Search postgresql database for strings contianing specific words - sql

I'm looking to query a postgresql database full of strings, specifically for strings with the word 'LOVE' in - this means only this specific version of the word and nothing where love is the stem or has that sequence of characters inside another word. I've so far been using the SELECT * FROM songs WHERE title LIKE '%LOVE%';, which mostly returns the desired results.
However, it also returns results like CRIMSON AND CLOVER, LOVESTONED/I THINK SHE KNOWS (INTERLUDE), LOVER YOU SHOULD'VE COME OVER and TO BE LOVED, which I want to exclude as they are specifically the word 'LOVE'.
I know you can use SELECT * FROM songs WHERE title = 'LOVE';, but this will obviously miss any string that isn't exactly 'LOVE'. Is there an operation in postgresql that can return the results I need?

You can use a regular expression that looks for love either with a space before or after, or if the word is at the start or end of the string:
with songs (title) as (
('Crimson And Clover'),
('Love hurts'),
('Only love can tear us apart'),
('To be loved'),
('Tainted love')
select *
from songs
where title ~* '\mlove\M';
The ~* is the regex operator and uses case insensitive comparison. The \m and \M restrict the match to the beginning and end of a word.
Love hurts
Only love can tear us apart
Tainted love
Online example:


How do I find the amount of time a certain word appears in a title in SQL?

You have a database with a lot of movies and their specific titles, the question is as follows.
How many movies are there that have the word ‘love’ anywhere in the title? (Hint: The L in the word love can be upper or lower case and can be included in words such as ‘lovers’.)
This is my code thus far but I am not sure how to include the search for 'L' and 'Lovers'.
SELECT title
FROM Movies
WHERE title LIKE '%love%'
AND title LIKE 'love%'
OR title LIKE '%love'
Can anyone assist?
Many databases support case-insensitive strings by default, so this would find all of them:
WHERE title LIKE '%love%'
Some don't. A convenient function is to put the title in lower case:
WHERE LOWER(title) LIKE '%love%'
%love% will also match foxglove, rollover, sloven, pullover etc. You should also review your AND/OR use in the WHERE clause to get the expected results. Having said that, your '%love%' AND 'love%' is the same as just %love% since % matches nothing as well as anything.
You may get better results matching '% love%' OR 'love%' which will give (titles where love% is not the first word) AND (titles where love% is the first word). Use LOWER or UPPER as suggested by Gordon to make the search case insensitive:

Regex matching everything except specific words

I have looked through the other questions asked on excluding regex, but I was unable to find the answer to my question.
I have the SQL statement
select --(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc) guid'12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012' *)-- from TAB
With regex, I want to find every single character in that string, except
--(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc)
The vendor and product names (microsoft and odbc) could be anything as well, I still want to exclude it.
I don't care what kind of characters there are, or if the SQL statement is even syntactically correct. The string could look like this, and I still want to find everything, including whitespaces, excluding what I mentioned above:
{Jane Doe?= --(* vendor(micro1macro2?), product(cdb!o) 123$% --(**) *)-- = ?
So far, I have this expression:
(--\(\* vendor\(.*\), product\(.*?\))|(\*\)--)
Which seems to work in finding what I want to exclude However, I'm unable to negate it.
Does replace() do what you want?
select replace(replace(t.col, '--(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc)', ''
), '*)--', ''

SQL Server Full Text Search with complete sentences

I have an Azure SQL database and tried the full text search.
Is is possible to search for a complete sentence?
E.g. query with LIKE-operator that works (but probably not fast as full text search):
SELECT Sentence
FROM Sentences
WHERE 'This is a whole sentence for example.' LIKE '%'+Sentence+'%'
Would return: "a whole sentence"
I need something like that with full text search:
SELECT Sentence
FROM Sentences
WHERE FREETEXT(WorkingExperience,'This is a whole sentence for example.')
This will return each hit on a word, but not on the complete sentence.
E.g. would return: "a whole sentence" and "another sentence".
Is that possible or do I have to use the LIKE-operator?
Have you tried this:
SELECT Sentence
FROM Sentences
WHERE FREETEXT(WorkingExperience,'"This is a whole sentence for example."')
If the above doesn't work you may need to construct the proper FTS search string using AND operator, like below:
SELECT Sentence
FROM Sentences
WHERE FREETEXT(WorkingExperience,'"This" AND "is" AND "a" AND "whole"
AND "sentence" AND "for" AND "example."')
Also, for more precise matching I recommend using CONTAINS or CONTAINSTABLE:
SELECT Sentence
FROM Sentences
WHERE CONTAINS(WorkingExperience,'"This is a whole sentence for example."')
If anyone else is interested here is a link for a good article with examples:
You can choose the best method to accommodate your need from the examples.
To me matching a whole sentence can be easily done with the below where clause as mentioned in the other answer:
WHERE CONTAINS(WorkingExperience,'"This is a whole sentence for example."')
if you need to look for all the words but user might input them in abnormal sequence I would suggest to use
WHERE CONTAINS(WorkingExperience, N'NEAR(This, whole, sentence, is, a, for, example)')
You can do other magics with this which can be found in the above article. If you need to order the result based on the hit score/rank you will need to use CONTAINSTABLE instead of CONTAINS.

Using SQL like for pattern query

I have a PHP function that accepts a parameter called $letter and I want to set the default value of the parameter to a pattern which is "any number or any symbol". How can I do that?
This is my query by the way .
select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_title LIKE '".$letter."%
I tried posting at wordpress stackexchange and they told me to post it here as this is an SQL/general programming question that specific to wordpress.
Thank you! Replies much appreciated :)
In order to match just numbers or letters (I'm not sure exactly what you mean by symbols) you can use the RLIKE operator in MySQL:
SELECT ... WHERE post_title RLIKE '^[A-Za-z0-9]'
That means by default $letter would be [A-Za-z0-9] - this means all letters from a to z (both cases) and numbers from 0-9. If you need specific symbols you can add them to the list (but - has to be first or last, since otherwise it has a special meaning of range). The ^ character tells it to be at the beginning of the string. So you will need something like:
"select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_title RLIKE '^".$letter."%'"
Of course I have to warn you against SQL injection attacks if you build your query like this without sanitizing the input (making sure it doesn't have any ' (apostrophe) in it.
To match a title that starts with a number just use [0-9] - that means it will match one digit from 0 to 9

MySQL - Where - search string - MATCH

Quick question. I'm in a bit of a rush but if someone could quickly point me in the right direction I would be very very happy.
I have a field in the db, let's call it field_a which returns a string in the format "20,50,60,80" etc.
I wish to do a query which will search in this field to see if 20 exists.
Could I use MySQL MATCH or is there a better way?
Thank you!
The better way would be to save the data differently. With WHERE a LIKE '...' and MATCH/AGAINST (besides being fairly slow) you can't easily search for just "20"... If you search for "20" you'll get "200" too; if you search for ",20," you won't get "20, 50"
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(20, field_a) != 0
Just be careful you don't get a substring of what you actually want - for example LIKE '%20%' would also match '50,120,70'. If you're using MySQL, you might want to use REGEXP '[[:<:]]20[[:>:]]' - where the funny faces are word boundary markers that will respect break on beginning / end of string or commas so you shouldn't get any false positives.