I am trying to create a codenameone cn1 lib but each time I try to generate the native stubs by clicking on the "Generate Native Access" menu (like stated in the developpers documentation), from my NativeInterface extended interface file, I have this error message:
A method with the same name exits for the method emit, notice that
duplicate names (even with different cases) aren't supported
and the native stubs aren't generated (the native folder contains empty OS folders).
I tried to change the name of my class (in wich case I don't have the message the first time I re-run "Generate Native Access" with a complete new name, but the stubs aren't generated either...), to delete my project and recreate it or create a new one, to restart my computer even! but I always have this message each time I try to "Generate Native Access" with a class name already tried in the past (even if it was in another project that could have been deleted since...). And in any case, the stubs files aren't created...
How can I fix this issue? (codenameone seems to keep a shared (between projects) history of all created nativeInterface, that is never cleaned. But where?)
I am using the NetBeans codenameone plugin on Windows 10 x64
You have 2 methods named emit possibly with different case or different arguments. That works great for Java but might not work great for other languages. The error message simply stated you need to rename one of the emit methods and give it a different name.
Suppose I have two feature modules in my app
and that my app follows the Clean Architecture and MVVM.
My :feature:print module uses an external sdk to print a file and it is done internally by using startActivityForResult(...) and waiting for the result (success or not).
My home feature has a quick button to print something.
How can I call startActivityForResult(...) and listen for the result in :feature:print module If I can't pass the reference of the Activity or Fragment to the UseCase (pure Kotlin) that prints the file?
Is there a good approach to solve this problem?
Obs.: startActivityForResult is deprecated, replaced by a new API but the same problem would occur with it.
I am working with ArcGIS 10.5, installed on-premise, and are developing our feature class in .NET.
I have an issue with registering feature classes. We have created a Feature Class and registered the DLL through “ESRIRegAsm.exe”, and it appears in ArcCatalog:
Trigger appearing image
But when I try to create the Feature Class, I get the following error:
Failed to create feature class. Unable to create object class extension COM Component
Which isn't very helpful, unfortunately.
The odd thing is, that we have another trigger registered on another Feature Class, that works as expected. And the new trigger is based on a copy of the old trigger's code (with changed GUID's).
The steps I have done so far:
I have tried to add the feature class to the component category using categories.exe.
Registered it using ESRIRegAsm.exe for both Desktop and Engine.
Checked that there are .ecfg config files - and there are.
Checked that the CLSID's appear in the windows registry.
The essential parts of our trigger source-code can be found here: here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as we are stuck on this.
Our issue was that our ID's were wrong in the code.
The ClassExtensionCLSID should return the same ID as TriggerExtension has.
Moreover, InstanceCLSID should always return 52353152-891A-11D0-BEC6-00805F7C4268, and should hence not get a new ID.
I'm trying to run a full ADTF configuration from my own C++ command-line application using the ADTF SDK. ADTF version: 2.9.1 (pretty old).
Here's what I have (want) to do:
Load manifest file
Load globals-xml
Load config-xml
2 & 3 are done, using the session-manager service - see ISessionManager interface: https://support.digitalwerk.net/adtf/v2/adtf_sdk_html_docs/classadtf_1_1_i_session_manager.html , functions LoadGlobalsFromFile & LoadConfigFromFile.
The problem is that I don't know how to do point 1: currently, instead of loading a manifest, I manually load the list of services myself using _runtime->RegisterPlugin, _runtime->CreateInstance and _runtime->RegisterObject.
What I've managed to do is to load only the namespace service and use the INamespace interface which has a method for loading manifest files: https://support.digitalwerk.net/adtf/v2/adtf_sdk_html_docs/classadtf_1_1_i_namespace.html - see ImportFile with ui32ImportFlags = CF_IMPORT_MANIFEST.
But this only loads the manifest settings into the namespace, it doesn't actually instantiate the services. I could do it manually, by:
Do _runtime->RegisterPlugin for every url under
root/plugins/ in the namespace
Do _runtime->CreateInstance for every objectid under
root/services/ in the namespace
But I want this to be more robust and I'm hoping there's already a service that handles the populated namespace subsequently and does these actions. Is there such a service?
Note: if you know how this could be done in ADTF3 that might also be of help for me, so don't hesitate to answer/comment
See "Flow of the system" on this page: https://support.digitalwerk.net/adtf/v2/adtf_sdk_html_docs/page_service_layer.html
Apparently the runtime instance itself handles the manifest file (see run-levels shutdown & kernel) but I don't know how I'm supposed to tell it where it is.
I've tried setting the command-line arguments to be count = 2 and the 2nd = manifest file path when instantiating cRuntime. It doesn't work :).
In ADTF3 you can just use the supplied cADTFSystem class to initiate an ADTF system and then use the ISessionManager interface to load a session of your choice.
Found the answer, not exactly what I expected though. I tried debugging adtf_runtime.exe to find out what arguments it passes to cRuntime.
The result is indeed similar to what I've suspected (and actually tried):
arg1 = adtf_runtime.exe (argv[0] in adtf_runtime)
arg2 = full path to manifest file (e.g. $(ADTF_DIR)\bin\adtf_devenv.manifest)
arg3 = basename of manifest file, without extension (e.g. "adtf_devenv")
While this suggested that cRuntime indeed is responsible with loading and handling the manifest, it turned out to be NOT quite so, passing the same arguments to it did not do the job. The answer came when I noticed that adtf_runtime.exe was actually using an extension of cRuntime called cRuntimeEx which is NOT part of the SDK (at least I haven't found it).
This class IS among the exported symbols of the ADTF SDK library, i.e. a "dumpbin /symbols adtfsdk_290.lib" renders at some point:
public: __cdecl adtf::cRuntimeEx::cRuntimeEx(int,char const * *
const,class ucom::IException * *)
but it is NOT part of the SDK (you won't find a header file defining it).
Among its methods you'll also find this:
protected: long __cdecl adtf::cRuntimeEx::LoadManifest(class adtf_util::cString const &,class std::set,class std::allocator > *,class ucom::IException * *)
Voila. And thus, unfortunately, I cannot achieve what I wanted in a robust fashion. :)
I ended up manually implementing the manifest-loading logic, since cRuntimeEx is not made available within the SDK. Something along these lines:
Use a cDOM instance to load the manifest file
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/environment/variable") to find the environment-variables that need to be set and set them using "cSystem::SetEnvVariable"
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/dependencies/platform") to find library dependencies and use cDynamicLinkage::Load to load the libraries that target the current platform (win32/linux)
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/plugins/plugin") to find the services to be loaded using _runtime->RegisterPlugin (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
Call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/services/service") to find the services that need to be created using _runtime->CreateInstance and _runtime->RegisterObject (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
And, finally, call FindNodes("/adtf:manifest/manifests/manifest") to (recursively) load child-manifests (you may also handle "optional" attribute)
The only thing you need to do is start the adtf launcher with the meta files (manifest. This works for adtf 2 as well as for adtf 3. It can be done (console) application. If you also want to do a little bit more in adtf 3, you can use adtf control instead of adtf launcher with its scripting interface (see the scripts under examples)
I've working on modification of the 'shoutem.notification-center' extension using as a guide this tutorial and I'm having some issues.
At first I tried to use the Extend the extension approach, but like I've posted on this issue, didn't quite work.
So I've tried the Directly modify approach, which works fine on my local phone, but once I use the command shoutem push to send my modifications to the server, the instance on Appetize never stops the 'Building your application' message.
The major problem is that there's no error code or feedback.
That was not the first time that happened, I had the same issue modifying other extensions. Any idea why this is happening?
The issue is likely one of two things.
New native dependencies were added that the Builder preview cannot process due to it's predefined binary.
Your directly modified extension works locally, but not on the Builder because locally it's path is still AppName/extensions/shoutem.extName, but on the Builder it's AppName/extensions/yourDevName.extName, so it fails.
The first one can be resolved by either using a non-native solution as a replacement for the native dependency you were using, or to simply use a local emulator for previewing purposes.
The second can be resolved by making sure all extensions that reference the one you directly modified are edited to now reference your new directly modified extension instead of shoutem.extName.
If you could shoot me your app ID in a comment I can let you know which one it is and what the best steps to fix it would be.
EDIT: See end of post for more information.
I am trying to to get plugins created via the Firebreath framework (1.7.0) to load. I am on Windows 8 in Desktop Mode using Internet Explorer 10. I've reproduced this with the built-in test FBTtestPlugin that comes with Firebreath. The failure is silent in that the object element is created, but fails to have any properties specified by the plugin. How does one go about debugging this? The Microsoft Internet Explorer Compatibility Tool reports that the plugin is failing to load.
(The FBTtestPlugin loads three plugins, hence the three errors.)
I've got other (non-FB) plugins working on the same settings (e.g. the example here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd565667(v=vs.85).aspx works fine as do all the examples from this site http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/browser/activexfiltering/Default.html ).
I've tried a huge combination of security settings, but here's the most relaxed set I have so far follows:
Tools / Safety / ActiveX Filtering: is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: "Enable Protected Mode" is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: is at Custom Level. Under ActiveX everything is "enabled" except restrictive properties such as "Allow ActiveX Filtering"
All sorts of security warnings are visible based on these settings.
Note: I don't intend to keep these settings. I just want to get the plugin working, then work backwards re-enabling security settings.
I figured this out partly and can now run the FB test FBTestPlugin. To make debugging easier for IE, I defined the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\TabProcGrowth as 0 to limit the browser to use one process. Unfortunately, with IE10 both iexplore.exe in Program Files and Program Files (x86) direct to the 64-bit version of IE. This prevents 32-bit plugins from running (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2716529 ), and the symptom is silent failure.
However, my plugin still fails to load in IE and the retitled question above is otherwise still open. The problem is still silent load failure. However, I think it may have something to do with plugin configuration. The CLSID listed in the Compatibility Test Tool (like the example shown above) is listed as all 0's instead of a valid GUID. Moreover the registry looks funky: The key HKCR\Company.Name exists as does HKCR\Company.Name.1, but both are empty (instead of having a CLSID child as in normally working plugins). The expected GUID does exist, but under a bogus name "applications.'". I am now digging into the code that gets called when regsvr32 is run.
Thanks all!
I am providing this answer in the hopes that someone can use the result.
IE was not loading the plugin for two reasons.
1) The TabProcGrowth registry key and the 32/64 bit issue with IE 10. ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2716529 )
Don't define this key.
2) My plugin description used an apostrophe (e.g. "Gluttco's Plugin") and this messed up the registration of the component.
I traced through the DllRegisterServer code and found that the phoney registry entries are due to the fact that my plugin description contained an apostrophe. E.g. "Joe's plugin". The generator (fbgen.py/cmake), generated a malformed FBControls.rgs file (it't didn't escape the quotes and thus contained a string literal such as (s 'Joe's cool plugin'). The DllRegisterServer code (called from regsvr32) used the contents of this file (embedded?) when (deep in atlbase.h). Oddly, the parser did not detect the error (or somehow erroneously recovered). From Process Monitor I could see a bunch of bogus keys being added, before it started adding good registry keys again.
For now Firebreath plugin descriptions should not contain apostrophes (probably other characters are illegal too). It might be sensible to make fbgen.py check for these characters and possibly escape, reject, or replace them.
Searching found this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd565667(v=vs.85).aspx
Do you have any group policies in place that could affect it? I don't think this is related directly to FireBreath, rather to the activex configuration...
I also found http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/90c3202c-448b-42b7-acf7-dab8dba7b000/one-or-more-activex-controls-could-not-be-displayed-because-either which has a few things you could try.