Best way to locate link with protractor - selenium

<a href="">
<h3 class="main-header">
What is best way to find and click on this link?

Try to locate required node by its link text:
element(by.linkText('COOL LINK')).click()
Note that you should use text exactly as it appears on page, but not as it appears in HTML source code
You can try to use ExpectedCondition to wait for link appearance in DOM:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(element(by.linkText('COOL LINK'))), 5000).click();

You can use this xpath :- //h3[text()='COOL LINK']

The text COOL LINK is within <h3> tag so you can use xpath as :
//a[#href='']/h3[#class='main-header' and contains(.,'COOL LINK')]


Finding Xpath Selenium

I have the following element:
<div class="PickList visible"
widgetid="Palette" id="Palette">
<span class="stuff">
<span class="stuff"><span class="lbl">A-B</span><span class="no">1111</span>
<span class="stuffSelect"><span class="lblSelect">C</span><span
The xpath that I am using is:
It's still not able to pickup the letter 'C'.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
you can try below xpath to track from div.
driver.findElement("//*[#id='Palette']/span[2][#class='stuffSelect']/span[1][contains(text(), 'C')]");
xpath you are using is incorrect. I am providing you with the correct xpath or you can directly fetch it using the className as well.
Updated xpath as per the discussion:
WebElement selectedCharacter = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='Palette']//span[#class='lblSelect']"));
By using className:
WebElement selectedCharacter = driver.findElement(By.className("lblSelect"));
Please try the below Xpath.It will print you 'C'
Here is the xpath. Consider the class visible in your xpath or css. As this denotes that this div might be not visible sometimes. So always be sure to use the visible if you have it as part of the class.
div.PickList.visible span.lblSelect
//div[#class='PickList visible']//span[#class='lblSelect']

find specific element for button using selenium for web scraping

I am inspecting one button element from a web page using chrome driver and selenium. And the html code for the particular button is:
<div class="label text-left text-link link-blue text-
uppercase">Financial Statement Analysis <span class="count">(2)</span>
I have tried different element options like find element by name, xpath, link text etc. But none of them unable to locate the element.
What will be the element to locate the button. ?
try Xpath :
//span[contains(#class,'count') and text() = '(2)']
You can try with this css selector :
To locate the element with text as Financial Statement Analysis (2) you can use the following solution:
Java Solution:
WebElement elem = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='label text-left text-link link-blue text-uppercase'][contains(.,'Financial Statement Analysis')]"));

How to create an XPath for this, suitable for Selenium?

Please help me to create the Xpath for the following. I am using Selenium webdriver and have only IE browser. Following is the HTML:
t="Plugin" gh="" g="Data Steward"
pc="Eagle/PACE/PACE Components"
><IMG id=Item.Img
src="/tpe/modules/site/img/menu_plugin.gif">Run An Event</A>
As I prefer CSS over xPath because of it's simplicity, I will provide both the CSS and xPath solution:
Remember that you want to get the attribute of the elements that have the most specificity. The answers below are the best of my ability, to determine which have the most specificity. (see here if you want to learn more about CSS and specificity of elements)
If you are trying to select the first <a> element...
//a[contains(#href, 'RUN_EVENT')]
If you are trying to select the <img> that is inside of the <a> tag...
a[href*='RUN_EVENT'] > img
//a[contains(#href, 'RUN_EVENT')]/img
My guess is that you want the first one since it's a link, and I assume you want to invoke a click on it.

Linktext in selenium webdriver

Is it possible to use linkText locator in this code
I used driver.findElement(By.linkText("welcome")).click();
But it didn't work.
Please help....
<div class="back-to">
<a class="button blue" href="javascript:history.back()">welcome</a>
The linkText should work in this case. Or else try the below alternatives(and please provide sufficient implicit timeout to give selenium sufficent time to detect the element):
1. Using xpath, to click on the element 'a' with exact innerHTML/text as 'welcome':
2- Using JavascriptExecutor to click on the element with exact innerHTML/text as 'welcome':
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[.='welcome']")));
3- Using partialLinkText to click on the link with partial text 'welcome'
This Should be enough:
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[#class="button blue"]').click();

How to use xpath for extracting text between <br/> tag

Following is the code of a button in my application.
<span class="ms-cui-ctl-largelabel" unselectable="on">
I want to click on that button and using Selenium Webdriver for it. I tried multiple combinations but it's not working for me. Following are the different xpaths which I tried
1. By.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'ms-cui-ctl-largelabel') and text() = 'New/nMap']"));
2. By.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'ms-cui-ctl-largelabel') and text() = 'New/r/nMap']"));
3. By.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'ms-cui-ctl-largelabel') and text() = 'New Map']"));
Could someone please help ?
Alternative solution using normalize-space()
//span[#class="ms-cui-ctl-largelabel" and normalize-space()="New Map"]
You can use anyone of these xpath:
//span[#class='ms-cui-ctl-largelabel'][contains(., 'New')][contains(., 'Map')]
//span[contains(., 'New')][contains(., 'Map')]
//span[#class='ms-cui-ctl-largelabel'][contains(., 'New')]
//span[#class='ms-cui-ctl-largelabel'][contains(., 'Map')]
All are tested xpath.
You can use the following xpath to find span by text with <br> and class:
//span[contains(.,'New') and contains(.,'Map') and #class='ms-cui-ctl-largelabel']
Try using this line:
//span[translate(string(),' ','')=translate('New Map',' ','')]