Auth0 An error occurred when fetching client data for lock timeout - auth0

Auth0 login popup is not working on only one machine and returning following error in console
An error occurred when fetching client data for lock timeout
As this issue is happening on one machine , we cannot debug this locally.
Do anybody have any idea, what are the possible scenarios for this?
Is there any restrictions in Auth0 which could impact any specific user?


Visual Studio not letting login after clearing the cache

After facing the problem mention at below URL and trying the solution given, visual studio is not getting login.
An attempt to communicate with Azure DevOps failed because a token could not be retrieved
Now Facing the error - "we could not refresh the credentials for the account. Request to the endpoint is timed out"
Login with Product key solved the issue.
Earlier I was trying using my account, but that was giving me the error.

Docker API logs JWT issue

I am using Docker to run containers for an app that uses Angular, Identity Server, and an API(using a Compose.yml file to run them all together).
The API is responsible for returning database info, based on the user logged in through Identity Server. Locally, the API returns the user info after login without any issues. However, when I use Docker to run the app, the user can login but not have their db info returned to the angular page. I checked the logs for the API container, and am receiving the following errors:
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler[3]
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware[1]
So it appears to me that there is an issue with the API receiving the token. I only see these error messages after I login through ID server. The ID server container logs do not display any errors before or after I login.
Can someone help me resolve this issue?

ASP.NET Core Auth0 - Unable to unprotect the message.State

We have Auth0 enabled for a site and it has been working well for quite some time.
All of a sudden when I enter the site and get redirected to Auth0 to enter my crendentials (and press login), I get faced with a screen with the following message.
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
Exception: Unable to unprotect the message.State.
MoveNext AggregateException: Unhandled remote failure.
If I repeatedly refresh my site with /signin-auth0 at the end of the url the same error screen is shown.
Now when I repeated all steps from start (meaning entering my site) it all of a sudden work. What's this error anyway?
This was resolved by the Auth0 team as a bug in Auth0's transmission of the state parameter for social logins, notably Google. Things should be working normally again.

fail to authenticate after deployment

I have a web application using glassfish and form authentication (j_security_check). All the passwords and usernames are stored in a javaDB (derby). I was able to log into the system while developing on the localhost and now that I deployed the app to AWS whenever I try to log in with a user (I have checked that the user actually exists in the DB), I always get the same error (that i normally get when entering wrong details) i.e. WEB9102: Web Login Failed: Login failed.
Any ideas what it might be? I don't even know what info to provide since the issue doesn't even throw an exception or something. thanks

Domino Server Authentication Error - Weird

We are receiving the following error message when people attempt to log in.
nHTTP: TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IIogAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFASgKAAAADw== [] authentication failure using internet password
Any ideas why this is happening and why it's preventing appropriate logins ?
Turns out it was a single sign-on setting problem. We fixed the setting and all is working.