How to get results from an EXACT date in MySQL? (Not an interval) - sql

So in my query, I simply need to narrow down the results by whoever's status was last updated 3 weeks ago.
The line:
AND DATE_ADD(user_status_updated, INTERVAL - 21 DAY)
returns the results as an interval from now and 21 days from now. I am only interested in the exact date 21 days ago, but cannot find the right function to use.
I am writing automatic emails and part of this project is to check daily for users that have been inactive for 3 weeks, so it will always be a matter of NOW() minus 21 days. But I don't want the interval, I want the exact 21 days ago since last updated results.

Ok I found my solution.
WHERE user_status_updated= DATE_SUB(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL 21 DAY)
The user_status_updated is a DATETIME field


Trying to accommodate relative defined date, such as 5 days ago, into my fixed date condition in PostgreSQL

I'm trying to condition my WHERE clause to accommodate relatively defined dates into my date filter. I'm pretty confused what type I need to use, if it's CONVERT or TO_DATE function, or if I need to put a CASE WHEN statement into my code.
This is the code that I have written so far:
WHERE event_create_verified_user_success.created_at_utc_date
BETWEEN DATE '2021-11-29' AND DATE '2021-12-05'
And this is the condition of the activity I need to finish:
If the desired date-period is not set manually using fixed dates like from “2021-11-29”
to “2021-12-05”, how would you change the where-clause to consider all data from relative
defined dates: “consider messages created between 10 days and 5 days ago (inclusive)”
I've only started PostgreSQL yesterday and the last time I've handle SQL was probably 4 years ago so I'm pretty confused at how much SQL has changed since then.
Thank you so much for helping!
The basic syntax hasn't really changed in the last 4 years (or even 15 years).
You can use current_date to obtain "today's date". You can subtract days from that
where ... between current_date - 10 and current_date - 5
If created_at_utc_date is a timestamp (= date and time) rather than a date (=date without time) it's better to use a range query though:
where created_at_utc_date >= current_date - 10
and created_at_utc_date < current_date - 4
Note the < combined with the next day you want to compare with.

HIVE SQL for Last X Weeks when it crosses over a year

I've searched but couldn't find a solution for HIVE and would appreciate any input.
I have a requirement to run data for the past 5 weeks. So I'm using
concat(year(current_date), weekofyear(current_date))-6
concat(year(current_date), weekofyear(current_date))-1
but of course when that reaches January, that won't work.
I initially had it like this because I am also querying last week's data, which would work in January since 201901 is still more than 201852. But if I do a between on the code above, in January 2019, I will not get the last 5 weeks of data.
Don't construct a date! Just use date_sub():
where datecol >= date_sub(current_date, 5 * 7)

SQL- Last 4 weeks with date column

1 1400481271
2 1400481489
3 1400486453
4 1400486525
5 1401777484
I have timemodified field, From timemodified, I need to get the rows of last 4 weeks by taking from today's date.
WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') >= curdate()
AND FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') < curdate()-1
Your times are already in Unix timestamp format. Bear in mind that it'll be far more efficient to compare [TIMEMODIFIED] against the current date converted to a Unix timestamp. In addition, you don't need to check any upper bound unless [TIMEMODIFIED] can be in the future.
-- 60x60x24x7x4 = 2419200 seconds in four weeks
SET #unix_four_weeks_ago = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(curdate()) - 2419200;
WHERE timemodified >= #unix_four_weeks_ago;
NB. Four weeks ago (i.e. today – 28 days) was 1,437,696,000 (24th July) at the time of this answer. The latest record in the sample you provided has a timestamp going back to the 3rd June 2014, and so none of these records will be returned by the query.

Select records from after last 6 AM

Have table: item (int) and timestamp (datetime).
Need to know if there are any records with timestamp after last 6 AM.
At 5 AM it should check if there are any records from after 6 AM
yesterday. AT 7 AM it should check if there are any records from
after 6 AM today
This could be done of course by making a variable with datepart as:
if time now is < 6 AM datepart should be yesterday if time now
is >= 6 AM datepart should be today
but there must be a simpler way ?
This expression should always return the most recent 06:00 in the past:
select DATEADD(hour,
It works by asking how many hours have happened since some arbitrary, known, 6AM. We then round this number down to the closest multiple of 24 (by dividing and multiplying with integer maths), and add this number back onto the same, arbitrary, 6AM

Get the EOM and MOM of any month in SQL Server 2005

I've periods of time every 15 days, MOM and EOM.
What I need to check is if a date value on a date field is prior to the current period minus 1.
For example, if today is 12/29, the period is 12/31, and i need to check
if prior < 12/15
How can i get the EOM (End Of Month, i mean, the last day of the month) and the MOM (Middle of month, it's like every 15th of month) with GETDATE() function without doing a DATEADD with -15 days (because in feb will be fail, and i don't care the month)
Any help or work around will be preciated.
If you need the value 15 then put it in your code.
If that is against your company's policies then challenge the person that made that policy. Writing 5 lines of code to replace two characters is not a good coding...
If writing the 5 lines made your application much more flexible then maybe I could understand, but you are still "hard coding" 15 into your comparisons.
Thinking in a work around, what I did it was this:
If actual day < 15 then get the month actual, convert to the first day of the month (01) and minus 1 day. I get the last day of the prior month. (EOM - 1 period)
If actual day > 15, then the prior period (MOM - 1 period) is: 15 of actual month.
It's a query with if structure.
If someone has a better answer, please answer it and I'll be accept it.
Thanks :)