Copy worksheet over to another workbook - vba

I would like to export a worksheet from Workbook A to another Workbook B which I need Excel to prompt me to choose. I am getting an error "Type Mismatch". Alternatively, I can export to an entirely new Workbook as well.
Sub savefile()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim filter As String
Dim linkf As Variant
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Set targetWorkbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
caption = "Please Select an output file "
linkf = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)
If linkf = False Then Exit Sub
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(linkf)
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=Workbooks(wb).Sheets("Sample")
End Sub

Replace the following line
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=Workbooks(wb).Sheets("Sample")
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=wb.Sheets("Sample")

Replace your last line with this:
targetWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Copy After:=wb.Sheets("Sample")
Make sure that you have a worksheet called "Sample" in the second workbook


Run on the master workbook, check if there are any new or deleted worksheets in the daily input workbook

I am trying to figure out how to do this, any guidance would be great.
Setup: I work between 2 workbooks called Master and Daily Input
The Daily Input file contains 10 worksheets, each worksheet = 1 person's name. + 1 worksheet named "Input Template"
The Master workbook contains a bunch of different worksheets for different calculations. + 9 worksheet with the team member's names.
Assume currently there are 9 people in the team.
When new people join or leave the team, they will open / delete worksheets from the Daily Input workbook.
Therefore I want to:
New Team Member added a new worksheet scenario:
If Daily Input have a worksheet that Master does not (except Input Template), then create a new worksheet in Master with the same name. The new worksheet is copied from Output Template that is already in the Master file.
If Master have a worksheet that Daily Input does not (except a few worksheets for calculation), then just prompt a messagebox.
Currently I have written something that extracts all the sheet names from the Daily Input file, and then put it in the Master File but I am not sure how to make use of that...
Maybe load both sheet name lists into an array and compare?
Sub ObtainNameList()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim WkBk_Input As Workbook
Dim WkBk_Active As Workbook
Dim GetListFName As String
Dim GetListFPath As String
Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String
Dim i As Integer
Set WkBk_Active = Application.ActiveWorkbook
FPath = WkBk_Active.Worksheets("Menu").Range("B1")
FName = WkBk_Active.Worksheets("Menu").Range("B2")
Set WkBk_Input = Application.Workbooks.Open(FPath & "\" & FName)
For i = 1 To WkBk_Input.Sheets.Count
WkBk_Active.Worksheets("NameList").Range("A" & i).Value = WkBk_Input.Sheets(i).Name
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This ought to work, but I'm on my phone so can't actually check it:
Sub CheckandCreate()
Dim Fpath As String
Dim Fname As String
Dim master As Workbook
Set master = ThisWorkbook 'assume running in master
Dim daily As Workbook
'set daily path and name here
Set daily = Workbooks.Open(Fpath & "\" & Fname)
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In daily.Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name
Case "Input Template" 'add ay other sheet names you want to ignore here
Case Else
If SheetNotExist(ws.Name, master) Then
AddSheet (ws.Name)
End If
End Select
Next ws
daily.Close False 'close daily without saving
End Sub
Function SheetNotExist(sheetname As String, where As Workbook) As Boolean
On Error GoTo nope
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = where.Worksheets(sheetname) 'if sheet exists this will work
SheetNotExist = False
Exit Function
SheetNotExist = True 'will only get here if sheet doesn't exist
End Function
Sub AddSheet(sheetname As String)
Dim ws As Worksheet
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output Template").Copy _ after:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count) 'copy to end of workbook
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count) 'new worksheet
ws.Name = sheetname
End Sub

Excel - Copy between two workbooks in VBA

I have two workbooks in excel. I am trying to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another.
And after that I want to close the workbook where I had copied from.
What I have done so far:
Sub copy()
Workbooks.Open filename:= _
Selection.Copy Destination:=Workbooks("C:\Grafic.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
End Sub
Maybe this helps
Option Explicit
Sub CopyIt()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim copyWb As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim fileName As String, sheetName As String
fileName = "... complete filename ..."
sheetName = "... sheet name ..."
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fileName)
Set wks = wb.Sheets(sheetName)
Set copyWb = ThisWorkbook ' the workbook you would like to copy to
wks.copy before:=copyWb.Sheets(1)
wb.Close False
End Sub
Close method has some parameters to set if you want to save changes or not.
More info:

Copying a worksheet to another workbook using VBA

I am trying to copy a worksheet from the workbook that the VBA is in (ThisWorkbook) and past it into another workbook that the user has open (ActiveWorkbook). I have written a function but I cannot get it to work. I have done something similar before and I have searched the internet but I cannot find a solution or why it is failing me. What am I doing wrong?
Function workBooks() As String
aWbkName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
tWbkName = ThisWorkbook.Name
Dim wbk1 As Workbook
Dim wbk2 As Workbook
Set wbk1 = tWbkName
Set wbk2 = aWbkName
wbk1.Sheet2.Copy After:=wbk2.Sheets(7)
End Function
Try this and see if it works. It will copy Sheet2 in ThisWorkbook and paste it after Sheet1 in the ActiveWorkbook
Option Explicit
Public Sub copy_sheet()
Dim source_worksheet As Worksheet
Set source_worksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim target_worksheet As Worksheet
Set target_worksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
source_worksheet.Copy After:=target_worksheet
End Sub
you don't need all that variable dimming and assigning:
Sub workBooks()
ThisWorkbook.Sheet2.Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(7)
End Sub

Copy a template worksheet multiple times in a new workbook with different worksheet names

Trying to complete a VBA routine for the first time.
The goal is :
Use a vertical range of cell that have different names in each cell to create multiples worksheets in one new workbook.
Here's what i got until now :
Sub AddWorksheet()
Dim plage As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim titre As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Set plage = Range("E6:E24")
Set wb = Workbooks.Add("New Workbook")
For i = 1 To plage.Height
If plage.Cells(i).Value <> "" Then
titre = plage.Cells(i).Value
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("FeuilleTemplate").Copy After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = titre
End If
Next i
End Sub
Until now the following line is giving me a hard time :
Set wb = Workbooks.add("New Worbook")
The error message is : Error execution '1004' :
The method 'dd' of the object 'Workbooks' has failed.
I'm having a hard time reading and finding the info too for how the methods and class works
I'm use to java.
Thanx for those who gona take time to help me thru this
I think we cannot add a workbook with a specified name as it is not yet saved. So just add workbook do all the operations and in the end save it with the desired name.
Sub AddWorksheet()
Application.DefaultSaveFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Dim plage As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim OldBook As Workbook, NewBook As Workbook 'declare both workbooks
Set OldBook = ActiveWorkbook
spath = ThisWorkbook.Path
Set plage = OldBook.Sheets("Sheet Names").Range("E6:E24") 'Assuming that sheet names are in range E6:E24 in "Sheet Names" sheet in old workbook
Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add 'adding new workbook so as to copy the template sheet but this workbook is not saved yet
For i = 1 To plage.Height
If plage.Cells(i).Value <> "" Then 'for each non blank cell in range
OldBook.Sheets("FeuilleTemplate").Copy After:=NewBook.Sheets(NewBook.Sheets.Count) 'Copy "FeuilleTemplate" sheet in workbook after last sheet
NewBook.Sheets("FeuilleTemplate").Name = plage.Cells(i).Value 'Rename the sheet to the desired names from range E6:E24 in "Sheet Names" sheet in old workbook
End If
Next i
With NewBook
.SaveAs Filename:=spath & "\" & "New Workbook with Templates"
.Close SaveChanges:=True
End With
End Sub

Opening a workbook with VBA/macro is making it read only?

I would like my code to open a workbook (always the same one), detect the first free row, write to just two cells in that row, and then save/close the workbook. This seems like a simple problem, but the macro seems to be opening a copy of the file, and then locking it for editing.
Can you see any errors in my open code? I know that the file opens and that the row search works, but then it 1. never writes to the cells, and 2. locks the file.
Function WriteToMaster(Num, Path) As Boolean
'Declare variables
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim infoLoc As Long
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
'Specifies where the Master Move Key is stored
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("DOC LOCATION")
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Loop through cells, looking for an empty one, and set that to the loan number
infoLoc = firstBlankRow(ws)
MsgBox "First blank row is " & infoLoc & ". Num is " & Num
ws.Cells(infoLoc, 1).Value = Num
ws.Cells(infoLoc, 2).Value = Path
'Save, close, and quit
'Resets the variables
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
'pieces of function from
End Function
Thank you again, stackoverflow <3
Do you need to open a new excel app just to open a workbook?
Can't you just do something like this:
Sub Macro1()
Dim wkb As Workbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:="\User Documents$\bob\My Documents\workbook_open_example.xlsx"
Set wkb = Workbooks("workbook_open_example.xlsx")
End Sub