data provider mismatch error - selenium

I am using below code for data provider but it's not working. Please help to me how to resolve data provider mismatch issue. here mentioned complete details about all the methods reading xls , test , data provider .
public Object[][] getgbTestData(){
Object data[][] = testutil.getTestData(sheetName);
return data;
public void addnewuser(String fname,String lname,String email,String pass,String conpass) throws IOException{
newuser.newregistration1(fname, lname, email, pass, conpass);
public Personaldetails newregistration1(String fsname,String lsname,String email1,String pass1,String conpass1) throws IOException {;;
//return person;
return new Personaldetails();
//using below method to read data from excel
public static Object[][] getTestData(String sheetName) {
FileInputStream file = null;
try {
file = new FileInputStream(TESTDATA_SHEET_PATH);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try {
book = WorkbookFactory.create(file);
} catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
sheet = book.getSheet(sheetName);
Object[][] data = new Object[sheet.getLastRowNum()][sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum()];
// System.out.println(sheet.getLastRowNum() + "--------" +
// sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum());
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum(); k++) {
data[i][k] = sheet.getRow(i + 1).getCell(k).toString();
// System.out.println(data[i][k]);
return data;

Looks like the test has required 5 arguments but your data provider method getTestData passing less/greater no of arguments.

You are passing the wrong number of arguments. The method addnewuser() expects 5 arguments, but receives only one. You can see it in the last line in the error message
Arguments: [(java.lang.String)fname]
If you want to pass different number of parameters you can use String[] instead of single arguments. And if you expect 5 arguments each time check what data holds in getTestData()


Write Status of test case with Hash Map and Selenium

I am using Hash Map to read the get excel data and use them in methods to perform If...else validations.
I am using class file for initializing the Hash Map for reading the data. it goes as shown below
public class SampleDataset {
public static HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> main() throws IOException {
final String DatasetSheet = "src/test/resources/SampleDataSet.xlsx";
final String DatasetTab = "TestCase";
Object[][] ab = DataLoader.ReadMyExcelData(DatasetSheet, DatasetTab);
int rowcount = DataLoader.myrowCount(DatasetSheet, DatasetTab);
int colcount = DataLoader.mycolCount(DatasetSheet, DatasetTab);
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
// i = 2 to avoid column names
for (int i = 2; i < rowcount;) {
ArrayList<String> mycolvalueslist = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int j = 0; j < colcount;) {
map.put(ab[i][0].toString(), mycolvalueslist);
return map;
I am using this map in my testcase file which is as shown below
#Test //Testcase
public void testThis() throws Exception {
try {
TestMain MainPage = new TestMain(tool, test, user, application);
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> win = SampleDataset.main();
SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<>(win.keySet());
for (String i : keys) {
System.out.println("########### Test = " + win.get(i).get(0) + " ###########");
} catch (AlreadyRunException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
I want to write the status as PASS or FAIL for all the testcase initiated through above FOR-LOOP on to same excel by creating new column as Status for each row of test case
my excel sheet is as shown below
Cereate global List. After every test case add status result in the list.
After all test cases are finished, iterate trough te list and updete your excell file. In this way.
public static void main(String[] args) throws EncryptedDocumentException, IOException {
// Step 1: load your excel file as a Workbook
String excelFilePath = "D:\\Desktop\\testExcel.xlsx";
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(excelFilePath));
// Step 2: modify your Workbook as you prefer
Iterator<Sheet> sheetIterator = workbook.sheetIterator(); // Getting an iterator for all the sheets
while (sheetIterator.hasNext()) {
Iterator<Row> rowIterator =; // Getting an iterator for all the rows (of current sheet)
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
Row row =;
// Put here your internal logic to understand if the row needs some changes!
int cellsn = row.getLastCellNum();
row.getCell(cellsn).setCellValue("String that you gat from List = list.get(rownumber)")
You may need Apache POI.

C3P0, rawConnectionOperation() & java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

I am attempting to use a non-standard method, getServerJobIdentifier(), that is part of the IBM Java Tool Box (jt400.jar) and class with C3P0 & rawConnectionOperation(). I am getting "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class". I have tried numerous options but have not stumbled upon the correct parameters to pass. I am using C3P0 Code snippet follows:
// The method I want to call.
// getServerJobIdentifier, public abstract java.lang.String
String driverClassName = "";
String m_DatabaseConnectionString = "jdbc:db2:*local;naming=sql;extended metadata=true";
Connection m_dbConnection;
ComboPooledDataSource m_cpds;
m_cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
try {
m_cpds.setDriverClass(driverClassName); //loads the jdbc driver
catch (Exception e) {
m_dbConnection = m_cpds.getConnection();
String qualifiedName = "";
C3P0ProxyConnection castCon = (C3P0ProxyConnection)m_dbConnection;
Method m = AS400JDBCConnection.class.getDeclaredMethod("getServerJobIdentifier");
// This does return what I want. getServerJobIdentified() has no parameters.
System.out.println("method=" + m.toString());
Object[] args = new Object[] {};
System.out.println("calling rawConnectionOperation");
qualifiedName = (String) castCon.rawConnectionOperation(m, C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION, args);
// never gets here
System.out.println("qualifiedName=" + qualifiedName);
I know I'm that close or I think I am. Thanks!
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.*;
// javac -cp :./c3p0-
// /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/jt400/lib/jt400Native.jar
// java -cp :./c3p0- C3P0Main
// or
// java -cp :./c3p0- C3P0Main
// c3p0.acquireRetryAttempts=0
// c3p0.acquireRetryDelay=5000
// c3p0.breakAfterAcquireFailure=false
// c3p0.maxConnectionAge=10800
// c3p0.maxIdleTime=3600
// c3p0.maxIdleTimeExcessConnections=600
// c3p0.automaticTestTable=c3p0test
// c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod=600
// c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout=true
// java -cp :./c3p0- -Dc3p0.acquireRetryAttempts=0 -Dc3p0.acquireRetryDelay=5000 -Dc3p0.breakAfterAcquireFailure=false -Dc3p0.maxConnectionAge=10800 -Dc3p0.maxIdleTime=3600 -Dc3p0.maxIdleTimeExcessConnections=600 -Dc3p0.automaticTestTable=c3p0test -Dc3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod=600 -Dc3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout=true C3P0Main
public class C3P0Main {
private Connection m_dbConnection;
private ComboPooledDataSource m_cpds;
private String driverClassName = "";
//private String m_DatabaseConnectionString = "jdbc:as400:BNADEV;naming=sql;extended metadata=true;user=beak;password=roatan12";
private String m_DatabaseConnectionString = "jdbc:as400:BNADEV;naming=sql;extended metadata=true";
private String m_databaseServerJobID;
public C3P0Main() throws SQLException
m_cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
try {
m_cpds.setDriverClass(driverClassName); //loads the jdbc driver
catch (Exception e) {
public void run(String[] args) throws Exception
m_dbConnection = m_cpds.getConnection();
System.out.println("m_dbConnection=" + m_dbConnection.toString());
String qualifiedName = "";
try {
// To use it, first cast the returned Connection to a C3P0ProxyConnection.
// Then call the method rawConnectionOperation, supplying the java.lang.reflect.Method object
// for the non-standard method you wish to call as an argument. The Method you supply will
// be invoked on the target you provide on the second argument (null for static methods),
// and using the arguments you supply in the third argument to that function. For the target,
// and for any of the method arguments, you can supply the special token
// C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION, which will be replaced with the
// underlying vendor-specific Connection object before the Method is invoked.
// C3P0ProxyConnection castCon = (C3P0ProxyConnection) c3p0DataSource.getConnection();
// Method m = CLOB.class.getMethod("createTemporary", new Class[]{Connection.class, boolean.class, int.class});
// Object[] args = new Object[] {C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION, Boolean.valueOf( true ), new Integer( 10 )};
// CLOB oracleCLOB = (CLOB) castCon.rawConnectionOperation(m, null, args);
// getServerJobIdentifier, public abstract java.lang.String
System.out.println("Is a wrapper for DB2Connection=" + m_dbConnection.isWrapperFor(;
System.out.println("Is a wrapper for AS400JDBCConnection=" + m_dbConnection.isWrapperFor(AS400JDBCConnection.class));
C3P0ProxyConnection castCon = (C3P0ProxyConnection)m_dbConnection;
System.out.println("C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION=" + C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION.getClass().getName());
Method method = AS400JDBCConnection.class.getMethod("getServerJobIdentifier");
System.out.println("method=" + method.toString());
Object[] method_args = new Object[] {};
System.out.println("calling rawConnectionOperation");
try {
qualifiedName = (String) castCon.rawConnectionOperation(method, m_dbConnection, method_args);
System.out.println("qualifiedName=" + qualifiedName);
catch (IllegalArgumentException | SQLException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
System.out.println("oh well #1.");
try {
Object[] method_args = new Object[] {};
qualifiedName = (String) castCon.rawConnectionOperation(method, m_dbConnection, method_args);
System.out.println("qualifiedName=" + qualifiedName);
catch (IllegalArgumentException | SQLException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
System.out.println("oh well #2.");
if (castCon instanceof AS400JDBCConnection) {
qualifiedName = ((AS400JDBCConnection)C3P0ProxyConnection.RAW_CONNECTION).getServerJobIdentifier();
String jobName = qualifiedName.substring(0, 10).trim();
String jobUser = qualifiedName.substring(10, 20).trim();
String jobNumber = qualifiedName.substring(20).trim();
m_databaseServerJobID = jobNumber + '/' + jobUser + '/' + jobName;
System.out.println("SQL Server Job ID: " + m_databaseServerJobID);
else {
System.out.println("m_dbConnection is not an instance of DB2Connection.");
catch (IllegalArgumentException | SQLException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
System.out.println("oh well.");
public static void main(java.lang.String args[])
try {
C3P0Main app = new C3P0Main();;
catch (Exception e) {
} catches and logs ImageException I want to handle myself

I am transforming an Image into pdf for test purposes.
To ensure that the Image is compatible with the printing process later on, I'm running a quick test print during the upload.
I'm creating a simple Test-PDF with a transformer. When I try to print an image with an incompatible format, the ImageManager of the transformer throws an ImageException, starting in the preloadImage() function:
public ImageInfo preloadImage(String uri, Source src)
throws ImageException, IOException {
Iterator iter = registry.getPreloaderIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ImagePreloader preloader = (ImagePreloader);
ImageInfo info = preloader.preloadImage(uri, src, imageContext);
if (info != null) {
return info;
throw new ImageException("The file format is not supported. No ImagePreloader found for "
+ uri);
throwing it to:
public ImageInfo needImageInfo(String uri, ImageSessionContext session, ImageManager manager)
throws ImageException, IOException {
//Fetch unique version of the URI and use it for synchronization so we have some sort of
//"row-level" locking instead of "table-level" locking (to use a database analogy).
//The fine locking strategy is necessary since preloading an image is a potentially long
if (isInvalidURI(uri)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Image not found: " + uri);
String lockURI = uri.intern();
synchronized (lockURI) {
ImageInfo info = getImageInfo(uri);
if (info == null) {
try {
Source src = session.needSource(uri);
if (src == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Image not found: " + uri);
info = manager.preloadImage(uri, src);
session.returnSource(uri, src);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
} catch (ImageException e) {
throw e;
return info;
throwing it to :
public ImageInfo getImageInfo(String uri, ImageSessionContext session)
throws ImageException, IOException {
if (getCache() != null) {
return getCache().needImageInfo(uri, session, this);
} else {
return preloadImage(uri, session);
Finally it gets caught and logged in the ExternalGraphic.class:
/** {#inheritDoc} */
public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException {
src = pList.get(PR_SRC).getString();
//Additional processing: obtain the image's intrinsic size and baseline information
url = URISpecification.getURL(src);
FOUserAgent userAgent = getUserAgent();
ImageManager manager = userAgent.getFactory().getImageManager();
ImageInfo info = null;
try {
info = manager.getImageInfo(url, userAgent.getImageSessionContext());
} catch (ImageException e) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageError(this, url, e, getLocator());
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageNotFound(this, url, fnfe, getLocator());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get(
eventProducer.imageIOError(this, url, ioe, getLocator());
if (info != null) {
this.intrinsicWidth = info.getSize().getWidthMpt();
this.intrinsicHeight = info.getSize().getHeightMpt();
int baseline = info.getSize().getBaselinePositionFromBottom();
if (baseline != 0) {
= FixedLength.getInstance(-baseline);
That way it isn't accessible for me in my code that uses the transformer.
I tried to use a custom ErrorListener, but the transformer only registers fatalErrors to the ErrorListener.
Is there any way to access the Exception and handle it myself without changing the code of the library?
It was easier than I thought. Before I call the transformation I register a costum EventListener to the User Agent of the Fop I'm using. This Listener just stores the Information what kind of Event was triggered, so I can throw an Exception if it's an ImageError.
My Listener:
public class ImageErrorListener implements EventListener
private String eventKey = "";
private boolean imageError = false;
public void processEvent(Event event)
eventKey = event.getEventKey();
if(eventKey.equals("imageError")) {
imageError = true;
public String getEventKey()
return eventKey;
public void setEventKey(String eventKey)
this.eventKey = eventKey;
public boolean isImageError()
return imageError;
public void setImageError(boolean imageError)
this.imageError = imageError;
Use of the Listener:
// Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
ImageErrorListener imageListener = new ImageErrorListener();
if (res != null)
transformer.transform(xmlDomStreamSource, res);
if(imageListener.isImageError()) {
throw new ImageException("");
fop is of the type Fop ,xmlDomStreamSource ist the xml-Source I want to transform and res is my SAXResult.

Implementation of simple Java IDE using Runtime Process and JTextArea

I am developing a simple Java IDE like Netbeans/Eclipse. My GUI includes two JTextArea component, one used as a TextEditor where the end user can type in his programs and the other used as an output window.
I am running the users programs by invoking the windows command prompt through Java Runtime and Process classes. I am also catching the IO streams of the process using the methods getInputStream(), getErrorStream(), getOutputStream().
If the program contains only the statements to print something onto the screen, I am able to display the output on the output window(JTextArea). But if it includes statements to read input from the user, then it must be possible for the user to type the expected input value via the output window and it must be sent to the process just as in Netbeans/Eclipse.
I also checked the following link
java: work with stdin/stdout of process in same time
Using this code, I am able to display only the statements waiting for input and not simple output statements. Also, only a single line is displayed on the output window at a time.
It would be great if anybody can help me to resolve this issue.
I've found the solution with little modification to the earlier post java: work with stdin/stdout of process in same time
class RunFile implements Runnable{
public Thread program = null;
public Process process = null;
private JTextArea console;
private String fn;
public RunFile(JTextArea cons,String filename){
console = cons;
program = new Thread(this);
public void run() {
try {
String commandj[] = new String[4];
commandj[0] = "cmd";
commandj[3] = fn;
String envp[] = new String[1];
envp[0]="path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0/bin";
File dir = new File("Path to File");
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
process = rt.exec(commandj,envp,dir);
ReadStdout read = new ReadStdout(process,console);
WriteStdin write = new WriteStdin(process, console);
int x=process.waitFor();
console.append("\nExit value: " + process.exitValue() + "\n");
catch (InterruptedException e) {}
catch (IOException e1) {}
class WriteStdin implements Runnable{
private Process process = null;
private JTextArea console = null;
public Thread write = null;
private String input = null;
private BufferedWriter writer = null;
public WriteStdin(Process p, JTextArea t){
process = p;
console = t;
writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream()));
write = new Thread(this);
console.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {
public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e){
//save the last lines for console to variable input
if(e.getKeyChar() == '\n'){
try {
int line = console.getLineCount() -2;
int start = console.getLineStartOffset(line);
int end = console.getLineEndOffset(line);
input = console.getText(start, end - start);
} catch (BadLocationException e1) {}
console.addCaretListener(new javax.swing.event.CaretListener() {
public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
console.addFocusListener(new java.awt.event.FocusAdapter() {
public void focusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent e)
public void run(){
try {
//send variable input in stdin of process
} catch (IOException e) {}
class ReadStdout implements Runnable{
public Thread read = null;
private BufferedReader reader = null;
private Process process = null;
private JTextArea console = null;
public ReadStdout(Process p,JTextArea t){
process = p;
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
console = t;
read = new Thread(this);
public void run() {
String line;
try {
while((line = reader.readLine())!=null)
}catch (IOException e) {}

excel file upload using apache file upload

I am developing an testing automation tool in linux system. I dont have write permissions for tomcat directory which is located on server. I need to develop an application where we can select an excel file so that the excel content is automatically stored in already existing table.
For this pupose i have written an form to select an file which is posted to a servlet CommonsFileUploadServlet where i am storing the uploaded file and then calling ReadExcelFile class which reads the file path and create a vector for data in file which is used to sstore data in database.
My problem is that i am not able to store the uploaded file in directory. Is it necessary to have permission rights for tomcat to do this. Can i store the file on my system and pass the path to ReadExcelFile.class
Please guide me
My code is as follows:
Form in jsp
CommonsFileUploadServlet class code:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<h1>Servlet File Upload Example using Commons File Upload</h1>");
DiskFileItemFactory fileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory ();
fileItemFactory.setRepository(new File("/home/example/Documents/Project/WEB-INF/tmp"));
ServletFileUpload uploadHandler = new ServletFileUpload(fileItemFactory);
try {
List items = uploadHandler.parseRequest(request);
Iterator itr = items.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem);
if(item.isFormField()) {
out.println("File Name = "+item.getFieldName()+", Value = "+item.getString());
} else {
out.println("Field Name = "+item.getFieldName()+
", File Name = "+item.getName()+
", Content type = "+item.getContentType()+
", File Size = "+item.getSize());
File file = new File("/",item.getName());
String realPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+"/"+item.getName();
ReadExcelFile ref= new ReadExcelFile();
String res=ref.insertReq(realPath,"1");
}catch(FileUploadException ex) {
log("Error encountered while parsing the request",ex);
} catch(Exception ex) {
log("Error encountered while uploading file",ex);
ReadExcelFile code:
public static String insertReq(String fileName,String sno) {
//Read an Excel File and Store in a Vector
Vector dataHolder=readExcelFile(fileName,sno);
//store the data to database
public static Vector readExcelFile(String fileName,String Sno)
/** --Define a Vector
--Holds Vectors Of Cells
Vector cellVectorHolder = new Vector();
/** Creating Input Stream**/
//InputStream myInput= ReadExcelFile.class.getResourceAsStream( fileName );
FileInputStream myInput = new FileInputStream(fileName);
/** Create a POIFSFileSystem object**/
POIFSFileSystem myFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(myInput);
/** Create a workbook using the File System**/
HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(myFileSystem);
int s=Integer.valueOf(Sno);
/** Get the first sheet from workbook**/
HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(s);
/** We now need something to iterate through the cells.**/
Iterator rowIter = mySheet.rowIterator();
HSSFRow myRow = (HSSFRow);
Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator();
Vector cellStoreVector=new Vector();
short minColIndex = myRow.getFirstCellNum();
short maxColIndex = myRow.getLastCellNum();
for(short colIndex = minColIndex; colIndex < maxColIndex; colIndex++)
HSSFCell myCell = myRow.getCell(colIndex);
if(myCell == null)
}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace(); }
return cellVectorHolder;
private static void storeCellDataToDatabase(Vector dataHolder)
Connection conn;
Statement stmt;
String query;
// get connection and declare statement
int z;
for (int i=1;i<dataHolder.size(); i++)
Vector cellStoreVector=(Vector)dataHolder.elementAt(i);
String []stringCellValue=new String[10];
for (int j=0; j < cellStoreVector.size();j++,z++)
HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell)cellStoreVector.elementAt(j);
stringCellValue[z]=" ";
stringCellValue[z] = myCell.toString();
//inserting into database
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;
POI will happily open from an old InputStream, it needn't be a File one.
I'd suggest you look at the Commons FileUpload Streaming API and consider just passing the excel part straight to POI without touching the disk