how a hive table should be created when we need query based on daily data - sql

i want to understand if i need to query a table and query is something like below
Select * from table_name where date_column > sysdate-2 and date_column < sysdate;
note: my intention is to select data of each day to be specific
then how should i design my table for better results?? i think partitioning based on date will give too many partitions and lead to performance bottle neck , not sure whether bucketing works here.... plz suggest and some explanation

If the data on a daily basis is just not enough to create a partition, you must think on creating partition based on yyyyMM (Year and Month). In that case, your query changes to
Select * from table_name where
my_partition_col in (date_format(sysdate,'yyyyMM'), date_format(sysdate-2,'yyyyMM'))
AND date_column > sysdate-2 and date_column < sysdate;
This optimizes the storage and performance requirement.

You should partition by date.
You are correct that this will create a lot of partitions. Within Hive, each date will be a separate file, and yes, Hive will need to maintain all of that, but that's exactly what Hive is best at.
note: my intention is to select data of each day to be specific
Since this is your intention, you'll get the best performance with daily partitions.
Other sorts of queries, running across multiple dates, may result in the performance bottleneck you're expressing concern about. But if that occurs, you could consider creating a different table to address that use case.
For your primary, current use case, daily partitions are the solution.


Querying a partitioned BigQuery table across multiple far-apart _PARTITIONDATE days?

I have a number of very big tables that are partitioned by _PARTITIONDATE which I'd like to query off of regularly in an efficient way. Each time I run the query, I only need to search across a small number of dates, but these dates will change every run and may be months/years apart from one-another.
To capture these dates, I could do _PARTITIONDATE >= '2015-01-01' but this is making the queries run very slow as there are millions of rows on each partition. I could also do _PARTITIONDATE BETWEEN '2015-01-01' AND '2017-01-01', but the exact date range will change every run. What I'd like to do is something like _PARTITIONDATE IN ("2015-03-10", "2016-01-24", "2016-22-03", "2017-06-14") so that the query only needs to run on the dates provided, which from my testing appears to work.
The problem I'm running into is that the list of dates will change every time, requiring me to join in the list of dates in a temp table first. When doing that like this source._PARTITIONDATE IN (, it does not work and runs into an error if that's the only WHERE condition when querying a partition-required table.
Any advice for ways I might get this to work or other approach to querying off specific partitions that aren't back to back without having to process querying the whole thing?
I've been reading through the BigQuery documentation but I don't see an answer to this question. I do see it says that the following "doesn't limit the scanned partitions, because it uses table values, which are dynamic." So possibly what I'm trying to do is impossible with the current BQ limitations?
_PARTITIONTIME = (SELECT MAX(timestamp) from dataset.table1)
Script is a possible solution.

Optimize SELECT MAX(timestamp) query

I would like to run this query about once every 5 minutes to be able to run an incremental query to MERGE to another table.
SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM dataset.myTable
-- timestamp is of type TIMESTAMP
My concern is that will do a full scan of myTable on a regular basis.
What are the best practices for optimizing this query? Will partitioning help even if the SELECT MAX doesn't extract the date from the query? Or is it just the columnar nature of BigQuery will make this optimal?
Thank you.
What you can do is, instead of querying your table directly, query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table within your dataset. Doc here.
You can for instance go for:
The PARTITIONS table hold metadata at the rate of one record for each of your partitions. It is therefore greatly smaller than your table and it's an easy way to cut your query costs. (it is also much faster to query).

BigQuery: querying the latest partition, bytes to be processed vs. actually processed

I'm struggling with querying efficiently the last partition of a table, using a date or datetime field. The first approach was to filter like this:
FROM my_table
WHERE observation_date = (SELECT MAX(observation_date) FROM my_table)
But that, according to BigQuery's processing estimation, scans the entire table and does not use the partitions. Even Google states this happens in their documentation. It does work if I use an exact value for the partition:
FROM my_table
WHERE observation_date = CURRENT_DATE
But if the table is not up to date then the query will not get any results and my automatic procesess will fail. If I include an offset like observation_date = DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 2 DAY), I will likely miss the latest partition.
What is the best practice to get the latest partition efficiently?
What makes this worse is that BigQuery's estimation of the bytes to be processed with the active query does not match what was actually processed, unless I'm not interpreting those numbers correctly. Find below the screenshot of the mismatching values.
BigQuery screen with aparrently mistmatching processed bytes
Finally a couple of scenarios that I also tested:
If I store a max_date with a DECLARE statement first, as suggested in this post, the estimation seems to work, but it is not clear why. However, the actual processed bytes after running the query is not different than the case that filters the latest partition in the WHERE clause.
Using the same declared max_date in a table that is both partitioned and clustered, the estimation works only when using a filter for the partition, but fails if I include a filter for the cluster.
After some iterations I got an answer from Google and although it doesn't resolve the issue, it acknowledges it happens.
Tables partitioned with DATE or DATETIME fields cannot be efficiently queried for their latest partition. The best practice remains to filter with something like WHERE observation_date = (SELECT MAX(observation_date) FROM my_table) and that will scan the whole table.
They made notes to try and improve this in the future but we have to deal with this for now. I hope this helps somebody that was trying to do the same thing.

Ad hoc queries against high cardinality columns

How to improve the performance of ad hoc queries against tables having hundreds of high cardinality columns and millions of records?
In my case, I have a table with one indexed DATE column SDATE, one VARCHAR2 column NE and 750 numeric columns most of them high cardinality columns with values in the range of 0 to 100. The table is updated with almost 20000 new records every hour. The queries against this table look like:
So far, I have always advised users not to enter big interval dates so as to put a limit on the number of records resulted from the date index access path; however, from time to time it becomes necessary to specify bigger intervals.
If V1, V2, ..., V750 were all low cardinality columns, I would have been able to utilize bitmap indexes. Unfortunately they are not.
What's the advice on this? How should I tackle this problem?
I assume you're stuck with the design, so a few thoughts that I'd probably look at -
1) use partitions - if you have partitioning option
2) use some triggers to denormalise (or normalise in this case) a query table which is more optimised for the query usage
3) make some snapshots
4) look at having a current table or set of tables which has the days records (or some suitable subset), and roll them over to a big table to store hsitory.
It depends on usage patterns and all the other constraints the system has - this may get you started, if you have more details a better solution is probably out there.
I think the big problem would be the inserts. You have an index on sdate wich slow the inserts and speed up the selects. But, returning to your problems:
If users specify an interval wich is large (let's say >5%) it is beter to have the table partitioned by sdate in a daily or weekly or monthly manner.
Oracle partitioning docs
(If you partition the table, don't forget to partition also the index. And if you want to do it live, use exchange partition ).
Also, as workaround, if you have a powerfull machine, you may use parallel queries.
Oracle Parallel docs

Get Day, Month, Year, Lifetime total records with one query w/ optimizations

I have a Postgres DB running 7.4 (Yeah we're in the midst of upgrading)
I have four separate queries to get the Daily, Monthly, Yearly and Lifetime record counts
FROM database
WHERE date_field
For Month just replace the word DAY with MONTH in the query and so on for each time duration.
Looking for ideas on how to get all the desired results with one query and any optimizations one would recommend.
Thanks in advance!
NOTE: date_field is timestamp without time zone
Sorry I do filter out records with additional query constraints, just wanted to give the gist of the date_field comparisons. Sorry for any confusion
I have some idea of using prepared statements and simple statistics (record_count_t) table for that:
-- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS record_count_t;
-- DEALLOCATE record_count;
-- DROP FUNCTION updateRecordCounts();
CREATE TABLE record_count_t (type char, count bigint);
INSERT INTO record_count_t (type) VALUES ('d'), ('m'), ('y'), ('l');
PREPARE record_count (text) AS
UPDATE record_count_t SET count =
FROM database
CASE WHEN $1 <> 'l' THEN
WHERE type = $1;
CREATE FUNCTION updateRecordCounts() RETURNS void AS
EXECUTE record_count('d');
EXECUTE record_count('m');
EXECUTE record_count('y');
EXECUTE record_count('l');
SELECT updateRecordCounts();
SELECT type,count FROM record_count_t;
Use updateRecordCounts() function any time you need update statistics.
I'd guess that it is not possible to optimize this any further than it already is.
If you're collecting daily/monthly/yearly stats, as I'm assuming you are doing, one option (after upgrading, of course) is a with statement and the relevant joins, e.g.:
with daily_stats as (
(what you posted)
monthly_stats as (
(what you posted monthly)
select daily_stats.stats,
left join yearly_stats on ...
left join monthly_stats on ...
left join daily_stats on ...
However, that will actually perform less well than running each query separately in a production environment, because you'll introduce left joins in the DB which could be done just as well in the middleware (i.e. show daily, then monthly, then yearly and finally lifetime stats). (If not better, since you'll be avoiding full table scans.)
By keeping things as if, you'll save the precious DB resources to deal with reads and writes on actual data. The tradeoff (less network traffic between your database and your app) is almost certainly not worth it.
Yikes! Don't do this!!! Not because you can't do what you're asking, but because you probably shouldn't be doing what you're asking in this manner. I'm guessing the reason you've got date_field in your example is because you've got a date_field attached to a user or some other meta-data.
Think about it: you are asking PostgreSQL to scan 100% of the records relevant to a given user. Unless this is a one-time operation, you almost assuredly do not want to do this. If this is a one-time operation and you are planning on caching this value as a meta-data, then who cares about the optimizations? Space is cheap and will save you heaps of execution time down the road.
You should add 4x per-user (or whatever it is) meta-data fields that help sum up the data. You have two options, I'll let you figure out how to use this so that you keep historical counts, but here's the easy version:
CREATE TABLE user_counts_only_keep_current (
user_id , -- Your user_id
lifetime INT DEFAULT 0,
yearly INT DEFAULT 0,
monthly INT DEFAULT 0,
daily INT DEFAULT 0,
FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES "user"(id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX this_tbl_user_id_udx ON user_counts_only_keep_current(user_id);
Setup some stored procedures that zero out individual columns if last_update_utc doesn't match the current day according to NOW(). You can get creative from here, but incrementing records like this is going to be the way to go.
Handling of time series data in any relational database requires special handling and maintenance. Look in to PostgreSQL's table inheritance if you want good temporal data management.... but really, don't do whatever it is you're about to do to your application because it's almost certainly going to result in bad things(tm).