How to use alias of a subquery to get the running total? - sql

I have a UNION of 3 tables for calculating some balance and I need to get the running SUM of that balance but I can't use PARTITION OVER, because I must do it with a sql query that can work in Access.
My problem is that I cannot use JOIN on an alias subquery, it won't work.
How can I use alias in a JOIN to get the running total?
Or any other way to get the SUM that is not with PARTITION OVER, because it does not exist in Access.
This is my code so far:
SELECT korisnik_id, imePrezime, datum, Dug, Pot, (Dug - Pot) AS Balance
SELECT korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, r.datum, SUM(IIF(u.jedinstven = 1, r.cena, k.kvadratura * r.cena)) AS Dug, '0' AS Pot
FROM Racun r
INNER JOIN Usluge u ON r.usluga_id = u.ID
INNER JOIN Korisnik k ON r.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id = 1
AND r.zgrada_id = 1
AND r.mesec = 1
AND r.godina = 2017
GROUP BY korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, r.datum
SELECT korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, rp.datum, SUM(IIF(u.jedinstven = 1, rp.cena, k.kvadratura * rp.cena)) AS Dug, '0' AS Pot
FROM RacunP rp
INNER JOIN Usluge u ON rp.usluga_id = u.ID
INNER JOIN Korisnik k ON rp.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id = 1
AND rp.zgrada_id = 1
AND rp.mesec = 1
AND rp.godina = 2017
GROUP BY korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, rp.datum
SELECT uu.korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, uu.datum, '0' AS Dug, SUM(uu.iznos) AS Pot
FROM UnosUplata uu
INNER JOIN Korisnik k ON uu.korisnik_id = k.ID
WHERE korisnik_id = 1
GROUP BY uu.korisnik_id, k.imePrezime, uu.datum
) AS a
ORDER BY korisnik_id

You can save a query (let's name it Query1) for the UNION of the 3 tables and then create another query that returns each row in the first query and calculates the sum of the rows that are before it (optionally checking that they are in the same group).
It should be something like this:
SELECT SUM(Value) FROM Query1 AS b
WHERE b.GroupNumber=a.GroupNumber
AND b.Position<=a.Position
) AS RunningSum
FROM Query1 AS a
However, it's more efficient to do that in the report.


Query on large table

I have the following query -
SELECT n.fname
,ii.render AS practitioner_npi
,n.address AS address1
,substring(n.postal,0,6) AS zip
,substring(n.postal,6,4) AS zip4
,ii.count AS count
SELECT render, count(*) AS count
FROM dx sl
JOIN annual caq
ON DATE_TRUNC('quarter', date_of_service::date) >= caq.start
JOIN entities n
ON sl.render = n.npi
WHERE dx_cd IN (
FROM dx_per_code pc
JOIN bucket bac
ON pc.code = bac.hcpccode
bucketname = 'something'
AND dx_rank BETWEEN 1 AND 5
AND n.npi_type = '1'
GROUP BY render
JOIN npi n ON n.npi = ii.render
LEFT JOIN taxonomy t ON t.code = n.taxonomy
ORDER BY ii.count DESC;
The dx table does not have any indexes and contains approax 8B records. This query currently takes 20 minutes to run. What indexes/optimizations can I make to get this to run faster?

How to force postgres to return 0 even if there are no rows matching query, using coalesce, group by and join

I've been trying hopelessly to get the following SQL statement to return the query results and default to 0 if there are no rows matching the query.
This is the intended result:
vol | year
0 | 2018
Instead I get:
vol | year
(0 rows)
Here is the sql statement:
select coalesce(vol,0) as vol, year
from (select sum(vol) as vol, year
from schema.fact_data
join schema.period_data
on schema.fact_data.period_tag = schema.period_data.tag
join schema.product_data
on schema.fact_data.product_tag =
join schema.market_data
on schema.fact_data.market_tag = schema.market_data.tag
where "retailer"='MadeUpRetailer'
and "product_tag"='FakeProductTag'
and "year"='2018' group by year
) as DerivedTable;
I know the query works because it returns data when there is data. Just doesn't default to 0 as intended...
Any help in finding why this is the case would be much appreciated!
Using your subquery DerivedTable, you could write:
SELECT coalesce(DerivedTable.vol, 0) AS vol,
FROM (VALUES ('2018'::text)) AS y(year)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ...) AS DerivedTable
ON DerivedTable.year = y.year;
Remove the GROUP BY (and the outer query):
select 2018 as year, coalesce(sum(vol), 0) as vol
from schema.fact_data f join
schema.period_data p
on f.period_tag = p.tag join
schema.product_data pr
on f.product_tag = pr.tag join
schema.market_data m
on fd.market_tag = m.tag
where "retailer" = 'MadeUpRetailer' and
"product_tag" = 'FakeProductTag' and
"year" = '2018';
An aggregation query with no GROUP BY always returns exactly one row, so this should do what you want.
The query would look something like this:
select v.yyyy as year, coalesce(sum(vol), 0) as vol
from (values (2018), (2019)) v(yyyy) left join
schema.fact_data f
on f.year = v.yyyy left join -- this is just an example. I have no idea where year is coming from
schema.period_data p
on f.period_tag = p.tag left join
schema.product_data pr
on f.product_tag = pr.tag left join
schema.market_data m
on fd.market_tag = m.tag
group by v.yyyy
However, you have to move the where conditions to the appropriate on clauses. I have no idea where the columns are coming from.
From the code you posted it is not clear in which table you have the year column.
You can use UNION to fetch just 1 row in case there are no rows in that table for the year 2018 like this:
select sum(vol) as vol, year
from schema.fact_data innrt join schema.period_data
on schema.fact_data.period_tag = schema.period_data.tag
inner join schema.product_data
on schema.fact_data.product_tag = schema.product_data.tag
inner join schema.market_data
on schema.fact_data.market_tag = schema.market_data.tag
"retailer"='MadeUpRetailer' and
"product_tag"='FakeProductTag' and
group by "year"
select 0 as vol, '2018' as year
where not exists (
select 1 from tablename where "year" = '2018'
In case there are rows for the year 2018, then nothing will be fetched by the 2nd query,

Get the sum of a count column in SQL

I have the following query
COUNT(*) * dtc.coupon_type_company_coupon_amount AS 'Total_Coupon_To_Be_Used',
[dbo].[coupon_type_Company_User] dtcu
coupon_type_Company dtc ON dtcu.coupon_type_Company_ID =
person p ON dtcu.userID = p.userID
coupon_type_company_coupon_is_combinable = 1
OR coupon_type_company_has_coupon = 1
AND dtc.companyID = 1081
AND p.is_active = 1
This returns the following:
What I want to have however is just one column and one row that should take the SUM of my middle column (count(*)*dtc.coupon_type_company_coupon_amount).
How could I achieve this and prevent doing this in my code backend (C#)
You can wrap your query like this:
SELECT SUM(Total_Coupon_To_Be_Used) AS the_sum
your query
) s
Use a "Table Expression", as in:
select sum(Total_Coupon_To_Be_Used) from (
SELECT dtc.coupon_type_company_name,
count(*) * dtc.coupon_type_company_coupon_amount as 'Total_Coupon_To_Be_Used',
FROM [dbo].[coupon_type_Company_User] dtcu
JOIN coupon_type_Company dtc ON dtcu.coupon_type_Company_ID =
JOIN person p ON dtcu.userID = p.userID
WHERE coupon_type_company_coupon_is_combinable = 1
or coupon_type_company_has_coupon = 1
and dtc.companyID = 1081
AND p.is_active = 1
) x

Get count from table given input from another

I have 3 tables: filer_info, filer_persent and persent_email, connected via:
filer_info.filer_info_id = filer_persent.filer_info_id
filer_persent.persent_info_id = persent_email.persent_info_id
I want to find all rows where I have multiple type PRIMARY in the persent_email table (ie count > 1). And the only thing I want to return in the query is filer_info.filer_ident and the count.
This gives me every row, but I only want the data where filer_ident > 1 in the returned rows.
select * from filer_info f
inner join filer_persent fp on f.filer_info_id=fp.filer_info_id
inner join persent_email p on fp.persent_info_id=p.persent_info_id
where fp.filer_persent_kind_cd = 'FILER' and p.persent_email_kind_cd='PRIMARY'
order by f.filer_ident
SELECT filer_ident, cnt
SELECT filer_info_id, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM filer_persent fp
JOIN persent_email p
USING (persent_info_id)
WHERE (fp.filer_persent_kind_cd, p.persent_email_kind_cd) = ('FILER', 'PRIMARY')
) с
JOIN filer_info f
USING (filer_info_id)
WHERE filer_ident > 1

SQL Union Query

SELECT pv.PropertyID, COUNT(pv.VisitID) AS InitialVisit
FROM tblPAppointments pa INNER JOIN tblPropertyVisit pv ON pv.AppID = pa.AppID
WHERE pv.Status = 0
GROUP BY pv.PropertyID
SELECT jv.PropertyID, COUNT(jv.JobVistID) AS JobVisit
FROM tblPAppointments pa INNER JOIN tblJobVisits jv ON jv.AppID = pa.AppID
WHERE jv.VisitStatus = 1
GROUP BY jv.PropertyID
I need to get InitialVisit count and JobVisit count in two separate columns.above query returns just two columns (PropertyID,InitialVisit).
Use a NULL as a placeholder for the column that there won't be any output for:
SELECT pv.PropertyID,
COUNT(pv.VisitID) AS InitialVisit,
NULL AS jobvisit
FROM tblPAppointments pa
JOIN tblPropertyVisit pv ON pv.AppID = pa.AppID
WHERE pv.Status = 0
GROUP BY pv.PropertyID
SELECT jv.PropertyID,
NULL AS initialvisit,
COUNT(jv.JobVistID) AS JobVisit
FROM tblPAppointments pa
JOIN tblJobVisits jv ON jv.AppID = pa.AppID
WHERE jv.VisitStatus = 1
GROUP BY jv.PropertyID
This will return three columns. The column alias is necessary in the first query, but not in the second -- I aliased both to make it clear what is happening.
Be aware that using NULL like this in SQL Server will require you to use CAST/CONVERT on the NULL for data types other than INT because SQL Server defaults the NULL to an INT data type (as odd as that is).
An alternate query that doesn't use UNION:
SELECT x.propertyid,
COUNT(y.visitid) AS initialvisit,
COUNT(z.jobvisitid) AS jobvisit
FROM (SELECT pv.propertyid
WHERE a.appid = pv.appid)
SELECT jv.propertyid
WHERE a.appid = jv.appid)) x
LEFT JOIN TBLPROPERTYVISIT y ON y.propertyid = x.propertyid
LEFT JOIN TBLJOBVISIT z ON z.propertyid = x.propertyid
GROUP BY x.propertyid
No need for a UNION at all. And you don't use tblPAppointments either
Edited to allow for no rows in one of the tables. Still one row output though
ISNULL(pv2.PropertyID, jv2.PropertyID),
ISNULL(pv2.InitialVisit, 0),
ISNULL(jv2.JobVisit, 0)
SELECT pv.PropertyID, COUNT(pv.VisitID) AS InitialVisit
FROM tblPropertyVisit pv
WHERE pv.Status = 0
GROUP BY pv.PropertyID
) pv2
SELECT jv.PropertyID, COUNT(jv.JobVistID) AS JobVisit
FROM tblJobVisits jv
WHERE jv.VisitStatus = 1
GROUP BY jv.PropertyID
) jv2 ON pv2.PropertyID = jv2.PropertyID