EasyMock Testing Void With Runnable - testing

I'm trying to test the following class (I've left out the implementation)
public class UTRI implements UTR {
public void runAsUser(String userId, Runnable r);
This is the way I would use it:
UTRI.runAsUser("User1", new Runnable () {
private void run() {
//do whatever needs to be done here.
The problem is, I don't know how to use EasyMock to test functions that return void. That and I'm also not too familiar with testing in general (right out of school!). Can someone help explain to me what I need to do to approach this? I was thinking about making the UTRI a mock and doing expectlastcall after that, but realistically, not sure.

public class UTRITest {
UTRI utri = new UTRI();
public void testRunAsUser() {
// Create Mocks
Runnable mockRunnable = EasyMock.createMock(Runnable.class);
// Set Expectations
// Call the method under test
utri.runAsUser("RAMBO", **mockRunnable**);
// Verify if run was called on Runnable!!


Is the decorator pattern the correct pattern to be used on this situation

I would like to ask if the decorator pattern suits my needs and is another way to make my software design much better?
Previously I have a device which is always on all the time. On the code below, that is the Device class. Now, to conserve some battery life, I need to turn it off then On again. I created a DeviceWithOnOffDecorator class. I used decorator pattern which I think helped a lot in avoiding modifications on the Device class. But having On and Off on every operation, I feel that the code doesn't conform to DRY principle.
namespace Decorator
interface IDevice
byte[] GetData();
void SendData();
class Device : IDevice
public byte[] GetData() {return new byte[] {1,2,3 }; }
public void SendData() {Console.WriteLine("Sending Data"); }
// new requirement, the device needs to be turned on and turned off
// after each operation to save some Battery Power
class DeviceWithOnOffDecorator:IDevice
IDevice mIdevice;
public DeviceWithOnOffDecorator(IDevice d)
this.mIdevice = d;
void Off() { Console.WriteLine("Off");}
void On() { Console.WriteLine("On"); }
public byte[] GetData()
var b = mIdevice.GetData();
return b;
public void SendData()
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Device device = new Device();
DeviceWithOnOffDecorator devicewithOnOff = new DeviceWithOnOffDecorator(device);
IDevice iDevice = devicewithOnOff;
var data = iDevice.GetData();
On this example: I just have two operations only GetData and SendData, but on the actual software there are lots of operations involved and I need to do enclose each operations with On and Off,
void AnotherOperation1()
// do all stuffs here
byte AnotherOperation2()
byte b;
// do all stuffs here
return b;
I feel that enclosing each function with On and Off is repetitive and is there a way to improve this?
Edit: Also, the original code is in C++. I just wrote it in C# here to be able to show the problem clearer.
Decorator won't suite this purpose, since you are not adding the responsibility dynamically. To me what you need to do is intercept the request and execute on() and off() methods before and after the actual invocation. For that purpose write a Proxy that wraps the underlying instance and do the interception there while leaving your original type as it is.

Mockito.doNothing() is still running

I'm trying to test small pieces of code. I do not want test one of the method and used Mockito.doNothing(), but this method was still run. How can I do that?
protected EncoderClientCommandEventHandler clientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop = new EncoderClientCommand.EncoderClientCommandEventHandler() {
public void onCommandPerformed(
EncoderClientCommand clientCommand) {
protected void processStop() {
EncoderServerCommand serverCommand = new EncoderServerCommand();
public void testClientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop() {
EncoderClientCommand encoderClientCommand = mock(EncoderClientCommand.class);
I've found the problem. One of the variable is already mocked in buttonsBackNormal().

jmockit - Mocking chain of methods one of which returns a Collection using #Cascading

I am trying to mock a method call which goes something like this:
The getSysInfo() method returns a ConcurrentHashMap.
Here is what I have done:
Class ABCTest {
#Cascading RapContext context;
doTest() {
new Expectations() {
result = new UserPrefCtxObject();
With this I get a NullPointerException on rapContext.getSysInfo(). Call to getSysInfo() returns null. If I call any other method which does not return a collection, for instance rapContext.getDomain() everything working fine.
I am not sure what I am missing.
The code example is not complete however you are likely running into some issue associated with accidentally mocking Map. If a Map (or any part of the Collection framework) is mocked then a lot of things will break. I could not reproduce your problem as any attempt to mock RapContext using #Cascading resulted in a stack over flow.
You could partially mock RapContext instead and then either return a real or mocked Map. When I run into similar issues I generally get around them using either #Injectable to only mock an instance of a class or using partial mocks.
Here is an approach that will let you mock getSysInfo:
public class RapContextTest {
#Injectable ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> mockedMap;
public void testContext() {
RapContext context = new RapContext();
new MockUp<RapContext>(){
public ConcurrentHashMap getSysInfo(){
return mockedMap;
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = "Success";
Object value = context.getSysInfo().get("test");

TestNG Test Case failing with JMockit "Invalid context for the recording of expectations"

The following TestNG (6.3) test case generates the error "Invalid context for the recording of expectations"
#Listeners({ Initializer.class })
public final class ClassUnderTestTest {
private ClassUnderTest cut;
private void initialise() {
cut = new ClassUnderTest();
public void doSomething() {
new Expectations() {
MockedClass tmc;
tmc.doMethod("Hello"); result = "Hello";
String result = cut.doSomething();
assertEquals(result, "Hello");
The class under test is below.
public class ClassUnderTest {
MockedClass service = new MockedClass();
MockedInterface ifce = new MockedInterfaceImpl();
public String doSomething() {
return (String) service.doMethod("Hello");
public String doSomethingElse() {
return (String) ifce.testMethod("Hello again");
I am making the assumption that because I am using the #Listeners annotation that I do not require the javaagent command line argument. This assumption may be wrong....
Can anyone point out what I have missed?
The JMockit-TestNG Initializer must run once for the whole test run, so using #Listeners on individual test classes won't work.
Instead, simply upgrade to JMockit 0.999.11, which works transparently with TestNG 6.2+, without any need to specify a listener or the -javaagent parameter (unless running on JDK 1.5).

How to mock method call from other class in Rhino Mock AAA?

I have the following code(simplified).
public class OrderProcessor
public virtual string PlaceOrder(string test)
OrderParser orderParser = new OrderParser();
string tester = orderParser.ParseOrder(test);
return tester + " here" ;
public class OrderParser
public virtual string ParseOrder(string test)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.Trim()))
if (test == "Test1")
return "Test1";
return "Hello";
return null;
My test is as follows -
public class OrderTest
public void TestParser()
// Arrange
var client = MockRepository.GenerateMock<OrderProcessor>();
var spec = MockRepository.GenerateStub<OrderParser>();
spec.Stub(x => x.ParseOrder("test")).IgnoreArguments().Return("Test1");
//How to pass spec to client so that it uses the same.
Now how do I test client so that it uses the mocked method from OrderParser.
I can mock the OrderParser but how do I pass that to the orderProcessor mocked class?
Please do let me know.
Thanks in advance.
I'm a little confused by your test since you are not really testing anything except that RhinoMocks works. You create two mocks and then do some assertions on them. You haven't even tested your real classes.
You need to do some dependency injection if you really want to get a good unit test. You can quickly refactor your code to use interfaces and dependency injection to make your test valid.
Start by extracting an interface from your OrderParser class:
public interface IOrderParser
String ParseOrder(String value);
Now make sure your OrderParser class implements that interface:
public class OrderParser: IOrderParser{ ... }
You can now refactor your OrderProcessor class to take in an instance of an IOrderParser object through its constructor. In this way you "inject" the dependency into the class.
public class OrderProcessor
IOrderParser _orderParser;
public OrderProcessor(IOrderParser orderParser)
_orderParser = orderParser;
public virtual string PlaceOrder(string val)
string tester = _orderParser.ParseOrder(val);
return tester + " here" ;
In your test you only want to mock out the dependency and not the SUT (Subject Under Test). Your test would look something like this:
public class OrderTest
public void TestParser()
// Arrange
var spec = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IOrderParser>();
var client = new OrderProcessor(spec);
spec.Stub(x => x.ParseOrder("test")).IgnoreArguments().Return("Test1");
var s = client.PlaceOrder("Blah");
Assert.AreEqual("Test1 Here", s);
It is difficult for me to gauge what you are trying to do with your classes, but you should be able to get the idea from this. A few axioms to follow:
Use interfaces and composition over inheritance
Use dependency injection for external dependencies (inversion of control)
Test a single unit, and mock its dependencies
Only mock one level of dependencies. If you are testing class X which depends on Y which depends on Z, you should only be mocking Y and never Z.
Always test behavior and never implementation details
You seem to be on the right track, but need a little guidance. I would suggest reading material that Martin Fowler, and Bob Martin have to get up to speed.