ev3 ssh not working - ssh

I have followed the official documentation for setting up file sharing with a ev3 via ssh (http://www.ev3dev.org/docs/tutorials/connecting-to-ev3dev-with-ssh/ and http://www.ev3dev.org/docs/tutorials/) but I keep on running into this error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname ev3dev.local: Name or service not known
with this command:
ssh robot#ev3dev.local
I think that I have encountered a similar error when setting up ssh with my raspberry pi but I am not sure. Does this mean that there is a problem with my router? Is there some other reason for this error? Is this a more general misconception about how ssh works?
The ssh connection seems to mostly work if I use an IP address instead but this is rather inconvenient.
Thanks for the help.

first, you need to connect you brick to the same wifi as your computer, then download PuTTY from https://www.putty.org/. after that install and open PuTTY.In this screen enter ev3dev and press enter. then the username is robot and the password is maker


SSH'ing from windows 10 into wsl2 ubuntu

I am fairly new to this business and I fail to understand how to SSH from my win10 machine into my installed wsl2 ubuntu 20.4
Basically, I followed this tutorial, But I keep getting the following errors:
when I try to SSH using the public port (using curl ifconfig.me) gives me the error "connection timed out"
when I try to SSH using the private port (using ip route get | awk '{print $7}') it gives me the error "Permission denied"
at some point I got the error "sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting" so I followed this fix but then I got the errors mentioned before. Should I delete any from the /etc/ssh folder?
The end-goal is ssh'ing through vs-code, but I guess once I could do it from powershell, it's the same from vs-code.
It appears that you need to enter /etc/ssh/sshd_config (with sudo permissions) and change the following lines:
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
Since you seem to have fixed your issue with ssh, let me propose that your ultimate goal ("ssh into WSL from VSCode) might be better accomplished using Microsoft's "Remote Development" extension pack, which includes several extensions. While it sounds like you are considering using the "Remote - SSH" extension, you can also use the "Remote - WSL" extension directly.
After installing either the extension pack or the WSL extension directly, just open your WSL instance, cd to the directory with your code and then code . (including the period). This will open VSCode and install a shim into the WSL instance which will allow communication between the two.
See the docs from Microsoft for more detail.
Also, on the topic of your original question, you said that you edited sshd_config to permit password authentication (I don't think the ChallengeResponseAuthentication change was necessary). That's one way to go, but ultimately I'd recommend generating an SSH key pair, copying the private key to something like C:\Users\yourid\.ssh\id_rsa and using that instead of a password login.
And you mentioned in your original question that you were unable to access SSH on the public port. This is because WSL2 does not do NAT, so it also won't be accessible from a second computer without (a lot of) additional effort (manual port-forwarding from Windows to WSL, which will have to be reset on reboot since the WSL interface address will change).
As you've discovered, the WSL interface address will work, but remember that it will change on each reboot of Windows (technically, I think, any time the WSL subsystem is shut down and restarted). IMHO, you're better off using or localhost.
But really, my preferred method of accessing WSL remotely is to install OpenSSH on Windows 10, port 22. Then you can simply do something like ssh -t windowsusername#mycomputername.local wsl to get access to the WSL instance. You can even do this when you have multiple WSL instances on your machine with ssh -t windowsusername#mycomputername.local wsl -d WSLInstanceName.
If you use this technique, of course, and you still want to run an SSH server in a WSL instance, you'll need to use a different port. But I really think you should do this anyways when running SSH under WSL. Otherwise, you are likely to spin up a second WSL instance at some point and run into port conflicts anyway.
The downside is that the Windows OpenSSH -> WSL hack won't allow you to run things like VSCode through SSH, but it does provide super-simple access to WSL through SSH, and works remotely (if you ever need that) as well.

server unexpectedly closed network connection in raspberry pi 2

I am new to Raspberry Pi. I have a Pi 2 kit model B.I am using an angry IP address and I can find Raspberry Pi's address using it. When I configure it using sudo raspi-config, make necessary changes and then say OK to reboot, I get this error in putty:
Server unexpectedly closed network connection.
How do I correct this issue?
Further, I have connected Raspberry Pi 2 with an Ethernet cable to the laptop. I have completed necessary steps like changing adapter settings, edited properties of Wi-Fi to allow other network users to connect to computers Internet connection but still I have no Internet access shown for unidentified Internet connection.
How can I solve this? Please suggest the necessary steps to be implemented
For me too many process and session running for a particular user is the cause of your problem so alternatively I logged in as root and ran the following commands:
ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u adminuser)
pkill -9 -u adminuser
After this I can login normally in putty like ever before.

Beagleboard : not able to do ssh

I connected beagleboard(BeagleBone Black rev 0A6A) via USB . I am able to access it via browser . But I am not able to do a ssh to that board.
I was able to do ssh to the board on the yesterday and installed a emebedded java on that and it was working fine. Today when again I try to connect to that board, it's not able to connect.
Any preliminary thoughts on this issue?
I would check this forum thread.
Make sure you have putty setup correctly
Connect via the USB-Serial adapter
SSH to (username is root, no password)

How to block applications from using SSH tunnel

I am using Little Snitch to control my local applications' internet connection. But when I am at the University, I have to tunnel via ssh to a network-server in order to get an internet connection there.
The problem: If I do so, Little Snitch is not able to control my applications anymore, because then every application uses my ssh tunnel. What's the best way to handle that? Should I block ports on my ssh or is Little Snitch able to manage this?
I am using a Mac and open the ssh connection over the terminal with the following line:
ssh -D 2001 -o ServerAliveInterval=60 username#servername.com
If you use mac MacProxy and for Windows Proxifier are easiest solutions with more benefits. in addition to blocking any program from connecting to your SSH Tunnel you can also set direct access to your internet for some other programs.
Also you can specify ports and/or IPs for each program and lots more...

tutorial of create a website to connect to another machine via SSH?

Is there any tutorial or instruction about how to implement SSH connection when creating a webpage?
Which means I could connect to other machines via SSH in this webpage.
Has no clue on this.
Read this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web-based_SSH
And an HTML5 web-based terminal emulator and SSH client, GateOne, to do what you want : https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne