Configure a DataSource in TomEE in instead of tomee.conf - apache-tomee

I'm able to configure a DataSource Resource in TomEE by modifying the "conf/tomee.xml" file. However, it's sort of awkward to automate this modification, as I have to insert the DataSource definition before the "" line. I heard from a comment in a related SO posting from me that it's easier to append to the "" file.
So, I tried translating this:
<Resource id="sus2" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
MaxActive = 10
MinIdle = 2
MaxIdle = 2
MaxWait = 10000
JdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:#${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}:${DB_SID}
UserName = ${DB_USER}
Password = ${DB_PASSWORD}
Which works, to the following:
db = new://Resource?type=DataSource = Resource/sus2
db.JdbcDriver = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
db.MaxActive = 10
db.MinIdle = 2
db.MaxIdle = 2
db.MaxWait = 10000
db.JdbcUrl = jdbc:oracle:thin:#${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}:${DB_SID}
db.UserName = ${DB_USER}
db.Password = ${DB_PASSWORD}
which does not work. It fails, saying it couldn't find the "Resource/sus2" resource.

The configuration reference can be found at
You have to understand that XML attributes becomes URI query parameters then I think it will work.
In other words:
db = new://Resource?type=DataSource
sus2 = new://Resource?type=DataSource
and your doesn't do anything - I think it is logged.
In short: replace all your "db" by "sus2" and it will work


Changes in lua language cause error in ai script

When I run script in game, I got an error message like this:
.\AI\haick.lua:104: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nill)
local haick = {}
haick.type = type
haick.tostring = tostring
haick.require = require
haick.error = error
haick.getmetatable = getmetatable
haick.setmetatable = setmetatable
haick.ipairs = ipairs
haick.rawset = rawset
haick.pcall = pcall
haick.len = string.len
haick.sub = string.sub
haick.find = string.find
haick.seed = math.randomseed
haick.max = math.max
haick.abs = math.abs =
haick.rename = os.rename
haick.remove = os.remove =
haick.exit = os.exit
haick.time = GetTick
haick.actors = GetActors
haick.var = GetV
--> General > Seeding Random:
--> General > Finding Script Location:
local scriptLocation = haick.sub(_REQUIREDNAME, 1, haick.find(_REQUIREDNAME,'/[^\/:*?"<>|]+$'))
Last line (104 in file) causes error and I don`t know how to fix it.
There are links to .lua files below:
Help, pls!
When you use a function in Lua, you are expected to pass valid arguments for the function.
To use a variable, you must first define it, _REQUIREDNAME in this case is not available, haick.lua file is incomplete. The fault is of the author of the file.
Lua has a very useful reference you can use if you need help, see here

Writing to a config file dynamically using PHP

Implementing a SAAS (multi-tenant) app, I have a situation where an app would need to connect to different databases based on the user who wants to login. The databases are for separate institutions. Let's say MANAGER-A for institution-A, MANAGER-B for institution-B, want to login into their various institutions.
The process I'm implementing is this: There are 3 databases involved: DEFAULT-DB, INSTITUTION-A-DB, INSTITUTION-B-DB. The DEFAULT-DB contains all the login and database credentials of each user. This means that before MANAGER-A can login to his app, what happens is that, first, he will be logged in into the DEFAULT-DB, if successful, his details would be fetched and logged and set as the parameter of the config.php file. This means that connection will be dynamic based on the params fetched and passed by the DEFAULT-DB. My questions are these:
How do I write these params dynamically to the config.php file?
Secondly, I'm open to experts advise if my implementation is not the best.
Config.php file
global $CFG;
$CFG = new stdClass();
$CFG->dbtype = 'mysqli';
$CFG->dblibrary = 'native';
$CFG->dbhost = 'localhost';
$CFG->dbname = 'mydb';
$CFG->dbuser = 'root';
$CFG->dbpass = '';
$CFG->prefix = 'my_';
$CFG->dboptions = array (
'dbpersist' => 0,
'dbport' => '',
'dbsocket' => '1',
'dbcollation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8888/myapp';
$CFG->dataroot = '/Applications/MAMP/data/myapp_data';
$CFG->admin = 'admin';
$CFG->directorypermissions = 0777;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/setup.php');
This is Moodle. I have tried IOMAD, it is a great app but does not address my need.
That is a bad solution, IMHO. When you rewrite the configuration file, what happens when the next request comes in that loads that file? They will load the wrong configuration.
I would create two additional configuration files: config_inst_a.php and config_inst_b.php. Then set a session variable when the user logs in that contains the settings file name to load. You can then redefine the database information variables in the additional settings files. If the session variable has a filename in it, load that file AFTER the default config and the database connection values will be replaced.
Added sample code:
Really, really brief:
// Log in user here, and get info about what user company..
$_SESSION['User_ConfigFile'] = 'settings'.$userCompany.'.php';
// More code, or page redirect, or whatever, but the below goes on every page AFTER the default DB is included:
If it helps somebody, my solution, not in production yet, but for now it works like a charm.
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '') {
$CFG->dbname = 'institutionA'; // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->dbuser = 'user_institutionA'; // your database username
$CFG->wwwroot = '';
$CFG->dataroot = 'dataroot_institutionA';
$CFG->some_custom_data = 'my_institutiona_data';
} else
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '') {
$CFG->dbname = 'institutionB'; // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->dbuser = 'user_institutionB'; // your database username
$CFG->wwwroot = '';
$CFG->dataroot = 'dataroot_institutionB';
$CFG->some_custom_data = 'my_institutionB_data';
} else {
...... anything you need in this case

Implementing Poor Man's SSO in Apache Shiro

Good day. I have a scenario where we have multiple web applications running on the same server and we would like one login to serve all applications. Currently, if you switch applications, you need to be re-authenticated. Try as I may, I can not get this resolved.
I went through the session management page to try and implement what they call Poor Man's SSO (
Here is my shiro.ini:
contextFactory = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapContextFactory
contextFactory.url = ldap://
contextFactory.systemUsername = me#testdomain.local
contextFactory.systemPassword = Password
realm =
realm.ldapContextFactory = $contextFactory
realm.searchBase = OU=ME,DC=testdomain,DC=local
securityManager.realms = $realm
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO
sessionValidationScheduler = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.ExecutorServiceSessionValidationScheduler
sessionValidationScheduler.interval = 3600000
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionValidationScheduler = $sessionValidationScheduler
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
URL mapping is done in a custom java IniWebEnvironment and looks like this
/faces/common/Login.xhtml = authc
/faces/common/unauthorized.xhtml = anon
/faces/secured/** = authc
/faces/myAdmin/** = roles[administrator]
/faces/myManagement/** = roles[administrator]
/faces/people/** = roles[administrator]
I have a custom JSF bean where I perform login like this:
Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(getUserName(), getPassword());
I am open to doing SSO in a different fashion, but this is an internal application and doesn't need much. Any ideas?

How to access project name from a query of type portfolioitem

I am trying to match Project name in my query and also trying to print the name of the project associated with each feature record. I know there are plenty of answers but I couldn't find anything that could help me. I am trying to do something like this:
pi_query.type = "portfolioitem"
#To be configured as per requirement
pi_query.project_scope_up = false
pi_query.project_scope_down = false
pi_query.order = "FormattedID Asc"
pi_query.query_string = "(Project.Name = \"Uni - Serviceability\")"
pi_results = #rally.find(pi_query)
I am trying to match the project name but it simply doesn't work, I also tried printing the name of the project, i tried Project.Name, Project.Values or simply Project. But it doesn't work. I am guessing it is because of my query type which is "portfolioItem" and I can't change my type because I am getting all other attribute values correctly.
Make sure to fetch Project, e.g: feature_query.fetch = "Name,FormattedID,Project"
and this should work:
feature_query.query_string = "(Project.Name = \"My Project\")"
Here is an example where a feature is found by project name.
require 'rally_api'
#Setup custom app information
headers = = "create story in one project, add it to a feature from another project"
headers.vendor = "Nick M RallyLab"
headers.version = "1.0"
# Connection to Rally
config = {:base_url => ""}
config[:username] = ""
config[:password] = "secret"
config[:workspace] = "W"
config[:project] = "Product1"
config[:headers] = headers #from
#rally =
obj = {}
obj["Name"] = "new story xyz123"
new_s = #rally.create("hierarchicalrequirement", obj)
query =
query.type = "portfolioitem"
query.fetch = "Name,FormattedID,Project"
query.workspace = {"_ref" => "" }
query.query_string = "(Project.Name = \"Team Group 1\")"
result = #rally.find(query)
feature = result.first
puts feature
field_updates={"PortfolioItem" => feature}

WCF Client access with Message Contracts

I have a web service , i add some extra class which have message contract and after that it changed the way we access some of the methods( and i have not added message contract to these classes these are data contracts ), earlier i.e before we could create one object for request and response (like see the Before part) we are creating a single object for OrderStatusResponse Class. But if you see now the After(we have to create separate objects for request and response).
is this a side effect of enabling "Always generate message contract?"
SmartConnect.Service1Client Client =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.Service1Client();
SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new SmartConnectClient.SmartConnect.OrderStatusResponse();
Status.UserID = "1234";
Status.Password = "abcd";
Status.SoftwareKey = "abc";
Status.OrderNumber = "1234";
Status = Client.GetOrderStatus(Status);
lbl_OS.Text = Status.Status.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = Status.ReturnMessage.ToString();
SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient SmartClient =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.SmartConnectClient();
//SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse Status =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest request =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusRequest();
request.status = new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.OrderStatusResponse();
request.status.OrderNumber = "1055055";
request.status.UserID = "1234";
request.status.Password = "dfsdfsd";
request.status.SoftwareKey = "sdfsdfsdfs";
WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse response =
new WCF_Client.SmartConnectRepublic.GetOrderStatusResponse();
response = SmartClient.GetOrderStatus(request);
lbl_Status.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.Status;
lbl_RC.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
lbl_RM.Text = response.GetOrderStatusResult.ReturnCode.ToString();
Yes, I suspect it is a difference with using message contracts. You seem to have figured it out, though.