How to close newly opened window in Jmeter webdriver Sampler.? - selenium

I have automated some actions in JMeter webdriver sampler, in a scenario I am moving to new window, but I am not able to close the newly opened window in that.
WDS.browser.close() does not work there. How can I close only the new window and work with parent?
Thanks in advance.

You could do something like:
var handles = WDS.browser.getWindowHandles()
var iterator = handles.iterator()
var currentHandle = WDS.browser.getWindowHandle()
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
var handle =
if (handle != currentHandle) {
How To Work with Multiple Windows
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

What I do (in python though) is switch handles, close the current window, then switch back. Perhaps it can serve as inspiration for you problem :
def close_additional_tabs(self):"[TEARDOWN] Close open tabs and switch to original frame.")
while len(self.webdriver.window_handles) > 1:
This is for tabs but it works with windows as well.


Selenium WebDriver - Chrome issue [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Best way to keep track and iterate through tabs and windows using WindowHandles using Selenium
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Im wokring on a tool development that tests various services on Chrome browser. For each service I would need to launch a new tab on Chrome. I use the below code,
The first 2 new tabs works fine, when the 3rd tab is launched, the 1st tab's url is navigated to the one used for 3rd tab.
Not sure what's messing up. Need assistance!
I believe when your loop enters second iteration, your if statement executes to true.
You can just do following:
for(String actual: handles){
After execution of the above loop, your script will always point to last window opened.
Then you can do:
driver.get(URL + service + URL_);
outside the loop.
P.S.: If required, for more enhancement you can use below script:
private void switchToLatestBrowserWindow(WebDriver driver, Set<String> priorHandles)
new WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until( // keep trying to switch for 60 seconds
d -> {
Set<String> newHandles = d.getWindowHandles();
if (newHandles.size() != priorHandles.size()) {
log.Info("NewHandles Size not equal to PriorHandles size.");
String lastWindowHandle = "";
for (String windowHandle : newHandles) {
lastWindowHandle = windowHandle;
log.Info("LastWindowHandle Id: " + lastWindowHandle);
log.Info("Switched window to " + lastWindowHandle);
return true;
} else {
return false;
priorHandles is set of window handles retrieved before opening new window. (the first line of code, in your case). So complete snippet would look like:
Set<String> priorHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
((JavasriptExecutor) driver).executeScript( script: "");
switchToLatestBrowserWindow(driver, priorHandles);
driver.get(URL + service + URL_);

How to close popup windows in Selenium?

I'm doing a test with java and popup windows appear (ads) and I do not know how to close them to continue with my test.
I have to click on a button but I change the focus to the window.
The url is
Please help!
Java solution:
//switch to opened tab
ArrayList<String> tabs_windows = new ArrayList<String> (driver.getWindowHandles());
//close current tab and switch driver back to original
for (String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
I haven't tested this for a while, but in different browsers getWindowHandles() used to return different orders for the tabs. Not sure if you can assume 0 is the first tab for all browsers. Change the index accordingly, or store the current handle before popup, and close all that don't match that.

Selenium IDE window focus in Internet Explorer

I'm using selenium IDE and webdriver to test a web page in Internet Explorer. I discovered a while back that IE will not fully accept commands from Selenium if it's not the window in focus. For example, if the Selenium IDE window is in focus, and the command is to click a button in IE, the button will push down, but it won't let go.
With that in mind, my test involves popping up a window, doing a few things in it, leaving it open and returning to the null window to do a few things, then returning to the popup for a few more commands.
Is there a way I can make the null window come forward (over the popup) when I need to execute the commands for the null window? And then vice versa, can I make the popup then come forward when I need to return to it? I tried using windowFocus, but that did not work.
Use the SwitchTo() method and the TargetLocator Interface in Selenium.
A really simple example would look like this:
// Switch to new window
public String SwitchToNewWindow()
// Get the original window handle
String winHandleBefore = driver.getWindowHandle();
foreach(String winHandle in driver.getWindowHandles())
return Constants.KEYWORD_PASS;
// Switch back to original window
public String switchwindowback()
String winHandleBefore = driver.getWindowHandle();
//Switch back to original browser (first window)
//continue with original browser (first window)
return Constants.KEYWORD_PASS;
I remembered that webdriver sometimes acts differently than running non-webdriver tests. It turns out that using windowSelect followed by windowFocus switches between windows when running webdriver tests.

Switching to a window with no name

Using the Codeception testing framework and Selenium 2 module to test a website, I end up following a hyperlink that opens a new window with no name. As a result the switchToWindow() function will not work because it is trying to switch to the parent window (which I'm currently on). Without being able to switch to the new window I cannot perform any testing on it.
<a class="external" target="_blank" href="http://mylocalurl/the/page/im/opening">
View Live
Using both Chrome and Firefox debugging tools I can confirm the new window doesn't have a name, and I cannot give it one because I cannot edit the HTML page I am working on. Ideally I would have changed the HTML to use javascript onclick="'http://mylocalurl/the/page/im/opening', 'myPopupWindow') however this is not possible in my case.
I've looked around on the Selenium forums without any clear method to tackle this problem, and Codeception doesn't appear to have much functionality around this.
After searching around on the Selenium forum and some helpful prods from #Mark Rowlands, I got it to work using raw Selenium.
// before codeception v2.1.1, just typehint on \Webdriver
$I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
$last_window = end($handles);
Returning back to the parent window was easy because I could just use Codeception's switchToWindow method:
Building on the accepted answer, in Codeception 2.2.9 I was able to add this code to the Acceptance Helper and it seems to work.
* #throws \Codeception\Exception\ModuleException
public function switchToNewWindow()
$webdriver = $this->getModule('WebDriver')->webDriver;
$handles = $webdriver->getWindowHandles();
$lastWindow = end($handles);
Then in the test class I can do this:
// Some assertions...
$I->switchToWindow(); // this switches back to the previous window
I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to do this by just searching google, so I hope it helps someone else.
Try this,
String parentWindowHandle = browser.getWindowHandle(); // save the current window handle.
WebDriver popup = null;
Iterator<String> windowIterator = browser.getWindowHandles();
while(windowIterator.hasNext()) {
String windowHandle =;
popup = browser.switchTo().window(windowHandle);
make sure to return on parent window using,
browser.close(); // close the popup.
browser.switchTo().window(parentWindowHandle); // Switch back to parent window.
I hope will help you.
Using Codeception 2.2+ it looks like this:
$I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
$handles = $webdriver->getWindowHandles();
$lastWindow = end($handles);

Chrome WebDriver hungs when currently selected frame closed

I am working on creation of automated test for some Web Application. This application is very complex. In fact it is text editor for specific content. As a part of functionality it has some pop-up frames. You may open this pop-up? make some changes and save them - closing current frame. May problem is in that fact, that close button situated inside frame will be eliminating. And this force Chrome WebDriver to hung. My first try was like this:
But it hungs on first line after executinh click command as this command close frame.
Then I change to this(I have JQuery on the page):
But this leads to same result.
Then I use this solution:
driver.executeScript("setTimeout(function(){$(\"input#insert\").click()}, 10)");
And it hungs on second line. Only this solution works:
driver.executeScript("setTimeout(function(){$(\"input#insert\").click()}, 100)");
but only if you don't take into account, that it is unstable - some timing issue may occur.
So may question is there more cleaner and more stable way for switch out from closed frame?
P.S.: executeScript - self defined function to decrease amount of code. It simply executer some js on page.
I realized I was wrong. This problem is not for all iframes. It's occur when tinyMCE popup used. Situation is exactly like in this topic. So it's doubtful I will find answer here, but who knows. Solution described above will help, but only for very short amount of time, meaning that after several seconds pass chromedriver will hangs on next command.
This is how i would do it in Ruby, hopefully you can change it for java
$driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[#id='insert']").click
$wait.until {$driver.window_handles.size < 2} #this will "explicitly wait" for the window to close
handles = $driver.window_handles #get available window handles
$driver.switch_to.window(handles[0]) #navigate to default in this case the First window handle
hope this helps
Problem was in this line of tinyMCEPopup code:
DOM.setAttrib(id + '_ifr', 'src', 'javascript:""'); // Prevent leak
Executing this script on page fix hang problem(but possibly creates leaks :) ):
(function() {
var domVar;
if (window.tinymce && window.tinymce.DOM) {
domVar = window.tinymce.DOM
else if (window.tinyMCE && window.tinyMCE.DOM) {
domVar = window.tinyMCE.DOM
else {
var tempVar = domVar.setAttrib;console.log(123)
domVar.setAttrib = function(id, attr, val) {
if (attr == 'src' && typeof(val)== 'string' &&(val + "").trim().match(/javascript\s*:\s*("\s*"|'\s*')/)) {
else {
tempVar.apply(this, arguments);
Bug and solution also described here
Note. Code above should be added to parent frame, not into popup frame.