Copying a variable with only arithmetic operators - variables

What is the best way to copy the value of one variable to another without a direct assignment function?
Variables are 2 byte fixed point numbers with a max value of 2147483.647. The available operators are (reformatted for clarity):
add(<variable>, <constant>) which adds a constant value to the given variable
subtract(<variable>, <constant>) which subtracts
multiply(<variable>, <constant>) which multiplies
divide(<variable>, <constant>) which divides
check(<variable1>, <op>, <variable2/constant>) which compares the value of variable1 with that of <variable2/constant> using the operator op and returns a boolean. op can be =, <, <=, >= or >
set(<variable>, <constant>) which sets the value of the variable.
The scripting language has basic control flow, it has while and if (but not else) as well as basic boolean operators AND, OR, NOT and NOR.
Our first attempt was simply:
while = {
count = var1 //loop var1 times
change_variable = { which = var2 value = 1 } //increment by one
My next attempt was:
set_variable = { which = new value = 1 }
while = {
limit = { NOT = { check_variable = { which = old value = new} } }
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { which = old value > new }
check_variable = { which = stage value = 0 }
multiply_variable = { which = new value = 10 }
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { which = stage value = 0 }
check_variable = { which = old value < new }
set_variable = { which = stage value = 1 }
if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { which = stage value = 1 }
check_variable = { which = old value < new }
subtract_variable = { which = new value = 1 }
E.g., start with 1, multiply by 10 until greater than the target, then subtract 1 until at the target.
But I'm sure there's a much better way to do this.
A recent patch of the scripting language used in the game "Stellaris" has broken the variable assignment function. set above should be set(<variable>, <variable/constant>). This has broken a lot of existing code, and it's unknown how long it will remain broken.

because 2147483.647 is a (power of 2 - 1) /1000 I can use the successive powers of 2 to approach the solution 1 bit at a time: (written in C using only equivalent operations)
result = 0;
result += 1073741.824;
if( var < result )
result -= 1073741.824;
result += 536870.912;
if( var < result)
result -= 536870.912;
result += 268435.456;
if( var < result)
result -= 268435.456;
result += 134217.728;
if( var < result)
result -= 134217.728;
result += 67108.864;
if( var < result)
result -= 67108.864;
result += 33554.432;
if( var < result)
result -= 33554.432;
result += 16777.216;
if( var < result)
result -= 16777.216;
result += 8388.608;
if( var < result)
result -= 8388.608;
result += 4194.304;
if( var < result)
result -= 4194.304;
result += 2097.152;
if( var < result)
result -= 2097.152;
result += 1048.576;
if( var < result)
result -= 1048.576;
result += 524.288;
if( var < result)
result -= 524.288;
result += 262.144;
if( var < result)
result -= 262.144;
result += 131.072;
if( var < result)
result -= 131.072;
result += 65.536;
if( var < result)
result -= 65.536;
result += 32.768;
if( var < result)
result -= 32.768;
result += 16.384;
if( var < result)
result -= 16.384;
result += 8.192;
if( var < result)
result -= 8.192;
result += 4.096;
if( var < result)
result -= 4.096;
result += 2.048;
if( var < result)
result -= 2.048;
result += 1.024;
if( var < result)
result -= 1.024;
result += 0.512;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.512;
result += 0.256;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.256;
result += 0.128;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.128
result += 0.064;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.064;
result += 0.032;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.032;
result += 0.016;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.016;
result += 0.008;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.008;
result += 0.004;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.004;
result += 0.002;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.002;
result += 0.001;
if( var < result)
result -= 0.001;
only 32 comparisons needed (less if you can live with less precision or know the upper bound).


combine google documents into one

I have 6 documents each with the format below
table 1
Bullet Points
table 2
I want to combine them into one doc - however when I tried this code it dose not work.Please if anyone can advise please
function mergeDocs() {
var docIDs = ['list-of','documents','ids','you should have somehow'];
var baseDoc = DocumentApp.openById(docIDs[0]);
var body = baseDoc.getActiveSection();
for( var i = 1; i < docIDs.length; ++i ) {
var otherBody = DocumentApp.openById(docIDs[i]).getActiveSection();
var totalElements = otherBody.getNumChildren();
for( var j = 0; j < totalElements; ++j ) {
var element = otherBody.getChild(j).copy();
var type = element.getType();
if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH )
else if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE )
else if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM )
throw new Error("According to the doc this type couldn't appear in the body: "+type);

How to write test cases using Equivalence Class, Boundary value, and Basis Path Testing

I have a method isPerfect(x) (with 4<=x<=10000) below, how to write test cases based on Equivalence Class, Boundary Value, and Basis Path Testing:
public boolean checkPerfectNumber(int x) {
if(x >= 4 && x <= 10000) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < x; i++) {
if(x % i == 0) {
sum += i;
if(sum == x) return true;
return false;

apps script: increase variable with each execution

Hi i have a list of values each value representing the output of a shift of packaging. I want to calculate the average output of 8 weeks. So each time a shift passes the average output changes. My idea is to trigger a function after each shift, which calculates the output. Now theres my problem, how do i get a varible (the one representing the row of the first value) to increase after each trigger of the function? What i tried is to declare the variable before the function and increase the variable of 1 inside the function. Buf ofc the starting value doesnt change this way.. Probably there is an easy way for this i just dont know yet (programming newbie here :)).
let i = 7;
let j = 126;
function schnitt() {
var summe = 0;
var counter = 0;
while(i <= j){
var aktuell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(i,6,1,1).getValue();
if(aktuell != ""){
summe = summe + aktuell;
var durchschnitt = summe / counter;
var ausgabe = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(8,7,1,1).setValue(durchschnitt);
I have found a work around. I just put var i and j into cells and do it like this:
function schnitt() {
var i = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(3,14,1,1).getValue();
var j = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(4,14,1,1).getValue();
var summe = 0;
var counter = 0;
while(i <= j){
var aktuell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(i,6,1,1).getValue();
if(aktuell != ""){
summe = summe + aktuell;
var durchschnitt = summe / counter;
var ausgabe = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(8,7,1,1).setValue(durchschnitt);
i = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(3,14,1,1).getValue();
j = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Auswertung").getRange(4,14,1,1).getValue();

apply bind pose to a kinect skeleton

I want to normalize a skeleton in order to make it invariant to the size of the person
in front of the kinect; in the same way as the aveteering example.
But I don't want to animate a 3D model using XNA, the only thing I need is to normalize an
So in order to do this task, I have divided it in two functions:
(a) apply a bind pose to an skeleton in order to see how to work this matrix. Obviously this is not what i want to do, but it is a first step in order to
know how to work whit matrix, and so on.
(b) apply any arbitrary pose to a normalized-size-skeleton
First of all, I want to apply a bind pose to an skeleton (a).
First, I have to load the matrix that describe the bone length/ offset between bones and store it in
List BindPose.
Due to I have no idea how to do it, I modified the Aveteering example and write in a file all the Matrix that define
the BindPose, InverseBindPose and SkeletonHierarchy of the dude. I only need BindPose to this first task, but I have the
code prepared in order to do the second task (b)
The file looks like this:
So each line is a 4X4 matrix defining the BindPose.
To generate this file, the code is like this:
private void ViewSkinningData(SkinningData data)
string nameFile = "bind_pose_transformations";
bool append = false;
// The using statement automatically closes the stream and calls IDisposable.Dispose on the stream object.
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(#nameFile, append))
for (int i = 0; i < data.BindPose.Count; i++)
Matrix m = data.BindPose[i];
string matrixString = MatrixToString(m);
for (int i = 0; i < data.InverseBindPose.Count; i++)
Matrix m = data.InverseBindPose[i];
string matrixString = MatrixToString(m);
for (int i = 0; i < data.SkeletonHierarchy.Count; i++)
file.Write(data.SkeletonHierarchy[i] + ";");
string MatrixToString(Matrix m)
string result;
result = m.M11 + ";" + m.M12 + ";" + m.M13 + ";" + m.M14 + ";" + m.M21 + ";" + m.M22 + ";" + m.M23 + ";" + m.M24 + ";" + m.M31 + ";" + m.M32 + ";" + m.M33 + ";" + m.M34 + ";" + m.M41 + ";" + m.M42 + ";" + m.M43 + ";" + m.M44;
return result;
Next step is to load all this Skinning data in my program:
private void InitializeSkinningDataFromFile()
string filename = "bind_pose_transformations";
int number_avatar_joints = 58;
List<Matrix> binpose = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Matrix>();
List<Matrix> inversebindpose = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Matrix>();
List<int> skeletonhierarchy = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
// The using statement automatically closes the stream and calls IDisposable.Dispose on the stream object.
using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename))
string s;
int count = 0;
while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s = file.ReadLine()))
string[] values = s.Split(';');
Matrix m = BuildMatrix(values);
if (count == number_avatar_joints)
count = 0;
while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s = file.ReadLine()))
string[] values = s.Split(';');
Matrix m = BuildMatrix(values);
if (count == number_avatar_joints)
string[] skeletonHierarchy = file.ReadLine().Split(';'); //lee un caracter de separacion al final...
//for (int i = 0; i < skeletonHierarchy.Count(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < number_avatar_joints; i++)
skinningDataValue = new SkinningData(binpose, inversebindpose, skeletonhierarchy);
After, I have to construct boneTransforms structure:
// Bone matrices for the "dude" model
this.boneTransforms = new Matrix[skinningDataValue.BindPose.Count];
this.skinningDataValue.BindPose.CopyTo(this.boneTransforms, 0);
Now boneTransforms have the transformation for my skeleton. So now, i have to apply these trasnformations to an skeleton
Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton();
foreach (Joint joint in skeleton.Joints)
int indexMatrix = AvatarBoneToNuiJointIndex(joint.JointType);
Matrix transform;
if (indexMatrix >= 0)
transform = this.boneTransforms[indexMatrix];
transform = Matrix.Identity;
Joint aux = ApplyMatrixTransformationToJoint(joint, transform);
normalizeSkel.Joints[joint.JointType] = aux;
This is a helper function AvatarBoneToNuiJointIndex:
public int AvatarBoneToNuiJointIndex(JointType jointType)
switch (jointType)
case JointType.HipCenter:
return 1;
case JointType.Spine:
return 4;
case JointType.ShoulderCenter:
return 6;
case JointType.Head:
return 7;
case JointType.ShoulderLeft:
return 12;
case JointType.ElbowLeft:
return 13;
case JointType.WristLeft:
return 14;
case JointType.HandLeft:
return 15;
case JointType.ShoulderRight:
return 31;
case JointType.ElbowRight:
return 32;
case JointType.WristRight:
return 33;
case JointType.HandRight:
return 34;
case JointType.KneeLeft:
return 50;
case JointType.AnkleLeft:
return 51;
case JointType.FootLeft:
return 52;
case JointType.KneeRight:
return 54;
case JointType.AnkleRight:
return 55;
case JointType.FootRight:
return 56;
default: return -1;
This is a helper function ApplyMatrixTransformationToJoint:
public Joint ApplyMatrixTransformationToJoint(Joint skeletonJoint, Matrix tranformations)
Vector3 pos = SkeletonPointToVector3(skeletonJoint.Position);
Vector3 result = ApplyMatrixTransformationToVector(pos, tranformations);
SkeletonPoint newPosition = new SkeletonPoint()
X = result.X,
Y = result.Y,
Z = result.Z
skeletonJoint.Position = newPosition;
return skeletonJoint;
This is the code for ApplyMatrixTransformationToVector:
static Vector3 ApplyMatrixTransformationToVector(Vector3 v, Matrix m)
return Vector3.Transform(v, m);
But the problem is that I can't see anything.
I don't know if this approach is correct.
Any help would be fantastic.
Many thanks!

Non recursive BST (binary search tree)

Hello I don't know what is wrong with my BST insert method.
Any suggestions it has too be non recursive it adds to the right always I want to know why it adds to the ends to the BST when I print it shows that the nodes were added at the right only.
void InsertBST(LZWCmp cmp, TreeNode **root, int code)
TreeNode tmp = *root;
TreeNode current = NULL;
Code temp;
Code temp1;
int size;
int comp;
int direction = -1;
if(*root == NULL)
root = CreateNode(code)
while(tmp != NULL) {
temp = GetCode(cmp->cst, tmp->cNum);
temp1 = GetCode(cmp->cst, code);
size = temp.size;
if(temp1.size < temp.size)
size = temp1.size;
comp = memcmp(,, size);
if(temp1.size < temp.size && comp == 0)
comp = -1;
else if(temp1.size < temp.size && comp == 0)
comp = 1;
if(comp < 0) {
current = tmp;
direction = FALSE;
tmp = tmp->left;
} else (
current = tmp;
direction = TRUE;
tmp = tmp->right;
if(direction == FALSE)
current->left = CreateNode(code);
current->right = CreateNode(code);
There you go:
void InsertBST(LZWCmp cmp, TreeNode **root, int code)
Code temp;
Code temp1;
int size;
int comp;
while ( *root ) {
temp = GetCode(cmp->cst, (*root)->cNum);
temp1 = GetCode(cmp->cst, code);
size = (temp1.size < temp.size) ? temp1.size : temp.size;
comp = memcmp(,, size);
if (comp ==0 ) comp = (temp1.size < temp.size ) ? -1 : 1;
root = (comp < 0) ? &(*root)->left
: &(*root)->right;
*root = CreateNode(code);
NOTE: this code does not check for duplicates. It always inserts a node.
NOTE2: I am not sure about the sign in: if (comp ==0 ) comp = (temp1.size < temp.size ) ? -1 : 1; (in the original the sign was the same in both cases)