Run object detection evaluation protocols (tensorflow) - tensorflow

I want to run one of the tensorflow object detection evaluation protocols [1]. I am new with it, and from the webpage I cannot understand where I would have to add the metrics_set configuration. Ex:
I tried changing the value in the eval.proto file, where metrics_set is set to the value 8. Does anyone know if this is the right place to change it? I saw no effect on changing this value. And what does the "8" mean? In addition, what is the output I am to expect?
I answered one of my questions: the place where I should change the setting is not the eval.proto, but in the configuration file:
eval_config: {
metrics_set: 'weighted_pascal_voc_detection_metrics'
However, I still do not understand where I am to see the effect of this - I still have the other questions unanswered.

I think "8" is just a placeholder - it's the 8th entry in the eval.proto file.
When you run an evaluation job (, this metrics_set you specify is used as the protocol by which to compute the metrics on the data set specified in eval_input_reader. The results are output to an events summary file prefixed with events.out.tfevents, which you can visualize using TensorBoard or event_accumulator from tensorboard.backend.event_processing. Different metrics set would vary slightly but I haven't tried them all to comment - you'll have to look into the details of each protocol.


Information on new fields TFRecord format for Object Detection API

I was digging through the TfExampleDecoder and saw some fields that don't appear to be documented anywhere. Starting in line 207:
fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_group_of: (slim_example_decoder.Tensor('image/object/group_of')),
fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights: (slim_example_decoder.Tensor('image/object/weight')),
Is there documentation for the purpose that these serve?
fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights is most likely a weight that gets multiplied with the loss. See 3.1 in

How to create an op like conv_ops in tensorflow?

What I'm trying to do
I'm new to C++ and bazel and I want to make some change on the convolution operation in tensorflow, so I decide that my first step is to create an ops just like it.
What I have done
I copied from //tensorflow/core/kernels and change the name of the ops registrated in my I also changed some name of the functions in the file to avoid duplication. And here is my BUILD file.
As you can see, I copy the deps attributes of conv_ops from //tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD. Then I use "bazel build -c opt //tensorflow/core/" to build the new op.
What my problem is
Then I got this error.
I tried to delete bounds_check and got same error for the next deps. Then I realize that there is some problem for including h files in //tensorflow/core/kernels from //tensorflow/core/user_ops. So how can I perfectely create a new op excatcly like conv_ops?
Adding a custom operation to TensorFlow is covered in the tutorial here. You can also look at actual code examples.
To address your specific problem, note that the tf_custom_op_library macro adds most of the necessary dependencies to your target. You can simply write the following :

Tensorflow: checkpoints simple load

I have a checkpoint file:
checkpoint-20001 checkpoint-20001.meta
how do I extract variables from this space, without having to load the previous model and starting session etc.
I want to do something like
cp = load(checkpoint-20001)
It's not documented, but you can inspect the contents of a checkpoint from Python using the class tf.train.NewCheckpointReader.
Here's a test case that uses it, so you can see how the class works.
Since it isn't a documented class, its API may change in the future.

How to write summaries for multiple runs in Tensorflow

If you look at the Tensorboard dashboard for the cifar10 demo, it shows data for multiple runs. I am having trouble finding a good example showing how to set the graph up to output data in this fashion. I am currently doing something similar to this, but it seems to be combining data from runs and whenever a new run starts I see the warning on the console:
WARNING:root:Found more than one graph event per run.Overwritting the graph with the newest event
The solution turned out to be simple (and probably a bit obvious), but I'll answer anyway. The writer is instantiated like this:
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(FLAGS.log_dir, sess.graph_def)
The events for the current run are written to the specified directory. Instead of having a fixed value for the logdir parameter, just set a variable that gets updated for each run and use that as the name of a sub-directory inside the log directory:
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter('%s/%s' % (FLAGS.log_dir, run_var), sess.graph_def)
Then just specify the root log_dir location when starting tensorboard via the --logdir parameter.
As mentioned in the documentation, you can specify multiple log directories when running tensorboard. Alternatively, you can create multiple run subfolder in the log directory to visualize different plots in the same graph.

Inferring topics with mallet, using the saved topic state

I've used the following command to generate a topic model from some documents:
bin/mallet train-topics --input topic-input.mallet --num-topics 100 --output-state topic-state.gz
I have not, however, used the --output-model option to generate a serialized topic trainer object. Is there any way I can use the state file to infer topics for new documents? Training is slow, and it'll take a couple of days for me to retrain, if I have to create the serialized model from scratch.
We did not use the command line tools shipped with mallet, we just use the mallet api to create the serialized model for inferences of the new document. Two point need special notice:
You need serialize out the pipes you used just after you finish the training (For my case, it is SerialPipes)
And of cause the model need also to be serialized after you finish the training(For my case, it is ParallelTopicModel)
Please check with the java doc:
Restoring a model from the state file appears to be a new feature in mallet 2.0.7 according to the release notes.
Ability to restore models from gzipped "state" files. From the new
TopicTrainer, use the --input-state [filename] argument. Note that you
can manually edit this file. Any token with topic set to -1 will be
immediately resampled upon loading.
If you mean you want to see how new documents fit into a previously trained topic model, then I'm afraid there is no simple command you can use to do it right.
The class cc.mallet.topics.LDA in mallet 2.0.7's source code provides such a utility, try to understand it and use it in your program.
P.S., If my memory serves, there is some problem with the implementation of the function in that class:
public void addDocuments(InstanceList additionalDocuments,
int numIterations, int showTopicsInterval,
int outputModelInterval, String outputModelFilename,
Randoms r)
You have to rewrite it.