"Storage" in manifest.json for web extension has no effect - webextension-storage

I've added "storage" to my permissions array in the manifest.json file, but the browser console still reports ReferenceError: storage is not defined whenever I load it as a temporary extension in Firefox.
What else can I even do here??

You need to use "browser.storage" or "chrome.storage" instead of "storage"
Had the same problem using
as reference, which doesn't show you where the api is specified.


What directory should the frontend user login template be put into?

Since I want to keep the admin login separate from the user login on my Wagtail site, I'm trying to use the login page settings mentioned in this section of the documentation to direct people to a custom login page. I added the following settings to my base.py folder in the settings directory for my WT project under #Wagtail settings:
My project is structured similar to the bakerydemo, so there is a base app that manages a lot of the shared pieces of the site. I put my login.html in the templates directory for the base app. See link below for screenshot.
Screenshot of project directories
I am getting a 404 error whenever I try to navigate to the login URL I specified. Is there a setting I missed? Did I put the template in the wrong directory? Still getting used to how WT structures projects, so any pointers would be very much appreciated.
WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_TEMPLATE is used if you want to use Wagtail's own login view (located at the URL /_util/login/), but want to customise its template. If you're going down this route, a path like 'base/login.html' is correct - Django will search within all template directories for a file matching this path.
WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL is used if you want to provide your own view code. To use this, you'll need to write the view function (most likely inheriting from Django's LoginView) and register it in the URL config, then point WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL at the resulting URL. In this case, your view function will be responsible for rendering an appropriate template, so WAGTAIL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_TEMPLATE will not come into play.

Blazor read directory

How do you read a content directory into Blazor.
I tried
Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "..", "_posts");
But this throws an error.
Uncaught (in promise) Error: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path '/_posts'.
The answer depends on why you want to read the directory
If you want to interact with the user's file system, then you need to use the HTML standard for accessing the file system. A blazor wrapper is provided at https://github.com/Tewr/BlazorFileReader
If you want to retrieve files from your server, there are multiple approaches based on how you want to use it. You could set up an api, an mvc instance, or just serve static files. They'll all be relative to your server though, not the current directory.
If you want store data client-side, Flores made a good suggestion to use https://github.com/BlazorExtensions/Storage
Clientside Blazor is running in the same sandbox that javascript is running in. Which means your code has no way of accessing the local filesystem.
Maybe localStorage could be an alternative for you? There is a Blazor package to use it here: BlazorExtensions/Storage

Prevent access to public webpack bundle? ExpressJS

In my webpack config I have the publicPath set like so:
publicPath: '/js'
This way it points to public/js. Also in my index.pug file, which is loaded by the server and not in the public folder I have this:
extends layout
block content
Unfortunately, this enables people accessing my site to visit example.com/js/bundle.js. Is there a way to prevent this?
If /js/bundle.js is a script file you are using in your web page, then there is NO way to prevent the browser from going directly to http://example.com/js/bundle.js. That's the exact URL that the browser uses to load the script from your web page so that URL has to work.
ALL Javascript that runs in your web page is openly available to the public. You cannot change that. That's the architecture of the web and browsers.
Unfortunately, this enables people accessing my site to visit example.com/js/bundle.js. Is there a way to prevent this?
No. You cannot prevent it.

What is the path to signalr hubs when using ElmahR?

I am trying to add some custom functionality to ElmahR dashboard page and having some issues. I have started a new project, added ElmahR dashboard NuGet package. Configured all source applications and it is all working fine as expected.
Now I want to add some custom functionality to the dashboard page. As part of this I needed to add some UI to the dashboard page, a new Hub, JavaScript etc. The custom functionality is not related Error Logging. It is completely different. It is something we would like it to add to the dashboard page. I have added new Hub, JavaScript, HTML markups but it doesn't work as expected.
I ran into the following issues:
When i try to access /signalr/hubs, I get 404 Not found error. I searched online for this error and it usually happens if you haven't configured the Hub route. I tried to add RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs() in global.asax file. However it says that A route named 'signalr.hubs' is already in the route collection. Makes sense because I am using ElmahR and because it relies on SingalR, it would have already added it to the route collection. So what is the path to /singalr/hubs in ElmahR application? When using signalR in your standard asp.net application, the usual path to hubs is /signalr/hubs but what path is it when using ElmahR?
I am getting JavaScript error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'client' of undefined" at the line where I am trying to access hub.client. I guess it is failing because it is not able to find the new hub that i added.
Everything works fine if I copy the hub, associated JavaScript and HTML to a different ASP.NET MVC project. For some reasons it does not work with the Project that uses ElmahR. I know there is nothing wrong with the code in Hub and JavaScript as it works fine with a standard ASP.NET MVC project. Basically all I want to do is to add a singalR hub to a project that uses ElmahR. Also I can't seem to figure out the URL path to Hubs in an application that uses ElmahR. Usually the path is /signalr/hubs
After further investigation, I figured the path to hubs in ElmahR dashboard application. It is /signalr101/hubs. However when requesting this, it errors: "Uncaught Error: SignalR: JavaScript Hub Proxy generation has been disabled". It appears that ElmahR would have disabled JavaScript proxies, probably by setting DisableJavaScriptProxies property of the application's IConfigurationManager to true (https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/pull/1222). I think because of that I am getting "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'client' of undefined in my JavaScript at the line where it is trying to access hub.client. If the JavaScript proxy is disabled, then is there any extra work I have to do in my JavaScript and Hub so that I don't get this JavaScript error.

Prevent built-in prompts in xul

I have an application that loads a web page in the browser and saves it to custom local folder (images, html, css). In the process the "src" attribute of images (in html) and "background-url" property (in css) need to be changed to reflect the locally saved files rather than the original ones. This generates extra web traffic as changing them forces the browser to download the files from modified locations (the browser does this by resolving the uri of the page with the value of element's "src" attribute - the same for "background-url" property ) and as a result, it generates lots of 404 Not Found requests.
I'm using nsIIOService interface to go offline before saving the page (the page is fully loaded and all network activity so far has been stopped) and then back online after the saving is complete. But then the browser displays an alert box "This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu." whenever I try to change the aforementioned attributes/properties.
Is there any way to prevent such message from appearing or to make the browser not validate the images because of modified "src" values?
I tried to use DOMWillOpenModalDialog on both the browser and the xul application window, but it seems it's of no use - the dialog still appears. The application is not an user application, so it's difficult when such "built-in" messages appear.
Use preventDefault to stop the modal dialog:
document.getElementById(‘content’).contentWindow.addEventListener(‘DOMWillOpenModalDialog’,function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }, true);
As an alternative, try using disablePrivilege, sandbox, redefining the prompt service, or overriding window.alert.