Fetching mail provider type in outlook web-addin - outlook-addin

I need to differentiate between enterprise and office365 email in outlook web addin.
I am trying to do the same using email provider type. But, as per office documentation, AccountType in Office.context.mailbox.userProfile is only supported in Outlook 2016 for Mac, build 16.9.1212 and greater.
Is there any other way I can differentiate between these two email types?
or get provider type for old native email clients in mac as well as windows?
Can I use ews url in office.context.mailbox in any manner?


Exchange on-premise and requirements sets

We’re trying to determine if some of our customers could use our outlook add-in and we are finding it difficult to determine this information from the web page Outlook JavaScript API requirement sets Documentation
Our add-in uses requirements set 1.5. We have customers using Exchange 2013 and 2016 (on-premise) along with an exchange web portal to access their mailboxes. Is this the same as Outlook on the web or is this different?
Can a customer use Outlook on Android or iOS along with any email account (say gmail) without having to use Office 365? How do roaming settings work in this case?

WEB.API Core , Server Query To Microsoft Graph or Outlook

There are three methods to send Email by Outlook in WEB.API Core .
I can use directly JSon query for Microsoft Graph API or for
Outlook API directly;
I can use library Microsoft.Graph;
I can send in WEB.API Core from program Outlook in the
computer .
In first two situations I must manually with browser log in.
Third way is does not satisfied me cause at server can not be program Outlook .
Is it possible to get Authorization and Authentication without browser, from my server directly ?
You can use the Client Credentials Grant Flow , in this scenario , your web api will call Microsoft Graph to send emails with their own identity and not on behalf of a user ,then no login process :
Get access without a user using Microsoft Graph
My Solution for send Email like from Outlook is I must interact with Exchange Web Service . So this is that what I looking for . This is the four's way for interaction with Outlook . And the best incarnation for this is packet Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.NETStandard .

Block add-in for Gmail Accounts in Outlook for Mac

Is there any way not to support a Gmail account type in Outlook for Mac?
Since Gmail accounts support has been announced I need to support also this account types. However, EWS requests does not work for Gmail. I would like to temporary block Gmail users installing my add-in, until I will adjust by backend, and switch to REST.
The only idea I have now is to detect accountType in JS and inform user that cannot use this add-in for now.
Add-in support for Gmail Accounts in Mac Outlook is not currently mandatory. If you do not wish to support Gmail at this time, you may mention this in the test notes of your submission.
Once you do this, your add-in will not be validated on Gmail accounts, nor marked as supporting Gmail Accounts in Mac Outlook.
Gmail users would be able to install the add-in only if the add-in is successfully validated for the gmail account as part of add-in validation. Do you know if your add-in passed the Gmail validation? Are you able to see your add-in in the outlook Mac add-in store on a gmail account?

WOPI to use office 365

I want to use office 365 api to open and edit the documents stored on my server.
How can i upload files from my server to office 365 account without knowing to end user i.e. without asking the credential to end user.
What i want to do is when there's any open request will upload that file to my office 365 business account and will open that in office online or from office 365 api.
How can i achieve this from my asp.net MVC application.
Can i use WOPI here.
Any sample example will be appreciated.
If you want to view or edit your Office files in a web browser, you should deploy an instance of Office Online Server (Office Web Apps) and implement a WOPI host.
You most certainly SHOULD NOT go the way you suggested - uploading documents to Office 365 via API and somehow figuring out their view/edit URLs. (In this case you wouldn't need to implement the WOPI workflow but it's total nonsense.)
If you need some .NET examples, check out my other answer.
If you want to learn more about MS-WOPI and related protocols, read this answer.

SharePoint 2010 Calendar overlay feed from Exchange problems

So SharePoint 2010 has this handy new calendar overlays feature which allows you to render up 10 other calendars inside of one master SharePoint calendar. There is an option to pull from Exchange calendar as well. The only parameters it provides is the OWA url and the OWA web service url.
We use Exchange online and it isn't working whatsoever. I don't see any fields that store the credential information to connect to Exchange anywhere, and we get back a message saying that there is no email address configured in the profile (there really is). Documentation on the web is sparse for this. My questions are:
Is there a place where I can set credentials for this connection (if so where)?
Can I have it link to shared group calendars in Exchange not just an individuals calendar?
Will this work with MS hosted Exchange online?
I eliminated the "no email address configured" message by adding my exchange email to my SharePoint user profile.
It should pass the current user's credentials (used to connect to SharePoint) through the source services.
So far, I've been unable to connect to shared calendars in Exchange successfully.