Is the decorator pattern the correct pattern to be used on this situation - oop

I would like to ask if the decorator pattern suits my needs and is another way to make my software design much better?
Previously I have a device which is always on all the time. On the code below, that is the Device class. Now, to conserve some battery life, I need to turn it off then On again. I created a DeviceWithOnOffDecorator class. I used decorator pattern which I think helped a lot in avoiding modifications on the Device class. But having On and Off on every operation, I feel that the code doesn't conform to DRY principle.
namespace Decorator
interface IDevice
byte[] GetData();
void SendData();
class Device : IDevice
public byte[] GetData() {return new byte[] {1,2,3 }; }
public void SendData() {Console.WriteLine("Sending Data"); }
// new requirement, the device needs to be turned on and turned off
// after each operation to save some Battery Power
class DeviceWithOnOffDecorator:IDevice
IDevice mIdevice;
public DeviceWithOnOffDecorator(IDevice d)
this.mIdevice = d;
void Off() { Console.WriteLine("Off");}
void On() { Console.WriteLine("On"); }
public byte[] GetData()
var b = mIdevice.GetData();
return b;
public void SendData()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Device device = new Device();
DeviceWithOnOffDecorator devicewithOnOff = new DeviceWithOnOffDecorator(device);
IDevice iDevice = devicewithOnOff;
var data = iDevice.GetData();
On this example: I just have two operations only GetData and SendData, but on the actual software there are lots of operations involved and I need to do enclose each operations with On and Off,
void AnotherOperation1()
// do all stuffs here
byte AnotherOperation2()
byte b;
// do all stuffs here
return b;
I feel that enclosing each function with On and Off is repetitive and is there a way to improve this?
Edit: Also, the original code is in C++. I just wrote it in C# here to be able to show the problem clearer.

Decorator won't suite this purpose, since you are not adding the responsibility dynamically. To me what you need to do is intercept the request and execute on() and off() methods before and after the actual invocation. For that purpose write a Proxy that wraps the underlying instance and do the interception there while leaving your original type as it is.


Which design pattern to use for using different subclasses based on input [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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There is an interface called Processor, which has two implementations SimpleProcessor and ComplexProcessor.
Now I have a process, which consumes an input, and then using that input decides whether it should use SimpleProcessor or ComplexProcessor.
Current solution : I was thinking to use Abstract Factory, which will generate the instance on the basis of the input.
But the issue is that I don't want new instances. I want to use already instantiated objects. That is, I want to re-use the instances.
That means, Abstract factory is absolutely the wrong pattern to use here, as it is for generating objects on the basis of type.
Another thing, that our team normally does is to create a map from input to the corresponding processor instance. And at runtime, we can use that map to get the correct instance on the basis of input.
This feels like a adhoc solution.
I want this to be extendable : new input types can be mapped to new processor types.
Is there some standard way to solve this?
You can use a variation of the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
It will scale far better than using a Map (or hash table in general).
This variation will support dependency injection and is very easy to extend (without breaking any code or violating the Open-Closed principle).
Opposed to the classic version, handlers do not need to be explicitly chained. The classic version scales very bad.
The pattern uses polymorphism to enable extensibility and is therefore targeting an object oriented language.
The pattern is as follows:
The client API is a container class, that manages a collection of input handlers (for example SimnpleProcessor and ComplexProcessor).
Each handler is only known to the container by a common interface and unknown to the client.
The collection of handlers is passed to the container via the constructor (to enable optional dependency injection).
The container accepts the predicate (input) and passes it on to the anonymous handlers by iterating over the handler collection.
Each handler now decides based on the input if it can handle it (return true) or not (return false).
If a handler returns true (to signal that the input was successfully handled), the container will break further input processing by other handlers (alternatively, use a different criteria e.g., to allow multiple handlers to handle the input).
In the following very basic example implementation, the order of handler execution is simply defined by their position in their container (collection).
If this isn't sufficient, you can simply implement a priority algorithm.
Implementation (C#)
Below is the container. It manages the individual handler implementation using polymorphism. Since handler implementation are only known by their common interface, the container scales extremely well: simply add/inject an additional handler implementation.
The container is actually used directly by the client (whereas the handlers are hidden from the client, while anonymous to the container).
interface IInputProcessor
void Process(object input);
class InputProcessor : IInputProcessor
private IEnumerable<IInputHandler> InputHandlers { get; }
// Constructor.
// Optionally use an IoC container to inject the dependency (a collection of input handlers).
public InputProcessor(IEnumerable<IInputHandler> inputHandlers)
this.InputHandlers = inputHandlers;
// Method to handle the input.
// The input is then delegated to the input handlers.
public void Process(object input)
foreach (IInputHandler inputHandler in this.InputHandlers)
if (inputHandler.TryHandle(input))
Below are the input handlers.
To add new handlers i.e. to extend input handling, simply implement the IInputHandler interface and add it to a collection which is passed/injected to the container (IInputProcessor):
interface IInputHandler
bool TryHandle(object input);
class SimpleProcessor : IInputHandler
public bool TryHandle(object input)
if (input == 1)
//TODO::Handle input
return true;
return false;
class ComplexProcessor : IInputHandler
public bool TryHandle(object input)
if (input == 3)
//TODO::Handle input
return true;
return false;
Usage Example
public class Program
public static void Main()
/* Setup Chain of Responsibility.
/* Preferably configure an IoC container. */
var inputHandlers = new List<IInputHandlers>
new SimpleProcessor(),
new ComplexProcessor()
IInputProcessor inputProcessor = new InputProcessor(inputHandlers);
/* Use the handler chain */
int input = 3;
inputProcessor.Pocess(input); // Will execute the ComplexProcessor
input = 1;
inputProcessor.Pocess(input); // Will execute the SimpleProcessor
It is possible to use Strategy pattern with combination of Factory pattern. Factory objects can be cached to have reusable objects without recreating them when objects are necessary.
As an alternative to caching, it is possible to use singleton pattern. In ASP.NET Core it is pretty simple. And if you have DI container, just make sure that you've set settings of creation instance to singleton
Let's start with the first example. We need some enum of ProcessorType:
public enum ProcessorType
Simple, Complex
Then this is our abstraction of processors:
public interface IProcessor
DateTime DateCreated { get; }
And its concrete implemetations:
public class SimpleProcessor : IProcessor
public DateTime DateCreated { get; } = DateTime.Now;
public class ComplexProcessor : IProcessor
public DateTime DateCreated { get; } = DateTime.Now;
Then we need a factory with cached values:
public class ProcessorFactory
private static readonly IDictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor> _cache
= new Dictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor>()
{ ProcessorType.Simple, new SimpleProcessor() },
{ ProcessorType.Complex, new ComplexProcessor() }
public IProcessor GetInstance(ProcessorType processorType)
return _cache[processorType];
And code can be run like this:
ProcessorFactory processorFactory = new ProcessorFactory();
var simpleProcessor = processorFactory.GetInstance(ProcessorType.Simple);
Console.WriteLine(simpleProcessor.DateCreated); // OUTPUT: 2022-07-07 8:00:01
ProcessorFactory processorFactory_1 = new ProcessorFactory();
var complexProcessor = processorFactory_1.GetInstance(ProcessorType.Complex);
Console.WriteLine(complexProcessor.DateCreated); // OUTPUT: 2022-07-07 8:00:01
The second way
The second way is to use DI container. So we need to modify our factory to get instances from dependency injection container:
public class ProcessorFactoryByDI
private readonly IDictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor> _cache;
public ProcessorFactoryByDI(
SimpleProcessor simpleProcessor,
ComplexProcessor complexProcessor)
_cache = new Dictionary<ProcessorType, IProcessor>()
{ ProcessorType.Simple, simpleProcessor },
{ ProcessorType.Complex, complexProcessor }
public IProcessor GetInstance(ProcessorType processorType)
return _cache[processorType];
And if you use ASP.NET Core, then you can declare your objects as singleton like this:
Read more about lifetime of an object

Spring WebFlux (Flux): how to publish dynamically

I am new to Reactive programming and Spring WebFlux. I want to make my App 1 publish Server Sent event through Flux and my App 2 listen on it continuously.
I want Flux publish on-demand (e.g. when something happens). All the example I found is to use Flux.interval to periodically publish event, and there seems no way to append/modify the content in Flux once it is created.
How can I achieve my goal? Or I am totally wrong conceptually.
Publish "dynamically" using FluxProcessor and FluxSink
One of the techniques to supply data manually to the Flux is using FluxProcessor#sink method as in the following example
public class DemoApplication {
final FluxProcessor processor;
final FluxSink sink;
final AtomicLong counter;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public DemoApplication() {
this.processor = DirectProcessor.create().serialize();
this.sink = processor.sink();
this.counter = new AtomicLong();
public void test() {"Hello World #" + counter.getAndIncrement());
#RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent> sse() {
return -> ServerSentEvent.builder(e).build());
Here, I created DirectProcessor in order to support multiple subscribers, that will listen to the data stream. Also, I provided additional FluxProcessor#serialize which provide safe support for multiproducer (invocation from different threads without violation of Reactive Streams spec rules, especially rule 1.3). Finally, by calling "http://localhost:8080/send" we will see the message Hello World #1 (of course, only in case if you connected to the "http://localhost:8080" previously)
Update For Reactor 3.4
With Reactor 3.4 you have a new API called reactor.core.publisher.Sinks. Sinks API offers a fluent builder for manual data-sending which lets you specify things like the number of elements in the stream and backpressure behavior, number of supported subscribers, and replay capabilities:
public class DemoApplication {
final Sinks.Many sink;
final AtomicLong counter;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public DemoApplication() {
this.sink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer();
this.counter = new AtomicLong();
public void test() {
EmitResult result = sink.tryEmitNext("Hello World #" + counter.getAndIncrement());
if (result.isFailure()) {
// do something here, since emission failed
#RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<ServerSentEvent> sse() {
return sink.asFlux().map(e -> ServerSentEvent.builder(e).build());
Note, message sending via Sinks API introduces a new concept of emission and its result. The reason for such API is the fact that the Reactor extends Reactive-Streams and has to follow the backpressure control. That said if you emit more signals than was requested, and the underlying implementation does not support buffering, your message will not be delivered. Therefore, the result of tryEmitNext returns the EmitResult which indicates if the message was sent or not.
Also, note, that by default Sinsk API gives a serialized version of Sink, which means you don't have to care about concurrency. However, if you know in advance that the emission of the message is serial, you may build a Sinks.unsafe() version which does not serialize given messages
Just another idea, using EmitterProcessor as a gateway to flux
import reactor.core.publisher.EmitterProcessor;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
public class MyEmitterProcessor {
EmitterProcessor<String> emitterProcessor;
public static void main(String args[]) {
MyEmitterProcessor myEmitterProcessor = new MyEmitterProcessor();
Flux<String> publisher = myEmitterProcessor.getPublisher();
publisher.subscribe(x -> System.out.println(x));
public Flux<String> getPublisher() {
emitterProcessor = EmitterProcessor.create();
return -> "consume: " + x);
public void onNext(String nextString) {
public void complete() {
More info, see here from Reactor doc. There is a recommendation from the document itself that "Most of the time, you should try to avoid using a Processor. They are harder to use correctly and prone to some corner cases." BUT I don't know which kind of corner case.

JMockit: expectations on non-mock objects, or, mock objects with more behavior

I am using the class below in a test to take the place of the 'real' Requestor. (The real one does HTTP.) Note that the method in here has void for return type, but it has behavior to mock; it calls back on the callback. I wish that I could write expectations on the method here so that I don't need to write JUnit asserts on counters and such. But I don't see how; I don't see how this can be an #Mock, since I'm not substituting for some other live object, and I don't see how to use a delegate for a function that returns void. Is there a way?
private static class TrivialRequestor implements Requestor {
private final boolean error;
private final int returnedQueueDepth;
TrivialRequestor(boolean error, int returnedQueueDepth) {
this.error = error;
this.returnedQueueDepth = returnedQueueDepth;
public void dispatch(Ticket ticket, FutureCallback<RequestorResult> callback) {
if (error) {
callback.onFailure(new Exception("You asked for it"));
} else {
callback.onSuccess(new RequestorResult(ticket, returnedQueueDepth));

EasyMock Testing Void With Runnable

I'm trying to test the following class (I've left out the implementation)
public class UTRI implements UTR {
public void runAsUser(String userId, Runnable r);
This is the way I would use it:
UTRI.runAsUser("User1", new Runnable () {
private void run() {
//do whatever needs to be done here.
The problem is, I don't know how to use EasyMock to test functions that return void. That and I'm also not too familiar with testing in general (right out of school!). Can someone help explain to me what I need to do to approach this? I was thinking about making the UTRI a mock and doing expectlastcall after that, but realistically, not sure.
public class UTRITest {
UTRI utri = new UTRI();
public void testRunAsUser() {
// Create Mocks
Runnable mockRunnable = EasyMock.createMock(Runnable.class);
// Set Expectations
// Call the method under test
utri.runAsUser("RAMBO", **mockRunnable**);
// Verify if run was called on Runnable!!

visitor pattern against conditionals?

I don't seem to find this in usage scenarios for the visitor pattern (or maybe I don't get it). It's also not hierarchical.
Let's use an authentication example. A UserAuthenticator authenticates credentials given by a user. It returns a result object. The result object contains the result of the authentication: authentication succeeded, not succeeded because username was not found, not succeeded because illegal characters were used etc. Client code may resort to conditionals to handle this.
In pseudocode:
AuthResult = Userauthenticator.authenticate(Username, Password)
if AuthResult.isAuthenticated: do something
else if AuthResult.AuthFailedBecauseUsernameNotFound: do something else
else if etc...
Would a visitor pattern fit here? :
Authresult then calls a method on AuthVisitor depending on the result :
I would not recommend using patterns for intent they were not made for.
The intents of the visitor patterns are:
Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
The classic technique for recovering lost type information.
Do the right thing based on the type of two objects.
Double dispatch
This solution would be useful if you had planned to do various authentification methods, but if you plan on only doing one, you'll have to use conditionals anyway.
Visitor is a valuable design when your data doesn't change fast as your behaviour. A typical example is with a parse tree:
your class hierarchy (your data) is frozen
your behaviour varies too much, you don't want to break your classes adding another virtual method
I don't think that a Visitor is a valuable solution here, since each time you add a subclass of AuthResult you break your visitor.
Visitor is about trading encapsulation with double dispatch.
You can try a similar approach:
interface Handler {
void onUsernameNotFound();
void onWrongPassword();
void authOk();
interface Authenticator {
void authenticate(String username, String password, Handler handler);
class SimpleAuthenticator implements Authetnciator {
void authenticate(String username, String password, Handler handler) {
if (username.equals("dfa")) {
if (password.equals("I'm1337")) {
} else {
} else {
some Handler stategies:
class FatalHandler implements Handler {
void onUsernameNotFound() {
throw new AuthError("auth failed");
void onWrongPassword() {
throw new AuthError("auth failed");
void authOk() {
/* do something */
class DebugHandler implements Handler {
void onUsernameNotFound() {
System.out.println("wrong username");
void onWrongPassword() {
System.out.println("wrong password");
void authOk() {
now you can encapsulate error handling and operatorion in your Handlers that is much less code than Visitor since you don't really need double dispatch here.