Excel - Copy between two workbooks in VBA - vba

I have two workbooks in excel. I am trying to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another.
And after that I want to close the workbook where I had copied from.
What I have done so far:
Sub copy()
Workbooks.Open filename:= _
Selection.Copy Destination:=Workbooks("C:\Grafic.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
End Sub

Maybe this helps
Option Explicit
Sub CopyIt()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim copyWb As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim fileName As String, sheetName As String
fileName = "... complete filename ..."
sheetName = "... sheet name ..."
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fileName)
Set wks = wb.Sheets(sheetName)
Set copyWb = ThisWorkbook ' the workbook you would like to copy to
wks.copy before:=copyWb.Sheets(1)
wb.Close False
End Sub

Close method has some parameters to set if you want to save changes or not.
More info:


VBA - copy sheet from Application.GetOpenFilename()

I would like to browse to the specific excel file and copy sheet1 of the file which is opening into the new sheet in my xlsm file. I have written the code like below:
Option Explicit
Sub test_copy_sheet()
Dim path As String
Dim filetoopen As Variant
Dim openwb As Workbook
filetoopen = Application.GetOpenFilename()
If filetoopen <> False Then
Set openwb = Application.Workbooks.Open(filetoopen)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add.Name = "mysheet"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("mysheet").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
openwb.Close False
End If
End Sub
When i ran the code, it get the issue as photo
I just want to copy sheet1 of the file opening to sheet name "mysheet". Could you please assist on this ?
As mentioned in the comments, please insert Option Explicit at the top of the module to ensure you declare all variables properly (and also pick up typo like thisworkbook and OpenBook)
Try this code below, it will open the file, copy the first sheet to ThisWorkbook and rename to mysheet:
Sub test_copy_sheet()
Dim filetoopen As Variant
Dim openwb As Workbook
filetoopen = Application.GetOpenFilename()
If filetoopen <> False Then
Set openwb = Application.Workbooks.Open(filetoopen, ReadOnly:=True)
openwb.Sheets(1).Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Name = "mysheet"
End If
End Sub
Note: You will need to add additional check to be sure that ThisWorkbook does not have a sheet named mysheet. (i.e. no duplicate names)

Copying a worksheet to another workbook using VBA

I am trying to copy a worksheet from the workbook that the VBA is in (ThisWorkbook) and past it into another workbook that the user has open (ActiveWorkbook). I have written a function but I cannot get it to work. I have done something similar before and I have searched the internet but I cannot find a solution or why it is failing me. What am I doing wrong?
Function workBooks() As String
aWbkName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
tWbkName = ThisWorkbook.Name
Dim wbk1 As Workbook
Dim wbk2 As Workbook
Set wbk1 = tWbkName
Set wbk2 = aWbkName
wbk1.Sheet2.Copy After:=wbk2.Sheets(7)
End Function
Try this and see if it works. It will copy Sheet2 in ThisWorkbook and paste it after Sheet1 in the ActiveWorkbook
Option Explicit
Public Sub copy_sheet()
Dim source_worksheet As Worksheet
Set source_worksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim target_worksheet As Worksheet
Set target_worksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
source_worksheet.Copy After:=target_worksheet
End Sub
you don't need all that variable dimming and assigning:
Sub workBooks()
ThisWorkbook.Sheet2.Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(7)
End Sub

Excel Macro: Setting a variable for a workbooks location?

I need to write a macro script that will copy data from one xml workbook and paste the values to another workbook. I've written the below macro that works fine, but i need to run this every week for several different documents so it means i have to replace the document name for each run.
Here's what i have so far:
Sub copying()
''''''Section 1''''''
Workbooks("Results_2561").Activate 'workbook i'm copying from
Workbooks("Overall_Results").Activate 'workbook i'm pasting to
''''''Section 2''''''
''''''Section 3''''''
''''''Section 4''''''
End Sub
and that's only half the script. Is there a way i can declare a variable at the start and set it as the Workbooks file path so i can call that instead of typing and retyping it over and over again?
Preferably without using something like
Dim book1 as Workbook
Set book1 = Workbooks.Open("C://Results_2561.xlsm")
..as this keeps opening and closing the document when i run the script.
since you're only interested in copying values you could use this helper Sub
Sub CopyValues(rngToCopyFrom As Range, rngToCopyTo As Range)
With rngToCopyFrom
rngToCopyTo.Resize(.Rows.COUNT, .Columns.COUNT).Value = .Value
End With
End Sub
to be exploited in your main code like follows:
Sub main()
Dim wsTo As Worksheet
Set wsTo = Workbooks("Overall_Results").ActiveSheet '<--| set the worksheet to paste values to
With Workbooks("Results_2561").ActiveSheet '<--| reference the worksheet to copy values from
CopyValues .Range("B27:B41"), wsTo.Range("G2")
CopyValues .Range("C27:C41"), wsTo.Range("C2")
CopyValues .Range("I28:I40"), wsTo.Range("G17")
CopyValues .Range("J28:J40"), wsTo.Range("C17")
End With
End Sub
should your relevant workbooks have more than one sheet, then just substitute
Worksheets("myRelevantShetName") '<--|change "myRelevantShetName" to the actual name of the relevant worksheet in each workbook
First of all, you don't have to Activate workbook every time when you want to copy/paste something. Just declare it in Range() property, for example:
''''''Section 1''''''
You can set Workbook as variable like:
Sub copying()
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Set wb1 = Workbooks("Results_2561")
Set wb2 = Workbooks("Overall_Results")
''''''Section 1''''''
End Sub
Finally, as #A.S.H suggested, you can add a file dialog where you point which files you want to use. I have put it in some function (don't forget to put it in the same project as your copying macro):
Function strPath() As String
Dim intResult As Integer
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker).Title = "Select file"
intResult = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker).Show
If intResult <> 0 Then
strPath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker).SelectedItems(1)
End If
End Function
So your final code for Section 1 would look like:
Sub copying()
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
MsgBox "Show file to copy form."
Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open(strPath())
MsgBox "Show file to paste in."
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(strPath())
''''''Section 1''''''
End Sub

Copy worksheet over to another workbook

I would like to export a worksheet from Workbook A to another Workbook B which I need Excel to prompt me to choose. I am getting an error "Type Mismatch". Alternatively, I can export to an entirely new Workbook as well.
Sub savefile()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim filter As String
Dim linkf As Variant
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Set targetWorkbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
caption = "Please Select an output file "
linkf = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)
If linkf = False Then Exit Sub
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(linkf)
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=Workbooks(wb).Sheets("Sample")
End Sub
Replace the following line
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=Workbooks(wb).Sheets("Sample")
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=wb.Sheets("Sample")
Replace your last line with this:
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=wb.Sheets("Sample")
Make sure that you have a worksheet called "Sample" in the second workbook

Copy sheet from one workbook to another workbook

I need to take (copy) sheet from one workbook and append it to the end of existing excel document. I wrote this code but it doesnt work and gives an error. Please help =)
Public wb As Workbook 'workbook with the source sheet
Sub test()
dim wbNew as workbook 'destination workbook
Set wbNew = Workbooks.Open(Me.fileDestPathTextBox.Value)
wbNew.Sheets.Add After:=wbNew.Sheets(wbNew.Sheets.Count).Name = Me.sheetNameTextBox.Value
wb.Sheets("Souce Sheet").Copy wbNew.Sheets(Me.sheetNameTextBox.Value)
End Sub
You don't add a sheet and then try and copy your sheet to that sheet - you just copy the original sheet to the target workbook:
Sub test()
dim wbNew as workbook 'destination workbook
Set wbNew = Workbooks.Open(Me.fileDestPathTextBox.Value)
wb.Sheets("Souce Sheet").Copy After:=wbNew.Sheets(wbNew.Sheets.Count)
End Sub