Implementing Poor Man's SSO in Apache Shiro - authentication

Good day. I have a scenario where we have multiple web applications running on the same server and we would like one login to serve all applications. Currently, if you switch applications, you need to be re-authenticated. Try as I may, I can not get this resolved.
I went through the session management page to try and implement what they call Poor Man's SSO (
Here is my shiro.ini:
contextFactory = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapContextFactory
contextFactory.url = ldap://
contextFactory.systemUsername = me#testdomain.local
contextFactory.systemPassword = Password
realm =
realm.ldapContextFactory = $contextFactory
realm.searchBase = OU=ME,DC=testdomain,DC=local
securityManager.realms = $realm
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO
sessionValidationScheduler = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.ExecutorServiceSessionValidationScheduler
sessionValidationScheduler.interval = 3600000
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionValidationScheduler = $sessionValidationScheduler
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
URL mapping is done in a custom java IniWebEnvironment and looks like this
/faces/common/Login.xhtml = authc
/faces/common/unauthorized.xhtml = anon
/faces/secured/** = authc
/faces/myAdmin/** = roles[administrator]
/faces/myManagement/** = roles[administrator]
/faces/people/** = roles[administrator]
I have a custom JSF bean where I perform login like this:
Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(getUserName(), getPassword());
I am open to doing SSO in a different fashion, but this is an internal application and doesn't need much. Any ideas?


Configure a DataSource in TomEE in instead of tomee.conf

I'm able to configure a DataSource Resource in TomEE by modifying the "conf/tomee.xml" file. However, it's sort of awkward to automate this modification, as I have to insert the DataSource definition before the "" line. I heard from a comment in a related SO posting from me that it's easier to append to the "" file.
So, I tried translating this:
<Resource id="sus2" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
MaxActive = 10
MinIdle = 2
MaxIdle = 2
MaxWait = 10000
JdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:#${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}:${DB_SID}
UserName = ${DB_USER}
Password = ${DB_PASSWORD}
Which works, to the following:
db = new://Resource?type=DataSource = Resource/sus2
db.JdbcDriver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
db.MaxActive = 10
db.MinIdle = 2
db.MaxIdle = 2
db.MaxWait = 10000
db.JdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:#${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}:${DB_SID}
db.UserName = ${DB_USER}
db.Password = ${DB_PASSWORD}
which does not work. It fails, saying it couldn't find the "Resource/sus2" resource.
The configuration reference can be found at
You have to understand that XML attributes becomes URI query parameters then I think it will work.
In other words:
db = new://Resource?type=DataSource
sus2 = new://Resource?type=DataSource
and your doesn't do anything - I think it is logged.
In short: replace all your "db" by "sus2" and it will work

Azure Pack REST API Authentication

After hours of search in Microsoft messed up API documentation for its products, i am still no where on how to authenticate a rest API request in windows azure pack distribution.
Primarily i want to create an API which automate the process of deploying virtual machine, but I cant find any documentation on how to acquire the authentication token to access the resources.
Some documentation states the use of ADFS, but don't provide any reference on the ADFS REST API for authentication.
And I don't want to use ADFS in the first place. I want to authenticate using AZURE tenant and admin interface.
In conclusion, if anyone can provide any help on the REST API authentication, it will make my day.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the following PowerShell to acquire an access token.
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll'
$tenantID = "<the tenant id of you subscription>"
$authString = "$tenantID"
# It must be an MFA-disabled admin.
$username = "<the username>"
$password = "<the password>"
# The resource can be if you are using graph api.
# Or, if you are using ARM.
$resource = ""
# This is the common client id.
$client_id = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2"
$creds = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserCredential" `
-ArgumentList $username,$password
$authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" `
-ArgumentList $authString
$authenticationResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resource,$client_id,$creds)
# An Authorization header can be formed like this.
$authHeader = $authenticationResult.AccessTokenType + " " + $authenticationResult.AccessToken
I am doing some similar job like you did.
static string GetAspAuthToken(string authSiteEndPoint, string userName, string password)
var identityProviderEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(authSiteEndPoint + "/wstrust/issue/usernamemixed"));
var identityProviderBinding = new WS2007HttpBinding(SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential);
identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.EstablishSecurityContext = false;
identityProviderBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;
identityProviderBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None;
var trustChannelFactory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(identityProviderBinding, identityProviderEndpoint)
TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13,
//This line is only if we're using self-signed certs in the installation
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.SslCertificateAuthentication = new X509ServiceCertificateAuthentication() { CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None };
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.SupportInteractive = false;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
trustChannelFactory.Credentials.UserName.Password = password;
var channel = trustChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
var rst = new RequestSecurityToken(RequestTypes.Issue)
AppliesTo = new EndpointReference("http://azureservices/TenantSite"),
TokenType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt",
KeyType = KeyTypes.Bearer,
RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = null;
SecurityToken token = null;
token = channel.Issue(rst, out rstr);
var tokenString = (token as GenericXmlSecurityToken).TokenXml.InnerText;
var jwtString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(tokenString));
return jwtString;
Parameter "authSiteEndPoint" is your Tenant Authentication site url.
default port is 30071.
You can find some resource here:
The sample program "SampleAuthApplication" can solve your question.

Configure shiro.ini for JDBC connection

As part of my new years learning new technologies initiative I have started messing around with the Apache Shiro Security Framework.
I managed to get the basic example working which stores usernames, passwords and roles in the shiro.ini file, but when I modified my shiro.ini file to use JDBC it just stopped working. I now keep getting prompted for my username and password when trying to access my application. I've kept it as simple as possible (the passwords aren't even hashed).
Below is my shiro.ini file, does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
authc.usernameParam = j_username
authc.passwordParam = j_password
authc.failureKeyAttribute = shiroLoginFailure
jdbcRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm
jdbcRealm.permissionsLookupEnabled = true
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = "SELECT password FROM user WHERE username = ?"
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery = "SELECT role FROM user WHERE username = ?"
ds = com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
ds.serverName = localhost
ds.user = root
ds.password = password
ds.databaseName = database
jdbcRealm.dataSource = $ds
# Use Built-in Chache Manager
builtInCacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $builtInCacheManager
securityManager.realms = $jdbcRealm
/* = authcBasic
If you are not giving permission query then better disable permission lookup. Also if you want to use basic Authentication why use authc attributes.
Try Following
#authc.usernameParam = j_username
#authc.passwordParam = j_password
#authc.failureKeyAttribute = shiroLoginFailure
jdbcRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm
jdbcRealm.permissionsLookupEnabled = false
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = SELECT password FROM user WHERE username = ?
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery = SELECT role FROM user WHERE username = ?
ds = com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
ds.serverName = localhost
ds.user = root
ds.password = password
ds.databaseName = database
jdbcRealm.dataSource = $ds
# Use Built-in Chache Manager
builtInCacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $builtInCacheManager
securityManager.realms = $jdbcRealm
/* = authcBasic

Apache Shiro login failed using JDBC Realm

I am trying to connect to oracle DB .
I want to retrieve list of passwords from data base using the authentication query. Here is my sample shiro.ini file:
# password matcher
passwordMatcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.PasswordMatcher
passwordService = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.DefaultPasswordService
passwordMatcher.passwordService = $passwordService
# datasource
ds = oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
ds.URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:#matrix-oracle11g:1521:dev11g
ds.user = cit1am
ds.password = cit1
jdbcRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm
jdbcRealm.permissionsLookupEnabled = true
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = SELECT USR_PSWD FROM USR
jdbcRealm.credentialsMatcher = $passwordMatcher
jdbcRealm.dataSource = $ds
securityManager.realms = $jdbcRealm
Sample code snippet of login:
public class Quickstart {
private static final transient Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Quickstart.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Factory<SecurityManager> factory = new IniSecurityManagerFactory("classpath:shiro.ini");
SecurityManager securityManager = factory.getInstance();
Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
// Do some stuff with a Session (no need for a web or EJB container!!!)
Session session = currentUser.getSession();
session.setAttribute("someKey", "aValue");
String value = (String) session.getAttribute("someKey");
if (value.equals("aValue")) {"Retrieved the correct value! [" + value + "]");
// let's login the current user so we can check against roles and permissions:
if (!currentUser.isAuthenticated()) {
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken("cit1am", "cit1") ;
try {
currentUser.login(token); //problem occurs here"inside try block ==========>>" );
catch (UnknownAccountException uae) {"There is no user with username of " + token.getPrincipal());
I am getting following error:
[main] ERROR org.apache.shiro.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm - There was a SQL error while authenticating user [cit1am]
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index
at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
Please suggest what i am doing wrong?
After debugging more i found issue with my code and sql query in .ini file.
I changed following in .INI file
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery = SELECT USR_PSWD FROM USR where USR_NM = ?
Also commented
#cm = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher
#jdbcRealm.credentialsMatcher = $cm and removedconfiguration related to password matcher
I also removed role and permission check from java code.
As i have just started with shrio it's bit difficult to understand flow at start.
Though it can help some one in future.

WCF Client access with Message Contracts

I have a web service , i add some extra class which have message contract and after that it changed the way we access some of the methods( and i have not added message contract to these classes these are data contracts ), earlier i.e before we could create one object for request and response (like see the Before part) we are creating a single object for OrderStatusResponse Class. But if you see now the After(we have to create separate objects for request and response).
is this a side effect of enabling "Always generate message contract?"
SmartConnect.Service1Client Client =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.Service1Client();
SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse();
Status.UserID = "1234";
Status.Password = "abcd";
Status.SoftwareKey = "abc";
Status.OrderNumber = "1234";
Status = Client.GetOrderStatus(Status);
lbl_OS.Text = Status.Status.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = Status.ReturnMessage.ToString();
SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient SmartClient =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient();
//SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest request =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest();
request.status = new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
request.status.OrderNumber = "1055055";
request.status.UserID = "1234";
request.status.Password = "dfsdfsd";
request.status.SoftwareKey = "sdfsdfsdfs";
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse response =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse();
response = SmartClient.GetOrderStatus(request);
lbl_Status.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.Status;
lbl_RC.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
Yes, I suspect it is a difference with using message contracts. You seem to have figured it out, though.