Firebreath plugin not loading in IE 10 - windows-8

EDIT: See end of post for more information.
I am trying to to get plugins created via the Firebreath framework (1.7.0) to load. I am on Windows 8 in Desktop Mode using Internet Explorer 10. I've reproduced this with the built-in test FBTtestPlugin that comes with Firebreath. The failure is silent in that the object element is created, but fails to have any properties specified by the plugin. How does one go about debugging this? The Microsoft Internet Explorer Compatibility Tool reports that the plugin is failing to load.
(The FBTtestPlugin loads three plugins, hence the three errors.)
I've got other (non-FB) plugins working on the same settings (e.g. the example here: works fine as do all the examples from this site ).
I've tried a huge combination of security settings, but here's the most relaxed set I have so far follows:
Tools / Safety / ActiveX Filtering: is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: "Enable Protected Mode" is unchecked
Internet Options / Security / Internet: is at Custom Level. Under ActiveX everything is "enabled" except restrictive properties such as "Allow ActiveX Filtering"
All sorts of security warnings are visible based on these settings.
Note: I don't intend to keep these settings. I just want to get the plugin working, then work backwards re-enabling security settings.
I figured this out partly and can now run the FB test FBTestPlugin. To make debugging easier for IE, I defined the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\TabProcGrowth as 0 to limit the browser to use one process. Unfortunately, with IE10 both iexplore.exe in Program Files and Program Files (x86) direct to the 64-bit version of IE. This prevents 32-bit plugins from running (see ), and the symptom is silent failure.
However, my plugin still fails to load in IE and the retitled question above is otherwise still open. The problem is still silent load failure. However, I think it may have something to do with plugin configuration. The CLSID listed in the Compatibility Test Tool (like the example shown above) is listed as all 0's instead of a valid GUID. Moreover the registry looks funky: The key HKCR\Company.Name exists as does HKCR\Company.Name.1, but both are empty (instead of having a CLSID child as in normally working plugins). The expected GUID does exist, but under a bogus name "applications.'". I am now digging into the code that gets called when regsvr32 is run.
Thanks all!

I am providing this answer in the hopes that someone can use the result.
IE was not loading the plugin for two reasons.
1) The TabProcGrowth registry key and the 32/64 bit issue with IE 10. ( )
Don't define this key.
2) My plugin description used an apostrophe (e.g. "Gluttco's Plugin") and this messed up the registration of the component.
I traced through the DllRegisterServer code and found that the phoney registry entries are due to the fact that my plugin description contained an apostrophe. E.g. "Joe's plugin". The generator (, generated a malformed FBControls.rgs file (it't didn't escape the quotes and thus contained a string literal such as (s 'Joe's cool plugin'). The DllRegisterServer code (called from regsvr32) used the contents of this file (embedded?) when (deep in atlbase.h). Oddly, the parser did not detect the error (or somehow erroneously recovered). From Process Monitor I could see a bunch of bogus keys being added, before it started adding good registry keys again.
For now Firebreath plugin descriptions should not contain apostrophes (probably other characters are illegal too). It might be sensible to make check for these characters and possibly escape, reject, or replace them.

Searching found this:
Do you have any group policies in place that could affect it? I don't think this is related directly to FireBreath, rather to the activex configuration...
I also found which has a few things you could try.


create a new cn1lib with the netbeans codenameone plugin?

I am trying to create a codenameone cn1 lib but each time I try to generate the native stubs by clicking on the "Generate Native Access" menu (like stated in the developpers documentation), from my NativeInterface extended interface file, I have this error message:
A method with the same name exits for the method emit, notice that
duplicate names (even with different cases) aren't supported
and the native stubs aren't generated (the native folder contains empty OS folders).
I tried to change the name of my class (in wich case I don't have the message the first time I re-run "Generate Native Access" with a complete new name, but the stubs aren't generated either...), to delete my project and recreate it or create a new one, to restart my computer even! but I always have this message each time I try to "Generate Native Access" with a class name already tried in the past (even if it was in another project that could have been deleted since...). And in any case, the stubs files aren't created...
How can I fix this issue? (codenameone seems to keep a shared (between projects) history of all created nativeInterface, that is never cleaned. But where?)
I am using the NetBeans codenameone plugin on Windows 10 x64
You have 2 methods named emit possibly with different case or different arguments. That works great for Java but might not work great for other languages. The error message simply stated you need to rename one of the emit methods and give it a different name.

How to register a Property Handler on folders?

I built a virtual filesystem (not a namespace extension) for Windows which acts as a frontend of our document management server consisting of files and folders. In order to be able to display some metadata of the DMS objects in Windows Explorer as additional selectable columns, I successfully provided properties to the Windows Property System by implementing a COM Property Handler. Wheras normal property handlers focus on specific file types for which they feel responsible, my Property Handler adds properties to all files regardless of their type. Because Property Handlers can only be registered on the file type level, I registered my handler for about 30 types under
However, I did not manage to register the Property Handler for folder objects. Since all objects in our file system are virtual I build the property store (IPropertyStore) by implementing IInitializeWithFile instead of IInitializeWithStream. The properties are requested from our DMS with the path of IInitializeWithFile acting as key and were not read from an objects content. This concept would work for folders as well.
For getting called on folders I tried to associate the handler by registering under different well known identifiers like Folder, Directory, AllFileSystemObjects and * instead of the file extension without success.
I also didn’t find anything in the MSDN documentation regarding this aspect.
Is there a way to register a Windows Property Handler on folders? Or is there some other way to add custom columns to folders in Windows Explorer?
I'm not sure if it is possible to do this.
Property handlers are clearly not the right approach, they are system wide and there can only be one per file extension. They should only be implemented by the software that "owns" the file extension and can parse the file to extract properties.
The old column handlers would have been your best bet (IMHO) but they are officially dead and you already said you can't use them.
Have you considered creating a namespace extension? Either as a root item somewhere (Desktop or My Computer) the way My Documents used to work in 2000/XP or maybe something more along the lines of how OneDrive works?
I'm not sure if desktop.ini files work in the root of a drive but it might be worth looking into. You would then find yourself in the poorly documented land of [.ShellClassInfo] and its CLSID, CLSID2 and UICLSID members. The general idea would be to act as a IShellFolder proxy on top of the "real" IShellFolder so you could create a multiplex property store. I think there are some (undocumented?) property keys you can override to change the folders default columns and tooltips as well.
There is also something called a delegated folder that allows you to play with nested PIDLs but the documentation is once again pretty useless so I'm not sure if this is something worth looking into.
A 3rd option is to pretend to be a cloud storage provider. I don't know if this gets you any closer to your goal and you would still have to implement some NSE bits to get to the point where you can layer yourself on top of the underlying IShellFolder. This feature is rather new and only documented to work on Windows 10.
The inner workings of how Explorer/IShellBrowser is connected to the IShellFolder/IShellView is one of the least documented parts of Windows. There are hundreds of undocumented interfaces. Explorer gives DefView special treatment leaving other 3rd-party implementations out in the cold.
My feeling is that there is no clean solution to implement this on top of a drive letter but you might get lucky, if Raymond Chen drops by he might have some tips for you...

Calling COM component method from IBM Notes 9 fails

When calling a 32 bit COM component method registered in sysWOW64 fails with an error message:
"type mismatch in method OleVarToLsVal, Unknown found, Unknown
Its win7 64 bit, but the Notes client is installed by default as a 32 bit application. The code looks like:
dim c as Variant
dim n as Variant
set c = createobject("MSWC.counters")
n = c.Get("xx")
When debugging the call, the object is set and testable with "isObject(c)", (although you can't inspect each method/property in detail in LotusScript debug).
The method is supposed to return a primitive long. I've tried setting n as long, clng-ing the values, cstr-ing the values, the parameter, strconv the parameter, using a variable for the parameter, all to no avail.
The exact same code run by WScript VBS host (in syswow64) runs the code as expected.
So, does anybody know:
If Notes 9 COM value marshalling is working for any components?
Is Notes 9 COM set to recognize the 'wow64' alternate 32 bit registry
Are there some COM related marshalling settings somewhere in the registry I can check (if so what/where are they)?
Is there some setting to tell Notes to use 32 bit components (like IIS 32bit compatibility option)
Is there anything I need to do or could do in the main OS to 'redirect or configure' COM
Or is Notes just broken again and nobody cares?
Any help appreciated - Thanks.
The easiest and probably most productive way to solve this would be to open a PMR with IBM. They should be able to answer this quite quickly.
Well, 7 years on (and seriously obsolete!) just an update for anybody looking for an answer... There are a couple of Notes settings needed and not all COM/Active-X componenets or data types are supported by LotusScript, so even if Notes is setup correctly, you still may not be able to acces/use any specific component or some methods in the component.
The user must be allowed to run unrestricted agents/code in the 'Sign or run unrestricted methods and operations:' in the security section of the server(s) document.
The Notes client execution control list ('ECL') must allow access to 'External programs' either by default or to the code-signer. An ECL warning box will ask the user to continue if the external access has not been granted.
If you try to execute an unsupported method or unsupported data type, then further errors will be issued either by LotusScript or COM/Active-X error reporting. The Notes developer help file for 'CreateObject' gives a bit more detail about unsupported data types:
LotusScript does not support identifying arguments for OLE methods or properties by name rather than by the order in which they appear, nor does LotusScript support using an OLE name by itself (without an explicit property) to identify a default property.
Results are unspecified for arguments to OLE methods and properties of type boolean, byte, and date that are passed by reference. LotusScript does not support these data types.
Relying on the 'default property' to access a default method is a common mistake and requires you to pay extra attention to the component details. It is easy to assume the component is not working, but in fact you're just not using it properly.
One way to test this is to try to open a common object available on all Windows machines (maybe others?) maybe 'FileSystemObject' (FSO) or VbScript 'regExp' component. If these work, you can build on that. Getting the 32/64bit registration correct for your client install is another element to test/get right.
For my issues, I suspect that I was using unsupported methods or data types and having used COM/Active-X in Notes occasionally, its all worked ok in general. 2010 - reading from registry doesn't work - win 7

I thought this would be dead simple however....
Right, so all I'm simply trying to do is read a value from my registry. I have been through several examples but can't get any of them to work. I've also tried running my application in Admin mode and still nothing. Can someone please help?
From all my examples that I've tried, I'll use the simplest one.
This works:
Dim val As String
val = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0").GetValue("Identifier").ToString()
This (the one I want) doesn't:
Dim val As String
val = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\PTSClient").GetValue("ConfigDB").ToString()
THe latter path and value is one that I've manually created in the registry. I've checked the permissions between the two and they are the exact same. I've also tried running the app as administrator. I get a runtime error on the val= line, it says: Use the "new" keyword to create an object instance.
Any ideas? All the various online examples have failed and for the life of me, I can't figure out why...
Well, I have tried your code with a sample application compiled for x86 and, as expected, it fails with a null value exception.
I assume you are building an application for x86 mode and running in a 64bit environment.
Of course, if this is not the case, let me know and I will delete this answer.
In the situation outlined above, the calls to read/write in the LocalMachine.Software registry path will be automatically changed by the Operating System to read/write in the Software\Wow6432Node subkey and thus, your code is unable to find your manually inserted key ("SOFTWARE\PTSClient").
This code will give a null value as return from Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\PTSClient") leading to the failure to get the ConfigDB value.
You need to add your keys/values to the Software\Wow6432Node path or compile your application for AnyCPU mode or let your code write the value to the register (it will be redirected to the Wow6432Node).

Selenium RC drops error when it tries open the popup

When selenium tries to open popup window I'm getting JS error permission denied in file
So this break script execution, could you assist? I saw a related topic at MSDN and openqa but didn't find resolution that could help me.
I've just encountered this error. In the end it was because I was running IE in 'Offline' mode. Open the File menu and make sure that "Work Offline" does not have a tick next to it.
I've just updated a section about that in the Selenium docs. The website build is not working right now, so if you go to the site you will find the old version.
I'll paste the raw text here, I think your case is the second: JS trying to access sections that are still not loaded, so your solution would be a waitForPopUp command:
Why am I getting a permission denied
The most common reason for this error
is that your session is attempting to
violate the same-origin policy by
crossing domain boundaries (e.g.,
accesses a page from http://domain1
and then accesses a page from
http://domain2) or switching protocols
(moving from http://domainX to
https://domainX). For this to be
solved, try using the Heightened
Privileges Browsers if you're working
with the Proxy Injection browsers.
This is covered in some detail in the
tutorial. Make sure you read the
sections about The Same Origin Policy
and Proxy Injection carefully.
If the previous situation was not your
case, it can also occur when
JavaScript attempts to look at
objects which are not yet available
(before the page has completely
loaded), or tries to look at objects
which are no longer available (after
the page has started to be unloaded).
This is most typically encountered
with AJAX pages which are working with
sections of a page or subframes that
load and/or reload independently of
the larger page. For this type of
problem, it is common that the error
is intermittent. Often it is
impossible to reproduce the problem
with a debugger because the trouble
stems from race conditions which are
not reproducible when the debugger's
overhead is added to the system. Try
first adding a static pause to make
sure this is the situation and then
moving on to the waitFor kind of