I would like to use a prepared statement in a subquery.
Simple example:
PREPARE get_series(int) AS SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,$1);
SELECT * FROM EXECUTE get_series(13);
But I am getting a syntax error.
As an alternative I could use a stored procedure, but the whole idea is to keep everything in the source code and prepared statements allow to invoke a parametrized query. Kind'a like UDP's but on the source code side.
Note: I'm using Postgres 10.2
EXECUTE is an SQL statement, not an expression that you can use in a FROM clause.
Try this:
EXECUTE get_series(13);
You cannot use EXECUTE in a subquery — only SELECT is allowed there.
I would say that you shouldn't use a prepared statement for this; maybe a set returning function is what you really need.
Actually it came to me that I can create as complex query as I want using CTEs.
CTEs will make it easier to read and they will be parametrized through prepare statement. In the end the query still stays in the source code and in the source code I can extract the reusable parts.
Is there any way to execute query like:
SELECT * FROM 17187::regclass;
where SELECT 17187::regclass; → tablename
It's easy to achieve this within function by EXECUTE, but i'm wondering to do it without functions.
You certainly need execute. Here's why:
The SQL queries go through a pipeline as they are executed. This is done roughly as follows:
Query is parsed for identifiers vs values
If applicable a "portal" is created and value literals filled in from parameters
If applicable, the query is planned and optimized
The query is executed.
One consequence of this is that you can only parameterise value literals, and can never parameterise identifiers. Also utility statements are never planned or parameterised (so you cannot parameterise anything in create user though that is peripheral to this discussion).
I don't see any reason why such is fundamentally impossible but it is not supported currently by the way PostgreSQL works.
3GLs provide mechanisms to prepare statements before executing them. E.g.
FROM people
The same query can then be executed for different ages. But can such a statement also be prepared in a "plain" Oracle SQL client? Can the same be done in e.g. SQL Plus or dbForge Studio for Oracle as in Java or C# or any other programming language that supports prepared statements?
In dbForge Studio for Oracle, named parameters can be used, preceded by a colon :
FROM people
WHERE name=:name
The parameters can then be filled in with the "Edit parameters dialog box", available from the SQL toolbar.
I know you didn't ask about PostgreSQL but about Oracle. However, of note, PostgreSQL has this feature right in its SQL language.
The SQL standard includes a PREPARE statement, but it is only for use in embedded SQL. The PostgreSQL version of the PREPARE statement works like this:
PREPARE nameByAge(number) AS
FROM People
WHERE age=$1;
and you use it like this:
EXECUTE nameByAge(18);
EXECUTE nameByAge(50);
So unfortunately for Oracle SQLPlus the answer seems to be no, not bind variables. But SQLPlus has substitution variables, similar to shell scripts. You use them as &1, &2, &3, ... and they get their parameters from the way you call the SQLPlus script.
sqlplus user/password #script.sql 18
sqlplus user/password #script.sql 50
with the script.sql being
FROM People
WHERE age=&1;
this would work, even though it is not bind. But then, do you really care about the slight savings in repeat parse time? In fact Oracle hashes SQL statements and already replaces constants with bind variables to be able to better reuse query plans. So the savings you would get with PREPARE and BIND are really minuscule.
I know, that similiar post was posted already (SQL query from Toplink expression), but I didnt find an answer there. I would like to get SQL query from Expression Builder expression:
I have
Expression exp = builder.get(NUMBER.getAttributeName()).equal(getNumber());
and I want to see the SELECT statement, like (Select * from table WHERE number=....)
Or is it possible to execute the expression from Expression Builder without session? (I know that when I used query.prepareCall(session, new DatabaseRow()) I can obtain statement, but I just need to avoid using session. Thank you very much.
You must have the Session (what are you going to execute it on without a Session???).
query.prepareCall(session, new DatabaseRow())
This is how you get the SQL, you need to create a ReadAllQuery with the expression to be able to get the SQL (an Expression is just a where clause).
The problem was, that i wasnt able to create session because I couldnt register my project. And that was because I miss one line of code in my Project.class
After this, I was able to create session and execute query. Thank you anyway
I have a question regarding SQL. I have the following SQL statement:
SELECT id, First, Last, E_Mail, Notes
FROM mytable
I know that the SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE should be a column(attribute) in my table. Is their a way I can put a variable that can refer to the column I'm trying to access? In my case their are 30 columns. Can I have a string for SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE that can be assigned in my program to the column in which I want to search?
No. Variables in SQL can refer to data, but not to object names (columns, functions or other database objects).
If you are building the SQL query, you'll need to use string operations to build your query.
The column can't be variable, but the value of the column can. The parser needs to know what to bind to.
If you elaborate on what you're trying to solve and which platform you're using it would allow for more complete answers.
You can have different SQLs queries in your code and use each one according to the case.
Another way is generate dynamically the query according the fields you want.
Without dynamic SQL, this is probably your best bet:
id, first, last, email, notes
CASE #column_name_variable
WHEN 'column_1' THEN column_1
WHEN 'column_2' THEN column_2
ELSE 'not null'
There might be some issues with data type conversions, so you might need to explicitly cast all of the columns to one data type (VARCHAR is probably the best bet). Also, there's a good chance that performance will be horrendous on this query. I'd test it thoroughly before even thinking about implementing something like this.
I mentioned this in my comment, but for completeness I'll put it here too... you can probably also accomplish this with dynamic SQL, but how you do that will depend on your database server (MS SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL, etc.) and there are usually some caveats to using dynamic SQL.
In JDBC program, yes,the select statement can be composed like string operation.
for(String colName: colList)
String sql="Select id, First, Last, E_Mail, Notes From mytable where "+colName+" IS NOT NULL";
//execute the sql statement
It depends on how you are going to find out the value of SOMETHING_SHOULD_BE_HERE.
If you are in an Oracle PLS/SQL environment you could build up the WHERE clause using dynamic SQL and then use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to execute it.
If you have a small set number of possibilities you could use CASE to workaround your problem possibly.
Your question is unclear.
However I am quite sure that what you have in mind is the so-called dynamic SQL (and related). "Dynamic SQL" allows you to dynamically build and submit queries at runtime. However such functionalities may not exist for your RDBMS.
There are several ways to do this.
When your query would return one and only one row
then you have to consider the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements (along with sp_executesql in tSQL : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188001.aspx ; or the USING clause in PL/SQL : http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B14117_01/appdev.101/b10807/13_elems017.htm to specify a list of input/output bind arguments) and/or PREPARED statements (http://rpbouman.blogspot.fr/2005/11/mysql-5-prepared-statement-syntax-and.html).
When your query can return more than one row
then you have to consider techniques such as the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement with the BULK COLLECT INTO clause or the OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE statements (explicit cursors in PL/SQL :
Please note that except in some particular cases, most conventional techniques like IF-THEN-ELSE and CASE statements should be preferred (along with a good algorithm). Furthermore they work with almost all RDBMS.
I'm using sqlite3_exec() function in order to execute an SQL Insert command. The problem starts when I need to insert strings that need to be encoded.
For example, I want to insert the following string: "f('hello')". If I want to insert this string I need to change "'" to "''".
My question is, how do I encode these strings? Is there a function I can count on? or a table that details all the needed encodes?
Thanks! :-)
Instead of manually escaping strings (which is error-prone and invites SQL injection attacks), I'd strongly recommend using prepared statements and bind values; read up on sqlite3_bind_XXX and sqlite3_prepare_v2
Using bind values will solve this problem and it will also make sqlite faster because it remembers previously executed sql statements and it can reuse their execution plans. This doesn't work when the sql statement is always slightly different because it hashes the complete sql statement.
sqlite_mprintf supports %q for that.
"Maybe" you should use something like a prepared statement. I am not an expert in SQLite, but I found this link (http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/stmt.html) and it could help you. It is about SQL Statement Object.