VHDL: Error in when conditional - syntax-error

This question is very basic, but I just started learning VHDL, and I can't figure out the error.
So, I'm using Quartus Prime Lite, and getting error
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Package_42.vhd(30) near text "when"; expecting ";"
when compiling the following piece of code.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package Package_42 is
subtype StepType is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
function Problem_42(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
j : in StepType;
k : in StepType) return StepType;
package body Package_42 is
function Problem_42(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
j : in StepType;
k : in StepType) return StepType is
variable Step : StepType := "----";
Step := "0100" when a = '1' and b = '0' else <-- ERROR is HERE!!!
j when a = '1' else
k when b = '1' else
return Step;
end package body;

First, make sure you have turned on the VHDL-2008 switch.
If that does not work, file a bug report against your tool and re-write your code using an if statement.


I'm getting an syntax error in my VHDL code near counter

I'm trying to simulate a pulse width modulate (PMW) waveform generator and getting a syntax error in ISE. Checked fuse.xmsgs and found out it's near counter. Can someone point out the syntax error, please?
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity pwm_gen is
clock, reset : in std_logic;
width : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
pwm : out std_logic);
end pwm_gen;
architecture bhv of pwm_gen is
type counter is range 0 to 255;
counter count := 0;
process (clock)
if (reset = '1') then
count <= 0;
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
if (count <= width) then
count <= count + 1;
pwm <= '1';
count <= count + 1;
pwm <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end bhv;
counter count := 0;
This is illegal syntax, as you didnt declare the object class (signal, constant, variable). You need to use the format:
signal count : counter := 0
This is also illegal, as you are comparing an integer to a std_logic_vector that you havent included a package for. You need to convert the slv to an unsigned
if (count <= unsigned(width)) then
And finally, reset is missing from the sensitivity list

VHDL password program with DE2-board

I'm trying to make a password system in VHDL with the DE2 Altera board. SW 0 to 7 is the combination lock, LEDR 0 to 7 shows the current code and signal 'code' stores the combination. When the switches match the code you have the option to change the code by holding down KEY(1).
The code works as it should, only the starter code is not what's expected. It should be: "01010101" as shown in the signal; but it comes out as "01111111". I suspect the program enters the if-statement on startup, but I don't see how that's possible, seeing as 'code' and SW should't be equal.
What am I missing?
Here is the code:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity pass_sys is
SW : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
KEY : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
LEDR : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
LEDG : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0)
end pass_sys;
architecture func of pass_sys is
signal code : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "01010101"; --start code
LEDR(7 downto 0)<=code;
if (SW = code) then
LEDG(1)<=not KEY(1);
if (KEY(1) = '0') then
end if;
end if;
end process;
end func;
I assume your problem happens on your board, not in simulation. If I'm wrong, my answer is not the one you expect.
This initialization way is usefull only in simulation :
signal code : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "01010101"; --start code
Synthesis will not consider your initialization value (That's why I discourage you to use this, except in test bench). If you want to initialize a signal, I advice to use a reset.
Notes :
You should put KEY in sensitivity list and put this line out of your process :
LEDR(7 downto 0)<=code;
Your process infers latches, it's not forbidden but you must be careful with this
EDIT : How to add a reset
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity pass_sys is
RST : in std_logic;
SW : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
KEY : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
LEDR : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
LEDG : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0)
end pass_sys;
architecture func of pass_sys is
signal code : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
LEDR(7 downto 0)<=code;
process(SW, code, KEY)
if RST = '1' then
LEDG <= (others => '0');
code <= "01010101";
elsif (SW = code) then
LEDG(1)<=not KEY(1);
if (KEY(1) = '0') then
end if;
end if;
end process;
end func;
The pin RST of your component could be connected to an analogic signal of you card (POWER_GOOD, ALIM_ON, DONE, ...) or to a pll_locked signal of a PLL if you use it.

How to use an entity inside an architecture in VHDL

My purpose is to impement a Keyboard entity which uses Button entites.
So I wrote the following VHDL code:
library IEEE;
entity Keyboard is
port ( ck, stop : in STD_LOGIC;
data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0);
data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end Keyboard;
entity Button is
port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC ;
signal_in : in STD_LOGIC;
output : out STD_LOGIC);
end Button;
architecture test of Keyboard is
signal NUM : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
component Button is
port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC ;
signal_in : in STD_LOGIC;
output : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
num_0 : entity Button port map(ck,data_in(0),NUM(0));
num_1 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(1)=>signal_in,NUM(1)=>output);
num_2 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(2)=>signal_in,NUM(2)=>output);
num_3 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(3)=>signal_in,NUM(3)=>output);
num_4 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(4)=>signal_in,NUM(4)=>output);
num_5 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(5)=>signal_in,NUM(5)=>output);
num_6 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(6)=>signal_in,NUM(6)=>output);
num_7 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(7)=>signal_in,NUM(7)=>output);
num_8 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(8)=>signal_in,NUM(8)=>output);
num_9 : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(9)=>signal_in,NUM(9)=>output);
num_on : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(10)=>signal_in,NUM(10)=>output);
num_off : entity Button port map(ck=>clk,data_in(11)=>signal_in,NUM(11)=>output);
output <= "0000" when NUM = "000000000001" else --0
"0001" when NUM = "000000000010" else --1
"0010" when NUM = "000000000100" else --2
"0011" when NUM = "000000001000" else --3
"0100" when NUM = "000000010000" else --4
"0101" when NUM = "000000100000" else --5
"0110" when NUM = "000001000000" else --6
"0111" when NUM = "000010000000" else --7
"1000" when NUM = "000100000000" else --8
"1001" when NUM = "001000000000" else --9
"1010" when NUM = "010000000000" else --ON
"1100" when NUM = "100000000000" else --OFF
end test;
architecture EdgeDetector of Button is
signal signal_d:STD_LOGIC;
if clk= '1' and clk'event then
end if;
end process;
output<= (not signal_d) and signal_in;
end EdgeDetector;
By starting the compilation on QuartusII I face the following error:
Error (10482): VHDL error at PitAlarm.vhd(11): object "STD_LOGIC" is
used but not declared
But I can't understand what it means with "not declared" ???
Using "direct entity instantiation" you are explicitly binding an entity out of a specific library instead of using "configurations" or some default strategy to find a matching one. So, num_0 : entity Work.Button port map(...); - note the explicit library name (here, Work).
The specific error you find
std_logic not declared
comes from the visibility rules for library clauses.
Button's own entity/arch will normally be in a separate file, separately compiled before compiling the top level.
It would then have its own library/use clauses for the library where std_logic is declared.
library IEEE;
With more than one entity in the same file, this clause only applies to the following entity declaration (and makes it visible o the corresponding architectures).
So you need to repeat these two lines before each entity declaration in the file.

VHDL textio read file debug

I am having some trouble debugging this program. I was given an assignment to read test vectors from a text file to test a program. The program and test bench code is written below. I cannot figure out why my simulation is coming up blank. No errors, the simulation window comes up, but it is blank. Any idea what the problem may be?
library IEEE;
entity PAR is
Port ( data : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
parity : out STD_LOGIC);
end PAR;
architecture Behavioral of PAR is
proc: process
variable count: bit;
for i in data'range loop
if data(i)='1' then
count:=not count;
end if;
end loop;
if count='0' then
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Test Bench:
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
END PAR_test;
-- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
data : IN std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
parity : OUT std_logic
signal data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal parity : std_logic;
-- No clocks detected in port list. Replace <clock> below with
-- appropriate port name
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
data => data,
parity => parity
TB: process
file vec_file: text;
variable buf_in: line;
variable testv: std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
file_open(vec_file,"PAR_file.txt,", read_mode);
while not endfile (vec_file) loop
readline (vec_file, buf_in);
data(3) <= testv(0);
data(2) <= testv(1);
data(1) <= testv(2);
data(0) <= testv(3);
wait for 10 ns;
assert (parity=testv(4))
report "Test Failed" severity error;
end loop;
END process;
in your "file_open.." line you have a "," that's not needed
wrong is:
file_open(vec_file,"PAR_file.txt,", read_mode);
correct is:
file_open(vec_file,"PAR_file.txt", read_mode);

"Serialize" VHDL record

Suppose I have the following type definition which relies on constants to indicate vector length of the record members:
type point_t is record
x: std_logic_vector(X_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
y: std_logic_vector(Y_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
end record;
I would like to convert these kind of records into std_logic_vectors to put them into, say, a FIFO. Currently I am using the following code:
PROCEDURE encodepoint(signal pnt: in point_t;
signal d: out std_logic_vector(POINT_ENC_WIDTH-1 downto 0)) is
variable top: integer := 0;
top := X_WIDTH-1;
d(top downto 0) <= pnt.x;
top := top + Y_WIDTH;
d(top downto top-X_WIDTH+1) <= sl.y;
d(d'left downto top+1) <= (others => '0');
This code is suboptimal in many ways. For example it requires me to always correctly set POINT_ENC_WIDTH to a value that is big enough to allow d to hold the whole serialized record. It relies on the programmer to do very mechanical work. For example for every member of the record, say x, X_WIDTH appears twice in the code, once in direct connection with x and once in connection with the next member, y. This get tedious quickly. If I change the definition of the record by adding additional fields, I have to update both the serializing and the (very similar) deserializing code, and I may just forget this. When I remove fields, at least the compiler complains.
Thus this leads me to my question: Is there a simple, automated or at least quasi-automated way to convert VHDL records into std_logic_vectors without having to resort to manually written serializing/unserializing code? It is not important for me to know the specific encoding, as I am using the records internally and the final output format is clearly specified and will be implemented manually.
Can't you just write this:
d <= pnt.x & pnt.y;
While there is currently no official automated way of converting records to vectors (and vice-versa), it is a very common requirement. You have 2 options:
Define your own to_vector and from_vector functions for every record type (tedious)
Autogenerate packages containing above type conversions (difficult / error prone)
Tedious and repetitive tasks that motivate you to write a script to generate code are an indication of a deficiency in the language itself. You can change this by taking an active role in the IEEE working-group and influence the next version of the VHDL standard.
I typically define conversion functions in a package along with the record.
In your case, something like:
function point2slv (pnt : point_t) return std_logic_vector is
variable slv : std_logic_vector(X_WIDTH + Y_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
slv := pnt.x & pnt.y;
return slv;
function slv2point (slv : std_logic_vector) return point_t is
variable pnt : point_t;
pnt.x := slv(X_WIDTH + Y_WIDTH - 1 downto Y_WIDTH);
pnt.y := slv(Y_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
return pnt;
Depending on what you're trying to do, you may wish to use pre-defined sizes on one side or the other, and conversion functions to pad/clip to natural lengths (ie: perhaps fit the X and Y values into 16 or 32 bit values). The unsigned type and resize function work well for this:
slv(31 downto 16):= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(pnt.x,16)));
slv(15 downto 0):= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(pnt.7,16)));
Taken from discussion here
One reasonable way to do this, with large records is to define the ranges ahead of time like this:
type t_SPI_DATA_PORT is record
Data_Size_Minus1: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 28);
Done: std_ulogic_vector(27 downto 27);
Rx_Wait_Timeout: std_ulogic_vector(26 downto 26);
Rx_Wait_On_Miso: std_ulogic_vector(25 downto 25);
Sclk_Select: std_ulogic_vector(24 downto 24);
Reserved: std_ulogic_vector(23 downto 20);
Hold_Cs: std_ulogic_vector(19 downto 19);
Cpha: std_ulogic_vector(18 downto 17);
Cpol: std_ulogic_vector(16 downto 16);
Data: std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
end record;
Then the conversion functions look like this:
function To_Std_ULogic_Vector(L : t_SPI_DATA_PORT) return
std_ulogic_vector is
variable RetVal: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
RetVal := (others => '0');
RetVal(L.Data_Size_Minus1'range) := L.Data_Size_Minus1;
RetVal(L.Done'range) := L.Done;
RetVal(L.Rx_Wait_Timeout'range) := L.Rx_Wait_Timeout;
RetVal(L.Sclk_Select'range) := L.Sclk_Select;
RetVal(L.Reserved'range) := L.Reserved;
RetVal(L.Rx_Wait_On_Miso'range) := L.Rx_Wait_On_Miso;
RetVal(L.Hold_Cs'range) := L.Hold_Cs;
RetVal(L.Cpha'range) := L.Cpha;
RetVal(L.Cpol'range) := L.Cpol;
RetVal(L.Data'range) := L.Data;
end To_Std_ULogic_Vector;
function From_Std_ULogic_Vector(L : std_ulogic_vector) return
variable RetVal: t_SPI_DATA_PORT;
variable Lx: std_ulogic_vector(L'length - 1 downto 0);
Lx := L;
RetVal.Data_Size_Minus1 := Lx(RetVal.Data_Size_Minus1'range);
RetVal.Done := Lx(RetVal.Done'range);
RetVal.Rx_Wait_Timeout := Lx(RetVal.Rx_Wait_Timeout'range);
RetVal.Sclk_Select := Lx(RetVal.Sclk_Select'range);
RetVal.Reserved := Lx(RetVal.Reserved'range);
RetVal.Rx_Wait_On_Miso := Lx(RetVal.Rx_Wait_On_Miso'range);
RetVal.Hold_Cs := Lx(RetVal.Hold_Cs'range);
RetVal.Cpha := Lx(RetVal.Cpha'range);
RetVal.Cpol := Lx(RetVal.Cpol'range);
RetVal.Data := Lx(RetVal.Data'range);
end From_Std_ULogic_Vector;
I have prepared a script which automatically generates the VHDL package for conversions between the user defined record type and the std_logic_vector type.
The sources of this script are published as PUBLIC DOMAIN in the alt.sources group.
You can see http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sources/browse_frm/thread/53ea61208013e9d1 or look for topic "Script to generate VHDL package for conversion between the record type and std_logic_vector"
If you want to unpack the archive from the Google archive, remember to select "show original" option. Otherwise the indendation of the Python source will be damaged.
I did another try at record serialization. I believe my method is a bit more robust. You still need to create function for every record type but you do not need to mention ranges.
Lets say you need to serialize type_a using my package:
type type_a is record
a : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
c : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
d : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record type_a;
constant type_a_width : integer := 64;
Define two functions like this:
use work.SERIALIZE_PKG.all;
function serialize (
input : type_a)
return std_logic_vector is
variable ser : serializer_t(type_a_width-1 downto 0);
variable r : std_logic_vector(type_a_width-1 downto 0);
begin -- function serialize_detectorCacheLine_t
serialize(ser, input.a);
serialize(ser, input.b);
serialize(ser, input.c);
serialize(ser, input.d);
r := serialize_get(ser);
return r;
end function serialize;
function deserialize (
input : std_logic_vector)
return type_a is
variable ser : serializer_t(type_a_width-1 downto 0);
variable r : type_a;
begin -- function serialize_detectorCacheLine_t
ser := serialize_set(input);
deserialize(ser, r.a);
deserialize(ser, r.b);
deserialize(ser, r.c);
deserialize(ser, r.d);
return r;
end function deserialize;
And then you can use it in code like this:
signal type_a_ser : std_logic_vector(type_a_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal type_a_in : type_a;
signal type_a_out : type_a;
type_a_ser <= serialize(type_a_in);
type_a_out <= deserialize(type_a_ser);
I posted my code and example of more complex types (nested records etc) at: https://github.com/gitmodimo/vhdl-serialize