Using dfs and calculate_feature_matrix? - data-science

You could use ft.dfs to get back feature definitions as input to ft.calculate_feature_matrix or you could just use ft.dfs to compute the feature matrix. Is there a recommended way of using ft.dfs and ft.calculate_feature_matrix for best practice?

If you're in a situation where you might use either, the answer is to use ft.dfs to create both features and a feature matrix. If you're starting with a blank slate, you'll want to be able to examine and use a feature matrix for data analysis and feature selection. For that purpose, you're better off doing both at once with ft.dfs.
There are times when calculate_feature_matrix is the tool to use as well, though you'll often be able to tell if you're in that situation. The main cases are:
You've loaded in features that were previously saved
You want to rebuild the same features on new data


Normalizer in cloudconnect for Gooddata

I have some doubts. I'm doing a BI for my company, and I needed to develop a data converter in ETL because the database to which it's connected (PostgreSQL) is bringing me some negative values within the time CSV. It doesn't make much sense to bring from the database (to which we don't have many accesses) negative data like this:
The solution I found so that I don't need to rely exclusively on dealing directly with the database would be to perform a conversion within the cloudconnect. I verified in my researches that the one that most contemplates would be the normalizer, but there are not many explanations available. Could you give me a hand? because I couldn't parameterize how I could convert this data from 00:00:-50 to 00:00:50 with the normalizer.
It might help you to review our CC documentation:
However, I am not sure if normalizer would be able to process timestamps.
Normalizer is basically a generic transform component with a normalization template. You might as well use reformat component that is more universal.
However, what you are trying to do would require some very custom transform script, written in CTL (CloudConnect transformation language) or java.
You can find some templates and examples in the documentation:

How to quickly analyse the impact of a program change?

Lately I need to do an impact analysis on changing a DB column definition of a widely used table (like PRODUCT, USER, etc). I find it is a very time consuming, boring and difficult task. I would like to ask if there is any known methodology to do so?
The question also apply to changes on application, file system, search engine, etc. At first, I thought this kind of functional relationship should be pre-documented or some how keep tracked, but then I realize that everything can have changes, it would be impossible to do so.
I don't even know what should be tagged to this question, please help.
Sorry for my poor English.
Sure. One can technically at least know what code touches the DB column (reads or writes it), by determining program slices.
Methodology: Find all SQL code elements in your sources. Determine which ones touch the column in question. (Careful: SELECT ALL may touch your column, so you need to know the schema). Determine which variables read or write that column. Follow those variables wherever they go, and determine the code and variables they affect; follow all those variables too. (This amounts to computing a forward slice). Likewise, find the sources of the variables used to fill the column; follow them back to their code and sources, and follow those variables too. (This amounts to computing a backward slice).
All the elements of the slice are potentially affecting/affected by a change. There may be conditions in the slice-selected code that are clearly outside the conditions expected by your new use case, and you can eliminate that code from consideration. Everything else in the slices you may have inspect/modify to make your change.
Now, your change may affect some other code (e.g., a new place to use the DB column, or combine the value from the DB column with some other value). You'll want to inspect up and downstream slices on the code you change too.
You can apply this process for any change you might make to the code base, not just DB columns.
Manually this is not easy to do in a big code base, and it certainly isn't quick. There is some automation to do for C and C++ code, but not much for other languages.
You can get a bad approximation by running test cases that involve you desired variable or action, and inspecting the test coverage. (Your approximation gets better if you run test cases you are sure does NOT cover your desired variable or action, and eliminating all the code it covers).
Eventually this task cannot be automated or reduced to an algorithm, otherwise there would be a tool to preview refactored changes. The better you wrote code in the beginning, the easier the task.
Let me explain how to reach the answer: isolation is the key. Mapping everything to object properties can help you automate your review.
I can give you an example. If you can manage to map your specific case to the below, it will save your life.
The OR/M change pattern
Like Hibernate or Entity Framework...
A change to a database column may be simply previewed by analysing what code uses a certain object's property. Since all DB columns are mapped to object properties, and assuming no code uses pure SQL, you are good to go for your estimations
This is a very simple pattern for change management.
In order to reduce a file system/network or data file issue to the above pattern you need other software patterns implemented. I mean, if you can reduce a complex scenario to a change in your objects' properties, you can leverage your IDE to detect the changes for you, including code that needs a slight modification to compile or needs to be rewritten at all.
If you want to manage a change in a remote service when you initially write your software, wrap that service in an interface. So you will only have to modify its implementation
If you want to manage a possible change in a data file format (e.g. length of field change in positional format, column reordering), write a service that maps that file to object (like using BeanIO parser)
If you want to manage a possible change in file system paths, design your application to use more runtime variables
If you want to manage a possible change in cryptography algorithms, wrap them in services (e.g. HashService, CryptoService, SignService)
If you do the above, your manual requirements review will be easier. Because the overall task is manual, but can be aided with automated tools. You can try to change the name of a class's property and see its side effects in the compiler
Worst case
Obviously if you need to change the name, type and length of a specific column in a database in a software with plain SQL hardcoded and shattered in multiple places around the code, and worse many tables present similar column namings, plus without project documentation (did I write worst case, right?) of a total of 10000+ classes, you have no other way than manually exploring your project, using find tools but not relying on them.
And if you don't have a test plan, which is the document from which you can hope to originate a software test suite, it will be time to make one.
Just adding my 2 cents. I'm assuming you're working in a production environment so there's got to be some form of unit tests, integration tests and system tests already written.
If yes, then a good way to validate your changes is to run all these tests again and create any new tests which might be necessary.
And to state the obvious, do not integrate your code changes into the main production code base without running these tests.
Yet again changes which worked fine in a test environment may not work in a production environment.
Have some form of source code configuration management system like Subversion, GitHub, CVS etc.
This enables you to roll back your changes

General stategy for designing Flexible Language application using ANTLR4

I am trying to develop a language application using antlr4. The language in question is not important. The important thing is that the grammar is very vast (easily >2000 rules!!!). I want to do a number of operations
Extract bunch of informations. These can be call graphs, variable names. constant expressions etc.
Any number of transformations:
if a loop can be expanded, we go ahead and expand it
If we can eliminate dead code we might choose to do that
we might choose to rename all variable names to conform to some norms.
Each of these operations can be applied independent of each other. And after application of these steps I want the rewrite the input as close as possible to the original input.
e.g. So we might want to eliminate loops and rename the variable and then output the result in the original language format.
I see a need to build a custom Tree (read AST) for this. So that I can modify the tree with each of the transformations. However when I want to generate the output, I lose the nice abilities of the TokenStreamRewriter. I have to specify how to write each of the nodes of the tree and I lose the original input formatting for the places I didn't do any transformations. Does antlr4 provide a good way to get around this problem?
Is AST the best way to go? Or do I build my own object representation? If so how do I create that object efficiently? Creating object representation is very big pain for such a vast language. But may be better in the long run. Again how do I get back the original formatting?
Is it possible to work just on the parse tree?
Are there similar language applications which do the same thing? If so what strategy do they use?
Any input is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
In general, what you want is called a Program Transformation System (PTS).
PTSs generally have parsers, build ASTs, can prettyprint the ASTs to recover compilable source text. More importantly, they have standard ways to navigate/inspect/modify the ASTs so that you can change them programmatically.
Many offer these capabilities in the form of pattern-matching code fragments written in the surface syntax of the language being transformed; this avoids the need to forever having to know excruciatingly fine details about which nodes are in your AST and how they are related to children. This is incredibly useful when you big complex grammars, as most of our modern (and our legacy languages) all seem to have.
More sophisticated PTSs (very few) provide additional facilities for teasing out the semantics of the source code. It is pretty hard to analyze/transform most code without knowing what scopes individual symbols belong to, or their type, and many other details such as data flow. Full disclosure: I build one of these.

What is the best way to create mapping from SQL database to GUI?

I think its quite usual task, but still solutions I saw look not so nice.
For example in Qt used approach based on MVC pattern -- you must assign all connections manually.
Or I remember one PHP engine where pages were creating from DB schema.
Which are other approaches? Which one you are prefer? What are the best practices?
Usually, there is not a one to one mapping from the database to the GUIThere are many subtle combinations that change between how you store the data and how that stored data is visualized and edited by the user.
however, you can automate a datamodel layer in your code with tools like Hibernate. You will still need to use the model as required to present your user interface.

What data generators?

I'm about to release a FOSS data generator that can generate random yet meaningful data in CSV format. Rather belatedly, I guess, I need to poll the state of the art for such products - because if there is a well known and useful existing tool, I can write my work off to experience. I am aware of of a couple of SQL Server specific tools, but mine is not database specific.
So, links? And if you have used such a product,
what features did you find it was missing?
Edit: To add a bit more info on my tool (Ooh, Matron!) it is intended to allow generation of any kind of random data from existing data files, and
supports weighting. It is XML based (sorry, folks) and lets you say things like:
<pick distribute="20,80" >
<datafile file="femalenames.dat"/>
<datafile file="malenames.dat"/>
to select female names about 20% of the time and male names 80% of the time.
But the purpose of this question is not to describe my product but to get info on other tools.
Latest: If anyone is interested, they can get the alpha of my data generator at
That can be a one-liner in R where I use the littler scripting front-end:
# generate the data as a one-liner from the command-line
# we set the RNG seed, and draw from a bunch of distributions
# indented just to fit the box here
edd#ron:~$ r -e'set.seed(42); write.csv(data.frame(y=runif(10), x1=rnorm(10),
x2=rt(10,4), x3=rpois(10, 0.4)), file="/tmp/neil.csv",
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)'
edd#ron:~$ cat /tmp/neil.csv
You have not said anything about your data-generating process, but rest assured that R can probably cope with just about any requirement, including multivariate normal, t, skew-t, and more. The (six different) random-number generators in R are also of very high quality.
R can also write to DBs, or read parameters from it, and if it needs to be on Windoze then the Rscript front-end could be used instead of littler.
I asked a similar question some months ago:
Tools for Generating Mock Data?
I got some sincere suggestions, but most were not suitable for my needs. Either expensive (non-free) software, or else not flexible enough w.r.t. data types and database structure, or range of mock data, or way too slow (e.g. the Rails ActiveRecord solution).
Features I was looking for were:
Generate mock data to fill existing database tables
Quick to generate > 1 million rows
Produce either SQL script format or flat file suitable for importing
Scriptable command-line interface, not a GUI
Not dependent on Microsoft Windows environment
Nice-to-have features:
Open-source, free license
Written in a dynamic language like Perl/PHP/Python
Point it at a database and let it "discover" the metadata
Integrated with testing tools (e.g. DbUnit)
Option to fill directly into the database as it generates data
The answer I accepted as Databene Benerator. Though since asking the question, I admit I haven't used it very much.
I was surprised that even when asking the community, the range of tools for generating mock data was so thin. This seems like a niche waiting to be filled! I'll be interested to see what you release.