is there a way where i can list the tasks as shown if grouping is implemented?
Like for example, I used Group1 where it is grouped by Text1 then Text2. Using vsto, I want to have a list where I can get the exact hierarchical of the tasks with the computed % of completion.
If I understand you, then use VSTO to create a view that applies your Group/Filter combo. Then do a select all, and you can do whatever you want with the contents.
I have a table similar to below in a WPF application.
We are using Silk Test 17.5 using VB.NET.
Table is dynamically loaded based on latest data.
I need to click on 'Default' ( Link) for specific row.
e.g. I need to click on 'Default' link for Trump1 , Trump2 row.
How should I do it? All locators of default links are same and I cannot differentiate between them.
Is there any I can append First Name locator to Default to figure out which locator to click?
SilkTest has a framework for supporting such custom controls and a nice tutorial here
Theoretically you would have to:
List all the methods on the control
From the previous listing (or by talking with the developers) look up the method to access the rows inside the control
Filter your rows and get the one which is interesting for you
From the row you can get the cell by following the same pattern(find out the method which gives acces to it, get it, filter)
Click on the Link
Of course as the tutorial tells you, if you do not want to always do these iterations you should create some higher level utilities where you can just get the Cell at once. Example: GetGridViewRowCell(gridView, cellRow, cellColumn) where cellRows can be a more sophisticated filter object where you describe which cell must have which value in order to identify the proper row
Assuming the table has a hierarchical structure similar to HTML, you should be able to do the following:
Locate a cell in the row you are looking for that is easy to find, e.g. //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama'].
From that cell, move up the hierarchy one step using ...
Now you're in the correct WPFDataGridRow, search down again for the row's "Default" link with //WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Putting it all together, you'll get a locator like //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama']/..//WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Of course this is only an example based on the information you provided, so if you try it, make sure to pick the attributes with Silk Test's locator spy to make sure you get the correct values.
I have a problem during creating a crystal report which will show a part of one manufacturing process.
So, I need your help....
I have a four different components that forms a one bigger component (or product). Every of this small components pass through different production operations, but the same component don't pass through all production production operations.
And, I need a crystal report which shows every article (component) with a number of finished component in each operation.
Here is the example of SQL result (ordery by operations):
so, you can see that article with articleID = '29183' is going through first and last operation... also, articleID = '17275' is going through the second and last operation... I think that is all clear from the picture...
And, all I need is report that this will show in the columns like this:
In the report, I made a group by ArticleID, so the article (component) appears only in one row... And after that, I need a values in columns (columns for operations) which correspond to every article...
Very thanks... I try this solve for a few days, but I don't know how to solve this... I tried crosstabs, dictionaries, lists but nothing helps me
You've already grouped by Article ID so that each article has its own single line, so that's a good start. Now, you just need to separate the 3 operations with 3 formulas and aggregate them to the group level.
For example, the formula for the first operation would look like:
//If row is a "first operation" then display the finished data element
if {table.Operation}="first operation" then {table.Finished}
Then to display in the Group Footer you could just use a max() summary function on the formula you just created.
I am using RavenDB to store data in documents which I want to query later dynamically for generating some visual charts. I have an ASP.Net interface where the user can apply filters, include exclude certain criteria. This is a normal requirement in search pages and I thought RavenDB is perfect for it. However I am not sure how to generate the filters dynamically, do I need to create index on all fields in advance?
In one thread I read about LuceneQuery but there is no simple example out there documenting how to apply and remove filter criteria dynamically via LuceneQuery.
Kindly help and suggest how I can implement it. With Entity Framework I simple used to build the expression dynamically based on some values and then pass it in where clause.
Update: Ok so to be more specific I have a page where I am generating charts using dynamic queires. User has multiple filters that he can modify like, Year From, Year To, Category, Sub Category, Sales By Specific Salesman etc.
All this data is stored in one table or document so to speak. I want to group data based on user filters which can only be determined at run time, then execute a query that fethches result using "AND" operator among the filters. So that only those records that exactly match the criteria (Not the scores that Lucene calculates during search) are grouped and summary is returned so that I can generate charts on them. Hope I made sense this time
Assume I have one data set with following fields:
Name, Amount, Time, etc
How can I display only those records with Amount > 100, for example?
Since I need this data set for other report, I can't filter these records when I prepare data set.
I searched around, but couldn't find any answer. I will really appreciate if anyone can help.
By the way, I used Pentaho Report Designer 3.9.
Thanks a lot.
Yes, you can.
You have to find your Details Band - not Details Body -, within your Report Structure, and set up the Style Attribute visible the expression:
Besides, if you want your summaries to consider only the shown data, you can also add an Open Formula function field, that would say:
And you'd summarize it at the end of the report.
Here's the link with the full example built to your situation.
I'm new to lightswitch and i searched lot, but couldn't find proper solution for this simple question. I need to add items to combo box, based on user selection. ( not from existing table)
For example if user select country ,following towns must add to combo box.
USA - Texas, New York etc
UK - London , Surrey
How can i do this? i'm using as my back end. i found this article How to create an unbound combobox as useful one. but couldn't able work according to my scenario.
what is the way to add items to combo box?
In Lightswitch, if you want to have a dynamic set of data bound to a control, that data must be in a table. You then need to create a query that filters the data in that table based on the user's selection and bind your control to that query.
Here is a pair of articles that describes implementing a situation that is similar to yours:
Nested AutoCompleteBox for data entry
Nested AutoCompleteBox for data entry Part 2
We can't directly assign our own values to combo box. we have to use either data table ( as mentioned by embedded.kyle ) or we have to create custom control to assign values.
i have used custom User Control for above scenario. detail step that i followed can be found in following Link
Adding a record that doesn't already exist in a bound table is a very common scenario. Unfortunately, there's no out-of-the-box way to do this in LightSwitch, you simply have to write code to achieve it, like in this blog post.
Add non existent records using AutoCompleteBox
Or, of course as was also suggested, you could create a custom control to do the job.