Beagleboard : not able to do ssh - ssh

I connected beagleboard(BeagleBone Black rev 0A6A) via USB . I am able to access it via browser . But I am not able to do a ssh to that board.
I was able to do ssh to the board on the yesterday and installed a emebedded java on that and it was working fine. Today when again I try to connect to that board, it's not able to connect.
Any preliminary thoughts on this issue?

I would check this forum thread.!msg/beagleboard/Ya2qE4repSY/q8_WkLcH5TwJ
Make sure you have putty setup correctly
Connect via the USB-Serial adapter
SSH to (username is root, no password)


How to remote SSH into a MacOS or Linux terminal using the Termius app?

I have been playing with the Termius app on Android running downloaded shell scripts that I wrote, catting files and snooping inside my device's directories; among other goofy stuff.
I have seen in some tutorials that I can remote SSH into my computer's terminal and run commands into my Android's Termius as if I'm typing on my computer's keyboard.
Having attempted these instructions myself, I've found they're no good (IMHO) and I couldn't make them work. Also, these tutorials have no good explanation for how I am actually SSHing using the Termius app.
The question is: How do I make it work and how does it work?
You would need to:
generate a key on Termius (and export it)
add that key to your Mac or Linux remote user ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
connect to the remote computer using ssh remoteUser#remoteIP
That assume you have an ssh daemon listening on that remote computer.

ev3 ssh not working

I have followed the official documentation for setting up file sharing with a ev3 via ssh ( and but I keep on running into this error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname ev3dev.local: Name or service not known
with this command:
ssh robot#ev3dev.local
I think that I have encountered a similar error when setting up ssh with my raspberry pi but I am not sure. Does this mean that there is a problem with my router? Is there some other reason for this error? Is this a more general misconception about how ssh works?
The ssh connection seems to mostly work if I use an IP address instead but this is rather inconvenient.
Thanks for the help.
first, you need to connect you brick to the same wifi as your computer, then download PuTTY from after that install and open PuTTY.In this screen enter ev3dev and press enter. then the username is robot and the password is maker

server unexpectedly closed network connection in raspberry pi 2

I am new to Raspberry Pi. I have a Pi 2 kit model B.I am using an angry IP address and I can find Raspberry Pi's address using it. When I configure it using sudo raspi-config, make necessary changes and then say OK to reboot, I get this error in putty:
Server unexpectedly closed network connection.
How do I correct this issue?
Further, I have connected Raspberry Pi 2 with an Ethernet cable to the laptop. I have completed necessary steps like changing adapter settings, edited properties of Wi-Fi to allow other network users to connect to computers Internet connection but still I have no Internet access shown for unidentified Internet connection.
How can I solve this? Please suggest the necessary steps to be implemented
For me too many process and session running for a particular user is the cause of your problem so alternatively I logged in as root and ran the following commands:
ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -u adminuser)
pkill -9 -u adminuser
After this I can login normally in putty like ever before.

Remote connection to embedded device in field

I would like to ask about the way how to establish remote connection to Linux based embedded device in the field.
I have a small linux board I want to place in remote location. It has an internet access through ethernet. Than I have a Linux server with public IP to be able to tunnel connection.
And finally, I want to connect from my PC to this device.
I don't feel yet competent enough to code my own tcp sockets etc. to reroute the connection :) So what would be the easiest way to do that only with available linux tools? And BusyBox toolset on endpoints.
Thank's a lot!
I think that using OpenVPN would be a easy way to tunnel to the device. You can cross compile it and set it up as a client on the embedded device. Then you install it on your Linux box and set it up as a server.
Finally you install it on your work PC and set up as a client there.
It gives you a virtual network where all clients can talk to each other like they would be on a local network.

tutorial of create a website to connect to another machine via SSH?

Is there any tutorial or instruction about how to implement SSH connection when creating a webpage?
Which means I could connect to other machines via SSH in this webpage.
Has no clue on this.
Read this :
And an HTML5 web-based terminal emulator and SSH client, GateOne, to do what you want :