ignored.