WOPI to use office 365 - asp.net-mvc-4

I want to use office 365 api to open and edit the documents stored on my server.
How can i upload files from my server to office 365 account without knowing to end user i.e. without asking the credential to end user.
What i want to do is when there's any open request will upload that file to my office 365 business account and will open that in office online or from office 365 api.
How can i achieve this from my asp.net MVC application.
Can i use WOPI here.
Any sample example will be appreciated.

If you want to view or edit your Office files in a web browser, you should deploy an instance of Office Online Server (Office Web Apps) and implement a WOPI host.
You most certainly SHOULD NOT go the way you suggested - uploading documents to Office 365 via API and somehow figuring out their view/edit URLs. (In this case you wouldn't need to implement the WOPI workflow but it's total nonsense.)
If you need some .NET examples, check out my other answer.
If you want to learn more about MS-WOPI and related protocols, read this answer.


Exchange on-premise and requirements sets

We’re trying to determine if some of our customers could use our outlook add-in and we are finding it difficult to determine this information from the web page Outlook JavaScript API requirement sets Documentation
Our add-in uses requirements set 1.5. We have customers using Exchange 2013 and 2016 (on-premise) along with an exchange web portal to access their mailboxes. Is this the same as Outlook on the web or is this different?
Can a customer use Outlook on Android or iOS along with any email account (say gmail) without having to use Office 365? How do roaming settings work in this case?

Personal OneDrive, OneDrive for Businesses and LiveSDK

I have developed a Windows Phone 8 app using the LiveSDK API to access files in OneDrive. It works fine using the personal OneDrive. Now my customer have installed OneDrive for Businesses and cannot log in. Do I have to use another API to reach OneDrive for Businesses? If so, is this API available for Windows Phone 8?
The LiveSDK does not support logging into OneDrive for business accounts. Microsoft does not yet have a public SDK for windows phone that will allow for interaction with OneDrive consumer and OneDrive for business services.
To access OneDrive for Business, you can use Office 365 APIs here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/files-rest-operations
You will have to create and Office 365 developer account, and set up and Azure Active Directory tenant.
OneDrive for Business uses a different API than the Live SDK.
Hope this helps!

how to create multitenant app for office 365 in windows azure AD

I need an application on Office 365 which authenticate user of my Active Directory as well as other Active Directory.
My Domain is "Sample.com"
I've added Office 365 Tenant to my AD.
Created the application manually.
All users Like "Mike#sample.com","Harry#sample.com"
are authenticated using my created application on AD.
But if i insert any other Office365 ID Like "kumar#mysite.onmicrosoft.com" with there password.
It is showing the following error message...
"Application with identifier xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx was not found in the directory enukesoftware.onmicrosoft.com"
Please help i need to authenticate and connect different organizations users and need to perform Calendar Operations.
Thanks in Advance.
It looks like you might have solved the problem by making your application multi-tenant, thus allowing users in other Azure AD tenants to consent to your application. I would strongly recommend that you look at this github code samples (over the ones previously suggested):
https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-MultiTenant-OpenIdConnect-DotNet for sign in and
https://github.com/OfficeDev/O365-WebApp-MultiTenant for sign in and access to Office365 APIs. This is a multi tenant app that queries the user's contacts. If you want to look at other calls to Office 365 APIs (like calendaring) then this single tenant app has some examples: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Office-365-APIs-Starter-Project-for-Windows
Hope this helps

Multiple identity providers with Office 365 based SharePoint 2013 web application

I am trying to get multiple identity providers (Google, Facebook, multiple ADFS) working with a SharePoint 2013 web application provisioned on Office 365.
I know about options related to ADFS and Shibboleth, but am wondering if there is any way to get Azure ACS to handle the authentication for this web app. I do have an on-premise SharePoint 2013 web application working with Azure ACS, but don’t have much info around how to do the same thing with Office 365 or if it’s even possible.
Not supported (yet).
Given that Office 365 use Windows Azure AD, we can hope that ACS support will come one day.

Sharepoint 2010 site accessibility from intranet and internet, how?

I want to create the sharepoint 2010 site on SahrePoint 2010 server. I want to make it available in intranet as well as internet. what exactly i need to do ? is i need to configure mix mode authentication ? how ?
Look at Alternate Access Mappings:
How Do I: Configure an Alternate Access Mapping in SharePoint 2010?
Server Name Mapping and Alternate Access Mapping (AAM)
Making a SharePoint 2010 site externally available
Regarding authentication, you can use Classic Mode Authentication for externally available sites, but all users will need an Active Directory account. Otherwise, you might want to use a web application with Claims Based Authentication that uses a mix of Windows Authentication and Forms Based Authentication.
Note that externally available sites that require authentication are technically extranet sites. An internet site usually means that anonymous access is allowed (at least in part). In the case of SharePoint internet sites, special licensing might be required.